OS X :: Finding External HDD And Time Machine?

Jun 4, 2009

Im looking to get an external hard drive for the use of time machine when i get my MBP (after wwdc). Ill be getting the one with the 320gb hard drive.

My question is would a 500gb external HDD be ok or would 1TB be better?

I ask this as i dont know how time machine works as to how it stores data, does it store everything you ever have on your computer, so if i filled the HDD 3 times it would be about 1TB.

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MacBook Pro :: Using Time Machine On External Hard Drive/Time Machine Error Code - 43

Aug 23, 2010

I was trying to set up my Time Machine to an external hard drive. I didn't continue because it asked to "initialize" the hard drive which I had a lot of important things on.

I have another external hard drive I'd like to use but, my Time Machine has this error code of -43. What is this and how can I use my Time Machine on another external hard drive?

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OS X :: Finding Time Machine With Two Drives?

Dec 21, 2010

I've looked up a few threads on the subject but found no definite answer...

I'm wondering if using two separate external Firewire hard drives for backing up an iMac with the aid of Time Machine will work and be safe (not messing up things etc.)?
One external drive is now attached to the iMac, backing things up every 3 hours (I found the default hourly backup a bit too much so I installed Time Machine editor in order to change this). It works just the way it should.

But in case of theft, fire etc. it would be nice to have yet another backup drive as well. Naturally that drive would be stored in an off-site location and thus not backed up to that often, but at least I wouldn't lose absolutely all my files if my computer + regular backup drive was to be stolen or damaged in a fire, just the very latest files.
So let's say I pull out that drive every 2 weeks or so, disconnect the regular Time Machine drive, attach the "off-site stored drive" and tell Time Machine to do a backup right away. Would my computer be able to tell the two drives apart (I'd give them different names of course), understanding that the "regular" backup drive should just continue backing up as it left off last time, or will it get confused?

I like Time Machine because it's maintenance-free, so I'd rather not use some other, separate and complicated backup software for the "off-site" drive if I can avoid it.

By the way: my backup drive is a 2.5" external Firewire drive which means that it takes its power from the Firewire 800 cable totally eliminating any additional power supply and cables. Just one cable and a small enclosure.
Neat and tidy and very much recommended!

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OS X :: Finding Time Machine Back-ups Bit Per Bit

Feb 11, 2009

In the audio world, bit per bit is important. When TM makes back-ups, are they bit per bit of the original?

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Hardware :: Can Time Machine Backup External Drive Attached To Time Capsule?

Mar 11, 2009

I have an external 500gb drive plugged into my brand new Time Capsule. The 500gb drive basically stores my entire library of music and my iTunes points to this external drive.

Is it possible to have time machine backup all information on the 500gb drive to the time capsule, so encase the external drive takes a dump, I don't loose my entire music library? Maybe time machine is already doing this, I am not sure.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Vs Base Station - External Drive For Time Machine

Jan 11, 2010

As my 160N series Linksys router neither has gigabit ports, usb connector or dual band networking, I am looking for a replacement.

When it comes to Apple routers I am looking at 2 options - either the base station with an external USB drive or get a 1TB capsule with the buildt in drive and worries regarding reliability.

What I like about the Time Capsule is that it is neat to have all in one, takes up less space and only has 1 plug to attach, while Iike the idea that I can just connect a bigger drive later on the base station solution.

1. Will the connected USB drive function just like the internal drive in the Time Capsule for Time Machine use?

2. Will everything be transparent to Snow Leopard?

3. In case of both units with an attached USB drive - can I control who actually can see the drive and access it?

4. Do they support this DNLA thing so that e.g . PS3 can access an attached drive??

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OS X :: Finding Appropriate Hdd Space For Time Machine Backup?

Jun 26, 2010

What should the optimum space of my external HD be, in order to keep my Timemachine backup in? My MBPros HD is 185GB, how big should the external drive in which the TM backup will be made? And why?

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MacBook Air :: Finding Wireless Storage For Time Machine

Sep 8, 2008

While I would LOVE to get a 1TB Time Capsule and use it with Time Machine on my MBA, that is a whole lot of money when I already have a wireless router that works just fine and I can find 1TB of storage for much cheaper than that... My question is, what are my other options? I have a Mac mini so my first thought was to plug a big ol' USB HD into that and have the MBA backup to that... Well I could access files on the HD from the MBA just fine but Time Machine refused to use it for backups...

I have seen little wireless adapter boxes with USB ports for adding printers and HD's to your home network, would something like this work or would I run into the same issue with Time Machine not wanting to use it as a backup device?

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MacBook :: How Does Time Machine Work - Finding Guide

Jun 13, 2009

I don't get how time machine works.. Do I have to use a special Apple external harddrive thingo or can I use anything?

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OS X :: Finding Time Machine And App Serial Numbers/Registrations

Dec 20, 2009

I recently wiped my hard drive and reinstalled snow leopard from scratch, but not before doing a Time Machine Backup just in case.

I did not restore my whole system from time machine because I do not plan on keeping everything I had.

Anyways, I just hooked time machine up and restored some of my old applications. When opening these applications it is asking me for the serial numbers or registrations.

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IMac (Intel) :: Why Is Machine Not Finding Time Capsule

Sep 2, 2014

I have a desktop mac from mid 2011 and also a 2010 mac mini.  I just got a new time capsule and time machine cannot find the new time capsule.  I know the new time capsule is working because I have a third machine from late 2012 that found the new time capsule easily.  Could it be an operating system issue?  I am running 10.9 on the machine that is working, 10.8 on the mid 2011 machine, and 10.7 on the mac mini. 

Imac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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IMac :: Finding Expert Advice On Migration Of Time Machine Backup To New 27

Oct 29, 2009

I still have my serious video ram problem set my other post. The apple store wanted $650 to replace my motherboard and the cheapest i found one online was $950, all for a machine that SL will not even support. I am limping along waiting for my i7 iMac to show (Whenever that is)

Here is my question. I am not sure if my data on tis machine is corrupted by my video ram problem so not sure I want to do the firewire transfer, that is if my machine will even last till my new one shows.

I have 2 back-ups a time machine and a super duper backup of 99% of my stuff. If I use my time machine back-up wont it wipe SL OS 10.6 off the new machine? When you do a TM back-up from disk utility from the OS10.5 leopard start-up disc, it says that it will completely wipe your HD clean.

BTW do any of you experts know if my video artifact problem is corrupting my files or just my video, while I am typing this everything looks good unless I look at my menu-bar or dock which is pretty distorted....

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Mac Pro :: Time Machine And External Drive

Mar 13, 2008

Just wondering what experiences other people have had using time machine on a Mac Pro OS 10.5.2 with an external FW400/800 HD.

I am looking at a Lacie D2 Quadra 500GB to back up the standard 320GB internal drive. Never used time machine before, is it any good or is it better to use retrospect or similar. I never use more than 100GB of my main drive as most is backed up to DVD for extra safety. Is it worth getting a SATA card.

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OS X :: Won't Unlock External HD / Time Machine

Apr 6, 2008

I sent my mbp for repairs, and the logical board was replaced. To my surprise when I connencted my external HD TM started to make a fresh backup (my computer's name 2). Of course I wasn't aware of the MAC addresses and TM problems. Searching the forums I've found a partial solution: I can browse my old TM backup from the app interface, but can't resume the backups where they were left...still tries to make a new backup. Also the entire backup HD is now locked and it's impossible to move/rename/delete any file inside it even when the 'Get Info" menu says I have read/write access

Has anyone any tip or idea on how to unlock my drive?

I've attached the info that terminal shows on the permissions (I guess the problem lies there...)

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OS X :: How Do I Partition My External Hdd To Use In Time Machine

Dec 5, 2008

I have an external hard drive with files from my pc. I want to partition it so that I can use Time Machine on my mac. I tried disk utility but it told me it would erase the drive if it makes the partition. Is there a free application I can use to make a partition without erasing all my files?? I dont care if its for mac or pc

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OS X :: Using Time Machine And External Hdd Pairings?

Jun 17, 2009

After shopping for external hard drives to accompany my 320gb in my imac, I noticed for $10 more, I can get 3x the storage. (320 for $90 or 1tb for $100), so how does time machine work, if I hook up an external, is anything beyond 320 wasted? do I need to partition that much off to use the rest of the drive?

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OS X :: External Time Machine HDD Not Being Recognized?

Oct 13, 2009

So I'm currently running Mac OS 10.6.1 on my MacBook, however my External HDD which was originally working with Snow Leopard is no longer working. It is not recognized by the computer as even being there. I have never dropped it or anything, and I don't know why this is happening. since having a back up is important to me.

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OS X :: Time Machine - Back Up From External?

Oct 29, 2009

I was told today by an Apple retail employee that Time Machine will not back up from anything other than an internal drive and I wanted to confirm whether this was the case. For example I have an iMac with a 750GB internal and I also have a 750GB external drive. I want to keep my iTunes Music and iPhoto libraries on the internal but keep all my movies on the external drive for space reasons. I want to then use a 2TB external drive to work with Time Machine. I was told that if I want to back up the 750 "Movies" drive that I will need to manually copy it because Time Machine will only back up the path of those files and that drive can't be included in the backup. To me this seems to go against what TM is about, since I then have to manually manage that part of the backup, adding new items, rather than getting the benefits of TM's incremental backup. Can anyone confirm or deny this. Second question is regarding TM for multiple machines. Can a 2TB drive be used as the TM drive for both an iMac and a MacBook or will the drive need to be partitioned?

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Applications :: External HD For Time Machine - 1 Tb Or 2 Tb?

Nov 7, 2009

I've read so many threads on various ext HD's to use with Time Machine & to think I can't name one good recommendation & that's what all the questions are in the threads. So, my conclusion is to go the expensive route and stick with Apple & Time Capsule. At least it's suppose to work together and if there are problems I can deal with it through the warranty & support. Plus, I'll easily figure(read) how to wire it up & I know it's all compatible. So, my question is 1TB or 2TB model? I have started shooting all my images in RAW files which will be the standard from now on, & have about 2000 already. I also have aprox. 2000 ~3MB jpg's now and a few short 15sec videos. I have about 7 CD's full of jpgs and ~500 slides I want to scan/digitize and download to the system. I will be drastically increasing the RAW photo's. I build web sites & have hundreds of thumbnails & smaller web based images associated with those sites which I keep.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Two External HD For Time Machine

Jun 14, 2012

Can I have more than one external hard drive for time machine? The content would be the same.

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Applications :: How Does Time Machine Work With An External HD

Oct 3, 2010

I would like to set up Time Machine with an external HD. Is it worth it? Isn't it supposed to be a seamless backup over a network storage? But if I have to keep plugging my external HD in everytime I would like to backup, will that be good enough? Say, I plug in my external HD every 2 weeks, that would give me a good sufficient Time Machine backup? How long does it take?

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Hardware :: Partitioning External HD For Time Machine

Nov 10, 2010

I purchased a Seagate 500GB external drive for my father to use for Time Machine backups. I can't find anything conclusive on whether I need to monkey around with the partitions in disk utility, or just send him home with it and let him say "yes" when he plugs it in and OS X asks if he wants to use it with Time Machine.

Apple's knowledge base has an article that makes a passing statement that "GUID Partition Table (GPT) or Apple Partition Map (APM)" is recommended- but it pretty much stops there. Should I do something to this drive before giving it to him to take home, or shouldn't I? I mean, either it is compatible as-is, or it isn't, right?

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Of External Drive?

Nov 30, 2008

I have a 320GB internal drive and 1TB (MyBook) external drive. I recently bought a second 1TB external drive (MyVault)to use with Time Machine. I have removed the exclusion of MyBook so that Time Machine backs it up but so far it has refused to do so. It is happily backing up the internal drive. I have looked in the Mac OSX Leopard Missing Manual but still have no clue as to what I am missing. The initial setup (and backup) did not include MyBook until I discovered that I would have to remove it from the exclusions.

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OS X :: Time Machine And Partitioned External Drives

Dec 8, 2008

I have a 500 gb external that I've been backing up Time Machine onto--I also use the drive to store my movies (about 100 gb and increasing) but I'm getting to the point where time machine is taking over. Apple suggested partitioning my drive--does anyone else think that this will work or is there some other option that I have? I've thought about manually deleting certain Time Machine back ups but hate to have to do that constantly.

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Hardware :: New External Drive For Time Machine

Feb 6, 2009

I'm looking to get a new drive to use with my MacBook for Time Machine. My current one (something from iomega) clicks like crazy whenever the backup runs, and drives me nuts.

I probably only need 250-320 GB, though I might get a larger one and partition it, using the other half for media, as I'm doing with the Iomega. My top priorities are a) quiet, b) off switch. Any recs?

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OS X :: Time Machine External HD Reinstall Get Everything Back?

Mar 4, 2009

Say my macbook pro crashes and I lose everything. However, I have been saving everything to an external drive using the Time Machine app. Can I use my external drive to get my computer to exactly the same state it was in before it crashed? By this I mean.

1) Desktop icons in the same places
2) System preferences all the same
3) Sticky notes all still exist and are laid out on the desktop just like previously before my hard drive crashed and I lost everything
4) My dock layout is exactly the same, same apps, same locations in the dock

I have been wondering this for quite some time. Because I know you can restore the essentials (i.e. Word documents, many different saved files) but what about little things like the above mentioned items?

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OS X :: Can Time Machine Backup My External Drives

Mar 10, 2009

So right now I have 2 external hard drives, a 2TB MyBook Mirror edition, set at RAID 0 so its a full 2TB, and a 1TB MyBook Home Edition. I also have three LaCie 1TB drives to back up the MyBook drives.

How I back up is basically copy the contents over to the backups once a month. The problem is, using USB (my only option) takes about 24 hours per TB. Backing up 3 days a month? Not fun.

Can Time Machine do this better? I still have Tiger, so can't test it yet but it seems tedious to do things my way. I would rather be able to plug them in and sync every few weeks and not have to replace every file, just the ones that changed or were added. Can this be done?

I don't keep the drives connected 24/7 so it would have to be manual, and also can Time Machine back up a 2TB drive to 2 1TB drives? The are stuck in enclosures so i have to connect the 2 separately through USB, can't use RAID.

If Time Machine is not the answer, is there some third party program the would not require me to re-copy every file? It would be great if I could save some time doing this.

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OS X :: How To Use External Drive To Backup Time Machine HD

Mar 15, 2009

So I've run into a Mac issue I'm not sure how to handle. I've got a Mac Pro running Leopard. I've got 3 internal Harddrives: 1.) 250 GB (runs my OS and applications), 2.) 500 GB (where I store all my source files for my business), 3.) 750 GB (serves as the backup for Time Machine for all the files on Harddrives 1 and 2.). So I began thinking the other day. What would happen if somehow all 3 harddrives were destroyed (theft, fire, power surge, flood damage, etc.)? I would lose years worth of source files from my business (graphic and web design files mostly).

So I went and bought a 1 TB external drive today. Ideally I would like to put the external drive in another location and bring it out maybe once a week to backup the 3rd harddrive from above (the one being used for Time Machine). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to backup this harddrive...some type of program that essentially acts like Time Machine? I just basically need it to mirror my Time Machine Harddrive. I found a program named Super Duper (http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/13803/superduper) not sure if anyone has had experience with it or not. I'm open to any suggestions on how to use the external harddrive to back up my Time Machine harddrive.

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OS X :: Optimizing An External USB Drive For Time Machine?

May 8, 2009

I am purchasing an external usb powered passport drive for Time Machine backups. How do I optimise drive to keep up the performance as I have noticed once the drive is full its performance drops dramaticaly.

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OS X :: Make Time Machine Backups On My External HD?

Jun 6, 2009

I used to be able to make Time Machine backups on my external HD and now I cant. Whenever I try it says my drive isnt big enough as my backup would take 500 gb yet my hard drive is only 250 gb.

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