MacBook Air :: When I Make A Video Does Not Pickup Sound
Apr 9, 2012When i make a video does not pickup sound ?
View 1 RepliesWhen i make a video does not pickup sound ?
View 1 RepliesIf I pre-order/pre-pay a new Macbook Pro (Retina) for pickup in the US, is it possible to get it fitted with a norwegian keyboard? When buying online I only see the options for English, Spanish and French keyboards.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am looking to get the Government employee discount. I know that if you buy the item from the store you will need to ID. If you order it online you do not need any kind of proof. Will that still apply if I what to pay for it online and pick it up at the store? Will I just need what is required for any regular pickup?
i have a JVC Everio camcorder and when ever i try and upload a movie into imovie 08 the picture is there but the sound is not.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried to boot up my MacBook pro and it make a beep sound. Screen is blank.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've been testing my macbook after hearing some "crec", "clic" when closing the cover.First of all, seems that the display is misplaced, cause when the mac is closed, when you touch the lateral part of the macbook, isn't simetric. You can notice that is not well assembled.
So, when closing, isn't a very loud sound, just a bit, but sounds a "clic" or "creec" when you close the cover.Don't really know if this is normal or what, and if I should use my warranty. My macbook has just a week in my hands, and I bought it new.What do you think ? Should I use the warranty to fix the misplaced assembly and the clic ?Will the click dissapear after some time ?
Mac Pro
I haven't used my headphone jack in a while, so I don't exactly know what's going on but, internal speakers work fine, plug in headphones and it doesn't make a sound. I know my computer knows there's headphones in the jack because in the system preferences, it registered them, but still no sound. Also, no red light, though I will try the reset button inside. I've tried, staying plugged in>removing the battery> restarting>putting the battery back, and nothing. I've tried taking the battery out and back in without the cord and also, nothing.. so.. I'm stuck. All I wanted to do was listen to the funny people in my guild Ventrilo server.
View 10 Replies View RelatedAll of our Macs when first started begin Airport scanning. They log in to an unsecured network from a neighbors home instead of the network we have set as preferred. We then must select manually from the list of available networks which is quite a lot in our community. Why is this and what can we do to stop this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my iBook Clamshell Blueberry from a seller. It appears to have Airport, but it has 9.2 OS and I'm not sure how to get it to pickup my wireless network. Any ideas? Other then that its in Great shape. No pixels out and no cracks. I want to up the ram and hardrive and then get a dvd drive to sub out for the cd drive.
View 10 Replies View RelatedHow can I make a video call on Facebook from my Apple MacBook Air to someone using a Windows laptop ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I put DVD's into my disk drive, I only hear the sound of the DVD like the commercials and voices and what not, but the screen is completely black. This has happened with every DVD I've tried, including ones I've used before.
MacBook Pro
I have a vizio hdtv and I have hooked up the video with a hdmi cable adapted to the mini display port and that is working fine but I cannot send sound through it or idk how to. So i bought a optical toslink to mini toslink cable to send audio form the laptop to the tv but the audio still doesn't work. The laptop says that it automatically recognizes it as a digital output.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe output sound is suddenly really quiet. I have to turn it all the way up to hear anything all all sometimes. My iTunes seems fine and my notification sounds work, but playing videos is seriously sketchy (from YouTube, Hulu, Facebook, wherever).
I've got a 15" Macbook Pro
OS X 10.8.5
2.2 GHz processor Intel Core i7
4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 memory
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
I have an older Macbook Pro 2.33 ghz and lately when I've been watching videos on Youtube, Megavideo, etc. the video will become choppy and the sound becomes distorted and gargled. This problem is becoming increasingly annoying (just about everyday) and I don't know what is wrong. I've noticed that this happens when the computer gets really HOT. I usually have to shut the computer so that it goes to sleep and cools down for a little while. When I reopen the computer the video usually plays fine for a while. Anyone else experience this problem or know of a solution?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a macbook and a Samsung 1080p flat screen I would like to connect both Video/Sound too.I purchased Apples VGA cable along with a HDMI cable. The video output works great, no complaints with the video. The issue that I have ran into is sound, I would like to watch videos or listen to music on my Samsung. So here's where I am at currently. I purchased a Griffin Auxiliary cable w/male connectors. I plugged the cable into the both macbook auxiliary ports (1 at a time) and the Samsung auxiliary port. I was never able to get any sound out of the TV.
Can this be done with the hardware I currently have? If not, what would I need to fix or purchase that would fix the sound issue?
I realize that my airtunes can only play sound from my music lib. When I play movies on itunes, airtunes cannot stream it.
so my question is how to make very sound on itunes to be streamed via airtunes. or it would be even better if Airtunes can stream all system sound.
Is there a software could do that?
I am adding audio files to make a audiobook. I can get the files to the audiobook, but I have like 11 sections to a book. How can all I make the 11 chapter go under 1 icon or folder like other audiobooks?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI just purchased a mac pro about 4 months ago and I love it, I have never had a problem with it until today, I went to install a new program on it and it did not even read it, it made a hi pitched sound for a short time then stopped, waited about 10 seconds did the same thing. After a couple times of doing this it would eject the disc, so I figured I would try another disc, I have tried many different discs such as games, cds, programs and nothing has worked.
View 7 Replies View Relatedtrying to watch some videos, and some of them are off as in the stream is a little late when the lips move.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy Big Disk Extreme (1TB) was working great, until the other day, while on it started making a repetitive "Click" sound. Im assuming this is somehow related to the drive spinning and whatnot, but the problem is it wont mount on the desktop, nor can i find any way to "reset" the hdd.When on, the blue light works just fine, it does not turn Orange or anything. The drive just clicks and wont do anything...
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhich, if any, of the video editors make use of all eight cores of the Mac Pro? I haven't tried the pro apps yet, but CPU utilization for iMovieHD was only about 200% on the one project I have done on my new 2.8 Octo. It seems like this would be widely-known information, but I was unable to find it on Apple's site, and my extensive search of this forum was unavailing.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a folder of .PNG files, which i rendered from 3DS Max, and am now looking for a way to make them into a video, i did this once using adobe premiere elements while in college once, but i dont have that software anymore.
I tried dragging all the files into iMovie, but when i click play each frame zooms in, then out, and each image stays on for about 4 seconds each D:
Help! I want to use iphotos to make a video trailer in imovie...when i click the camera icon, it will not let me. They are not lit up/highlighted when i am in my project. anyone know why?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have iLife 08 and want to make a slideshow with a combo of photos and videos with music in the background. Will either iPhoto or iMovie handle this task by itself or am i going to have to use a combo of both?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have an iBook G4 with 768mb RAM (a 1 GB chip is in the mail ) it's the 12" 1.2ghz model. I've been having great fun with iMovie for years now, but not with this machine because I just got it. Anyways, when trying to make a project of 243 pictures from a vacation, it took about 2 1/2 hours to export directly to iDVD and then took 5+ hours to burn it! Is this normal?
I do realize I'm running low on RAM (especially being I'm running Leopard, which I forgot to mention above). What are the best ways to increase the speed without losing the quality. I don't need a whole lot more speed because I usually just let it run overnight. I am also running these projects from an external FW 120gb HD.
Very simple. I just want to be able to upload a photo to a song and upload it to youtube. i want people to listen to the song and have the album art cover.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just tested mkv file on vlc and they work fine with vlc and quick time player.
But does anyone know how to make snapshot and create thumbnails from the video?
online lectures with powerpoint slideshows. I am just wondering what would be some of the best ways to go about doing that.Basically, I would like to show my slides along with a voiceover lecture on them. I also would like to have the option of showing my face perhaps. I have a 15" MBP Penryn from right before the unibody came out.
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