PowerPC :: Powerbook Doesn't Always Make Tadah Sound When Booting Up
Sep 17, 2007My powerbook doesn't always make the tadah sound when booting up, why is that?
View 2 RepliesMy powerbook doesn't always make the tadah sound when booting up, why is that?
View 2 RepliesHi I have a problem with my PowerBook
It boots to BSD (Command Line Interface) instead of OS X (GUI Aqua)
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Please note that the screen on the PowerBook is broke so I can only use it connected to an external monitor
When I try to reinstall the system, the picture does not get pushed across to the external monitor meaning I can not see what I am doing and thus can not reinstall
I'm having a problem with my Powerbook G4. I kind of screwed up my drivers because I was an idiot and tried to get some Intel drivers to work on the computer through some cheat thing and now my computer won't boot up. I have an install disk but when I try to reinstall it keeps saying that I need Mac OSX Install Disk 2. I never had to use disk 2 before and I never had one to begin with.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know very very little about computer parts and things like that, but I hope to have provided enough information. When I boot up, both plugged into the power cord, and on battery, the powerbook will reach a white screen with an apple logo in the center. There also is a rotating disk below the apple logo. It will then shortly power down. I made a visit to the genius bar, and they told me something was wrong. I was like DUH!!! They said for $320 it would all be fixed, but I was hoping to be able to find out what was going wrong with it. Sadly I don't have the start-up disk that came with the laptop .
View 24 Replies View RelatedI am trying to do a clean install of OSX 10.5 on my old powerbook G4 15". I am using a 10.5 image file on my external. I partitioned the external using GUID, and restored the image file onto the external. (this method works when installing on intel macs). Unfortunately, I cannot boot 10.5 using this method on my powerbook. Is it because i am using a firewire 800 cable? Should I be booting it using a firewire 400? I know that PPC macs cannot boot using usb, so i am stumped.
View 2 Replies View Relatedduring startup, my powerbook will shutdown during the gray screen I've tried booting from an external drive. It goes to a gray screen without an apple logo.I've tried putting it in Target disk mode (to get my files off). But it won't mount on my desktop.Also tried resseting the pram as apple's troubleshooting suggested. nothing differen
View 4 Replies View RelatedHere's the rundown: my uncle gave me a pristine Powerbook G4 Titanium edition. Good computer, 15.5" screen, definitely worth keeping. He wiped the thing clean before giving it to me. The problem is the internal CD drive is super flaky and won't take an bootable CD well. It took my Tiger bootable once or twice and bonked out during the installation. Now, I can't get anything. BUT, I have a nice external firewire 400 CD/DVD drive. I hit option and can see the disc, but the PB won't take it. Also, of course I hit C on startup to try and load from the CD. Hasn't taken since the first few tries.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got a Powerbook G4 that has a booting issue. I will hear the startup "dong" a whirl of the drive, then it doesn't go to the grey screen with the Apple. It just sits there with a black screen.If I wait a few hours and try it, sometimes it starts up fine, or sometimes it will sit on the grey screen with the Apple symbol and do nothing.If it does boot correctly, none of the USB ports work. Any ideas on if its worth trying to repair since its 2 and a half years old and I didn't get the Apple Extended Service plan?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm a new Mac user for about 6 months now. I bought a used PowerBook G4 15" 1.25 ghz notebook that was in good condition. It was well cared for by the previous owner. Only thing she had done was update the ram to 2 gigs.Recently I began to notice it running slower, programs were freezing and Garage Band couldn't run as many tracks. I installed recommended software updates before it started to get slower and I thought maybe that was the problem.So I attempted to do a fresh swipe of the hard drive and start from nothing. I saved some files and then tried to run the software installation cd. It didn't really help at all. I can't remember the error but it wouldn't let me reinstall OS X even when I held "c" when starting up. At one point I must have clicked run in target mode because I booted it up and it showed an unfamiliar screen. Then I restarted it once again and saw on Disk Utility that S.M.A.R.T. said something about hard drive failure.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy G4 powerbook has been saying recently that the start up disk is full, so i tried to empty some stuff off it. But not long after this when i tried booting it up the normal happens at first ie the t'ing' start up sound and the apple sign with the little timer going round but it does nothing else, it just carries on going round. I have tried re setting it and looked on help sites like this to try and override it etc but nothing seems to work!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased a sort of beat up 1.5GHz 12" PowerBook G4, top of the line, and it arrived today. It boots up normally when the apple appears, then it shows the blue screen and then the mouse turns into a spinning wheel. Also, when I move the cursor, a second cursor from the same spot stays in the top-left corner. The PowerBook will only work normally as a headless server (powers on, lid closed), unless booted in safe mode. Another issue is the screen. The seller said there were lines going up and down the screen, but it varies depending on what is displayed on the screen. If the screen is grey or in target-disk mode, they do not appear, but on the 10.5 standard desktop pic, it changes pattern. The lines can be seen here: [URL]
View 1 Replies View RelatedA friend of mine is having trouble with her 13" Powerbook G4 running Leopard. When you click the volume and mute buttons the volume overlay appears and all the bars are off and there is a "cancel" (circle with a slash) icon under it. In the sound preferences there doesn't appear to be any options under "output" It's empty. Any takers? I've never seen anything like this before. It's like the computer thinks there's no sound card on it. I haven't tried repairing permissions yet, I'll tell her to try that tomorrow.
View 9 Replies View Related2 Days ago the sound just stopped working on my 12" 1.5Ghz Powerbook. Has worked fine since the day I got it. No problems when upgrading to Leopard, it just quit out of the blue. When I use the volume keys on the keyboard, I see an icon that looks like the circle with the line through it. I check in sounds in the System Preferences and it states that there is not an output device. The system profiles shows the sound card.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have an old speaker setup from an old pc...Cambridge Soundworks 4.1 Surround Sound System. I was wondering if it can be used for my laptop. I've heard you cannot plug in 4.1 and hear front and rear..you only recieve 2.1 is this true? theres two audio inputs on the back of this sub..front and rear...and theres another jack..a digital din port...which I dont know much about...does anyone know if both can be used..if which is better..and if I can really have true 4.1?
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy powerbook makes a strange sound every now and then, from the side the super drive is... but not when i have a disk inside. i don't know if it's the drive itself or something higher up under the keyboard... is that where the hard drive is? i've verified permissions and the drive and everything seems ok. should i be worried? (i do have time machine running so i guess i won't lose any data if something does happen, but still it's pretty odd for this to happen...)
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor the past... week my powerbook g4 has been: not charging well, and not lasting battery wise as it has been (ive checked all my energy saving settings and cleared off all unused items!); its also been blacking out when the battery reaches around 30 mins left to go. it doesnt always do this just sometimes... without warning?? After the second time today of blacking out ive now realised i have no sound? I am a fairly new mac user (6 months) so please talk in friendly easy to understand mac terms!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm thinking of getting some new external speakers to work with my powerbook. I saw this sound card that said 5.1 on the box and then I presumed that you need, like a graphics card you need to have a dedicated sound card to do 5.1. So, do you need a dedicated sound card for 5.1? If so, does a Powerbook g4 have this card?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy powerbook has just recently started this high piched squeal! its goes on and on and never quits! does anyone know what is happening and what i should do to make it stop?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIt just started getting really hot quickly for about a week before it didn't turn on. I would have it tilted so that its not flat, hoping that it would give it more air but it didn't do anything. I don't even need to do much to get it really hot. And I shut it off every night, so it should get to reset itself. I haven't done anything different that I haven't before. Any fixes please!? Also what's really weird is that it gets hotter and hotter even when it is off and not even plugged in.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI haven't used my headphone jack in a while, so I don't exactly know what's going on but, internal speakers work fine, plug in headphones and it doesn't make a sound. I know my computer knows there's headphones in the jack because in the system preferences, it registered them, but still no sound. Also, no red light, though I will try the reset button inside. I've tried, staying plugged in>removing the battery> restarting>putting the battery back, and nothing. I've tried taking the battery out and back in without the cord and also, nothing.. so.. I'm stuck. All I wanted to do was listen to the funny people in my guild Ventrilo server.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI did a search and found a lot of threads, but didn't find the answer to my question. If I hook up my powerbook to my receiver via the auxilary input, will I be able to get true surround sound? It'd be hooked up in the headphone jack. If this doesn't work, is the Firewave the best thing to get?
View 1 Replies View Relatedtried vol up and down in preferences..nothing the only output is headphones it says
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy powerbook 12" sound has suddenly disappeared. this is symbol appeares when i press the F4 or F5 button: So i tried to fix the problem in the system pref. but this is what i get: i never had this problem before...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a 12 inch powerbook g4 Aluminum and the screen is dim,and discolored in some areas but it is really bright at the bottom like it supposed to be brighter.is it the backlight and inverter or is it just the lcd? it works flawlessly other than that.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSome days ago i finally added a Powerbook g4 to my Mac collection and since then ive been trying to fix this computer without any results. The Powerbook had the battery dead at first and i had to replace it with a new one i had. Now the problem/weird thing is that the computer detects the battery but it doesnt charge. It has about 18% of the charge and when i try to boot up all i hear is like a fan sound and nothing more, no boot up sound and no image on the screen.
If i boot up using the power cable thats when i see the 18% of the battery icon, but as soon as i take out the power cord, the image goes black although the computer still makes sounds as if it was on. Does it have any solution? PS: ive tried to reset the PMU,changed the pRam for a new one, reset the Nvram.
i dropped my powerbook and now it doesn't work. i charged it and tried powering it on but nothing happened. however i connected my ipod and it got charged.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a Powerbook 1.5GHz 15.2" with mac os x 10.5.4 and yesterday while cleaning the computer I noticed something weird. With computer unplugged from the power source, i turned it on and increased the volume when the desktop come on. Before I could hear the alert sound when you change the volume there was another sound, like 3 lower volume pops, the normal sound it makes when you change the volume. Then I turned off the computer plugged in all the cables and power source and turned on and then when I changed the volume I only hear the normal alert sound when changing the volume. It only happened when the computer was running on battery.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have this powerbook from 2005 and no problems up to now..ohhh no!
A couple of days ago started to occasionally make a clank clank noise and getting stacked on the spinning colour circle, only manual restart would do it.
Thought it might be the hard disk as it is a bit old and i never replaced anything on it, shacked it and a noise of something loose would happen, so i thought of opening it up and see if i could reattach anything loose....anyway i started unscrewing following instructions, couldn't get memory out...every screw seems different and so i gave up, put it all back together, praying that the screws are all in their right places and hey, now it wont even start, not a loose sound when shaken though, but not a bip not a light, black screen, nothing...only sign of life is the green light under the num block key and the capitals arrow also starts light
I have a problem...my 12" Powerbook G4 doesn't start up properly at the moment. I turn it on, I can hear the chime, and the screen goes grey but then does nothing...I've tried holding down C while starting up too, but still nothing happens, just the grey screen.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI bought a Powerbook G4 17" 1ghz off of ebay, knowing it has latch issues (not catching). I was wondering if there was some way I could fix the latch myself that was not invasive (dont have to remove the bezel), or if there was a way apple would repair it for free since it wasnt from a drop(says prev. owner). IF there isnt, I was wondering if a magnetic strip applied to the case and bezel would keep it closed, or harm the internals...? Would velcro adhesives work? I would rather not use a wrap-around solution to clasp it shut
About the Powerbook G4 17" sound quality. It sounds almost the same as my Powerbook G4 15" 867mhz did, isnt it supposed to be a little louder than that? Could anyone describe their experiences with the PBg4 17" an sound volume?