MacBook :: Way To Connect The Video And Sound Cards Of Macbook & Samsung?
Mar 9, 2009
I have a macbook and a Samsung 1080p flat screen I would like to connect both Video/Sound too.I purchased Apples VGA cable along with a HDMI cable. The video output works great, no complaints with the video. The issue that I have ran into is sound, I would like to watch videos or listen to music on my Samsung. So here's where I am at currently. I purchased a Griffin Auxiliary cable w/male connectors. I plugged the cable into the both macbook auxiliary ports (1 at a time) and the Samsung auxiliary port. I was never able to get any sound out of the TV.
Can this be done with the hardware I currently have? If not, what would I need to fix or purchase that would fix the sound issue?
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Jul 1, 2012
how to get sound to play on my TV from my laptop for several days now. I bought an Mini Display Port to HDMI converter (Kanex Iadapt) off Amazon that is supposed to have audio support. I connected it with the HDMI cable to my TV and changed my display settings to mirror and the picture comes up fine but when I tried to change the output in sound settings to my TV my TV didn't even come up as an option. I went out and bought a Y audio cable figuring my laptop may be older than 2010 and needs an additional cable, plugged the audio cable into the same HDMI outputs in the TV and still no sound.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 7, 2012
I am using a rocketfish thunderbolt to HDMI dongle, HDMI cable to the TV. The TV seems to recognize that something is connected, but the message on the screen still says no signal. I've tried the various HDMI inputs as well as the HDMI/DVI input. I use the same HDMI cable to connect to the iPad to the tv without problems.
My Macbook shows "Samsung" under displays, so the machine is connecting to the tv. Could this be a firmware issue on my TV? The TV is approx 3 years old. This is part of the reason I bought this machine
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 5, 2010
As stated, specifically I want to run Sim City 4 on my Mac Book Pro
2.66 intel i7
8gb ram
NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512mb
OSx 10.6.4
I checked the Aspyr Game Agent and it tells me it only supports
GeForce2 MX
Radeon 7500
The game will run but its glitchy, and slow, and occasionally freezes. So I know there are for PC but I cant any for the mac.
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Aug 18, 2010
I'm looking to purchase an external monitor for my MacBook Pro. I'm thinking of the Samsung SyncMaster 2233sw. It says I need a DVI 24 Pin cable to connect it to my MacBook Pro. Which one of these Cables do I need?
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Feb 29, 2012
How do I connect my macbook pro to my samsung smart tv its the D7000 and has all share?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 14, 2010
I may have sold a PC user on buying a mac and she's interested in the MBP. I noticed that some models of the MPB have a "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 512MB" while others have the "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M." Are either of these integrated graphics? And what is the advantage of the models with "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 512MB?" That sounds to me like it has two video boards. Why would Apple do this? And is there a big difference in video processing power between the models with one video board and two?
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Jul 19, 2009
If I launch an app to do some video editing, does the MBP automatically switch to the higher-end graphics card? Or do I have to manually switch from "better battery life" to "higher performance"?
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Feb 14, 2007
I'm trying to connect my MacBook to an external 19" Samsung LCD monitor. I connect using a standard Apple mini-DVI to male DVI adaptor, which in turn is connected to a third party female DVI to female VGA adaptor, which in turn is connected to a VGA cord which connects to the monitor (male on both sides).
My monitor shows up in the System Preferences display settings, where I can control everything properly, but the screen is black. I can move my cursor over to the other screen, so it seems the MacBook can recognize the monitor. The monitor connects fine using the VGA cord to a Thinkpad.
Is there any inherent with this connection configuration?
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Apr 26, 2010
I used to have a mac Mini that connected so effortlessly to the monitor and allowed the full resolution (1920x1080). But I'm trying to do that with my MacBook (as I recently sold my Mini) and I'm unable to get it to do what I want to. I have Snow Leopard. It would not allow me to do anything until I updated the OS. The monitor was not recognized at all. Except I noticed when I plugged it in, the macbook screen would I figure it's recognizing something. But in display settings, detect display wouldn't show anything, neither would restarting. That is, until I updated Snow Leopard.... Anyone know why this might be? And now that I've been able to get something on the display, I'm still not at all satisfied. The resolution is terrible. It will not allow me to choose anything other than the resolution on my macbook screen, but over 23" it just looks terrible. Not only that, but the Macbook screen stays on. I want the mb screen to go off, and full resolution be on the external monitor. I can choose another option for an extended desktop but that's just ridiculous. I have no desire for anything like that.
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May 2, 2012
I Late 2008 Macbook Pro. My needs have shifted lately, as I am now using it mostly with an external display. I ran it into my 23(?) LG 1080 LED monitor with no problem. I recently bought a Samsung 27' Syncmaster SA550 monitor. I am in love with it, however I cannot find a display size that fits the monitor. I am currently running the 1080p resolution setting on my computer but it is easily 2-3 inches too small. And with overscan its too big to see my menu bar and dock at all. Running at a 24-25' screen size is still much better than my 15 inch macbook pro screen, but it would be awesome to use all of the 27 inches of this monitor. I have been unable to find a working setting, if there is a trick, or a way to setup a custom size As well I am running this as the sole display (not dual screens)
Pro, iOS 5.1, External Display: Samsung SA550
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May 20, 2009
Can I connect my 15' macbook pro to samsung 214T monitor? What cables do I require? I only recently switched to mac and previously worked on a PC for photo editing using a samsung 214T monitor Rather than buying a new monitor I would rather use the 214T as I really like it and it is accurate. Plus I prefer the matte finish.
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Nov 2, 2010
I recently purchased and Mini-Display to HDMI converter, which connects to an HDMI to HDMI cable which connects to my television. The video is working fine, but for some reason audio isn't working at all.
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Dec 31, 2010
I just bought Samsung UN46C7000WFXZA. I want to connect my macbook pro to the TV and i got all the cables that i need.
1- HDMI cable
2- Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Female Adapter.
3- this sit that include Audio Cable
[URL] I did connect everything my macbook pro very well to the TV using HDMI cable from the laptop to HDMI/DVI port in the TV. Also I connected the Audio cable from my Headphone port in my laptop to PC/DVI Audio IN in the TV. Yes I got the pic and everything is good but no sound at all. I tried everything and i searched the net but no luck or answer at all.
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Dec 30, 2004
i have a powerbook with a crummy internal soundcard. i want to add 5.1 surround sound to it but i cant seem to
find a mac compatible external sound card. Some people say that the sound blaster extigy is compatible but mac support is no where to be found on the extigy web pages. Can anyone confirm that the sound blaster extigy is compatible? and or list a couple other mac compatible external sound cards which are under 200 dollars?
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May 3, 2008
I'm thinking about installing an X-Fi in my Mac Pro. Will the card work in both Leopard and Windows or only one? Or neither?
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Apr 9, 2009
i'm new in this forum and I have a question.
I have a macpro, and I use the computer for work, but I have windows with one game. This game (shooter) had a eax sound and I have a headphones with optical sistem, 5.1, dolby... and all this things.
I would to knowm if the creative x-fi Fatal1ty Pro run in macpro, in mac Os and Windows. Really... I only need run in windows, but if run in mac Os... it'll be better.
I saw this sound card and... ASUS Xonar D2/PM... can I install any card in my macpro???, will it run in windows?
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Jun 14, 2010
I have a Power Mac G4 AGP Machine and if there are any sound cards with an optical out that is compatible with my machine.
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Aug 27, 2014
Is it possible or not possible to connect a macbook air 11 inch (2013 model i think) to a tv for sound , preferably to the tv's hdmi port.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 25, 2012
I want to connect my 2009 iMac, Mac os x version 10.5.8 to my 2008 Samsung LCD TV, model LN32A450C1D. Does anyone know what cords I will need so I can watch videos from my computer on my TV?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jan 10, 2011
I currently got the 5870 driving a 30" ACD and 23" ACD. Would there be any noticeable performance increase if I were get the gt120 to run the 23" and have 5870 run the 30" ACD (my work display)?
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Mar 8, 2009
I have a Mac Pro and two video cards, and am upping the setup to a new Nehalem Mac Pro with the ATI 4780 card + NVidia GT120 card. For illustration purposes, I will use those two cards to frame my question, as we seem to be pretty familiar with their specs by now. My question is somewhat conceptual, and is difficult to explain, but I am counting on the MR collective intelligence to sort it out! I'll use a few scenarios to illustrate my point: Scenario 1: Heavy use of the 4870 card, using both outputs (two screens). Naturally, performance is better than using the GT120 card.
Scenario 2: Same heavy use, but this time one port from the 4870 is used, and one port from the GT120.
Scenario 3: Same heavy use, but both ports on the 4870 are used, and one port on the GT120 (three screens total)
Scenario 3: Same heavy use, but both ports on the GT120 are used, and one port on the 4870 (three screens total)
How do software applications deal with two video cards? Would running Aperture, FCP, gaming etc., degrade just one screen? Wouldn't the whole application have to slow down to accommodate the lesser card? Is there a "primary" card and a "secondary" card designation? I'm thinking of multiple monitor setups (three, for example) where a lesser card is necessary to drive the extra screen, but the application is using all three.
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Aug 21, 2009
Is this any better? I know in 10.5 to switch between video cards (on the laptops that come with two) you had to log out and log back in. I've heard Windows can do it on the fly.
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Sep 12, 2009
Apple only allows OSX to be used on Apple hardware. How is flashing a non Apple video card different to building a hackintosh?
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Aug 5, 2007
I've just purchased a new sr macbook pro 2.4 ghz. when i plug the macbook pro to external speakers, the quality is really bad, no bass, just high tones. I allready checked the equalizer in Itunes and I turned the bass all the way up, but the sound was still horrible...
When I connect my macbook pro to a tv (via dvi to video adaptor) The sound of the external speakers goes even worse. The adapter causes like a weird tone in the bass...
does anyone know how to fix this?
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May 3, 2012
When I put DVD's into my disk drive, I only hear the sound of the DVD like the commercials and voices and what not, but the screen is completely black. This has happened with every DVD I've tried, including ones I've used before.
MacBook Pro
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Jan 30, 2009
i am trying to connect my Mac Mini to my 860 Samsung Series 8 HDTV. I am using a DVI to HDMI connector into the DVI port on the back of the Mac Mini. I have plugged the HDMI cable into the back to the Samsung in the HDMI/DVI port. When i which the source to the correct HDMI input i either get a message saying "no signal" or, sometimes briefly, "mode not support"
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Apr 4, 2009
here is my set up:
macbook pro/imac
apple wireless router
samsung bdp 3600
all connect to the internet wirelessly accept the samsung. it came with a wireless dongle, it can see my network but will not connect when i type in password it does not connect.
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Apr 25, 2010
I have and issue, i bought a samsung clp-315w and after allot of doing finally got it to connect to my network and I was even able to add it as a bonjour printer. So at this point I thought that I had made it, I was wrong. Now when I send a document to the printer it sends it and then say connecting to printer and at this point it is not able to connect and then says it will try to connect to the printer again in 30 seconds but never does.
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Aug 24, 2010
Does anyone with a Mac Pro '08 and up run it with 2 high end cards? ATI 4870, 5870 and/or GTX 285 are the ones I'm thinking of.On my MP '09, I currently run a 20" off the GT 120 and the GTX 285 on a 24". I have another 24" coming in (the Apple LED), so it requires me to use the GT 120. For gaming purposes, I'm considering getting a 2nd high end card for the new 24" instead of letting the old 20" act as a slave on the GTX 285 (trying to minimize load on the gtx285, again for gaming).
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