MacBook Pro :: OS X Mavericks 10.9.3 - How To Remove (Nav-Links) And (Visual Match)

Jun 5, 2014

I notice that web browsers Safari and Google Chrome on my MacBook are infected by adwares "nav-links" and "visual match". However, I cannot find any installed extensions on my notebook. How can I completely remove these annoying adwares?

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Deficient Visual Effect When Changing User?

Jun 22, 2014

I have just upgraded OSX 10.7 to 10.9.3

it appears deficient visual effect when changing user

the desktop and dock appears at a bad scale (too small) with icons aside on a grey zone

(the system does not wait having finished to prepare the screen before to show it)

does exist a way to regulate that?

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Software :: OS X Leopard Sidebar - Any Way To Remove Broken Links

Jul 9, 2008

In sidebar, it displays devices, places, & search for. There are a few internet shortcuts under places. The links are broken and I am not able to remove the links from places.

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OS X Mavericks :: Edit Songs To Match Pictures In Slideshow?

Aug 28, 2014

iMac running OSX 10.9.4 on a 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5  27" with 16G RAM and 1TB HD.  I have gone though the list of controls on the slideshow menu to no avail.  I have pictures of our vacation to New York that are light hearted, but I also have pictures of the Ground Zero and 911 Commemorative Museums that I would like to change the theme music to a Mozart dirge and then back to other songs that better represent what the pictures are about.

iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), 27" iMac, 2TB Buffalo external HD,

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OS X Mavericks :: Getting Spotlight To List Search Results By Closest Name Match Not Document Type?

Sep 3, 2014

Example: when I type 'wireless info' into Spotlight on my computer the document 'wireless info' is the 29th search result listed.  The top hit is a mail message named 'Re: Re: Reset the device, and new wireless info'.  The other 27 items in the list above the document I was looking for are things like 'Introducing Portland.doc' and 'Les Amis B&B'. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7

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OS X Mavericks :: Some Of Email Links Open Up Different Emails Than Intended

Aug 31, 2014

Just recently when I click on some new emails, it opens a different email in my inbox than was indicated. Not all emails act this way. 

I have quit Mail and restarted, but it doesn't clean up the problem.

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OS X Mavericks :: Every Time OS Is Updated / Links In Emails Stop Working

Jun 27, 2014

What I mean is that the link will open the browser (which ever one is set as default,) but the browser opens to the home page instead of going to the page specified by the link in the email. it is not because I haven't set a default browser.

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MacBook Pro :: Can Apple Run Visual Basic On Excel

Mar 2, 2012

can i run visual basic macros on a new apple macbook pro

MacBook Pro

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OS X Mavericks :: Remove All Of Games From MacBook Air But Not Lose Content?

Sep 9, 2014

Can I remove or transfer all of the games from a mac book air and an iPhone 4s but not lose the content. Can I have them only available on an ipod or iPad. The Problem: My son plays games on those devices. I don't want to permanently remove all the work he has done in Minecraft and others. I have to limit the games somehow!

iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.1

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MacBook :: Visual Studio And SQL Server - How Is Windows In Bootcamp?

Mar 4, 2009

I run a small Web Development business. I use Microsoft tools: Visual Studio and SQL Server (mostly), so the logical choice is to stay on Windows. But I'm not a logical guy. I actually was on the Mac bus not long ago... went through an iMac and then the 13" Macbook. I loved them to pieces, really.After a while, I grew a bit tired of the really small form factor and having to launch a noticeably slower virtual machine to use Windows (I used VMware at the time). I went back to Windows pretty much for business reasons. Now I'm getting the itch to go back to Apple. Why? Their design, look, and feel is a big reason. I also did more exploring when I was on Mac; researching stuff in my field away from the MS world that did open my eyes to new ways of handling development with my business. In a perfect world I would get the 24" iMac but since I run my own business I should stay mobile. Therefore I'm looking at the low-end Macbook Pro. Here are a couple of questions I have:1.) How is Windows in Bootcamp? If I were to go back, I think I would go that route to have as much speed as possible. Especially since the low-end starts with 2 gig ram (grrr)

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MacBook Pro :: Overheats System - No Performance Or Visual Difference?

Jul 3, 2010

I got a program called "gfxCardStatus" that allows me to see which graphics card is being used and allows me to manually switch between them. I don't do anything graphically intensive in OS X (I only play games in bootcamp) but the nvidia card is being used most of the time and it makes my mbp hot and kills the time i can use the battery. I switched my MBP to only use the intel card in os x and have seen no performance or visual difference, but I was wondering if this is a bad idea?

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MacBook Air :: Visual Comparison/overlay Of 11 Vs 13 For Screen Real Estate?

Oct 27, 2010

Something that might be helpful for people wondering about the 11/13 or in general would be a visual comparison of how much screen real estate each provides.

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MacBook Pro :: Illuminated Keyboard Stopped Working / Not Producing Visual Feedback On Screen

May 9, 2008

suddenly, my MBP (2.6ghz, 15") illuminated keyboard has stopped working. out of the blue. same conditions in the room as when it's worked before - so it's not an ambient lighting problem. the functionality is all turned on, and pressing the dim/brighten keys on the keyboard, while producing visual feedback on the screen (like the volume indicator), produces no illumination on the keyboard. im plugged in, fully charged... can't figure it out!!!

to be honest, i never really use the keyboard illumination, but now that its actually not working, its really bothering

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove Themes From MAC

Aug 20, 2014

how to remove themes from mac ? 

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Applications :: Visual Hub For Mp3 Audio ?

Mar 8, 2009

I have some gigantic Mp3 files that

i would like to downsize for my iPhone.

Would Visual Hub do the job, even though it is for Video ?

All i want is a mP3 file DownSizer.

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QuickTime :: Getting Audio But No Visual?

Jun 14, 2012

I have windows and I just downloaded Quicktime Pro and there is audio but no video.

quicktime pro

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Completely Remove Growl

Sep 7, 2014

Back in the day I installed Growl on an iBook G4 running Tiger. I tried to delete all of the application, but when I reboot now, I get a window asking me where to locate GrowlHelperApp. Any way to get rid of this? I'm now on a 2012 iMac now running 10.9.4.

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OS X Mavericks :: Remove Apps From Launchpad?

Jun 3, 2014

Can I customize the layout of Launchpad? I've deleted apps from my applications folder but they're still in Launchpad with an unsightly question mark icon. Is there a way to fix this? 

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), Intel Core i7, 8 GB DDR3, 120 GB

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove IMovie Update

Jun 28, 2014

all i have a question how to remove update iMovie i deleted imovie.

Update is showing how to remove this?

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove Pictures From Desktop

Jun 25, 2014

I want to remove the pictures from my desktop...

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OS X Mavericks :: Remove All System Files From HDD

Jun 19, 2014

Found some difficulties while migrating from hdd to hdd+ssd system.

Basically i want to copy system files only (using CarbonCopyCloner) to ssd and leave the rest of my data (music, films etc) on hdd. 

I started with installing a blank system to my new ssd. Then Im about to copy all folders from my current HDD, excluding some big ones that I want to store on hdd. 

So my question is: am I doing it right? Won't any hidden files be missing after this kind of migration?

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove VIPs From Mail

Dec 3, 2014

I have spam coming in designated as VIP's.  They seem to have self designated themselves as VIP's.  How do I change their status to non-VIP?  I can remove them from the VIP folder but new mail from the same source is still designated VIP.  Is there a folder somewhere that contains a list of VIP's?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), iMac7,1 (24-inch Mid 2007)

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OS X Mavericks :: Locate And Remove Adware?

Jun 30, 2014

How to locate and remove some malware I must've downloaded? A lot of pop-ups open on every page I visit and random words are highlighted in green and hyperlinked to ads(I have attached an example). I am running mavericks version 10.9.4. It occurs on all my web browsers and is not an extension - even a nortons anitvirus scan revealed nothing.

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OS X :: Visual Glitches In Spaces - Hud Fade Out

Jun 24, 2009

If I use the arrow-key shortcut (no matter how they are setup in Systems Preferences) whilst holding an App's title-bar, to switch it between spaces, the HUD showing which Space the app has been moved to only shows up sporadically. I've tried changing Spaces settings, turning it on and off, restarted etc. and it still does it. If I use the number key shortcuts it displays fine now matter how quickly I move an app between spaces. If I use the drag method it's also fine... but you can only do that slowly.

If I use the titlebar & arrow keys method very slowly and wait for the HUD to fade out before switching to another space its fine. (i.e move from 1 to 2, HUD shows, wait until it fades out, then move it to space 4, HUD shows). But if I flick an app between spaces quickly the HUD only shows sporadically after the first switch. Sometimes the desktop image will flicker in front of everything for a fraction of a second. I have an Alu MacBook and I can achieve these results after a restart with only the Finder running.

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Software :: Finding 64 Bit Visual Hub Alternative?

Aug 31, 2009

I've used visual hub for quite a while now and I love it but it only runs in 32 bit. Is there a 64bit alternative? I did a bit of research and found the beta of Handbrake that runs in 64 bit but what I loved about visual hub is that you can queue up however many videos you want and click go. With Handbrake, you have to queue up each video manually.

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ICloud :: Apple Match Will Not Work On Macbook Pro

Jun 25, 2012

I redid the hard drive on my MacBook Pro and now when I try to see my music on Icloud, My computer will not recognise Apple Match. It works on my phone but not on my laptop. I synced it all two months ago.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Running Lion and Snow Leopard

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove Application Icon From Desktop

Jun 26, 2014

How do I remove an application icon from my desktop? I tried moving it to finder and I tried deleting it; nothing works.

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove Duplicate POP Messages In Mail

Dec 10, 2014

My set up is that I use Mail with 5 separate accounts, downloading all messages using POP. I keep ALL my mail (even the trash) so that I have a permanent record of all conversations, going back more than 10 years - this is about 250,000 emails in around 250 subfolders. I'm running the latest version of Mavericks on a 2010 MBP. I have no intention of moving to IMAP - I need to keep a local archive of all my mail. 

A few months ago I was having problems with Mail being very slow to load and search emails. I decided to rebuild the mailboxes, but afterwards discovered that thousands of messages in the inbox of one of my accounts (and some of the sub-folders) had disappeared. Once I realised I tried to go back to a recent Time Machine back up, but, for whatever reason, that part of the back up hadn't worked properly and I was unable to recover the previous status. I left it while I decided what to do, and had time to deal with it... 

The last 2 years worth of emails on that account were still archived on gmail, so last week I decided to try redownloading the whole lot (something like 72,000 messages), and then planned to use one of the scripts I was aware of to remove the duplicates to the trash, and then remove any duplicates in the trash forever. That ought to mean I at least had an archive of the last two years of missing messages, even if I had no record of which ones had been flagged or replied to, etc. 

The downloading took about 24 hours to complete, and I now have almost 70,000 messages in the inbox of that account. I also rebuilt all the folders again, which doesn't seem to have resulted in any further loss of messages as far as I can tell. However, I hadn't figured on two things: 

1. Mail 'hides' duplicate messages, meaning that all of the messages I've downloaded are showing as unread, and I can't differentiate the ones I already had in my Inbox, and the new downloads. When I click on those apparently unread messages I can see if they have been replied to or forwarded, etc, but there's no obvious way for me to remove the ones I have already dealt with to the trash, without going through them all manually, which is clearly impossible. 

2. The scripts I'd found for removing duplicates don't work. Andreas Amann's Remove Duplicates script doesn't work under Mavericks, and he has abandoned the project. I've also tried the remove-duplicate-messages.scpt [URL] ...., and while it *sometimes* works on individual subfolders on my Mac (but as far as I can tell removes the duplicate in that folder, rather than the newly downloaded version), mostly it doesn't work at all - it creates a 'Remove Duplicate Messages' folder on my desktop, a log inside it and a folder for removed messages, but nothing appears in the duplicates folder. 

So, I'm left in a position where I have 70,000 apparently unread messages in my Inbox, a massively bloated Mail library (which has pretty much doubled in size, because of the 'hidden' messages), a slow and unresponsive Mail program. I've come to the conclusion that there must be some corrupted email somewhere, which probably caused the original email haemorrhage, and may still be causing the inability to remove duplicates. Mail is so slow as to be almost unuseable. 

I figure I have a number of options: 

1. I could live with the situation and just archive most of the Mail in my inbox, with the side effect that there will be a bunch of messages I have never replied to that are missed. 

2. I could abandon the last week's efforts and revert to the version of Mail I was using a week ago, and then redownload the recent emails from my various accounts. That would still leave me without those thousands of emails I lost on my local machine. 

3. I could find another way to deal with this. Can I get the remove duplicates script working? Should I revert to the version of Mail from a week ago, download ALL the messages again, but do it in a way that allows me to find the duplicates and remove them? Should I move to another email program altogether (which would presumably be massively disruptive to my work!) 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove Mails And Attachments Permanently

Aug 24, 2014

I just realized my Archive.mbox (~/Library/Mail/V2/Mailboxes) is quite big (8.5GB) and I decided to remove old mails with large attachments. 

As I use GMail account via POP3, first I removed mails from the Google account and I freed up about 1.5GB extra space. Later, I searched for mails with attachments in, then sorted then and started to remove and emptied the trash. This operation was quite weird as some of them where moved to the Trash folder, some not. As I was controlling the space of the Mailboxes folder this is what I noticed:

- Archive.mbox - the size of the mbox didn't change.
- Deleted Messages.mbox increases while removing another mails then decreased while wiping it out (this is what I expected).

I removed a lot of mails and didn't free up ANY space!Also, while googling I found out about "Mail Downloads" folder which is moved from Library to ~/Library/Containers/ Downloads. As I set "Remove unedited downloads" to "When Mail Quits" can I simply remove all subdirs from this dictionary to save some space? This folder is only used for copy of attachments, right?  

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove Locked Items From Trash

Jun 22, 2014

How do I remove locked items from trash? I want to delete unneeded (duplicate) backup files that were on an external disk. I have not succeeded using empty trash or secure empty trash. I am the administrator. Mac OS X (10.9.3) Mavericks.

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