Mac Pro :: Will The MBP Aluminum Color Fade To Usage?
Nov 2, 2009Will the space beside the track pad fade due to sweaty palms for the MBP? anybody has had an experience? how do you protect it from sweaty palms?
View 2 RepliesWill the space beside the track pad fade due to sweaty palms for the MBP? anybody has had an experience? how do you protect it from sweaty palms?
View 2 RepliesSo garageband now makes it very easy to make ringtones, but they sound stupid, when I make them because they end so abruptly.
How could I take the single track and have the music accelerate up in volume at the start, and down towards the end, so that it doesn't just start and end?
I make music videos, and I need to be able to fade-in or fade-out. Does anyone know a program with this feature? I need to be able to upload the video from my camera to the Mac and use the software to edit it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have it set to change every 30 minutes, and it does. However, instead of it doing the nice fade, it only changes. Not so pretty compared to the fade.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIt looks like the surface of a few keys has been eaten away by acid, I can only imagine it has happened because my fingernails touch the keys through normal typing, but this is completely unavoidable unless I type like a one-fingered man. It mainly seems to happen on the A and S keys, this has happened on my white MacBook, Wireless Aluminium keyboard and Wired Aluminium keyboard, but as they are so expensive to replace I am not willing to buy a whole new keyboard for this. Also, one of my cmd keys has an odd stain on it, possibly from a crumb or droplet of orange juice which I'm sure I would have wiped off immediately, I wouldn't have expected plastic to stain so easily. Has anyone else found this with their Aluminium keyboard?
I suppose there's nothing much I can do to prevent it (I refuse to use a silicone cover), so my option appears to be just to replace those keys damaged through wear and tear however I can. Are the keys interchangeable between these three keyboards? (Wireless / Wired Aluminium, white 2008 MacBook Core2Duo) The main keys look the same apart from the bottom row on the Wired Aluminium keyboard which are a bit wider.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), iMac 27 inch i5
What could be the meaning or what is in the yellow color or written as OTHER in the usage of my Macbook pro? More than half of my memory was for "OTHERS" and I don't get it yet what it could be?
MacBook Pro
I did this for the Macbook Pro's a while back, but I'm a Macbook guy now. There are a few other threads with profiles but it's no good if you use a profile made from a different panel than what you have. I'm just trying to consolidate things here.
I will try to keep this post current; please only submit profiles created from hardware, not those done by human eye (meatware?) And be sure to say which panel the profile is for. Thanks to everyone for contributing and improving the Macbook experience!
How to determine your panel type/code
How to install and use color profiles
Basic tests to determine if a profile is a good fit:
Black level
White level
9C89 (LG)
See attachment ( Pro. 2.2 Gamma, Native and 6500K whitepoint. I recommend using the Native whitepoint.See attachment ( Pro. 2.2 Gamma, Native whitepoint. This is an alternate profile made from another Macbook with the LG panel. It is similar to the previous but slightly darkerjessica's profileSpyder2 Pro. 2.2 Gamma. Native whitepoint (I think - not confirmed)
9C8C (AU Optronics)
See attachment ( Pro. 2.2 Gamma. I only did a calibration at native whitepoint (honestly, if you really need 6500K then you won't be using a Macbook screen, or any laptop screen for that matter)
See attachment ( Pro. 2.2 Gamma. Native whitepoint.
before switching to Mac, I used an "X-Rite Eye One Display 2" color meter device with software. You can find them most places like Amazon for about $150. The device should still work, but I can't find any software for it for the Mac. After going to the X-Rite web site, I could find no software at all for the Mac as it is only windows based.
Surely someone out there has used a color meter such as this one as they are quite popular especially for graphics artists that use professional graphic monitors. I am hoping someone can tell me how to use my color meter (USB), what software for Mac Leopard I need and how to save the color profile in the Mac OS.
People how to disable temporary fade out of windows when quitting application by hold clicking in the dock. It SO Annoying to see windows disappear.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an 09 Mac Pro Nehalem, with nvida gt120 graphics card running 10.6.2 with the latest mac pro 1.4 efi and two 23 inch Apple cinema displays (the older DVI kind)
I go into system preferences>displays>color and try to adjust color on my monitors but selecting different color settings on either monitor only affects ONE monitor, the other monitor is essentially stuck at whatever color setting it is set to.
When starting the iMac in the mornings, the upper strip of the desktop appears in the screen color instead of white. What could this be?
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
i really want to customize my macbook. i want to change the color logo to apple classic color. (but not for a while) the main thing i want to do is something like this [URL] the second picture to last. the guy with a suit and a hat, being covered with the apple logo. i want something like that, only not that image. you get the idea though. where can i get something like this? are they stickers as well? or are they laser engraved? i do not want it permanent on my macbook, since i get easily bored with the same look
View 3 Replies View RelatedI installed iwork 08 and everytime i type the letters come in white. I tried changing the color font and everytime i try putting black it always comes up white but when i do it dark blue for example it shows dark blue, it shows every color except for black.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf I use the arrow-key shortcut (no matter how they are setup in Systems Preferences) whilst holding an App's title-bar, to switch it between spaces, the HUD showing which Space the app has been moved to only shows up sporadically. I've tried changing Spaces settings, turning it on and off, restarted etc. and it still does it. If I use the number key shortcuts it displays fine now matter how quickly I move an app between spaces. If I use the drag method it's also fine... but you can only do that slowly.
If I use the titlebar & arrow keys method very slowly and wait for the HUD to fade out before switching to another space its fine. (i.e move from 1 to 2, HUD shows, wait until it fades out, then move it to space 4, HUD shows). But if I flick an app between spaces quickly the HUD only shows sporadically after the first switch. Sometimes the desktop image will flicker in front of everything for a fraction of a second. I have an Alu MacBook and I can achieve these results after a restart with only the Finder running.
Odd this, Harmon Kardon isub worked fine on reconnecting after Snow Leopard upgrade, that is to 10.6 then 10.6.1 then maybe a day or two later for no reason they started to cut out and now I get total feedback or a high pitched whine when computer starts up.
imac 2.16 Ghz Intel Core Due, 2GB, 667 Mhz RAM, 10.6.1
I'm having difficulties adapting to OSX. On windows, when you open Photoshop or Dreamweaver or any other application, ou can focus on that application only. On Mac, if you have the browser opened you can see it while in photoshop. I do web design and I never know whether I'm looking a print screen or the actual site. Can anyone recommend an app that "fades" the background so I can visually focus on the program being used? I tried Think, it works fine but with only one app at a time and I that to happen with all apps, as this is annoying for any software.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't know what other term to use than "fade out", but when I type that in my iTunes helplist, I get nowhere.
I have a one minute clip that I need to fade out at the end.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm creating audio fade in and out transitions on my voiceovers. I want them all to fade from -3dB. Is there a easier way to apply this on every audio track without applying it manually / one-by-one?
I tried selecting them all and change it in the inspector, but it did not work. As in, it did not have any effect.
I recently had issues regarding my display (June 2009 MBP 17") not dimming as the ambient lighting changed. The issue was only recent. I reset the SMC, and that has appeared to fix it.
However, I've noticed that the battery indicator lights do not fade after 5 seconds anymore and just turn straight off when the computer is open and on. When shut down or asleep, they behave as normal.
I reset the SMC again to ty and fix this but there was no change.
Now, I could be wrong, and maybe that's how it always was, but I do remember them fading no matter whether the computer was active or off.
Can anyone confirm this and if so, provide any possible fixes?
It's not a huge issue, just a minor annoyance now that I'm aware of it.
Is there a way in Indesign to have a gradient fade to 0%? I can't figure out how to do it. I could do it in Photoshop i guess, but there should be a way to do it.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow to make a window appear and disappear with either a fade or a slide effect. Its a simple script below which I would like to do this to. set appName to "EZeye" tell application "System Events" if frontmost of process appName then set visible of process appName to false else set visible of process appName to true end if end tell.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am having problems with Leopard and my R800. The print outs are faded and I am unable to select my manual feed to print CD's. Does anyone know of a fix?
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow can you cross fade between 2 monitor displays when projecting on a big projector.
kinda like how a dj crossfades music seemlessly with a toggle?
i'm not sure if that makes sense...
I was wondering if anybody out there may know why this is happening to my iCal dock icon. When the app is not running, the date on the icon is displaced by like 15px, then when it is launched, the date goes back to the correct position. Check it out:
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a 2GHz unibody Macbook. I don't know how to figure out my color profile but I thought this a bit.
I compared my color to my friend's iMac and I noticed his colors were more bright and deep. Is there any way I can upload another color profile and make it look better?
So I want to see how high the temps get on my laptop with the new AS5 application. I know of a free program on windows that maxes out the CPu to 100% usage, but any app exist for OSX? I using SL. I have been ripping my home DVDs all day, but doing the same 3 over, gets old quick. Do any of you know any free app that will stress the CPU? Also is there an App that will stress the GPU?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMachine using dual-core processor. I need to monitor the load on each CPU core
I have tried using "top" command. But, top command is showing the overall usage of cpu.
What is command is used to get the usage of each CPU?
Is this normal? I'm pretty sure it's not, at least the iTunes bit. I am using cover flo and I know that's supposed to increase the RAM usage but I don't even have the window open (it's in another space.) I've been seeing this high amount of RAM usage lately so I ran techtool deluxe and there was an error with the volume structure. I repaired permissions from the OS X install disk and since then the volume structure test passes but I'm still getting the unusually high numbers.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThere is some type of problem with my System.
My computer has been running incredibly slow lately. I think it has to do with the disk usage as every time it has to access the disk, it slows to a crawl. I've had a huge amount of beach balling, especially when loading a new App or a new page in Safari.
Here is a picture of the disk usage. Does this look normal? Does anyone know what the problem could be?
I'm new to OS X and just had a quick question about the way that it uses memory.
I have the istat widget on my dashboard, and I've been monitoring the amount of free and used RAM. After I reboot the system, only about 20 percent of my memory is being used between the OS and the programs I normally use (adium, safari, itunes, etc.) Over the course of a couple days, the amount of used ram increases to about 50 percent, even though I'm just using the same programs.So, I'm just wondering how exactly the operating system deals with used and free RAM. Once the system uses ram for something, will that ram be reported as used until I reboot? Why does used ram continue to increase even though I'm doing the exact same things?
I'd just appreciate if someone could enlighten me on how the system uses RAM and whether I need to reboot every few days for optimal performance. I know it's still only using 50 percent (i have 4 gigs) - I'm not afraid of running out, I'm just wondering for my own knowledge.