Hardware :: ISub USB Feedback And Fade 10.6.1?
Sep 30, 2009
Odd this, Harmon Kardon isub worked fine on reconnecting after Snow Leopard upgrade, that is to 10.6 then 10.6.1 then maybe a day or two later for no reason they started to cut out and now I get total feedback or a high pitched whine when computer starts up.
imac 2.16 Ghz Intel Core Due, 2GB, 667 Mhz RAM, 10.6.1
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Dec 29, 2007
So garageband now makes it very easy to make ringtones, but they sound stupid, when I make them because they end so abruptly.
How could I take the single track and have the music accelerate up in volume at the start, and down towards the end, so that it doesn't just start and end?
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May 8, 2012
I make music videos, and I need to be able to fade-in or fade-out. Does anyone know a program with this feature? I need to be able to upload the video from my camera to the Mac and use the software to edit it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 20, 2007
I have it set to change every 30 minutes, and it does. However, instead of it doing the nice fade, it only changes. Not so pretty compared to the fade.
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Feb 23, 2012
iSub not working with Lion
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 23, 2010
I've done a lot of research about the older USB iSub (which I have) not working with Snow Leopard and Intel Macs (which I also have). I tried the iMic work-around, but it did not work for me. Any tips? Maybe I'm missing a step...
So anyway, the newer iSub as paired with the HK Soundsticks works fine w/Intel Macs since it uses the industry standard 3.5mm mini-jack.
I was wondering if anyone has considered converting the guts of the older USB iSub to use the 3.5mm mini-jack instead?
I have a crappy speaker/subwoofer combo that uses the 3.5mm mini-jack where the subwoofer volume is controlled at one of the speakers. It looks pretty easy to pull the guts from the crappy subwoofer and see if it will drive the iSub. A bit of a kludge I admit, but it's possible w/o permanent damage to the iSub.
Can anyone tell me or post a pic of how all the wires connect between computer/iSub/satellite speakers on the newer HK Soundsticks?
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Aug 31, 2009
People how to disable temporary fade out of windows when quitting application by hold clicking in the dock. It SO Annoying to see windows disappear.
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Feb 17, 2009
I was wondering, after sending feedback on Apple's website it says...
" If we need to follow up with you on your ideas for improving Mac OS X, we will contact you directly."
Has that ever happened to anyone on this board, or do you know anyone who has been contacted?
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Jun 24, 2009
If I use the arrow-key shortcut (no matter how they are setup in Systems Preferences) whilst holding an App's title-bar, to switch it between spaces, the HUD showing which Space the app has been moved to only shows up sporadically. I've tried changing Spaces settings, turning it on and off, restarted etc. and it still does it. If I use the number key shortcuts it displays fine now matter how quickly I move an app between spaces. If I use the drag method it's also fine... but you can only do that slowly.
If I use the titlebar & arrow keys method very slowly and wait for the HUD to fade out before switching to another space its fine. (i.e move from 1 to 2, HUD shows, wait until it fades out, then move it to space 4, HUD shows). But if I flick an app between spaces quickly the HUD only shows sporadically after the first switch. Sometimes the desktop image will flicker in front of everything for a fraction of a second. I have an Alu MacBook and I can achieve these results after a restart with only the Finder running.
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Nov 2, 2009
Will the space beside the track pad fade due to sweaty palms for the MBP? anybody has had an experience? how do you protect it from sweaty palms?
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Jun 7, 2010
I'm having difficulties adapting to OSX. On windows, when you open Photoshop or Dreamweaver or any other application, ou can focus on that application only. On Mac, if you have the browser opened you can see it while in photoshop. I do web design and I never know whether I'm looking a print screen or the actual site. Can anyone recommend an app that "fades" the background so I can visually focus on the program being used? I tried Think, it works fine but with only one app at a time and I that to happen with all apps, as this is annoying for any software.
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Apr 18, 2012
I don't know what other term to use than "fade out", but when I type that in my iTunes helplist, I get nowhere.
I have a one minute clip that I need to fade out at the end.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 30, 2014
I'm creating audio fade in and out transitions on my voiceovers. I want them all to fade from -3dB. Is there a easier way to apply this on every audio track without applying it manually / one-by-one?
I tried selecting them all and change it in the inspector, but it did not work. As in, it did not have any effect.
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Oct 19, 2010
I recently had issues regarding my display (June 2009 MBP 17") not dimming as the ambient lighting changed. The issue was only recent. I reset the SMC, and that has appeared to fix it.
However, I've noticed that the battery indicator lights do not fade after 5 seconds anymore and just turn straight off when the computer is open and on. When shut down or asleep, they behave as normal.
I reset the SMC again to ty and fix this but there was no change.
Now, I could be wrong, and maybe that's how it always was, but I do remember them fading no matter whether the computer was active or off.
Can anyone confirm this and if so, provide any possible fixes?
It's not a huge issue, just a minor annoyance now that I'm aware of it.
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Jul 20, 2005
Is there a way in Indesign to have a gradient fade to 0%? I can't figure out how to do it. I could do it in Photoshop i guess, but there should be a way to do it.
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Jul 4, 2012
how to make a window appear and disappear with either a fade or a slide effect. Its a simple script below which I would like to do this to. set appName to "EZeye" tell application "System Events" if frontmost of process appName then set visible of process appName to false else set visible of process appName to true end if end tell.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 29, 2008
I just became a mac user recently and loving it. I would just like to give apple feedback on some enhances and recommendations for futher improvement. Can I get a link or e-mail address to send feedback.
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Mar 28, 2008
Looking at buying the new 8core. where to find feedback
Anyone know of concerns...issues with these?
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Jun 7, 2009
Is RC reporting back to M$ about problems, errors, etc?
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Jul 19, 2010
I've been following the news closely, and the threads on custom ROMs, reflashing, etc. I think netkas, cindori and the Rominator and others are doing fantastic work.
I've got a 2 x 2.8Ghz Quad Mac Pro 3,1 with a 8800GT, 4 hard drives and dual superdrives. I'm considering upgrading it with a 120 GB SSD and a HD5970. Mostly for gaming under Windows; having it work under OS X is not a priority.
As the current setup with the 8800GT uses one 6-pin PCIe power cable, and a non-OC HD 5970 needs one 6-pin and one 8-pin, I was considering taking the two molex cables from my superdrives (which I don't use) and adapt them (through an adaptor) to an 8-pin to fully power the beast card. The card should take about 3 slots, leaving room for my 8800GT.
The PSU should be able to handle the draw from the card. I accept having to switch the monitor on boot / reboot.
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Mar 3, 2010
who can offer some insight into this app that's supposed to allow you to run apps like MS Office et al and Quicken on your Mac, without having to install Win OS
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Sep 28, 2008
i tried to use some software to test the display. I found when the screen goes to completely dark with the backlight on, the bottom side of my screen is brighter than other parts....
have u guys met any problem like that, or is this some problem with my MBA?
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Jun 4, 2009
Everyone I work with Hates MSWord, but it is the industry standard and we're all stuck with it. But, perhaps "hate" is an inadequate despription?
Primarily writing proposals/reports. I'm not sure I can adequately describe how much my co-workers loathe MSWord. The way it constantly moves graphics to the edge of the page, the way it randomly reformats entire sections of the document, the utter incompatibility with the PC version - destroying graphics on every version, the menus that can't be undone and the way MS decided to reorganize the commands so nothing can be found. Very few things in life create a level of emotion that this software does to the team members. Maybe road-rage comes the closest, although I can't say I've ever seen anyone as mad at someone cutting another off as the team is mad at MS.
I guess my team feels like Michael Vick's dogs. They are trapped with no hope of getting out, forced to face the software every day. And no matter how hard they fight to make things work, they are destined to the pain and suffering forced on them by the MS developers. (disclaimer: analogy for dramatic impact, no dogs-of-proposal-writing were physically harmed in the making of this analogy).
My question is, how do we relate our dissatisfaction to MS? They appear to have no feedback mechanism (perhaps from this we can deduce why their product is so abysmal)? Or maybe someone has a suggestion to free me and my fellow team members from MS-Vick's kennel?
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Jun 2, 2010
Just installed Intel X-25M 80GB SSD into my new i7 MacBook Pro. 4Gb Ram. Stored SSD in Optibay and 500GB HDD in default position.
Repaired permissions and PRAM'd for safety net.
Confirming that below benchmark numbers are positive? A bonus if you have the same machine and SSD results Again I'm happy with the snappiness and speed of the SSD, just postings my results essentially.
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Sep 27, 2009
I'm in need of a USB KVM that will be used to control 4 Macs from a central keyboard, mouse, and monitor. I'm considering the MiniView USB KVM Switch and was wondering if anyone here had any experience with this unit.
These are the Macs that will be controlled:Intel-based Mac-mini (Leopard) PPC-based Mac-mini (Tiger) G4-based PowerMac (Tiger Server) G4-based PowerMac (OS 9.2) If there is another KVM that would work better, please let me know!
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Sep 5, 2009
I am having problems with Leopard and my R800. The print outs are faded and I am unable to select my manual feed to print CD's. Does anyone know of a fix?
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Oct 31, 2009
how can you cross fade between 2 monitor displays when projecting on a big projector.
kinda like how a dj crossfades music seemlessly with a toggle?
i'm not sure if that makes sense...
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Oct 4, 2010
I admit I was pretty skeptical given the quirkiness and general flakiness I saw in Parallels 4. I used the demo for 2 weeks and ended up switching from Fusion 3. The feature set is now on par with Fusion, and it actually does seem quite a bit faster. I'm undecided if I like the snapshot/time machine setup yet. I'm wondering if anyone has had problems doing full restores using this setup?
The conversion was mostly painless with one two minor hiccups. A blue screen the first day I started using it with my work XP image, and the time zone was apparently set to Central America instead of Central Standard (apparently that bug has existed for a very long time...get on the ball folks, it looks bad).
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Apr 4, 2005
Does anybody happen to know if Apple has a feedback or suggestion page for Safari? I would like to request a feature that they seemed to overlook, the "Home Page" button. This is like my most used button in a web browser, and I miss it in such a great browser. I've tried searching to but no result.
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May 1, 2012
I transferred some Garageband files from my old iMac to my new one. I opened up a song to listen (it had been about 4 months) to it and I forgot that the monitor was on. I am assuming that feedback protection was on, as there was nasty and extremely loud feedback for about 2.5 seconds before the "feedback detected" message popped up. The volume on the Mac was at between 60 and 75 percent up.
I am slightly concerned about damage to the speakers. Everything sounds ok, but I noticed a slight tinny, feedback sound (on the highs) on certain songs. It could have easily just been part of the songs I listened to, as some were self-recordings of not great quality. Others (acoustic) did not seem to have that problem.
I understand feedback can be dangerous, but the fact that Garageband caught it fairly quickly, there was no pop or buzz, and I still have working speakers makes me feel a bit better. In short: am I just being paranoid, or does this warrant a trip to the Apple Store to have them take a look?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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