Is this normal? I'm pretty sure it's not, at least the iTunes bit. I am using cover flo and I know that's supposed to increase the RAM usage but I don't even have the window open (it's in another space.) I've been seeing this high amount of RAM usage lately so I ran techtool deluxe and there was an error with the volume structure. I repaired permissions from the OS X install disk and since then the volume structure test passes but I'm still getting the unusually high numbers.
Just wondering if this is normal? Almost 30gb of VM in use? I'm encoding one of my DVDs and Handbrake is only using about 90mb of real memory while a bunch of background apps are using about 600-800mb of VM memory. Yesterday I encoded a DVD in like 20 minutes. I did a restart to refresh my memory but it's taken like over 2 hours of encoding and it's not done yet.
i recently decided to install Windows XP on my macbook. I was wondering though how many gigs should i allot to windows using bootcamp? Also can i run ALL windows programs on it? because i was thinking of installing battlefield 2 on the windows os.
I was checking the activity monitor and looking at the RAM and reading Apple's doc and the Activity Monitor RAM section.
At this moment, all I have is Firefox, Activity Monitor open and that's it, obviously there's system stuff going on as well. I took a pic and attached it.
Though is USED 1.25GB high, as it sounds real high to me. Is it too high, if so how can I lower it?
The Mac works fine.
I've been thinking to increase the RAM recently, and purchasing an extra 4 or 8 GBs
I have Intego's Virus Barrier too, any need for this?
do you think the 17 macbook pro is too big for normal computer usage (not talking about professional usage they require the extra size like photographers and video) is it too big for the rest of us? Is the extra screen space and pixels not worth the compromise in size?
it is normal for network usage to spike every so often in activity monitor when I am not using anything on my mac, and don't have any apps open? For example, if I open up activity monitor, click on the network tab at the bottom, i'll get a little spike in data received every so often, maybe every 20-30 seconds, usually 50-200 bytes, nothing big... Occasionally there will be a little red spike for data sent mixed in there too, about the same size, every once in a while.
Is it better, during normal usage, for example at home, where you could either charge your MacBook Pro or let the battery drain until it is used up (5%, ...).
Some people say that letting the battery cycle is the best option, yet other people, including my friend who had lost many many cycles even though he had attempted precautions (Dim screen brightness until one block remained, wireless off, bluetooth off) had said that having your laptop plugged in as muchas possible is the best option, as there would be no cycle change.
It looks like the surface of a few keys has been eaten away by acid, I can only imagine it has happened because my fingernails touch the keys through normal typing, but this is completely unavoidable unless I type like a one-fingered man. It mainly seems to happen on the A and S keys, this has happened on my white MacBook, Wireless Aluminium keyboard and Wired Aluminium keyboard, but as they are so expensive to replace I am not willing to buy a whole new keyboard for this. Also, one of my cmd keys has an odd stain on it, possibly from a crumb or droplet of orange juice which I'm sure I would have wiped off immediately, I wouldn't have expected plastic to stain so easily. Has anyone else found this with their Aluminium keyboard?
I suppose there's nothing much I can do to prevent it (I refuse to use a silicone cover), so my option appears to be just to replace those keys damaged through wear and tear however I can. Are the keys interchangeable between these three keyboards? (Wireless / Wired Aluminium, white 2008 MacBook Core2Duo) The main keys look the same apart from the bottom row on the Wired Aluminium keyboard which are a bit wider.
So I want to see how high the temps get on my laptop with the new AS5 application. I know of a free program on windows that maxes out the CPu to 100% usage, but any app exist for OSX? I using SL. I have been ripping my home DVDs all day, but doing the same 3 over, gets old quick. Do any of you know any free app that will stress the CPU? Also is there an App that will stress the GPU?
My computer has been running incredibly slow lately. I think it has to do with the disk usage as every time it has to access the disk, it slows to a crawl. I've had a huge amount of beach balling, especially when loading a new App or a new page in Safari.
Here is a picture of the disk usage. Does this look normal? Does anyone know what the problem could be?
I'm new to OS X and just had a quick question about the way that it uses memory.
I have the istat widget on my dashboard, and I've been monitoring the amount of free and used RAM. After I reboot the system, only about 20 percent of my memory is being used between the OS and the programs I normally use (adium, safari, itunes, etc.) Over the course of a couple days, the amount of used ram increases to about 50 percent, even though I'm just using the same programs.So, I'm just wondering how exactly the operating system deals with used and free RAM. Once the system uses ram for something, will that ram be reported as used until I reboot? Why does used ram continue to increase even though I'm doing the exact same things?
I'd just appreciate if someone could enlighten me on how the system uses RAM and whether I need to reboot every few days for optimal performance. I know it's still only using 50 percent (i have 4 gigs) - I'm not afraid of running out, I'm just wondering for my own knowledge.
I have an iStat Menubar and it's constantly showing me 40% CPU usage. It also shows the same number in Activity Monitor. However, when I look at the processes running, they don't add up to 40. In fact, they only amount to around 6% or so. I did click "All Processes", but nothing was running that would cause it to be 40%.
i want something similar to Window's Performance Monitor (Perfmon) on MAC. i need logs for the CPU usage of a particular process on MAC OSX. let me know if there is an in-built MAC utility or suggest some external application.
I've noticed more general CPU usage, although less with Flash (), namely WindowServer has been getting up to about 20~30%+ when doing something as simple as scrolling down a webpage.
iTunes (10) on my 3 month-old MacBook Pro i7 has just started causing the CPU usage to shoot 100% - when i try to quit, it goes to the saving iTunes dialog - forcing me to force quit.
I know there are a couple threads on this here and on other forums, but I can't find an answer.
DirectoryService and ReportCrash are constantly using up 100% of the CPU. First it will be directoryService and then ReportCrash....back and forth, back and forth.
I don't know if it matters, but I have 3 external drives attached to the computer with are shared over the local network.
I have no idea what's going on. This has been happening constantly for a week now with the computer always on!!! Some threads I have read say to just let it do its thing, but it just doesn't stop!!!
I've searched all over the internet but have yet to come across an answer. I love my Mac, but why is it that when I play a video in a web browser on my MacBook, (be it Flash, QuickTime, etc.) my CPU usage is anywhere from 60-80%, yet when I play the same video on a laptop running Windows, the CPU usage is always in the single digits?
I realize that video takes a toll on the CPU with integrated video cards, but it doesn't seem to have the same effect on Windows based laptops with integrated video cards. Is the CPU usage possibly just calculated differently, or is the Mac architecture somehow just really inefficient at this?
Whenever I start iChat on my new mini, it instantly spikes up the CPU usage and just sits there high. Activity Monitor says it's around 97%. I'm not doing anything in it; just starting the app gets it up there, and the only way to get it to go down again is to close the app. It doesn't seem to make a difference whether I'm online or off.
I've been trying and trying to get my 2007 Macbook C2D to run cooler. It idles at about 60-65 C even with no CPU usage (verified through Activity Monitor etc) and it used to get up to 95+ when playing any sort of video (Youtube etc) which would cause playback stuttering and other problems after 15-20 minutes.
I've tried a number of techniques to drop the temperature, most recently undervolting with Coolbook. Interesting, these have been relatively successful at lowering the *peak* temperature-- videos now only bump the CPU temp up to 70 C or so-- but it still idles at the exact same temperature it did before, around 60.
Does anyone have any theories why the idle temperature would remain high even after I've reduced the peak temperature, and even when CPU usage is hovering between 2 and 5 percent?
I have noticed that some of my programs when I run them take a massive amount of cpu usage and make my computer run very hot. This question seems like a stretch to me but is there any way to limit the amount of processing power a certain program uses? I don't really care if the program takes a longer amount of time to complete what it needs to do, I just don't want my computer overheating.
So maybe what I am looking for is in the activity monitor, but I just can't find it. I always see people on here posting screen shots of their CPU usage. If they have a quad core machine then there are four columns with blue in it showing the usage. Where can I find this in OS X, or is this a 3rd party program?
Machine using dual-core processor. I need to find out the load on each CPU core. I have tried using "top" command. But, top command is showing the overall usage of cpu. What is command is used to get the usage of each CPU?