OS X :: Safari 5.0 Not Loading Pages And Hanging?
Jun 11, 2010
I've had constant trouble with Safari 5.0 not wanting to load a page or constantly hanging with what appears to be one or two items left to load from the page. Often, I have to stop Safari and then reload the page to get it to work. I noticed quite a few other people having the same type problem on Apple's support forums. So far nobody seems to have an answer. Anybody have any ideas as to what's going on here?
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Mar 27, 2012
Having an issue with Safari loading youtube videos. When a video is buffering Safari becomes very choppy or unresponsive until the video is fully loaded. Only Safari slows down no lag in the os or an excessive amount of CPU usage. Tested in Firefox to make sure it wasn't my internet connection and the video loaded and played fine without any hiccups. I updated my flash player and Safari to 5.1.5 just to see if that would solve anything and tried clearing the cache.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 10, 2012
On two different computers, Safari will occassionally (although it's getting more frequent), not load a page. I'll click on a link or a bookmark, it will put the address in the toolbar and the progress bar goes across, but it will stay on the current page. I'll reload the page and get the same effect (correct address, progress bar goes across, previous page) The toolbar has the new address, but the page will be the old page.
Quiting Safari resets it and it automatically goes to the new page upon reopening. Is there a way to keep Safari from doing this?
Macbook Pro 2.66, Mac OS X (10.6.4), iOS 4.0
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Jan 21, 2008
I have a weird problem with Safari that has been bugging me. At seemingly random times it doesn't load a page. Usually it is the second page of a website I visit. This means that the homepage [URL] for example) loads fine. But when I click on a link on the page (to go to sports or politics), it starts loading and then does nothing. Like this:
The New York Times often doesn't load at all. I have no problems at all with some other sites, like wikipedia or Macrumors. Firefox and Camino do not have these problems.
The problem started when I was still running Tiger and Safari 2 on my MacBook. I since started using a MacBook Pro and moved all my data and settings with the Migration Assistant. The MacBook Pro runs Leopard, but Safari 3.0 has exactly the same problem as Safari 2 had on my Macbook. I tried the following:
- repair permissions
- removed all cookies and set my preferences to accept all cookies
- cleared cache
- manually removed the .plist-files for Safari from the Library
All to no avail. When I log in using the built-in Guest Account on my MacBook Pro, Safari runs fine.
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Oct 18, 2009
My safari has stopped loading pages, happened 2 days ago. Firefox works fine but safari for some reason will not load pages.
My home page is topsites which comes up fine, but when i click on one of the topsite windows it begins to load and the status bar at the bottom reads, connecting "..." or loading"...". I'm also finding i cant upload videos to youtube or vimeo and my weather widget on dashboard also doesn't load quickly, im guessing its all related. I have seen the widget update but i have not seen a webpage load on safari as it was taking too long.
I cant get a hold of apple support they are closed.
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Nov 25, 2009
Safari 4.0.4 on my Macbook Pro is incredibly slow. I type an address in the Safari bar, open Firefox, navigate to the same address, have it load, quit Firefox, and have Safari not even loading a little bit of the page yet. Most of the time it loads background colors (like the light gray at the top of this forum) but then slows to a crawl when trying to load the content.
I've tried reseting Safari, not having topsites as homepage, opening DNS, disabling IPv6, deleting a file in the pubsub folder and disabling the fraudulent site warning. All of these things were on the Apple's official discussion forums.
While these seemed to have helped a little, Safari 4 is still ridiculously slow compared to Firefox.
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Aug 2, 2010
So it's only happened over the past month or so but Safari doesn't want to load some websites. The BBC iPlayer and macrumors funnily enough don't like to load at all and just freeze out and was wondering if there is any way to try and correct it if anyone has any idea what is going on because i am clueless!
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Jan 31, 2012
I updated my osx to 10.7.2 yesterday, everything works fine except some pages in safari wont load up.
For example, facebook loads in this way (image attached).
I have flash player installed and updated. Do i need to reinstall flash ? or put some other extensions to make pages load properly ?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 16, 2012
After upgrading to 5.1.4, safari is very slowin loading pages or it doesn't load at all.On the other hand, Chrome is fast as usual.
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Apr 24, 2012
Since the latest update i can't load any pages in safari. The apple start page only loads a shortened version of the main page and then if i click on anything else nothing shows up. When i go to different websites i can see the title at the top of the page and sometimes the page even flashes to what the content is before going blank or green or whatever the background color that site has set. If i go to preferences and uncheck "enable javascript" i can get pages to load but its almost useless as i can't do much without it enabled, such as use my gmail, etc. Any ideas what could be causing this? I've run the flashback tool and that virus is not found. I've removed all extensions and reset cookies, reset safari and still nothing. If i use firefox i have no issues whatsoever so i'm not sure why safari is having issues.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 13, 2012
Safari won't load certain web pages at all and some times it won't load any. I have run all the updates that I can and there was a notification that some malware called "flashback" had been removed. I was hoping this was the end of the problem but nothing changed after that. I had the idea to throw away the safari application all together and load a new one but I can't get to a page where I can download the version of safari I'm currently running (5.0.6).
iMac (24-inch Early 2008)
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Sep 9, 2014
Safari 6.1.6 problems loading webpages
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Sep 26, 2009
I cant get some pages - mostly mlb website - to load properly in Safari. The main page of most sites (e.g., [URL]) will load fine, but then when I go to, say, the Schedule page, the content is WAY off the right side of the screen, and there is no scroll bar on the bottom to scroll over. If I then search for a word that I know is on the screen that I cant see (e.g., the), it will find the word and display the page, but still not centered and partly off the right side of the screen. I've searched here thoroughly, turned off pop up blockers, and tried everything, and no luck.
G5 iMac
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Safari 4.0.3
iMac 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
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Feb 22, 2009
Got my blackbook a few months ago now and love it. But ive noticed that when browsing it seems to start loading a page but then halts for like ~5seconds and then finishes loading the website.
Now i tried loading the same websites on my windows machine in firefox/IE7 and i dont see that problem.
But what i did notice was it happens in safari and not in firefox on the mac.
Im running leopard with all the updates. Any ideas?
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Mar 24, 2010
Has anyone else had an issue with Safari seeming to get "stuck" loading a particular element on a page? The progress info in the status bar always says "17 of 18" or "42-43". At first I thought it was GlimmerBlocker, but it seemed to reoccur without GlimmerBlocker. Refreshing the page always makes the site load properly, and I frankly have no idea what is going on.
I really like Safari, but the lack of proper extensions kills it. GlimmerBlocker puts a lot of that back, not only adblocking but things like easily searching wikipedia and so on. So I am loathe to blame GB for doing this. A few sites seem to do it on a fairly regular basis (Item 17 on CNN.com seems to be one of them), although it never happens when loading from the cache, nor is it guaranteed to happen.
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Jul 1, 2010
My Safari and Chrome refuse to load https pages, as for example, on Apple servers as [URL]
If I try it using Camino or Firefox, it works, but Safari and Chrome (that is webkit (= safari) based don't.
If I just type [URL] on the URL box, Safari and Chrome tell me that the server cannot be reached. The problem is that this https page is used during checkout, so I am not able to finish any order. I have even tried firefox on Ubuntu, inside VirtualBox and it works on the same machine. The problem is just Safari/Chrome.
The problem is not just with Apple. The same problem occurs with some other stores and sites using https around the web.
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Jun 19, 2009
I went to log my little sister on webkinz and it just stopped loading. It's worked for months in the past in both Safari & Firefox. Now all of a sudden it's just stopped loading. It tells me the page isn't found. I have tried google and clicking on the links that way and it still comes up with the page can't be found. My adobe flash player is updated to 10. something I'm running on Firefox 3.0 & the latest Safari. All other pages load with out any issues. It's just webkinz that doesn't work. I've also cleared my catche, cookies all of that. The only thing I haven't done is uninstall & reinstall it all.
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Jun 15, 2012
My wife just got a new iMac and it's worked perfectly until today.Suddenly web pages aren't loading correctly. No images load--only text and links down the left-hand side.This happens in Safair, Firefox, Chrome.
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Jun 20, 2012
Occassionally the web browsers on my system will hang (indefinetly) when trying to load pages, I am connected to the internet and this issue doesnt occurr on my PC so I am assuming the problem resides on my mac, screenshot attached,
15, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Feb 8, 2009
Has anyone else noticed that Safari is painfully slow the last few weeks? Mostly the problems are with gmail and facebook, but all sites are slower than Firefox. With both gmail and facebook, I can login fine, but when I click on something (a mail message, a person, a picture), it times out.
I've tried resetting safari several times to no luck. Firefox works fine. I'm having the same issues on my mac mini as well as my MBP. Both have 4GB Ram.
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Apr 3, 2012
Safari kept telling me I need to install a java runtime, so I finally let it, and now certain pages (like accuweather) take forever to load unless I turn off Java in preferences. The page background will appear but the "loading whatever # of #" hangs on the last number and just sits there until the page finally appears.
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Apr 10, 2012
I have DSL and AirPort Extreme on Snow Leopard imac. Web pages on Sarfari have been loading very slowly lately. I have the Activity window open (Sarfari>Window>Activity) to show all the page items as they are loading. The web pages usually get hung up and not all page items load. I have to Stop and Reload, sometimes several times to get the web page to load completely. This is very frustrating as I've been re-checking AirPort, Browser, and Mail settings. The Mail application runs fine.
imac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), MacBook Pro
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Apr 27, 2012
I've been having a problem with Safari for the past few months it frequently freezes when loading web pages, sometimes it will eventually load, other times it wont. the blue progress bar in the address bar stops on about 10% with a plain white page it doesn't happen all the time but disturbingly it happens on pages as simple as Google search, not just data heavy sites. other symptoms include having to click links several times to get them to respond and I get the you are not connected to the Internet page when I go to some sites only to try another page from my bookmarks and it will load perfectly.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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May 18, 2012
Safari still stalls when loading many pages with load progress bar about 30%. If I hit stop and reload it loads fine.
imac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4 g sys, 4 g memory
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Jun 28, 2014
Certain pages, sometimes, won't load and the error would be that I'm not connected to the internet. When I actually am. I keep encountering problems with Safari. Is it normal?
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May 26, 2009
Last week I downloaded the latest MAC OS and the latest Safari (beta) version as my Safari is extremely slow. Unfortunately this didn't solve the problem and it takes quite a long time to load pages from all sites that normally don't give any problems.
On my other computer (old Windows machine) this is working fine. This Windows computer as well as my MAC are connected via the same router to the internet, so that should not be the problem (I guess).
How can I find and solve the problem with the slow Safari?
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May 31, 2010
I am running MAC OSX 10.6.3 and are having the following issues
About a Week ago I noticed I was having issues on certain web pages with opening links within the page. Example: A webpage im having a lot of errors on is Gunbroker.com If I click "add to my watch list" safari just sits there and does not open the page. Same for Firefox. Other links on the page work fine. I tried this site and others on my other macbook and it works just fine. Random links within webpages seem not to work.
I have tried to reset safari, clear caches, verify permissions and fix errors on Disk Utility still no fix. I also reinstalled firefox just not safari because of my favorites.
Any Ideas? If this has already been discussed please let me know I will try to find a thread. I did do a search but could not really find much pertaining to this issue.
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Feb 24, 2010
I've had my macbook pro for about a month. Its everything you read about when you make the switch. Great build, screen, keyboard, stable, ease of use. Everything...except internet surfing. It's a big disappointment. I spend a lot of time waiting for pages to load..or getting the safari can't open message. (When I refresh this page I often will get the page to pop right up.)
I loaded a plug in recommended in the site "my first mac"...but no difference. I loaded firefox but get the same results. My 3 year old sempron dell inspiron and my wifes new Dell studio 17 both kick the macbook pro's butt in surfing so i don't believe its my home network. I have gone to the genius bar and they did some minor stuff but I have the same issues still.
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Jul 3, 2012
My mbp of 4 years had been dragging over the last year since I upgraded to lion. I'd read a fresh reload could possibly fix it. I backed everything up and got some advice from this forum as what to do next. Now I'm stuck.
I've tried reloading lion twice using wifi and letting it sit for 4 hours each. Then I tried plugging it directly into the ethernet and let it sit for 8 hours. All three times I'm met with the spinning wheel and it hanging at "loading installion information" and no indicator if its working or what might be wrong.
I've erased my hard drive, I've verified the HD is still good but now I'm not sure what's left to do or what I'm not doing. in the DU filed I have 160gb fujitsu hd, below that lists the name of my partition, below that is the super drive (but its greyed out) then below all of that under a line there's a Disk 1 and under that is the max os x base. I'm assuming that's the lion boot information.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 1, 2010
I am Having some issues with Safari (I am using 4.0.5), if I open up a website the screen stays white like it normally does for a sec to load a web page but the loading icon keeps spinning and spinning and spinning....... until I click the "X" stop icon and reload the web page. As soon as I click the reload icon the webpage loads up instantly, it is getting really annoying and would be great if anyone has a fix. This doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen frequently and then be fine for a few web pages and then start up again.
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