shutting down. It looks as though it is shutting down normally and then the screen darkens from top to bottom with an error message. I can't get a screen shot of the message but all it says is that there has been an error. It happens seemingly at random occasions but then when I subsequently log back on there is an message saying that MACOSX has an error
I am working completely in Windows 7 with an extended MAC USB keyboard in Excel, and am trying to take a screen shot no luck. I am used to the "Print Screen" button on a PC keyboard. I don't want to download any new software.
This morning I woke up to finding my MBP shut off... I must've pulled the powercord in my sleep. No problem there, I needed to calibrate my battery anyway. What I want to know is what would cause transmission to use most of my processing power, just on start up? this screen shot below was taken while waiting for the application to start. Transmission is up and running now, but why would it take 15-20 mins to do so?
Being the dork I am I want to make an awesome Avatar background that spans my dual 27inch monitors. The problem is is no matter what video player I use (quicktime, iTunes, VLC) when I screen shot the movie the area is blank! All I want to do is make a wallpaper
Every question I see about changing the screenshot format here seems overly complicated, or requires installing another app.Â
I'm pretty sure screenshots used to always be png, but I just noticed that they are now jpeg. I do a lot of graphics work and want to capture as png.Â
Here there are instructions for code in Terminal. Is that really necessary? Shouldn't it just be a preference somewhere? (I will always use cmd+shift+4 to take the screenshots)
Here's a screen shot of my applications folder, Can anyone explain or help me with this?I find this strange that it appears that I have two versions of Logic installed on my computer, Is there anyway I can "merge" or "trash" one without losing any data?
I've used my computer everyday this week at school at home. At school I usually only have safari/textedit open. My cpu temp NEVER GOES ABOVE 45C no matter what I'm doing since I just take notes/surf the internet.
Last night I decided to update to 10.6.1. I was playing some odst, but I decided to leave my computer on and just shut it down thinking that when i switched it back on tomorrow (today) that the update would take affect. os x does say I have 10.6.1 but as soon as i switched my computer with text edit running my cpu temperature shot to 60c and its stayed that way up till now. I can't find my cpu being used by some random processed but as I'm a real temperature freak, this is kind of annoying. Has anyone had this problem with 10.6.1 (10.6 is fine). My computer is a Late 2008 15" u Macbook pro
I'm sure I've managed this before, but can't remember how. You're playing a video and you want a snapshot of that babe singing to print and put in your wallet... what's the key sequence? If SHIFT+CMD+3 grabs a screen, what grabs a video shot?
I'm a freelance TV Assistant Producer and I'm wondering if it's possible to use Automator to help send out my CV to potential employers in my address book on a monthly basis.
I have Seagate external drive. In the past few days a message pops up "The disc was not ejected properly", in spite the icon is still on the desktop.
I restarted the finder and nothing showed up, empty desktop. I forced shot down, and I could not log in with my password, because the keyboard would not type. I shot down the computer holding the power button, and disconected the external drive. I could login, bot my outlook 2011 would not start and Adobe acrobat would crash. I rebuild the outlook, and restarted the computer. Went back to normal so far.Â
Question, what caused all this mess,
a) is external Seagate drive duying (Disk utility said that the drive is OK)?
b) Did I catch a virus?Â
Also every time I force shot down, I have to rebuilf identity for outlook 2011. Very disturbing. I never had these issues with Snow Leopard.
Is there a way to capture a still frame from a video? From an in-site movie, from You Tube, on iMovie, etc. I want to save some stills and insert them into a document or in iPhoto. I'm on Mountain Lion 10.8.5 ...
I shoot pix & video, mostly on my touch 4 gen. But I want to edit them and watch them on my ipad3Â Â
iTunes file sharing. Is it possible to send iPod video to iTunes. Then retrieve from file sharing sent from touch and have on iPad. Photo stream but does not do video..
I can't import MXF files shot on a Canon C300 into FCP 10.1.2. I have the Canon plug in for MXF file to FCP import but FCPX still doesn't recognize MXF files when I try to import. Premiere works fine importing MXF on the same computer.Â
Info: Mac Pro (Early 2008), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a really good working Canon laser shot LBP 1120 printer, but on the cd it has drivers only for Microsoft. Does anyone know will it work with my macbook and where to get the drivers?
I know this is a long shot but does anyone know of a script (or fancy trying to write one!) that will change a desktop pattern when you launch a particular app.
Basically I'd like to have a couple of desktop patterns with all the shortcut keys for particular apps but don't want them up all the time, only when I'm using that app.
Ideally, quitting the app would return to the normal desktop pattern.
how do I transfer video files shot from my camera (Canon 5DMk2) which is in .MOV format into iTunes ? My photos and video files are first imported into Aperture then synced with iTunes. However, itunes does not capture the Video files but uploads the phtos from Aperture during sync.
I have previously used the GRAB utility to take a snapshot of an open Safari windiw, and the snapshot included the entire windiw contents. When I opened the snapshot in Preview, I could scroll up and down and view the entire contents of the original Safari windiw. Then, I tried it again a few hours later on a different Safari window, but I then got only the part of the windiw that was visible in the browser at the time that I GRABbed the window (i.e., when I took the snapshot).What do I need to do to get the entire windiw?
I want to see the screen of a Tiger machine on my Leopard machine - the Tiger machine is not on a local network but is on the internet. I have Apple remote Desktop 3.2, maybe leopards ichat will do it?
i had the macbook Core 2 Duo for About 8 months and it was working great. yesterday i left a file download in firefox for 5 hours then went back to check on it , it was working FINE, Then i got Back after 2 minutes and the screen is suddenly white and not showing anything i shut down the laptop and restarted , there was a chime and just white screen...i connected the laptop to an external monitor AND EVERYTHING IS WORKING on the external screen but the laptop screen is white!
I am looking at purchasing an Ibook G4 but the description of the item includes this:"When you switch it on it begins to load up i.e. the blue screen with the Apple logo, but then the screen goes black or flickers. Said friend has kindly wiped the hard drive for me so now when you switch it on it makes the �opening� noise then you get a blue screen with alternating �?� and the Finder logo."
I have a feeling this may have been a temporary fault with the screen connector being loose and possibly damaged.But i assume the alternating "?" and the "finder logo" is simply a lack of OS?