My mac pro won't display anything. I've had a look at this [URL] and one of the first things I did was reset the PRAM & NVRAM. The 10.6.8 install is fully updated. The startup chime plays and fans run normally.Â
I have:Â re-sat the RAM,cleaned the RAMcleaned the insideremoved all the HDDs except the main oneand even used another Raedon 4850 in place of mine.Â
It starts up in Target-Disk mode fine, I am using it with my iMac now but it is not the same (iMac is only dual core andhas half the RAM) I've tried several screens; DVI, VGA and HDMI all without luck. It's obviouslt out of warranty and I don't want to take it to a Apple store anyway as I ocassionally build & repair computers myself so am fine with trying anything out.Â
Things I could do/ haven't done:Â Remove/ replace the Logic Board battery?test the power I/O?start in Safe Mode?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Also Bootcamp Windows 7
so i am REALLY new to all this monitor stuff. I have always had "package deals" where I never really needed to worry about the connections on my monitors working.. or i've had imacs. Anyways.. i have a MBP that I would LIKE to have hooked up to an older Apple Studio Monitor. Now, I know that the MBP video card does NOT supply power to the monitor, and that this monitor NEEDS power to come from that cable (the monitor does not have a separate power plug) So i know i need some type of converter that will send power to my monitor.. WHAT IS THIS CABLE??
I have read about the AT-DP200 but the more i read, the more confused I get.. At first i thought it was right.. but then im starting to think this does the opposite.. that its for older computers and newer monitors. or is THIS what i need? I DONT KNOW!! Please point me in the right direction.. I just need to know what will work.. I REALLY want to get this set up..
I can not figure out how to connect the power on the cinema display. It looks like it would plug into the back of the mini where the macmini would normally plug the power in. Not sure if I am missing something. I also do not know if I need to plug all 4 connections the video, usb, hdmi, and iguess what is the power plug in or just certain plugs.
I have a 2006 Mac Pro and I'm wondering if CrossFireX is possible on this system. Specifically with two 5770s.
My understanding is that CrossFireX requires two PCIe 2.0 16x slots. However, the 2006 Mac Pro only has PCIe 1.x slots, and with two cards, it's only possible to have its slots running at 8x. Does this prevent CrossFireX from working at all, or is it simply a case of it working fine but running at reduced performance?
I currently have an original 2006 Mac Pro (dual 2.66GHz) which has served me well over the past 4+ years but I'm thinking that the time has come to look for a replacement.
Here are the replacement machines I've been looking at along with my thoughts...
2010 MacPro - 2.8GHz Quad While I like the price point ($2500), I'm not sure how much of a performance boost I will get over my current machine. Also the processor architecture is the previous generation (Nehalem vs Westmere). Is that a legit concern?
2010 MacPro - 3.2GHz Quad Once again, chip architecture and performance (to a lesser extent due to the higher clock speed) are concerns but $2,900 is doable from a financial standpoint.
2010 MacPro - 3.33GHz Hex This is the one I really want but $3,700 is out of my price range.
2009 MacPro (Refurbished) - 2.93GHz Quad This configuration drew some interest when I saw it in the refurbished section of the Apple Online Store mainly due to the $2,500 price tag.
The computer will be mainly used for graphics creation/editing (Photoshop) and web development (Dreamweaver) as well as for web surfing, e-mail, photo and music management and MS Office applications. I also run Parallels because there are a couple of applications that I need to run that are Windows-only.
So my question to the MacRumors' community is which of the above machines would you recommend or should I just stand pat with my 2006 MacPro and wait for the next refresh.
I did consider an iMac but the 21" is a little underpowered IMO and the 27" will not fit on my desk.
MacBookPro 2006 While cleaning the keyboard, the tab key came completely off. Nothing is broken, the little plastic thing is still in one piece. I can't seem to fit it all back together to get the tab key to stay in place.Â
Does anyone now if there are available power ports on Mac pro 1,1 logic board for some additional fans, without running cables down from the optical drives.
I purchased my macbook in 0ct. of 2006, and was wondering how I could tell how much ram I could put in it. I currently have 1gb of ram installed. My macbook is 1.83 ghz intel core duo.
I need to ship my old iMac to my father who lives on east coast and I'm from CA. Long tim ago I throwedoriginal box away. And now I have a problem how to mail the desktop to him.
So I was using my early 2006 MacBook (1.8 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, tiny amount of RAM) to view a YouTube video, and it froze (gave me rotating rainbow thingy). Since this happens often, I got up to put the computer on the table and do something else. When I picked the computer up, the power cord caught on the table and was pulled off of the computer. Since the battery is 100% dead, the computer shut off abruptly. I've also done this before without trouble. When I go to turn it on, however, now the screen flashes white for a split-second (normal), and I get a gray screen. Eventually, I get a flashing folder with ?. I've tried reseating the hard drive, and pressing down various keys when it starts up, but to no avail. I have a Genius Bar appointment tomorrow, but I was wondering if I could fix it for free... I'm not sure what OS it is, but it's OS X Tiger, I think.
i have a Mac Pro from 2006 with an NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT videocard.Can i replace this with another videocard so i will be able to play new games on the Mac.If yes, what videocards is compatible with my computer Processor 2x2,66 GHz Dual-core intel xeon Memory 3gb
I have a 2006 Core Duo MacBook. I shut it down the other day and nothing unusual happened. But, now when I push the power button there's no response at all. Nothing. No lights, no response, no chimes, no screen flicker.Yes, I've read all posts I can find on this and nothing has helped. I've followed the SMC reset ( and can't zap PRAM since it doesn't even chime. Battery shows a full five lights and the MagSafe cord shows a green LED. I've tried all sorts of booting with just battery, just power, leaving both out overnight but can't get any sort of response. I don't hear any fan motion or HDD whirring up. The power button doesn't seem to be stuck though--it's flush with the case and still gives that slight tactile "click" when depressed. I checked that the RAM's set properly.
I have a mac pro that I don't use anymore, and I am really really looking forward to F1 2010 coming out and want to get the PC version. Is it worth converting my 2 x Dual Xeon 5150 Woodcrest 2.66Ghz Mac Pro into a windows only gaming PC? Which is the best graphics card I can get for it that will work off the shelf? I don't need to go back into mac so it doesn't have to work in mac mode. Or would I be better off selling it and getting a windows PC purely for gaming? I'd rather not go through that hassle to be honest as I'm sure the Mac Pro should be able to work well with a decent graphics card?
I've been considering buying one of the new Radeon video card kits and throwing it in my 2006 Mac Pro. I would prefer the 5870 but for the most part, the opinion online is that it wouldn't work. However, I came across this link: [URL:...] So what gives? How did barefeats pull it off? Could it have been using the boot drive really played such a role? I kept reading it couldn't be done due to the lack of EFI64.
Model Name:Mac Pro Model Identifier:MacPro1,1 Processor Name:Dual-Core Intel Xeon Processor Speed:3 GHz Number Of Processors:2 Total Number Of Cores:4 L2 Cache (per processor):4 MB Memory:4 GB Bus Speed:1.33 GHz Boot ROM Version:MP11.005C.B08 SMC Version (system):1.7f10
I have a Mac Pro 2006 edition with an ATI 1900XT video card. This is working just fine, and I can boot into Mac OS X and Windows Vista via Boot Camp.
I just purchased a Sapphire 4870 video card. My plan was to remove the 1900XT and plug in the 4870, and always boot into Vista. I realize that since this card is not a "Mac" card I will not be able to use Mac OS X. I also expected from my reading that I would not be able to hold down the option key at boot time to select my boot drive. I figured if I had a need to get back into OS X, I'll put the 1900XT back in for that.
As long as the Mac is configured to boot Windows, I thought that this setup would work fine. With the 4870 I expected that I would hear the bootup gong and then eventually see Vista start to boot up.
So, with that in mind, I performed the switch last night. I removed the 1900XT and installed the 4870. I had to run an additional power lead from the spare molex connector by the DVD drive to the 4870 since it requires two power connections. The 1900XT only needs one.
I plugged everything in, and turned on the Mac. I heard the startup gong. So far so good.
Then, my screen turns almost completely white (a very light gray) and I see a blinking cursor in the upper left-hand corner. The hard drives begin to seek and it sounds like things are booting... however I never get to the Vista boot selection screen (I actually have two Vista installs on two separate drives, so I always get the boot selection screen to decide which drive to boot from.) I also never hear a Vista startup sound... it's almost as if it is booting into Mac OS X instead of Vista.
At this point I am stumped and I'm hoping somebody here in the forum knows what is going wrong. Does my 4870 not have enough power? Do I have to have a Mac-compatible video card plugged in even if I don't plan on using it? Is what I'm trying to do just impossible?
*Apple officially supports 2 GB of RAM, but third-parties have been "unofficially" able to upgrade it to 3 GB or 4 GB of RAM (it can hold 4 GB but cannot fully utilize the memory beyond 3 GB).
Im thinking about adding that 2gb ram to make it 3gb. but i want to know what are the problems that i may face. Would i be void of apple warranty if anything happens?
I know I posted this in several threads, but I'd thought I'd start a new one. I have a 2006-2007 Mac Pro 2.66 Quad-Core Xeon w/4GB of memory and 1GB ATI Radeon 4870 video card. I'd like to install 64-bit windows 7 on my system. However, because of the EFI32/64 limitation, and Apple stating that 64-bit isn't supported on anything less than 2008 model mac pros, can someone confirm that they have indeed installed 64-bit windows 7 RC on their mac pro? Also, provide a detailed set of instructions on how to do it.
I'm curious if anyone else has this problem, and if so, how to fix it. First of all, I'm convinced this mac pro is a lemon, and it was supposed to get replaced on my last repair but the Apple Store decided not to. (Even after promising they would)
I've been through 4 ATI X1900XT graphics cards, a logic board, a super drive, and a failed hard drive. Basically, I've not been able to really use my Mac Pro since December 2008. It's been in and out of service consistently since then.
Anyways, I just got it back last night and was having problems keeping the airport connected. (BTW- it's done this before, but not since having my logic board replaced) It will pick up the signal, keep it for approx. 2 minutes, then drop it and "scan for networks" it will then find it again on it's own, and repeat the process over and over and over.
I figured it was possibly software so I went through the trouble this morning of doing an erase and install on the machine, and much to my dismay that did nothing to solve the problem. I am unable to update any of my software, which means I can't use Aperture (because my library is on 2.1.3 and my disc copy is 2.0) so I basically can't use the computer until this is addressed.
Has anyone else experienced this before? My mac pro is not far at all from our Airport Extreme Base Station (the first N version). My macbook get's full signal pretty much all the time. Even my iPhone does.
My UPS is flaking out, and it's a really old one I got from work that was a 'server' class UPS.
I don't want to drop $999 on the thing, as that's what an equivalent of what I was using go for. However I want my battery to last more than oh, 30s so I hope to size it right.
Any experience from anyone running a UPS on one of these things? The UPS sites aren't much help and if the tech specs are to believed if it draws 12A at 120W that's a 1440W requirement for the power supply, and that seems a tiny bit high to me, but I might be wrong.
I'm running the 2.66GHz dual core, the ATI1900XL, and 4 500GB drives in it.
I know they are technically different (speed) but can I put my Macbook Pro memory (default of 2GB RAM) in my wife white Macbook (default 1 GB RAM)? Probably not but I wanted to know if anyone has tried anyway.
I have a 2006 Mac Pro with 7300GT and I'm thinking about upgrading the video card since Photoshop takes advantage of GPU and Lightroom will also in not too distant future. The system is still fast for my needs so all I want is a GPU upgrade What are my options?
I left my 2009 MBP AC charger at work this weekend and was wondering if anyone knew if it was safe to use my old '06 MB charger to recharge? I know that the MB power supply is 65W and the MBP is i believe 85W?
Let me start by saying I have swapped the ram in the computer and the problem persists. I've also tried resetting the PRAM. I have unplugged all devices except the keyboard and mouse. I have reformatted and installed OS X Leopard, Tiger and Snow Leopard. I have even encountered this issue while the computer was running from the install disk. I'm pretty sure software, ram and third party devices can be eliminated from the possible causes. The computer continues to run after the screen goes black. I am connected to it right now using screen sharing, so I know the computer is still working. Putting the computer to sleep and then waking it up temporarily brings the screen back until its next random blackout. I have opened the computer to replace a dead HD, so I suppose it is possible that I knocked something in the process, but I did that back in December and the problem is a relatively recent development. I would really prefer to fix this myself, if I could only figure out what the problem is.
So I've got a 2006 MacBook Pro that's worked fine for me since the day I got it...until now.
The left fan has stopped working so now the left side of the laptop is considerably hotter than the right. I'm from the UK and so is the laptop but I'm traveling around the US at the moment so I was just gonna take it into the next Apple Store I come across.
Also, if I do take it in, what are the chances they'd charge me to fix it? My applecare expired, typically, about 2 months ago.
the 2009 version has a faster CPU and quicker RAM. But other then that are they pretty much the same?Reason I'm asking because I bought a used 2006 Mac Pro Quad Core a few days ago and I want to install an eSATA card