MacBook Pro :: Use 2006 MB Charger To Recharge?
Jul 25, 2009
I left my 2009 MBP AC charger at work this weekend and was wondering if anyone knew if it was safe to use my old '06 MB charger to recharge? I know that the MB power supply is 65W and the MBP is i believe 85W?
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Sep 25, 2010
The battery has been taken out and reinserted. The little LED on the charger will not turn on while it's plugged in but isn't charging. I only have this problem if my Macbook has been running off of the battery for more than 7-8 hours and the battery percentage does not seem to make any difference.
Health Information:
Cycle count:958
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Apr 13, 2012
Also, can I recharge the iPhone and iPad using 220 without a transformer?
Info:Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
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Sep 4, 2009
My Macbook won't recharge. I drained the battery and then accidentally turned it off. I know this was the wrong thing to do since it wasn't shut down properly. Now it won't recharge and I can't get it to start up.
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Oct 30, 2010
I got mine yesterday, and am calibrating the battery. When you run it down to sleep, and recharge, can you use it during the full recharge period?
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Feb 17, 2008
Does any of your macbook airs take super long to recharge? Mine was at 33% and it took almost 6hrs. I already tried to re-calibrate the battery and did the PMU reset thingy
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Jan 1, 2009
I was wondering if doing a full charge and then a discharge is a good thing when a new mac or new battery is bought? Also should it just be a simple charge and discharge or does it have to be a full calibration? Also what is the best method in maintaining a healthy battery? Should I cycle at least once a week and do a calibration every few months? Or should one cycle per month be fine? Also is it alright if the battery is fully charged and I have the plug-adaptor plugged in to my MacBook Pro while using it? Finally, is it true that over night the plug or when not in use and not charging the plug should be outside of the MacBook Pro?
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Sep 28, 2008
Is it better to keep the charger in after a completely charged or pull out the charger. Basically I'm wondering if the power is pulled from the UPS after the battery is completely charged or is it still constantly charging the battery.
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Aug 29, 2007
I searched forums etc. I have a 867 12" powerbook. The problem is that it will not turn on at all. I took the battery out and pressed a few key and it worked for a little while. Now when I plug it up to recharge the light goes green to red then off. I found a so called reset button on the apple site and lifted the keyboard and it is not in site.
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Aug 29, 2014
I have multiple iphones, one for personal use and one for work. I would like to backup and recharge both on my MacBook Pro but do not want the information on the personal one to be on the work one. My personal iPhone is 64 GB and the work one is 16 GB so the data from my personal iPhone would would not fit on the work iPhone Both are running iOS 7.1.2 and the MBP is 10.9.4
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 11, 2010
The Apple one looks tempting as it comes with 6 batteries and 29€ isn't too much, plus, as usual, it looks brilliant. I looked at some 3rd party chargers as well ranging from 20€ to 40€. None of them was stunning or special by any means. Cheaper ones usually came with two or four batteries and some came without batteries. I don't really need it for else than Magic Mouse, occasionally for something else too.
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Apr 26, 2010
i have a 13" mbp with 130 cycles an i use it extensively.its been about 6 months since i bought it and i noticed tht apple will cover my battery in warranty fr one year only if it has less than 300 cycles on it.
my problem is tht i typically use my laptop fr no longer than 4 hours at a time. which means i recharge the battery jus before the battery meter hits red an counts 1 cycle as complete.thts why i got less number of cycles on the battery
cn i continue doing this without any adverse effects to my battery and its life ??
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Jun 22, 2012
MacBookPro 2006 While cleaning the keyboard, the tab key came completely off. Nothing is broken, the little plastic thing is still in one piece. I can't seem to fit it all back together to get the tab key to stay in place.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 1, 2010
I purchased my macbook in 0ct. of 2006, and was wondering how I could tell how much ram I could put in it. I currently have 1gb of ram installed. My macbook is 1.83 ghz intel core duo.
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Mar 19, 2012
Just a white screen after Apple logo and spinner in middle of screen. OS is 10.6.8.
2006 MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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May 2, 2012
So I was using my early 2006 MacBook (1.8 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, tiny amount of RAM) to view a YouTube video, and it froze (gave me rotating rainbow thingy). Since this happens often, I got up to put the computer on the table and do something else. When I picked the computer up, the power cord caught on the table and was pulled off of the computer. Since the battery is 100% dead, the computer shut off abruptly. I've also done this before without trouble. When I go to turn it on, however, now the screen flashes white for a split-second (normal), and I get a gray screen. Eventually, I get a flashing folder with ?. I've tried reseating the hard drive, and pressing down various keys when it starts up, but to no avail. I have a Genius Bar appointment tomorrow, but I was wondering if I could fix it for free... I'm not sure what OS it is, but it's OS X Tiger, I think.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Aug 28, 2010
I have a 2006 Core Duo MacBook. I shut it down the other day and nothing unusual happened. But, now when I push the power button there's no response at all. Nothing. No lights, no response, no chimes, no screen flicker.Yes, I've read all posts I can find on this and nothing has helped. I've followed the SMC reset ( and can't zap PRAM since it doesn't even chime. Battery shows a full five lights and the MagSafe cord shows a green LED. I've tried all sorts of booting with just battery, just power, leaving both out overnight but can't get any sort of response. I don't hear any fan motion or HDD whirring up. The power button doesn't seem to be stuck though--it's flush with the case and still gives that slight tactile "click" when depressed. I checked that the RAM's set properly.
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Mar 29, 2009
*Apple officially supports 2 GB of RAM, but third-parties have been "unofficially" able to upgrade it to 3 GB or 4 GB of RAM (it can hold 4 GB but cannot fully utilize the memory beyond 3 GB).
Im thinking about adding that 2gb ram to make it 3gb. but i want to know what are the problems that i may face. Would i be void of apple warranty if anything happens?
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Jun 26, 2009
I know they are technically different (speed) but can I put my Macbook Pro memory (default of 2GB RAM) in my wife white Macbook (default 1 GB RAM)? Probably not but I wanted to know if anyone has tried anyway.
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Aug 30, 2009
So I've got a 2006 MacBook Pro that's worked fine for me since the day I got it...until now.
The left fan has stopped working so now the left side of the laptop is considerably hotter than the right. I'm from the UK and so is the laptop but I'm traveling around the US at the moment so I was just gonna take it into the next Apple Store I come across.
Also, if I do take it in, what are the chances they'd charge me to fix it? My applecare expired, typically, about 2 months ago.
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Dec 1, 2009
I turned my computer on in school, and it would not start up past the white screen. I turned it on when I got home, and it gets to the blue screen, and then hangs. I turn it off, and when i turn it back on, the screen flashes and it goes off. I take out the battery and run it off the adapter. It flashes and nothing happens. However, I can hear it churning, but I see nothing on the screen. The sounds are still being made, and they stop after I take out the power cord. I have backups and my new computer that i ordered left week, is on the way.
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Dec 7, 2009
What are the differences and pros and cons? Can you switch out the keyboard on one? Switch harddrive? And just general differences. I'm still on windows but thinking about switching. So a little help would be much appreciated.
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Jan 26, 2010
I have MBP Tiger 10.4.11 intel powerbook, purchased in '06 when they were initally released, & the logic board was replaced twice under Apple Care warranty. Past problems have been a nightmare to say the least. Has been doing OK tho' with some minor glitches since warranty expired. This week, it has begun randomly doing all sorts of strange things without command such as the following: drawing squares in the middle of a page, highlighting within any application, highlighting names of files, dragging names of files at random, dragging applications out of dock, dragging names of files without command, dragging items out of sidebar. (I have the box checked to ignore accidental input from the trackpad; under trackpad, only clicking & dragging are checked), I've zapped the pram to restore defaults and repaired permissions. Tried to run the Tech Tools CD, but it made an odd noise when I held the C key down upon restart and the disk didn't work.
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Mar 10, 2010
I wondered if anyone could give me an idea of what to expect when my base 13" MBP arrives soon. I currently have a late 2006 15" 2.16 C2D with 3GB RAM. Things have been going a bit dodgy for a while, battery, trackpad button, screen is not so good, so I needed something new, and more portable. My usual tasks include surfing, emailing, iTunes, iPhoto, watching avi's etc in VLC and rendering some of them for ipod use.What sort of day-to-day difference can I expect?
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Jun 6, 2010
I need to replace topcase on late 2006 macbook (MA700ZH/A A1181 late-2006 C2D 2.0ghz). What I see the most is version 3 topcase on ebay etc. I don't mind to have a bit more modern part on my macbook Will this v3 topcase fit/work at all? Can somebody confirm? I heard that media control buttons will work only with 10.6 which is fine.
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May 12, 2012
I have a 2006 Macbook and the CD drive has stopped working. Is this something that can be fixed? or would it be more cost effective to get an external CD reader? If a external drive is the better choice, what should I get?
MacBook (13-inch)
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Sep 18, 2010
It's from late 2006, but the RAM (3GB) and HD (Western Digital 595GB) are not original. That said, I'm confident neither of these are the cause, as I've had 'em installed for 2 years and 4 months, respectively. The problem: I press the power button. Computer makes the starting sound. Fan whirs on. Grayish-blue screen with Apple logo. Spinning tick wheel underneath. You know the drill. But then, it just suddenly and inexplicably turns off. Fan off, black screen, no HD activity. Nothing. Aaand repeat...nothing seems to change.
This started 10 minutes ago. I'm on a friend's computer now, since I'm at college - this also means that I do not have my installation DVD or indeed any of my wide array of computer-fixing tech components save for my mini screwdriver set. Since I know it's gonna come up - The last thing I did on the computer was shut it down while it installed the latest update for Safari (which I don't use). Seemed everything was going okay - it turned off and I left for dinner, came back all set to write an essay and the darn thing won't make it to the login screen. So naturally, there are no error messages or anything like that. No weird beeps or noises from the HD or elsewhere........................
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Oct 20, 2010
I'm trying to make an educated guess regarding the usage experience of the base 11.6" Air by using my 2006 17" iMac for reference. Basically, it boils down to processor generation and speed, which I need help understanding.
iMac = Intel Core Duo T2400 "Yonah" 1.83GHz
11.6" Air = Intel Core 2 Duo 1.4GHz
Other specs I believe are either same or better in the Air:
2mb L2 cache, 667 MHz bus, 2gb RAM
3mb L2 cache, 800 MHz bus, 2gb RAM
how these two computers compare in terms of usage? My current iMac runs Photoshop CS5 tolerably fast and plays 1080p video just fine.
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Oct 28, 2010
I need to know how to move files and programs from a 2006 black macbook to the 13' Air. I then need to delete everything from the black macbook. Can someone walk me through the process or provide a link?
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Dec 4, 2010
I have a 15" MBP from around 2006, the one where they first introduced the new magsafe connecters.It's started to make a rattling noise which is very rythmic leading me to believe its the fans. Several years ago it started to make a clicking noise but that stopped and until recently it's been fine.
If it is the bearings on the fans or something like that, how much would that cost to fix?The machine is well out of warranty now.
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