Hardware :: Closing Laptop Screen But Not Turning Off Macbook?

May 2, 2009

I just bought a 24" screen for my macbook so i can really enjoy movies in my room. I was wondering if there was a way for me to close my laptop screen but still watch the movie ( so i dont see double picture) I know i can dim down the macbook's screen to almost dark but the screen is still on and using power. If anyone knows how to do this let me know.

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MacBook Pro :: Closing The Laptop Puts It To Sleep - How To Change Settings

Oct 18, 2009

where the *#$& does one change this setting? Right now, if I close the laptop, it goes to sleep. This is bad - for presentations, running iTunes at home... But I can not find where to change this - I've been through every section of Pref's.

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MacBook :: System Going Deep Sleep Automatically / Sleeps On Closing Laptop

Aug 23, 2009

So one day I activated deep sleep from this widget like I always do when I want to keep my 100% charge and i'm traveling with my macbook and keep my stuff saved.

It didn't work. So I kept clicking. clicking. clicking. Nothing.

So I slept my mac, and woke it again and it worked.

However when I went to wake it, I just got a grey screen. I held down the power button to cold boot, and when I rebooted it booted from the RAM file like it would normally when waking from deep sleep.

But now every-time I close the laptop it goes into deep sleep.

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Mac :: How Can Keep My OS Awake When Closing My Laptop Lid

Jan 7, 2010

I have the both the bluetooth mouse and keyboard. I've tried pressing the power button on my Macbook and then closing it immediately, this doesn't seem to work. I've also tried to wake it by click on my mouse and tapping on my keyboard. Does this only work on usb wired keyboard/mice? Is there a trick to this?

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Mac :: Hinge Creeks While Slowly Closing Screen - When Macbook Is Closed, Screen Is Uneven?

Jul 26, 2009

I have 3 problems with my aluminum macbook and I think that they are all related and are caused by each other.1) The hinge creeks sometimes when I slowly close the screen and I'm afraid it will only get worse as this just started happening.) When the macbook is closed, the screen is uneven. The right side does not completely close and there is a gap between the base of the computer and the screen. However, the left side is just fine unless I push down on the right side then the left side just goes up and becomes uneven.

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MacBook Pro :: Using Screen Protector When Closing Lid?

Oct 6, 2009

Do u need to put a screen protector over the keyboard when u close the screen to protect the screen ? or do the keys notouch the screen?

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MacBook Air :: Use Windows Through Bootcamp - Screen Remains On When Closing Lid

Nov 5, 2010

I have a new macbook air 13'' 2010.I'm using windows through bootcamp.hen I close the lid the screen keeps on.

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MacBook :: Screen Keeps Turning Off?

May 25, 2012

my screen keeps turning off if i play with the brightness the screen will come back on i think this is a inverter problem were can i get a inverter for a white plastic macbook

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: Screen Not Turning On After Sleep

Nov 29, 2010

I'm having a regular problem with my MacBook screen. Every time I put it to sleep, when it starts back up again the screen stays blank / black. The way to remedy this issue is to close the lid and open it again immediately. Then the screen comes on and no further problems.
Serial: W8905MCX1AQ
It's a 2008 aluminum 13" MacBook with snow leopard 10.6.4
2Ghz Intel core 2 duo with 4gb of ddr3 RAM.

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MacBook Pro :: Nothing On Screen But Computer Still Turning On?

Jul 1, 2010

I have an older generation Macbook Pro (the all-silver two-part body style that came out before the current Macbook Pro) that I got approximately two years ago. I do use it quite heavily but have always taken good care of it.

About a week ago, I was using it as normal, then put it into sleep mode and went away from it for an hour. When I came back to it and opened it back up, there was nothing. I tried closing it and re-opening it, still nothing. I did a hard shut-down by pressing the power button until the power light went off, and then restarted it. Even though the computer turned on and the power light lit up, the screen remained black, and the Apple symbol on the lid remained unlit.

I called technical support and they ran me through a list of fixes including holding several keys down and turning on the computer, etc. None of them did anything to the computer as far as I was able to tell. I was not getting any sound, either--whether from having my computer muted or from the computer not working, I'm not sure.

I then tried putting the MBP into Target Disk Mode by connecting it to my sister's MB--no response. Still, the screen remained black on the MBP and no icon for the MBP Disk appeared on the MB. Even though the computer powers up, runs the fan and everything, it appears to be dead for all intents and purposes.

I have two main questions here:

1) What is going on here? Is it as simple as a screen problem, or has my motherboard gone? This is the very first problem I've ever had with my MBP; nothing has led up to this.

2) Is there any chance that my files are safe? I'm currently on vacation and backed up my files prior to leaving, but have done a lot of work since being on the trip and am not too keen to lose what I've done.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Keeps Turning Blue?

Aug 26, 2014

Why does my macbook pros screen keep turning blue and how can I fix it.I have to turn my computer off completely and then turn it back on again.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Turning Screen Into External Monitor

Dec 19, 2009

My 2006 mMcBook is dead and parted out. I still have the case and screen, but no HD, RAM, battery, or working logic board. How can I take the screen and make myself an external monitor out of it? I am presuming it's possible. I can solder a little and I love messing with parts from radio shack. So, has anyone heard of this? I tried googling it but couldn't find any search terms that brought me what I wanted.

Basically, I want to convert the video cable to DVI or even better, Display Port, and then figure out how to solder in a power source to just plug into a wall (since I'm assuming it'd be too big of a job to have it powered off of the FW800 or USB from the macbook pro). Is this possible? Since the computer is dead and gone, it won't hurt to experiment. Anyone have any links or guides to this?

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MacBook Pro :: Early 2008 Screen Not Turning On?

May 13, 2012

I have a 15 inch early 2008 MBP that the screen will not turn on. When i power on, the hard drive makes a sound that its turning on, but then nothing happens, there is just a black screen.  The indication light is on, but again, nothing on the screen.  I have tried pulling out the battery, resetting everything i can reset, but still nothing.

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MacBook :: Screen Brightness: Randomly Turning Off?

May 14, 2012

1. Screen Brightness is on.  Desktop functioning as normal, according to the brightness set.

2. Randomly, the entire screen brightness will switch 'off' - but not go to sleep - it is set at the brightness level, as if you would have turned it all the way down manually. Automatically, my screen goes from:

3. After clicking the brightness button on the screen - when I look closely - the brightness control is set at its previous level, but the screen is not at that brightness! darkest screen (above, right) + brightness settings up    

4. In order to solve the issue, I have to hold down the minimize brightness button and then turn it back up, from the lowest setting. This only works about one in five times. All other times, the screen briefly flashes and then goes dark again.     

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Turning Off Randomly, Cannot Turn Back On

Apr 9, 2012

screen goes black, laptop seems to have not turned off but nothing can turn the screen on.  seems fine after a reboot but problem recurs at some random future inconvenient point in time.  problem is annoyingly inconsistent - it will occur at random (no discoverable software or hardware conjunctions), sometimes around once weekly, sometimes less frequently.  have already had it in a mac repair, said they fixed it, something to do with graphics card firmware. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: Screen Turning Blue Then Faded Back To Normal

Feb 19, 2009

This started very suddenly today. I was in finder looking through some pictures when my screen suddenly turned blue. After a second, it faded back to normally, so I continued what I was doing. After about 5 minutes, it happened again, but faded back. It's be less than a half-hour, I haven't touched the computer but the screen is turning blue than fading back every half a minute or so. Every now and then, the screen stays blue for about 20 seconds.

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MacBook :: Screen Intermittently Turning Itself Off And On / Sleep And Wake Occurring

Aug 8, 2010

I bought a new unibody Macbook around 4-5 months ago and I've generally been very impressed with it. It's my first Mac and considering all the problems I'd had before with Windows PC's, it's quite a relief.Anyway, here's the issue. When hooked up to my 24 inch Dell monitor there are numerous problems. Originally it just started with the screen intermittently turning itself off and on, and there being a sleep/wake issue. I did some research then and discovered that this was by no means a problem confined to me. Knowing this I was prepared to wait until Apple fixed it with a firmware update or something, as the problem was annoying but not devastating.

However since then the problem has got significantly worse. Not only are the screen flickering, sleep wake/issues occuring much more frequently, but there are other problems. For instance, the menu bar and the dock sometimes fail to show, and I've been having a very weird problem with the Logitech mouse I use. Even though I can move the cursor generally I can't click, and when I can, only the right mouse button works.The same is true with the trackpad, so it's not a problem with the mouse.

When these problems occur the system generally seems to be very slow. I've checked the 'activity monitor' and the use of 'system memory' seems to be very high. For instance, at the moment (I'm using my Macbook by itself) I'm running a few applications (Mail, iCal etc.) and I've got 1.09 gb of free memory. Last night I was running exactly the same applications and I must have had less than 0.4 gb of free memory. The pageout numbers were fairly high as well.

It's strange because when disconnected from the external monitor the Macbook seems to work seamlessly. I just don't understand how some of the problems I've experienced (such as the mouse issue) can arise from problems relating to the external monitor setup. What do you think? Should I be worried that these issues are perhaps indicative of a greater problem? Either way, the problems are becoming hard to deal with. Very disappointing.

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is Screen Suddenly Turning Gray With White Lines

May 31, 2012

i have a MacBook Pro..I had my track pad replaced recently..I am not sure if it has anything to do with my screen, however, the screen is randomly turning gray and white with lines and fading out..What does this mean

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Booting Wouldn't Complete / Turning On Screen But It Turns Off

Aug 25, 2014

I was on Netflix but all of a sudden my MacBook crashed, it wouldn't do anything, so I held the power button until it turned off. But when I tried to turn it back on, the booting wouldn't complete. It turns on, I hear the chime, I see the apple logo and the "turning on" screen but out of nowhere it turns off. What should I do?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Intel Mac :: Remnants Left On Screen When Closing Windows?

Apr 14, 2012

When i am closing firefox or safari sometimes it leaves blurred remnants of the last image on the screen.  If i click and make a window around the remnants irt will disapear but i am worried that maybe my video card is going.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: IMac Screen Not Turning Off

Jul 21, 2009

I have an iMac G3 which I am VNC'ing in. Its never going to be turned off, and I am never going to look at the screen, so how do I turn it off? I Want to save the CRT, and its not needed. I Know there's a way to actually turn off my MBP's Screen.

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MacBook Pro :: Using Laptop Screen As Second Monitor?

May 22, 2012

I have a Mac Pro and a MacBook Pro. With the Mac Pro I have just the one screen - used to have two, but now just the one as I rarely need it. However, for a job I'm doing at the moment, it would be handy to have the use of two screens. Do you know if it's possible to hook both computers up and use the LapTop screen as a second monitor for my Mac Pro?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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PowerPC :: LCD Screen Turning Red In Corners?

Sep 22, 2010

I wanted to fix this hardware problem with my iMac G4 20". Basically the LCD screen has a redish tint in the corners, only really visible when displaying something bright/white. Also, when looking at the screen from an angle when displaying a black image, it looks completely red. What's the fault here? Is it the panel itself or the backlight?

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Mac Pro :: Screen Keeps Turning Blue And Nothing Works?

Jun 17, 2009

Not sure where to put this posting, but just recently I installed tech tool pro 5 and recently my computer screen(s) keep turning blue, almost like they are about to go to sleep, or the computer is going to be reset!

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IMac :: Screen Turning On And Off At Random

Aug 7, 2009

I have a 24" 2007 iMac, the first aluminum ones, 4Gb of Ram and a recently upgraded HD to 1Tb (from a 320Gb failed drive). Recently, I have noticed that under some active usage, such as playing World of Warcraft or Excel, the screen will start to turn completely off for 10 seconds, and then back on for 10 seconds. It will continue to do this for about 3 hours, turning on and off every few seconds or 15 seconds. It will mostly turn completely dark but would also sometimes flicker. The curious thing, is that if I continue to keep playing, the screen would cease doing this after about 3 hours and then be completely normal and fine, but the next night.

The symptoms would repeat itself, and would consistently go away after active usage (3 hours or so). Imagine this, as if the iMac itself needs to be "warmed up" for 3 hours before normal usage. It would also appear that if I hit the machine (or tap it), this may sometimes bring a dark screen back to life for a few seconds. I plan to bring it to support, but I just want to get some ideas from you guys as to what this can possibly be.

Some of my guesses:
1) It cannot be software as physically hitting it or my dog barking would affect the rate and speed of the random turn Ons and Offs.
2) It could be a loose connector from my recent transportation of it while upgrading my HD, but then why would it become normal after 3 hours of usage?
3) Maybe something to do with RAM or video RAM? It is faulty, and thus only prolong heavy usage would "run it in" for the session? After not using it for a while, it goes back to its failed state?

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MacBook Pro :: Use Second Laptop To Mirror/extend Screen?

Jul 8, 2009

I've got a 17" MacBook Pro on OSX 10.5.7 and a 15" TiBook on OSX 10.4.11.

Can I connect the TiBook to the MacBook Pro in such a way that I can use it to extend the screen? IE: main window on MBP and menus etc on Ti? If so how? Is it easy to switch back and forth on the Ti so I can get back to it's own screen easily?

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MacBook :: Screen Flickers When Move Laptop?

Aug 13, 2009

Whenever I move my macbook on my desk with the lid open, or when I open the lid, or when I close the lid, my screen flickers to black and then back open many times. Is this a weak connection some where? Sometimes the screen will stay black until I move the lid a little bit. I bought it refurbished from Apple this spring. I do not have applecare.

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OS X :: Broken Macbook Screen - How The Laptop Actually Working

Nov 5, 2009

a mate found a laptop on the road, no kidding, its been driven over, screen is less than happy. I wanted to plug it in to my bubble emac, but what cable am i looking for? and is it cheap? I have sound comming from it when you turn it on, and when u use the volume keys but thats it. Oh and when you use the mouse pad it leaves light trails on the screen.

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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Won't Go Past The Grey Screen

Mar 29, 2012

I have been using lots of software - indesign, photoshop, illustrator as well as other programs at the same time and my laptop started to slow down. I then tried to force quite pages and it wouldn't work so I had to force shut down. It then would not turn fully on and was on the grey screen for a long period of time. It eventually came back to homepage after about 30 minutes but did not fully load. It now wont go past grey screen and has a bar at the bottom.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Air :: My Laptop Screen Keeps Dimming And Brightening By Itself

Apr 8, 2012

I've discovered that if I am reading a book or have my hand up in the line of the camera and the 'sun' or 'light' the screen goes dimmer, but if I move it away the screen gets brighter. It's quite frustrating! How do I stop it? In system preferences, in enregy saver, I have unchecked the '

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