Intel Mac :: PeerGuardian Appears To Be Causing Kernel Panic?
Jun 25, 2012
PeerGuardian appears to be causing kernel panic and my iMac to continuously srash, and yet I cannot find it to uninstall - Spotlight yields no results at all, and I have removed it from login items under System Preferences / Accounts. I want to remove PeerGuardian completely to see if this resolves the kernel panic but don't see (a) how I can, given that I can't find it anywhere and/or (b) how it can be causing a kernel panic if I can't find it anywhere!Â
Time Machine was doing its normal hourly backup when all of a sudden I got the multi-language gray shade of death. I restarted and tried to backup again, which resulted in another kernel panic. This time I tried entering Time Machine, and in the middle of "Connecting to Backup Volume," I get another kernel panic. This has never happened before I updated to 10.5.3, but I've had several backups since updating and this hasn't happened before just now, so I'm not sure it's a 10.5.3 issue.
[Log] ...
I have Time Machine pointed at a Time Capsule and I'm on the MacBook listed in my signature. I turned off Time Machine until I can figure this out.
I'm trying to get NetBoot and NetInstall working on a recently set up a new Mac Mini with OS X Lion Server.We previously had Snow Leopard server and moved the existing images onto the Lion Server.However,when trying to boot off either image the machines kernel panic.Have tried creating new images, but with the same result.Â
Off-late almost everytime I am getting kernal panics when I shut down my iMac 21 2011 model. After booting back here is the problem report that comes up. I could'nt make head or tail of it, could anybody help me out here. Â
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 591345 sec Panics Since Last Report: 9 Anonymous UUID: 3C133529-E586-47C7-8799-ACB548B7537AÂ Â Sat Feb 11 11:11:39 2012 panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff80002c266d): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7f820f0ff8, type 14=page fault, registers:
Ever since I've got this iMac on the office, I've got the occasional kernel panics. At first they seemed to redeem themselfs during runtime, but for a while now, they seem to pop up at boot. And I mean, even not getting the Apple logo and it already freezes. I seem to be having this problem only in a frequency of say... once in two months or so? Â
Today I got it again and it even occured two times in a row, third time the system booted up. I would like to know whats up, I figure this must be a hardware issue since the system doesn't even load up. I'm a bit worried about sending this machine for it's warranty, since I won't have a machine for like 3 weeks until it gets back...
Here's the kernel panic:Â Â
Interval Since Last Panic Report:Â 274968 sec Panics Since Last Report:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2 Anonymous UUID:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 26D2C9E5-2CDA-4386-AEEC-A21012A8C927Â Â Tue Apr 24 08:06:35 2012
Last night I was in the middle of downloading a file and had a kernal panic (crash report below).When I now log in I either immediately get a black screen ( but can see white spots which are the corners of windows opened) or sometimes I get to my desktop but after a few minutes the screen windows deteriate (repeatative ghosting like an old 80'spop video!) which then become unresponsive. I'm figuring it's had it's day now and hope to get a new iMac tonight. I would like to migrate everything but am unsure whether this is a hard drive failure ( in which case the migration is probably out of the window) or something else?Â
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 2699211 sec Panics Since Last Report: 4 Anonymous UUID: 3489AC4E-2DC6-4498-AF01-5828C8995EB4
My iMac keeps restarting with a kernel problem error message. A while ago I had the same problem soIÂ reinstalled Mavericks and all was fine for a while now the problem has returned. Why did it start in the first place and more importantly can I stop it? just restarted again as I'm writing this.
I have a BIG problem with my old powerbook. I have decided to format it.
It came with tiger, I had installed leopard with an upgrade DVD (not full version).
What I did: I inserted the leopard upgrade dvd and told the pb to initialize and install. After a while I had an error message. It already deleted everything, so when I insert the leopard dvd, it doesn't find any other OS, therefore I can't install the upgrade.
NO PROBLEM, I have the 2 tiger DVD. I insert the first one, pressing C, no. It does not start.
NO PROBLEM, I connect via firewire the powerbook to a macpro. I open the cd 1 of tiger (in the macpro) go to the installation file, and start the installation via firewire. It tells me that I have to partion the disk in Mac os extended with an option "GUI" (something like that).
I have noticed that the GUI mode is for an intel based mac, but mine is ppc...but if I select any other option the system doesn't allow me to continue with the installation of OSX]
I did it, and the installation proceeded well. After a while It asked me for CD2, I inserted it and finished the installation succesfully.
Now I started my powerbook...and is not working, again Kernel Panic...but now there is the OS installed, so...why?
My mac is 2.7ghz i5 with a 1TB HD. It has crashed about five times this week. Two kernel panics, two freezes where I can't move anything, and once it just plain shut off. I've heard that it could be the network card causing the kernel panics. I do know that the airport card has been performing very poorly but I assumed it was just because there are about three walls between my computer and the router.
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 1012639 sec Panics Since Last Report:         1 Anonymous UUID:                   F9F8A660-5B62-428C-8ECE-895C14C009DE Wed Feb 1 19:38:44 2012
a bit complicated.  I have a 3 year old iMac, Snow Leopard 10.5.2 on the dics, but I updated it so..a pretty receent version of Snow Leopard. I had had kernel panics before- it turned out to be a bad RAM chip, replaced it and it fixed the problem.Â
This time, I was hoping it was the same. I got a new RAM chip, swapped them out and ID'ed the bad one. Reseated the RAM. Probelm is, when I was trying to fix the problem, I had booted in Safe Mode. Now the iMac starts up normally- the chime, the Apple- AND the Safe Mode bar.
Which progresses for about 5 seconds before another Kernel panic descends. This happens whether the keyboard is connected or not. At this point the Safe Mode at startup bugs me more than the kernel panics! Sigh.Â
I wonder if there's any key combo on startup I could try to at least get out of Safe Mode before Kernel panic sets in. When my laptop has a kernel panic i can usually repair with Disk repair on CD.  I realize this sounds hopeless! And i need it repaired, but money is an issue.
i've been having some problems with my 27" iMac (2011). I was playing a game (Diablo 3), when suddenly there was a kernel panic, so I had restart my computer. I started the game again, and there was another panic. After that, every time I login everything works great for 5 minutes, then the screen goes black, and it just stays there, nothing happens. I've tried restarting the computer many times, but it just keeps crashing.
iMac 2.16 GHZ IntelCore 2 Duo with 2GB RAM running OS 10.5.8. After switching from one user account to the Admin User Account the kernel panic message 'You need to restart you computer' appeared. After holding down the power button and restarting, I tried to login to the same account but got the same error message. Tried again and still same message. I then restarted using the install disk and used Disk Utility to repair the disk. Â
Disk Utility reported missing thread record, incorrect number of threads,invalid volume file count (It should be 823873 instead of 823874) incorrect number of extended attributres and missing directory record and then it continuted to repair the disk and then showed invalid volume file count error again but this time it displayed (It should be 823874 instead of 823873) For some reason the numbers were swapped round from the earlier message. It continued to repair and reported that the Volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK.Â
I restarted the mac and logged into Admin User Account and got the 'You need to restart your computer' message again. After restarting I logged into the other 3 user accounts and they all work perfectly but each time I log onto the Admin User Account the 'restart computer' message appears. Is there any way to repair the Admin User Account without having to re-format the hard drive and re-install everything from scratch?
'08 Mac pro kernal panics every time i turn on my firewire recording interface, an echo audiofire 12. the strange thing is, it runs fine if i turn the interface on before booting the computer.
MacBook 2.1 Intel Core 2 Duo OSx 10.6.8 Snow Leopard
I've had my MacBook for almost 5 years, first Mac I ever purchased, and have told everybody since then how I've never had one single problem with it, virus, or anything. My desktop PC would crash about every 6 months prior to getting my MacBook & the employee at Best Buy talked me into getting a Mac. I've been extremely satisfied in every way with it until now.
I finally bought a mini-dvi to hdmi cord to hook up my 70' Sony Bravia as a secondary display, but ever since hooking it up I'm getting constant kernel panics where I'm forced to restart my computer. This happens atleast 10 times a day and sometimes as much as every 10 minutes. It's not the TV as I have the same problem connecting to my 44' Philips TV. Am I just constrained to only using the Macbook screen connected to my laptop?
However Safari is causing all kinds of hangs restarts kernal panics overheating with my machine and yet if I use google chrome for the exact same web sites these same problems are not present. I much prefer to be able to keep using safari and I realise that I haev not got the most up to date software since Lion is not supported on my machine but it is as up todate as snow leaopard allows.Â
I also realize that a more than 5 year old machine is doing very well especially since it is rarely off. It has outlasted 2 timecapsules and countless airport express but the anomyly between 2 browsers is weird. I doubt this has a solution but maybe the odd apple tech who read this might find it a challenge to know why one browser causes heart issues but another doesn't.
I am just starting a new job and have been getting extreme speed issues on my computer followed by this recent kernel panic. I am running 4 2 TB G Speeds through eSATA. My computer went down, when I brought it back up Final Cut Pro took 5-10 minutes just to simply open. I wasn't even attempting to open a certain project. Any ideas based on the attached Kernel report? [code]
I'm getting a kernel panic at start up and the optical drive wont read the start up DVD. I can boot up windows via bootcamp and the machine runs fine. I'm not getting any red LED's on my risers, so i'm assuming its not a RAM issue. I have a Mac Pro 8-core (2008) stock, just added 10 gigs of RAM.
For the past few days (never happened before) my apps started crashing continuously and kernel panic screen started appearing very frequently. I am still wondering what may be the cause of it, then I tested my RAM with Rember, and this log showed up:
Memtest version 4.22 (64-bit) Copyright (C) 2004 Charles Cazabon Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tony Scaminaci (Macintosh port) Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 only
I get kernel panics after a few min's of running the Mac pro. The ram are perfectly paired (2x 4gb in both slots, both in the first 2) and I get issues with it it seems. It started to happen as of today but didn't happen the days before. Nothing was changed in the configs or software.
I recently got a Dell 2209WA with built in USB hub. and great i thought, i can manage the USB ports on my macbook a bit more effectively. But it seems when i pull the USB cable when i want to go portable, it gets a KP, at the moment i suspect it has something to do with the logitech wireless adaptor i have plugged into the monitor. it exhibits these issues when the monitor is turned off as well.
I have another USB hub, but i pretty much use it exclusively for my external hard drives (i don't really like to keep it plugged in all the time, if powered up for some reason the drives spin up in the middle of the night even when the macbook is sleeping) and it does nothing like this when the adaptor is plugged into that.
I've had two of these in less than 24 hours on this new machine. I was able to work in Photoshop and Aperture fine, but the minute I started watching Hulu videos I started getting these. Oddly enough. I zapped PRAM and repaired permissions, and haven't had another one yet... but should I just take it back now while I'm still in my 14 days?
Here is the log: Mac OS version: 9G3553 Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 9.6.3: Tue Jan 20 18:26:40 PST 2009; root:xnu-1228.10.33~1/RELEASE_I386 System model name: MacPro4,1 (Mac-F221BEC8)