Intel Mac :: Does Not Boot - Kernel Panic Message Appears?
Apr 20, 2012What can I do when my computer doesn't boot and it appears a message "panic kernel"?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7)
What can I do when my computer doesn't boot and it appears a message "panic kernel"?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7)
I tried to press shift, cmd and v during startup which notified that the os x version cannot be identified!
MacBook Air
How to do a safe reboot on my MacBook Pro when kernel panic message appears?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
PeerGuardian appears to be causing kernel panic and my iMac to continuously srash, and yet I cannot find it to uninstall - Spotlight yields no results at all, and I have removed it from login items under System Preferences / Accounts. I want to remove PeerGuardian completely to see if this resolves the kernel panic but don't see (a) how I can, given that I can't find it anywhere and/or (b) how it can be causing a kernel panic if I can't find it anywhere!Â
Intel iMac 20" 2.4ghz, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
I had a kernel panic few days ago, and there's no audio on youtube, itunes after the attack......
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Ever since I've got this iMac on the office, I've got the occasional kernel panics. At first they seemed to redeem themselfs during runtime, but for a while now, they seem to pop up at boot. And I mean, even not getting the Apple logo and it already freezes. I seem to be having this problem only in a frequency of say... once in two months or so? Â
Today I got it again and it even occured two times in a row, third time the system booted up. I would like to know whats up, I figure this must be a hardware issue since the system doesn't even load up. I'm a bit worried about sending this machine for it's warranty, since I won't have a machine for like 3 weeks until it gets back...
Here's the kernel panic:Â Â
Interval Since Last Panic Report:Â 274968 sec
Panics Since Last Report:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2
Anonymous UUID:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 26D2C9E5-2CDA-4386-AEEC-A21012A8C927Â Â
Tue Apr 24 08:06:35 2012
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I turned up one day to teach using the Mac Pro and the message on the screen said I had to restart my computer. After many times I gave up. I wrongly thought the hard disk failed as one of the pupils saw some water underneath the Mac from the leaking roof. I checked and formatted the hard drive inside a pc and put Windows on it. After inserting the hard drive and the OSX into the dvd drive proceeded to re-install the software, only to find exactly the same problem as before. What to check next before trying to find someone to fix it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy imac has started to have a kernel panic all the time lately. It is where the whole screen will go darker and then a box in all different languages comes up saying I need to restart the computer. I have a couple of questions in relation to this, first if I reinstall and then back up from timemachine will I have the same issue again? If I do a fresh install and reimport all my music and vids manually will that be a better way to do things?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was trying to help my husband with his phone. I followed the phone's manufacturer's suggestions and it told me load software for managing it. When I went to install it the computer told me it had 59 things to install. It was late, I was tired and shouldn't have been doing this at this time. I did, when it was done installing we had a kernel panic. I am in a different country, in a village. No MacStore! I am frightened and worried. I am computer literate for a person my age, but still. If it is to be resolved I will have to do it and I wish the kids were here with their friends. I am hoping someone will be able to talk me out of this predicament.
I have tried to press the shift key for safe mode. No result. I have tried another one that has me pressing some buttons while loading and text comes up and I am supposed to type in FSCK -fy However this could not be done as the cursor was there, but no text was appearing. I think that is all I have tried. I do have my MacBook here and it is slightly older than his. I may have a firewire that may work to run his off of mine. I don't know. Can't you come in like Verizon did years ago and fix it right in front of me over the internet?
Yesterday my screen (30" Apple Cinema) started showing symptoms of graphics card failure, jagged lines across the screen. I rebooted my Mac Pro and it was gone. Then it happened again an hour later, this time the machine didn't boot, I get the Apple logo, and then it hangs up and the screen is shifted to left (I get apple logo on left side of the monitor instead of the middle) and jagged lines all over.
So the first thing I tested was using Target Disk Mode, it works. I can access my Mac Pro's internal HD's by TDM from my MacBook Pro. Then I tested single user mode, it does boot, I can't read what's written since the screen is shifted to left, but if I type (without seeing) reboot and hit enter, it reboots. So I assume the single user mode is working.
What else can I try to 100% make sure it's my graphics card that failed and everything else is ok with Mac Pro? I already ordered a graphics card replacement but I wouldn't like to be surprised if the Mac Pro still doesn't boot when the card arrives. It won't boot from Apple Startup DVD either. Same thing happens, gray logo then kernel panic with jagged lines all across the shifted screen.
Yesterday my screen (30" Apple Cinema) started showing symptoms of graphics card failure, jagged lines across the screen. I rebooted my Mac Pro and it was gone. Then it happened again an hour later, this time the machine didn't boot, I get the Apple logo, and then it hangs up and the screen is shifted to left (I get apple logo on left side of the monitor instead of the middle) and jagged lines all over.
So the first thing I tested was using Target Disk Mode, it works. I can access my Mac Pro's internal HD's by TDM from my MacBook Pro. Then I tested single user mode, it does boot, I can't read what's written since the screen is shifted to left, but if I type (without seeing) reboot and hit enter, it reboots. So I assume the single user mode is working.
What else can I try to 100% make sure it's my graphics card that failed and everything else is ok with Mac Pro? I already ordered a graphics card replacement but I wouldn't like to be surprised if the Mac Pro still doesn't boot when the card arrives.
P.S. It won't boot from Apple Startup DVD either. Same thing happens, gray logo then kernel panic with jagged lines all across the shifted screen.
my macbook pro is stuck on the kernel panic message, and i tried to restart a lot of times but it doesn't work my mac doesn't start?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)
I have an iMac that I bought in October 2007. All of a sudden, when I try to boot up my computer, I get a kernel panic. Can't get any further than the kernel panic even though I keep on re-booting.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am a network adminstrator (for a windows network ) but personnally an Apple User. I am savy with linux and unix enough to get around etc, so my knowledge is broad and indepth.I have never had issues with my own Macs in the past 5 years, but my friends MacBook has an interesting issue.She told me that the computer was doing updates, and she didnt want to wait for it to finish and just shut it off in the middle of some OSX updates.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI moved over to an IMac from windows about 2 years ago and have never had any issues, until now. Whenever I boot my IMac I get a 'kernel panic' message (grey screen with 'you need to restart your computer in 4 languages). I cannot boot from my Mac HD, nor from a bootable superduper backup external HD, nor from my orginal SL or Leopard disk. All go into the kernel panic. I can however boot from my bootcamp Windows Vista partition. Tried booting into safe mode also does not work and gives the kernel panic screen. I have run both the standard and extended hardware tests and both have no errors. I booted in single user mode (that still works)and done a fcsk and unmount and both are without errors. Also done RAM flash. In single user modei can not find a PanicReporter directory or panic log. Cannot even install a fresh SL copy as my DVD wont boot either.
View 3 Replies View RelatedRecently my 2-year old iMac (20inch (2Ghz, 320GB, 4GB RAM, OSX Leopard) has been crashing every day. The way to temporally "fix" the kernel panic is to restart the machine and boot into the instal disc, and run the disk utility (repair permissions, then repair disk). If I do not run the disk utility daily, the computer will begin crashing again over and over. Below you'll find the the crash data (which is always the same):
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 0 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 1
Anonymous UUID: A60F4F7D-F369-40E4-96F1-F2810273F105
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kextd
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Wed Jul 15 16:55:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: iMac7,1 (Mac-F4238CC8)
System uptime in nanoseconds: 15150601001
unloaded kexts: (none)
I honesty don't know what to do to stop the crashing (other than runing disk utility every day). This is never happened before now.
Yesterday I was helping someone getting to know their MacBook Pro (early 2008, Intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz, Mac OS X 10.5.2). I installed Perian and Flip4Mac and Firefox 3.6. I also checked for updates because she's on a very old version. I tried downloading the updates, but because we had a very bad internet connection I stopped the download quite early on and told her to do it at home. However after I left she tried to shut down the computer but it hanged. She manually shut it down using the power button. When she tried to turn it on again she got a kernel panic message saying she should reboot. This however didn't work.
Now I've tried all sorts of things. I've removed Perian and Flip4Mac manually. I did a disk verification (all was well) and a permissions verification and repair. I tried booting in safe mode (still won't boot) clearing the SMC and resetting PRAM, none of it worked. I just wanted to check here first before either taking it to an Apple store or reinstalling Mac OS X. I've read on forums about hardware failing (RAM mostly). No idea if that's the case. I tried a hardware test, but I don't have her DVDs and used my own with version 10.5.5. The Standard test said it was all ok, but the extended test seemed to hang. I could ask for her own DVDs which I will need anyway if I'm going to reinstall Mac OS X.
Some details of the kernel panic:
The error code is: 0x000000010
Apart from that it says the following:
Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):>0x2e65afff
And later on it says: Mac OS version: Not yet set.
And of course it shows some more info with lots of hex codes, I can type them out for you if you like, but I read elsewhere that the error message is usually not very useful. Would you recommend going to an Apple store to see if the RAM is faulty? Or do a reinstall of Mac OS X?
I got a friend and they are owner of an old MacBook pro aluminum 15 inch with intel core 2 duo.But now the problem. It doesn't boot anymore and you will see this:And then The circkel thing (I don't know the name in English haha) stops and I see the message that I have to re-boot the mac again. I tried serveral things. I tried to boot up the OSX cd but it doesn't work. Safe mode doesn't work. Nothing works. Does anybody know what the problem is?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I've got a Powermac G5 desktop. I recently purchased a used keyboard for it off of Ebay. The computer was working fine with just a mouse. Shortly after the keyboard was plugged in, I got a kernel panic, and had to restart. I restarted, and immediately got a message saying "you need to restart your computer", and followed by another kernel panic.
Now, I get a kernel panic and "restart your computer" message, even if the keyboard is unplugged.
I was planning to do a clean install of OS X anyway, and figured that since the computer is completely useless at this point, now would be a pretty good time to go ahead and do it. So I tried to boot from the install CD by inserting the CD and holding down the 'C' key. No result -- it doesn't show me the "boot menu", and instead proceeds as usual, to it's "Restart your computer" message and subsequent kernel panic.
So I then tried rebooting and holding down the "Option" key, and managed to get to the boot menu. I selected "Mac OS X Install Disc 1" and clicked the "--->" button ... kernel panic again.
I'm at a complete loss for what to do next. Any help with this would be much appreciated. All I want to do is reinstall OS X.
How can there be a kernel panic from the boot CD? Apple didn't make it where it tries to use the kernel from disk during install did they?
I'm coming from a Linux background, and am not at all familiar with OS X, so forgive me if I've left information out that I should have included. Please let me know if this is the case, and I'll do what I can to provide it for you.
my name is SPC Sanders. I am a forward observer currently deployed to Afghanistan. I've owned a Macbook Pro for a couple of years.
About three weeks ago, I made the stupid mistake of attempting to run iOSX so I could dual boot with Windows 7 (all stuff I acquired while I was home on midtour leave.) The install seemed to be ok, however, I noticed immediately I could not make any changes to settings as my administrator password was no longer working. (Administrator is my only account on this laptop.)
At fear of losing my operability, I simply did not power down for that whole time. However, I recently moved bases, and alas, the time came to power down.
Upon bootup, I get a constant spinning wheel. I left this on for a couple of hours just to be sure, then realized it was a lost cause. I tried booting in safe mode, and I got some kernel panic. It says a bunch of stuff about debugger calling the panic, bla bla bla, but the thing that caught my eze was Mac OS version not set yet.
After booting in safe mode, getting that error, and powering off, my laptop will boot into a grezish blueish lightblueish (alternating) type of screen, which sometimes has the spinning wheel, sometimes not. Again, nothing.
I understand I will probably need my OS disc to fix this, but I didn't bring it with me. Am I SOL?
Mac G5 ppc OSX10.4.11
Starting up from any boot disk will give me a kernel panic forcing me to hard restart.
After many freezes I ran disk utility and I get:
Checking Catalog file.
Invalid index key
The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired.
Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
1 HFS volume checked
Volume needs repair
So I use my wife's Imac startup disk to boot it in order to repair but I get the dreadfull death screen (I know how to press the C) I'm thinking maybe it's because her disk if for her Intel proc so I go and buy a copy of disk warrior 4, and same problem.
Is there a way that I can understand what is causing frequent Kernel Panic crashes on my new iMac?Â
Fri Feb 10 18:01:00 2012panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff80002c266d): Kernel trap at 0xffffff800024421e, type 14=page fault, registers:CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0xffffff0830070a80, CR3: 0x000000002bd65011, CR4: 0x00000000000606e0RAX: 0xffffff801dd30e80, RBX: 0xffffff8005280c20, RCX: 0x0000000009000000, RDX: 0xffffff8005280c30RSP: 0xffffff8161e32f90, RBP:
How to manage a Kernel panic?
Off-late almost everytime I am getting kernal panics when I shut down my iMac 21 2011 model. After booting back here is the problem report that comes up. I could'nt make head or tail of it, could anybody help me out here. Â
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 591345 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 9
Anonymous UUID: 3C133529-E586-47C7-8799-ACB548B7537AÂ Â
Sat Feb 11 11:11:39 2012
panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff80002c266d): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7f820f0ff8, type 14=page fault, registers:
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
Last night I was in the middle of downloading a file and had a kernal panic (crash report below).When I now log in I either immediately get a black screen ( but can see white spots which are the corners of windows opened) or sometimes I get to my desktop but after a few minutes the screen windows deteriate (repeatative ghosting like an old 80'spop video!) which then become unresponsive. I'm figuring it's had it's day now and hope to get a new iMac tonight. I would like to migrate everything but am unsure whether this is a hard drive failure ( in which case the migration is probably out of the window) or something else?Â
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 2699211 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 4
Anonymous UUID: 3489AC4E-2DC6-4498-AF01-5828C8995EB4
My iMac keeps restarting with a kernel problem error message. A while ago I had the same problem soIÂ reinstalled Mavericks and all was fine for a while now the problem has returned. Why did it start in the first place and more importantly can I stop it? just restarted again as I'm writing this.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a BIG problem with my old powerbook. I have decided to format it.
It came with tiger, I had installed leopard with an upgrade DVD (not full version).
What I did: I inserted the leopard upgrade dvd and told the pb to initialize and install. After a while I had an error message. It already deleted everything, so when I insert the leopard dvd, it doesn't find any other OS, therefore I can't install the upgrade.
NO PROBLEM, I have the 2 tiger DVD. I insert the first one, pressing C, no. It does not start.
NO PROBLEM, I connect via firewire the powerbook to a macpro. I open the cd 1 of tiger (in the macpro) go to the installation file, and start the installation via firewire. It tells me that I have to partion the disk in Mac os extended with an option "GUI" (something like that).
I have noticed that the GUI mode is for an intel based mac, but mine is ppc...but if I select any other option the system doesn't allow me to continue with the installation of OSX]
I did it, and the installation proceeded well. After a while It asked me for CD2, I inserted it and finished the installation succesfully.
Now I started my powerbook...and is not working, again Kernel Panic...but now there is the OS installed, so...why?
My mac is 2.7ghz i5 with a 1TB HD. It has crashed about five times this week. Two kernel panics, two freezes where I can't move anything, and once it just plain shut off. I've heard that it could be the network card causing the kernel panics. I do know that the airport card has been performing very poorly but I assumed it was just because there are about three walls between my computer and the router.
Interval Since Last Panic Report:Â 1012639 sec
Panics Since Last Report:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1
Anonymous UUID:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â F9F8A660-5B62-428C-8ECE-895C14C009DEÂ
Wed Feb 1 19:38:44 2012
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
a bit complicated.  I have a 3 year old iMac, Snow Leopard 10.5.2 on the dics, but I updated it so..a pretty receent version of Snow Leopard. I had had kernel panics before- it turned out to be a bad RAM chip, replaced it and it fixed the problem.Â
This time, I was hoping it was the same. I got a new RAM chip, swapped them out and ID'ed the bad one. Reseated the RAM. Probelm is, when I was trying to fix the problem, I had booted in Safe Mode. Now the iMac starts up normally- the chime, the Apple- AND the Safe Mode bar.
Which progresses for about 5 seconds before another Kernel panic descends. This happens whether the keyboard is connected or not. At this point the Safe Mode at startup bugs me more than the kernel panics! Sigh.Â
I wonder if there's any key combo on startup I could try to at least get out of Safe Mode before Kernel panic sets in. When my laptop has a kernel panic i can usually repair with Disk repair on CD.  I realize this sounds hopeless! And i need it repaired, but money is an issue.
i've been having some problems with my 27" iMac (2011). I was playing a game (Diablo 3), when suddenly there was a kernel panic, so I had restart my computer. I started the game again, and there was another panic. After that, every time I login everything works great for 5 minutes, then the screen goes black, and it just stays there, nothing happens. I've tried restarting the computer many times, but it just keeps crashing.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)