Mac OS X Lion Server :: NetBoot And NetInstall Causing Kernel Panic?

Mar 22, 2012

I'm trying to get NetBoot and NetInstall working on a recently set up a new Mac Mini with OS X Lion Server.We previously had Snow Leopard server and moved the existing images onto the Lion Server.However,when trying to boot off either image the machines kernel panic.Have tried creating new images, but with the same result. 

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OS X :: Time Machine Causing Kernel Panic

Jun 1, 2008

Time Machine was doing its normal hourly backup when all of a sudden I got the multi-language gray shade of death. I restarted and tried to backup again, which resulted in another kernel panic. This time I tried entering Time Machine, and in the middle of "Connecting to Backup Volume," I get another kernel panic. This has never happened before I updated to 10.5.3, but I've had several backups since updating and this hasn't happened before just now, so I'm not sure it's a 10.5.3 issue.

[Log] ...

I have Time Machine pointed at a Time Capsule and I'm on the MacBook listed in my signature. I turned off Time Machine until I can figure this out.

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Intel Mac :: PeerGuardian Appears To Be Causing Kernel Panic?

Jun 25, 2012

PeerGuardian appears to be causing kernel panic and my iMac to continuously srash, and yet I cannot find it to uninstall - Spotlight yields no results at all, and I have removed it from login items under System Preferences / Accounts. I want to remove PeerGuardian completely to see if this resolves the kernel panic but don't see (a) how I can, given that I can't find it anywhere and/or (b) how it can be causing a kernel panic if I can't find it anywhere! 

Intel iMac 20" 2.4ghz, Mac OS X (10.5.4)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Netboot Images Not Showing On Clients?

Jun 6, 2012

I have an up to date Lion server that I have created a 10.7.3 netboot image with. The issue I am having is that in Server Admin, the netboot image shows in the images list, but does not show up on any client machine. I have tried re-creating the image using the same hard drive, as well as creating an entirely new image. The images just will not show on client machines

Xserve, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Server :: 10.4. NetInstall Image Disappear?

Sep 7, 2006

I have an OSX 10.4 server that I am attempting to use to deploy NetInstall images.

I want to update some OSX 10.3.x Macs that are on our network so I have created a NetInstall image from the OSX 10.4 Tiger DVD using System Image Utility. Then I planned to Netboot these 10.3 Macs using the 10.4 NetInstall image when I would have hoped would then push the 10.4 image out to the OSX 10.3 Macs.The Macs see the 10.4 netinstall image as an available startup system but when I select it the Mac just sits there with the spinning 'gear' and gets no further.I'm not sure if it is actually working or not, it certainly does not look like it!When this is happening my network seems to grind to a halt and my users on the network have problems connecting to other servers and also browsing network shares (on other servers).

Someone mentioned to me that perhaps the server si multicasting shich is flooding the network ?So, have 2 issues here; one where the client Mac does not get past the spinning 'gear' on the grey screen after selecting the NetInstall image to boot from and also the network slowing right down, grinding to a halt!

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OS X Server :: FinalCut And Netboot -- How To Use It

Aug 6, 2007

I have to admit that while I've watched over a lab of Macs and an OS X Server for several years, I'm still a novice at it. Despite that, I've managed to keep it going amongst my other sysadmin duties in a K-12 educational environment.

We just procured a lab of 30 new iMac 20" models, a new XServe, and a LaCie Biggest RAID box for backup, replacing our aging Graphite G4's running 10.3 and our Quicksilver Panther server. My plan for this coming year was to make life easier by switching to Netboot, and making our logins more seamless as well. All has been going well with figuring out the transition, but I'm concerned about Final Cut Express HD, which I purchased bundled with our machines to expand our horizons a little. It appears that Apple does not support running it under NetBoot from the docs I've found.

Has anyone here set this up successfully? I'm concerned first about the 30 individual serial numbers causing issues. I think I can get around any scratch disk issues by making a partition on the local iMac a scratch disk, but as I said, I'm swimming in unfamiliar waters.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Get Out Of Kernel Panic

Apr 28, 2012

I get kernel paic upon boot.  I did that hard drive cleanup and reinstalled Lion.  What about memory? I need to upgrade my memory?  I have 8 G of upgraded RAM. (20 inch iMac core 2 duo)

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Server :: Netboot Setting Menu Gone?

Jan 6, 2006

This problem is on a Xserv G4.

The problem happened on the server installed with x.3.9 runnig for over a year, giving AFP, FTP, NFS, services and runnig OPEN DIRECTORY in REPLICA. The DHCP service is provided by a Xserv g5 giving Netboot service on the same subnet.

In Server Admin, Netboot lost the setting menu as I was accessing it. So no ports to see, no images can be added. The only menus available are




The start button is shadded, so not avaiable.

Through TERMINAL, with sudo serveradmin start netboot I get

serveradmin[1076} Exeption in docommand: *** -[NSCFArray addObject:}: attempt to insert nil netboot:error = "NIL_RESPONSE_ERR (*** -[NSCFArray addObject:}: attempt to insert nil)"

I have undated to TIGER X.4.3, but of couse, it is the same. Everything else works.

After reinstalling a NEW system a reconfiguring EVERYTHING, I again lost the menus of NetBoot as I accessed them !!

Booting witn and external FireWire drive with a clone of my working SYSTEM in x.3.9 has the menus but the ports can't be seen.

A hardware problem ?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Kernel Panic After Sleep Mac?

May 2, 2012

I'm getting this quite frequently now. When I put my MacBook Pro to sleep (bought in novemeber 2011, running OS X Lion 10.7.3) and turn it back on, it crashes after I log in in my account.This is getting quite annoying, and I was wondering if there's something I could do to prevent it to give me a kernel panic after each wake up. I certainly don't want it to become more and more frequent. I don't have a Mac installation DVD so I wouldn't be able to reinstall OS X Lion. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Recover From A Kernel Panic

Jun 11, 2012

After downloading and installing the latet updates this evening my computer screen went to a dark gray screen similar to the iCloud background. After it sat like that for an hour I powered down using the power button. When I restarted it I got a gray screen with Panic in the first line and a small amout of text. I ran disk utility from the Snow Leopard disk but when it restarted I got the same screen as before. The updates included Aperture 3.3, Camera Raw, airport utility and several others.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 2nd Kernel Panic In 2 Days?

Jun 21, 2012

Here is the log from th last kernel panic I had. Trying to figure out wha tis going on. 

Interval Since Last Panic Report:  41327 sec
Panics Since Last Report:          1
Anonymous UUID:                    31C630ED-8BE6-4404-98AF-34FB9708548A 
Thu Jun 21 12:59:22 2012


Mac Pro (Mid 2010)

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OS X Server :: How To Setup NetBoot On 10.3 Server?

Jul 28, 2006

To date we have been reimaging any new Macs or failed ones with an image that sits on our external firewire drive. This image includes all our corporate apps etc etc.

An an alternative to this, I would like to explore the use of NetBoot/NetInstall/NetRestore to reimage these machines.

To be clear, I dont want to NetBoot a machine just to use an image off the server (OSX server 10.3.9) and thats it, just to boot off the server and have a another image (our corporate one, applied to the client machine.

I have been reading loads about this and have been messing about creating an image etc but I underdstand that I have to enable NetBoot on the OSX server and also host the image I want applied to the client Mac on a sharepoint ?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Kernel Panic After 10.7.3 Combo Update?

Feb 8, 2012

I installed 10.7.3 (combo) from 10.7.2 yesterday on my Mac Mini and everything was smooth-ish, a bit of slowness here and there. 

Today my Mac crashed completely, I couldn't Force Quit the app I was in, nothing. So I held down the power button and did a restart. After I did this, all I got was the grey apple with the spinning wheel for ages and ages, and then got a Kernel Panic screen. 

I did what it said and restarted again. This time it just repeated and repeated the startup tone, and then going to kernel panic again.

I have tried everything I know of. P-RAM reset, Safe Boot, but nothing works. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Recurring Kernel Panic On MacBook Pro

Apr 13, 2012

This issue just started a couple of days ago. I noticed something weird happening when I watching a YouTube video - the video stopped playing but the sound kept on going like nothing was wrong. Anyway I ran the Apple Hardware Test yet it detected no problems. I even went through the extended test just to make sure. I originally got this machine as Snow Leopard but upgrading to Lion.

Basically what happens is the whole screen freezes and i reboot and I am able to go about its business until the next freeze. The times that I have came back into the room to see it froze up was when the screensaver had turned on or when I was playing any kind of game it seems like it had frozen up(one time playing a game in VMWARE (windows xp). I dont know if this could be a GPU issue or not.

Fri Apr 13 22:11:01 2012
panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff7f80a45907): NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00003250: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0xd2000000 0xffffff8080f55000 0x084700a2, D0, P2/4
Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address
[Error Log] .....

Mac OS X (10.6.7), OpenGL

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Frequent Kernel Panic On 10.7.3 When Using USB / Firewire Etc?

Apr 25, 2012

i'm experiencing frequent kernel panics on Lion with 10.7.3. This has only started occuring in the last week with no obvious changes before it started. I've repaired disk permissions, used OnyX to clean everything up, and it still occurs (approx 4-5 times per day). My computer is a 15" MacBook Pro with 8gb ram, 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, NVidia GeForce 9400m 256mb video card. It seems to occur more frequently when I have an external drive attached (either Firewire or USB). As my profession is video editing, it's not really viable for me to simply not have one connected!! This is starting to get quite frustrating as it interrupts my work significantly. 

Interval Since Last Panic Report:  72657 sec
Panics Since Last Report:          10
Anonymous UUID:                    9C99A067-C735-439D-8D40-EECB5BE55384  
Wed Apr 25 15:25:32 2012


MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Kernel Panic At Least Daily Since 10.7.4 Update?

May 24, 2012

Since 12th May when updated to 10.7.4 have at least one kernel panic per day sometimes four per day which means iMac i3 is useless for running a server platform. Multiple entries about this form may users is there a bug in OSX update? My recovery partition holds 10.7.2 any idea if this is bug prone as well?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Still occurs if Safari 5.1.7 not in

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MacBook Pro :: OS X LION 10.7.3 Black Screen And Kernel Panic?

Feb 12, 2012

I am experiencing black screen and kernel panic issues on a macbookpro 5,5 (Late 2009) running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3. Theses are two of the most recent error reporting logs sent over to Apple Inc.: 

Log 1: Interval Since Last Panic Report:  5191 secPanics Since Last Report:          1Anonymous UUID:                  Sat Feb 11 19:27:15 2012Panic(CPU 1): NMIPI for spinlock acquisition timeout, spinlock: 0xffffff80149c2c40, spinlock owner: 0xffffff80141c4000, current_thread:


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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Kernel Panic Due To (1.7.1)?

May 24, 2012

my iMac crashed quite often recently.Everytime is crash the log shows '''' in backtrace(not sure what does that mean...Here is my hardware overview: (not sure how much I should provide)

Model Identifier: iMac10,1Processor Name: Intel Core 2 DuoProcessor Speed:3.06 GHzNumber of Processors: 1Total Number of Cores: 2L2 Cache:  3 MBMemory: 12 GBBus Speed:     1.07 GHzBoot ROM Version: IM101.00CC.B00SMC Version (system): 1.53f13 

Here is the log: 

Fri May 25 13:15:35 2012
panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff80002c473a): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7f80aaddaa, type 13=general protection, registers:
CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0x000000010070a000, CR3: 0x0000000000100000, CR4: 0x0000000000000660
RAX: 0x0000000010000000, RBX: 0x010038801aefafc0, RCX: 0x0000000000000001, RDX: 0x0000000000000000


iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Mini :: Mid 2011 Kernel Panic With Lion Internet Recovery

Mar 25, 2012

My Mac Mini froze while using Safari and watching a youtube video, so I restarted the machine by holding down the power button, then on startup I reloaded Safari, and it completely froze again. This time around, I got a kernel panic on boot. I tried booting into single user mode by holding down the shift key, but that still gave me a kernel panic. So I tried using the Lion Internet Recovery mode by holding down command-option-R when booting. The OS showed the Internet Recovery progress bar, but when it completed and the machine rebooted, I got a kernel panic again. 

Is there anything else I can try to recover this machine, or do I need to take it into an Apple store to have them fix it?  It's a mid-2011 model, so I don't have a DVD drive in it, so I can't use a boot disc, although I guess I could use a bootable USB, but I don't have another machine to create one with. 

I figure if it kernel panics from an Internet Recovery, then that takes my hard drive and anything that was installed on it out of the equation. I've also disconnected all external devices, drives, etc, and only have a monitor and keyboard/mouse attached to it, so that rules out any other devices that might be causing problems. 

Macbook Pro 2Ghz, iBook G4 800mhz

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Kernel Panic When Watching Videos (and Other Random Times)?

Mar 27, 2012

I'm aware of the Airport issue mentioned on these forums (and have tried the kext fix for that without any luck).  I have KPs when watching 4+ minute long videos on Youtube (have no issue using iMovie for longer videos or watching videos from my own harddrive), sometimes when the screensaver is on or shortly after the computer goes unidle, and sometimes for no apparent reason. I've already had 2-3 KPs in the past 4 hours. This is my first Mac and not at all what I was expecting.  

Sometimes the screen will flicker rapidly, other times I will get a black screen, pink screen, or the screen will "glitch" and move halfway to the left (right is now on the left and left on the right). I can sometimes delay the crash if I pause the video (the screen starts to twitch or have "lightning" flashes across parts of it) but it will eventually crash anyway.  

I usually use Firefox but have had the same crash in Safari so it's not browser-related as far as I can tell. 


iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Keep Getting Kernel Panic Error After TM Restore And Migration Assistant Won't Work

Feb 2, 2012

My computer broke down so I had a repaired and the original software was re-installed and it worked perfect. Whenever I restore from Time Machine, I get the kernel panic error. I have to reload the original software and it works perfect again. I tried using Migration Assistant, but it fails every time after 30 minutes of saying 1 minute left to transfer documents. I go in to Time Machine and view my external hard drive and all my stuff is still there, except I noticed my applications are crossed out. At least the non-default ones. That may just be because they're not currently loaded. 

What can I do from here? I was using Lion before my computer went down. I'm now using the OSX install DVD. I also have the Snow Leopard, but haven't tried that, if it even makes a difference.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Kernel Panic After Time Machine Migration After Clean Install Of 107.3

Apr 5, 2012

I had the hard drive replaced in in my mid 2009 17" MacBook pro. After the clean install of lion I migrated my data from time machine (lion) to the new clean partition.. Upon completion the machine is unresponsive. The progress wheel turning for 10 minutes. I force quit and restart to kernel panic. I have been through this 3 times same sequence of events same results.

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Mac Pro :: Won't Work With Firewire Device / Causing Kernal Panic

Mar 8, 2008

'08 Mac pro kernal panics every time i turn on my firewire recording interface, an echo audiofire 12. the strange thing is, it runs fine if i turn the interface on before booting the computer.

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MacBook :: Connecting To LCD TV Causing Kernel Panics

Feb 26, 2012

MacBook 2.1
Intel Core 2 Duo
OSx 10.6.8 Snow Leopard

I've had my MacBook for almost 5 years, first Mac I ever purchased, and have told everybody since then how I've never had one single problem with it, virus, or anything. My desktop PC would crash about every 6 months prior to getting my MacBook & the employee at Best Buy talked me into getting a Mac. I've been extremely satisfied in every way with it until now.

I finally bought a mini-dvi to hdmi cord to hook up my 70' Sony Bravia as a secondary display, but ever since hooking it up I'm getting constant kernel panics where I'm forced to restart my computer. This happens atleast 10 times a day and sometimes as much as every 10 minutes. It's not the TV as I have the same problem connecting to my 44' Philips TV. Am I just constrained to only using the Macbook screen connected to my laptop?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Macbook 2.1

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 10.7.4 "boken Folder" Icon With Kernel Panic When Computer Starts

May 22, 2012

Using iMovie and got a (-50) error and ran Disk Utilities to see if everything was okay. Unfortunatly it wasn't and recomended that I hold down the command and r key while doing a restart. When I do this, the Apple logo comes up, but then switches to an icon of a circle with a diagonal line through it and then I get a kernel panic shortly after. how my App Store purchesed lion can run disk utilities in protected mode?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 3G iPod nano 8 Gb, 1.42 G4 mini, 5G nano 16 Gb

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Safari :: Its Causing Kernel Panics And Random Shutdowns And Overheating?

May 11, 2012

However Safari is causing all kinds of hangs restarts kernal panics overheating with my machine and yet if I use google chrome for the exact same web sites these same problems are not present.  I much prefer to be able to keep using safari and I realise that I haev not got the most up to date software since Lion is not supported on my machine but it is as up todate as snow leaopard allows. 

I also realize that a more than 5 year old machine is doing very well especially since it is rarely off. It has outlasted 2 timecapsules and countless airport express but the anomyly between 2 browsers is weird. I doubt this has a solution but maybe the odd apple tech who read this might find it a challenge to know why one browser causes heart issues but another doesn't.

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: What Is Kernel Panic

Aug 30, 2009

Sounds like a desperate need for some Kentucky Fried Chicken while waiting for your 10.6 install.

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Kernel Panic On Mac Pro Using FCP

Jun 29, 2012

I am just starting a new job and have been getting extreme speed issues on my computer followed by this recent kernel panic. I am running 4 2 TB G Speeds through eSATA. My computer went down, when I brought it back up Final Cut Pro took 5-10 minutes just to simply open. I wasn't even attempting to open a certain project. Any ideas based on the attached Kernel report? [code]

Mac Pro

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Mac Pro :: Getting Kernel Panic At Startup

Nov 7, 2010

I'm getting a kernel panic at start up and the optical drive wont read the start up DVD. I can boot up windows via bootcamp and the machine runs fine. I'm not getting any red LED's on my risers, so i'm assuming its not a RAM issue. I have a Mac Pro 8-core (2008) stock, just added 10 gigs of RAM.

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MacBook :: Kernel Panic - BAD RAM?

Nov 26, 2010

For the past few days (never happened before) my apps started crashing continuously and kernel panic screen started appearing very frequently. I am still wondering what may be the cause of it, then I tested my RAM with Rember, and this log showed up:

Memtest version 4.22 (64-bit)
Copyright (C) 2004 Charles Cazabon
Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tony Scaminaci (Macintosh port)
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 only

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