Hardware :: Using IMac G3 400MHz Not Recognizing All 512 Of RAM
May 11, 2009
It originally had 64MB RAM, and a it now has 2 sticks of 256, but it is only seeing a total of 320MB, so I don't know what to do. If I need to give any more info on it, let me know.
I just restored an old 1999 G3 iMac DV 400MHZ with slot-drive from the dead, and I feel it lacks a bit of power under it's hood. I already put RAM and HDD but the computing power is just not enough. What I want to do is go into OpenFirmware and speed up the cpu and possibly the bus, I remember doing so on my sawtooth but I can't find the code plus that was a G4 and now I have a G3. I also found this page [URL] that shows how to mechanicaly overclock up to 1GHZ but I want to be able to do it non physical if possible. I know this isn't the hot topic now a days but maybe some of you will remember what they used to do and feel some nostalgia(is that a propper word?).
Just installed one of the original airport cards in this machine, and though all indications are that it is working correctly, it doesn't see the USR wireless router sitting 10 feet from it. No networks show up in the dropdown list, and manually adding does nothing. Encryption is a simple MAC filter (this card has already been added), and SSID is broadcast. Did I get a bad card? System profiler seems to think it's fine.
It's an original airport card. Computer's a G3 400 Mhz iMac. A G3 300 Mhz iBook with original airport card is having no troubles. Firmware of Airport card is 9.52 Firware of router is up to date. OSX 10.3.9
All help greatly appreciated; this is my moms little computer, and we're trying to rearrange and loose some wires.
installed Win 7 with no issues except it doesn't recognize the Apple keyboard an wireless mouse. Rebooted in Win 7 and put in OS X disk and reran bootcamp as it said. Still doesn't see them and in Windows, the screen is on full bright and I don't see how to decrease it since the keyboard issue.
We have a imac 20" bought 9 months ago, Im in school and bought adobe suite and a printer, installed the printer with the internal optical drive, I go to install the adobe suite and the optic drive accepts the dvd and then just kicks it out! so it is toast, the apple guys gave me a repair depot to take the Imac to.
I cannot log into any sites such as this forum with it although the username is right. comes up with a red line underneath it and tells me the username is not correct when selecting login. Im getting this on everysite that has site logins simular to this site. The ones with the separate pop up box are fine.
Also i can#t import any downloaded movies off the internet into imovie although i've used my pc to convert them to mp4 iphone.
I have a G4 powermac 400 mhz with os panther 10.3.9 installed Can this G4 be upgraded to Tiger and if so which version.There seems to be many versions of tiger ie some say amd or intel etc If i can upgrade which version should i look for
I bought 4 G4 towers of eBay for �85.. none have Hdd's so havent tried them out yet (two also have no graphic cards) I got a mix of ram size and speed (pc100/pc133) however thats not my question
Next to the ram slots theres a red light that comes on, is this normal? I've tried to do some research on it and some people say it is, others say it isnt.
I plan to sell them off again on ebay but I did it mainly as a project to keep the G4's alive. Any suggestions on graphic cards (cheap ones too)?
I upgraded to Snow Leopard and now my printer scanner won't work. It says it cannot recognize my computer. I have installed a few updates available and restarted and it still won't work.
For some reason safari isn't recognising flash player or silverlight plug-ins despite uninstalling an reinstalling (seemingly successfully) a couple of times. I was prompted a couple of weeks ago to update flash player, and having done this I am unable to use it at all. In addition my netflix account prompted me to download silverlight (must have been previously present) and since will not play any netflix films at all. Im running an iMac intel on 10.9.4.
I running a 400MHz sawtooth Family #M5183 my friend gave me with a 40 gig hard drive running OSX 10.3.9. I just picked up at the swap meet a Qwicksilver Model No.M849 PNG4 1GHZ DP/2M CACHE/512MB SDRAM? 80GB HD DVD-R/CDRW/Nv17 DUAL/56k MDM/GIGE it is missing the HD from under the superdrive can I just plug in the HD from my Sawtooth and run her? She still has the HD in the bottom its a 80 gig IBM Deskstar. When I opened my Sawtooth I found that there is a Seagate Cheetah model#*ST118202LW* Its not even plugged in!!! How many gigs is it and can i run it for more space? I have three 512 cards for memory. Can I use the video card from the sawtooth to run a second monitor? If this all works whats the newest operating system I can run? As soon as I get the money I am going to swap the processor and bring her up to speed. I am a singer/songwriter on a budget trying to put my studio together,I run live sound and make Hand Drums.I'm not a computer tech by no means but I do ok running a mouse to get a good sound. If you are going to tell me to wrap machine in tin foil and put it in the freezer PLEASE don't waste my time!!!!! I just want to build my machine correctly and not f@#$ anything up.
I want to do this to increase the speed of my sawtooth. I think that the dual 500mhz was the last apple processor that is compatible with the sawtooth because they both run on 100mhz busses, correct?
I have a G4 PowerMac 400Mhz running OS 10.4.8. The graphics seem a bit slow at times and I was wondering if upgrading the video card from the current ATI 16MB to a GeForce2 32MB would help? I have 1GB of memory so I know I am good there.
I have a 400Mhz G4 with 1GB of ram running Leopard. Works great except it does not play DVD's. When a DVD is inserted the following Error box is displayed:
"A valid video device could not be found for playback. [-70017]"
In addition, when trying to change screen savers, "Error: Can't load bundle" appears. Does anyone know of a work around for the DVD? Windows Media Player does not work and VLC will play only audio.
I have a 400 mhz Titanium powerbook I'm trying to resurrect for my teen daughter. Just replaced the internal pram battery, the external regular battery, and the a/c cord, all with brand new parts. The book was dead, and now I have power but not much more.
When pressing the power button I get one chime, and then I can hear the fan working, but no hard drive sounds. The screen is black.
Eventually, when left sitting, the thing will turn itself off. It seems as if it is not booting completely, but then I can't see anything. I am used to hearing hard drive pops and whirrs though, and nothing here.
1. I tried resetting the PMU with the button on the back of the unit. 2. I tried resetting the pram with cmd/opt/p/r before power, but no matter how long I hold I only ever get one chime. 3. Tried booting with my OS Tiger retail CD (which is what is installed) and the drive barely spins, and the screen remains black. Holding C doesn't help. 4. The new battery is charging normally. 5. I tried removing the two ram sticks, moving them around from slot to slot, and using one ram or the other. Nada. 6. Tried forcing shutdown by holding power button 10 secs, then rebooting. In fact, that's how I have to shut it down when I need to, since I can't see anything.
This laptop has been in storage for about a year. This is the same problem I had when I put it away. I think perhaps the laptop might have been knocked off the coffee table and fell about 2 feet to the floor a short time before these problems. I heard it, but the kids won't admit it. *grin* It worked fine for about a week or so, then began losing video at startup.
I just spent about $75 in parts. Should I maybe try a new PMU board before chucking the thing? Any other ideas what might be happening?
I've read till my eyes are blue, and can't seem to find a boot issue with one chime on this machine.
Today I was planning to build in a second harddrive into my old G4 tower. So I did this. But after installing the system won't boot anymore from the OS X Tiger partition. I have tried all sorts of jumper settings, from slave to master to cable select. All without success.
When I boot from the Tiger installation CD diskutility does not even recognize my original master drive nor does it recognize the new slave drive. I even tried to boot from an old OS9 disk to initialize the disk. I tried formatting it in another machine to HFS Journaled, no success in booting mounting the disk whatsoever.
I recently added some extra RAM's but i doubt these are the problem since my machine DOES boot without having the new disk installed in the system.
It is a 60GB Maxtor drive, so it is within the maximum amount of GB's possible for these older machines.
I found one on craigslist for $15 but want to make sure it will work, or if I do get it and try to install it I want to make sure I don't break my computer.
My former, babied, 400mhz overclocked by Daystar to 550mhz Titanium Powerbook has a fried logic board. Can I put a the old low resolution Tibook screen on a 1ghz Tibook body with a higher resolution screen?
Would it just power on at the lower resolution or is this just idiotic?
I'm trying to use a Blue Snowball USB microphone to record in Garage Band (run on Mac OSX Snow Leopard). However, Garageband is not recognizing the Snowball when I go to Preferences.
In addition my mac is not recognizing the snowball when I go under sound within system preferences.
The power light is illuminated on the Snowball. I tried the Blue on my friend's mac computer and it also did not recognize the mic.
I bought a powermac G4 from ebay awhile back but just recently got it up and running. So far i am liking it and decided i wanted more ram then the 384MB it was sent with. So i looked on ebay to find ram, i purchased this ram right here. [URL] I bought 3x512mb and none of the sticks are recognized in any of the 3 slots. I'm thinking the problem is that the ram is high density, can any give me their opinion on it. Also, with pc's there is a way to get to a bios screen, do macs have anything similar to that? Besides the boot selection screen? I forgot to mention, the mac i own is a powermac g4 single 533MHz cpu.
I recently purchased a 15" MBP which is replacing an old PB G4. I used the PB at home and at the office and it performed brilliantly. I thought the transition to the new MBP would be seamless and it has been, save for one major issue. I cannot connect to my office server. In the past I simply brought my PB in, connected the ethernet cable in, clicked on "Network" and my office servers would appear in the Finder. When I tried the same thing with the MBP, I clicked on (my name)'s MacBook Pro>Network only to see a small icon of an Airport Extreme Base.
When I clicked on this it pointed me back to my HDD at my home which is plugged into the AEBS. That's all well and good and I love the ability to read my HDD at home from my desk at work but that's all that clicking on "Network" makes available to me. I have tried manually connecting though Finder>Connect to Server>Browse to no avail. Has Leopard made this so simple that I am overlooking a simple step or is it so complicated now that I need to bring in the IT professionals?
When I insert a blank disk into the drive, it doesn't show up on the desktop, although A CD-RW with data on the disk does show up. I've tried Sony, Imation and Verbatim CD-Rs. Running OS 10.5.6. Only other research has been to attempt searches on numerous other Mac websites, with no success.
So, to all of you using Snow Leopard, especially those with a UMBP - can you post the following : Go to Activity Monitor and post the number listed below the pie chart. Here, in Leopard the number is 2.0GB but SL shows 1.75GB, and the "wired RAM" usage increases by 256MB.
I want to import massive amounts of footage from my camcorder and I want to import them into my external hard drive. The drive is plugged in, and is recognized by Finder, but when I hit import and try selecting the hard drive to save it, the external drive isn't there.
I've already RMA'd the first 1gb stick back to Crucial, and now I'm on the second. Sometimes the system boots, sometimes it hangs at a blank screen until I hold the power button down long enough to turn it off. But when I CAN actually get up and running, "About This Mac" reports that I only have the onboard 512mb. System Profiler says my singular expansion slot as empty! Yes, I've tried re-seating it-- many times. To no avail. I'm also positive the module is as far into the slot as it can go. And I find it hard to believe that Crucial would send me two faulty sticks in a row. Unfortunately, due to my built-in 512mb, I can't boot off the Crucial ram alone.
I pulled a 256mb stick out of the girlfriend's dead PC laptop and it fits in my 14" iBook G4 and when I originally put it in, "About this Mac" said I had 768mb, meaning it recognized the new RAM, now its about three weeks later and "About this Mac" says its 512mb again. So, I pulled the RAM out, put it back in, it recognized it for about a day and now its back to saying 512mb.I know when you buy RAM new, it comes with a CD(usually) to scan your computer, so is that the problem and if so, is there a download of the software online?
When I installed it, system profiler keeps saying it's 256. I have a 128 and 2 64's in there. In the 4th slot I put the 512. I tried just putting it in (to make just 512) and it still said.
What is weird is that when it only had the 512 stick in there, it seemed faster then with just the other 3 sticks. Is it just saying the wrong number?
I just replaced the original 20gb Toshiba HD in my 12" white G4 iBook (1.2gHz, 1.25gb RAM) with a new Western Digital 80gb Scorpio drive. No real issues with the swap, except the new harddrive apparently isn't being recognized. Don't see it in either the Disk Utility or System Profiler, but I can sure hear it spinning after power-up. I know it needs to be formatted, but how is that possible without being able to access it with the Disk Utility?
So, what's my next step? Anything I can try without taking the whole damn thing apart again and checking things with the old harddrive? BTW, only trouble with the old drive was its size. I've been running Leopard on it for several months.
I have a g4 dual 1.25 ghz with airport extreme card in it. I recently bought a powermac g5 dual 2.3ghz. I tried to swap the airport card into the g5, but when I did that, the computer did not want to scan and pick up any networks. Is this because I need an extra antenna? Moreover, when I put the airport card back into the g4, the computer no longer see's it. I know its firmly plugged in. What I would like to do is have the g5 use the airport card, but help on how to get the g4 to recognize it again would also be helpful.