Hardware :: Finding The Ideal MacBook Keyboard Design (For Every Mac)?
Nov 1, 2008
But, sometimes I'm confused because of OS X's symbols of ctrl, shift and option keys.
So, I slightly photoshoped the image from the Apple website and I believe Apple should follow this design someday.
Just look at the ctrl, shift and option keys, then you'll find something changed.
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Mar 8, 2010
I am going to be purchasing Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium (Photoshop, Acrobat, Flash, Dreamweaver, etc) shortly but want to make sure I have enough horsepower to be able to run it. Ideally, I'd like to have this on my laptop so the program can be portable, but at the same time I don't want to be hauling around 10 pounds of equipment with me.
So I'm looking at the MacBook pro 13" and am wondering if the 2.53 GHz, 4 GB of memory, and the 250 GB drive is enough power to be able to run CS4. I like the idea of a 13" as it's lighter to carry around, but when I look at the 15" version it looks like I can get a bit more processor and drive space, but more importantly it looks like the graphics are a bit better as well. I'm just trying to ascertain whether the graphics card on the 13" version will be an inhibiting factor to using CS4 Design Premium.
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Jun 21, 2012
Looking at the 2012 13" model with 2.5Gzh I5 chip and 4GB RAM, any one know if this will work ok for designing on using the latest Adobe CS6 design standard suite? ALso can the 13" be connected to a standard DVI monitor using an adapter for the thunderbolt port.
MacBook Pro
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Sep 30, 2009
Just recently bought a MBP and noticed how hot it will be when I am running WoW. (I saw it reach 100 degrees on istat.) after searching through the forums, I just downloaded smcFancontrol. Problem is, I have no idea what is an ideal temperature/fan speed. Basically, I have 3 questions:
1) Is there a max temperature the MBP should run at?
2) If I use smcFancontrol, should I use it at max setting (6200rpm) to keep my temperature down to the ideal temperature?
3) If I use a leather casing (Macally) for my MBP, would it seriously impair the MBP in terms of cooling?
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May 13, 2010
When i play games, cpu temp runs about 80C , do you think this is not safe for mbp ?What temps must it be running ?Does it have protection against having high temp and shutting it down ?
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Jul 21, 2009
Does the 15" MBP have the ideal resolution for day to day office work (email, docs etc..) and to play the occasional game or is it even too low for this? My feeling is that the 17" MBP resolution is too high for office work and would be too small to read. What is the "perfect" resolution when doing office work on a 15" screen?
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Oct 20, 2010
I've searched and it seems no more backlit keyboard?
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Jan 15, 2008
I just bought a black MacBook. I've searched the forums but all the threads I've found on this topic seem to be dead ends.
I'm already planning on getting a Moshi palmrest to keep the top of the bottom case from getting all oily and shiny.
I'm also thinking of getting a Radtech Screensaverz to keep the keyboard from imprinting onto the screen and to wipe down the screen and case.
I would like something to keep my keyboard clean as well.
Right now, I'm looking at the iSkin and zCover:
I noticed on the iSkin site that they say the pre-printed covers (which is what I think I'd like) do not fit the MacBook revision that came out in November, though.
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May 27, 2010
But i need to compare the two keyboard layouts. I am from Sweden, but I dont mind if the buttons says different on the MPB, as long as there is as many keys that im used to have.
If any one from sweden or china or if any one can google this it would be great! (i have googled ALOT, but I got nothing.. internet here is not they same as back home..
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Sep 18, 2010
First of all I'm really new to external HD and stuff so pardon me if I get any terms wrong.I just bought My Passport 500GB and wish to format it for: Read/write on my Mac Leopard OS, Read only for Windows XP/vista. (Even in read-only videos still can be played, right?)What would be the right format? I DON'T want it to be FAT32 since it almost corrupted my friend's HD. I've heard about NTFS but got really confused about it.
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Aug 4, 2008
After a long absence from Apple (Apple IIc, Mac IIcx, & Mac IIfx!) I'm leaving the land of cheap PC's for something I believe will "just work".
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Nov 23, 2008
I intend to burn close to 30 hours of home HD videos on hopefully HD disks like Blu-ray. I tried the Toast 9 and successfully burned a 15 minute HD on a regular DVD however on my MacBook 2.16 GHz with 2 GB RAM it took few hours for encoding.
Question #1: can any hardware piece ie: elgato's Turbo.264 will make a siginificant difference in encoding time
question#2: I need to shell out money for a powerful Mac Pro with an internal 3rd party BR burner (about $500), and if so, then what are ideal specs, dual core, quad core...RAM size, video card speed...etc.
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Aug 6, 2010
I shoot about 40 weddings per year. (2500-3000 images per week). I am currently working off a 2 x2.66 Dual Core MacPro with 11GB of memory. I use Aperture and a bit of Final Cut Pro.I need the MacPro for storage issues related to iTunes and photo libraries so I have ruled out an iMac. My question is, when will I cross the "overkill" line. I don't spend my days doing intensive 3D render outputs of math computations so I know a 12 core is "too much".
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Aug 14, 2010
I'm a FCP / AE / Compressor user and have been in the market to upgrade my painfully slow G5 for years now. I'm pulling the trigger on a 2010 and trying to decide the best set up. I'm going with a 12-core but thinking the 2.66. Not sure if the extra $1200 can be justified to go to the 2.99. Anyone have an opinion?
I thought with that $1200 I could get more RAM instead. So, my second question is what the best move would be for RAM. I'm going with the base offering from apple and will remove and replace with either 2 or 3 8GB sticks or more 4GB sticks.
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Jan 26, 2009
I am running XP on VMware 2.01 and I was wondering what are the best settings to run it at. Is their a downside to have it running 2 cpus and max ram as well? Will OSX go really slugish? It says something about memory swapping occuring, what is this?
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Jun 15, 2012
I wonder what the ideal artwork is for your music?Because on the pictures below you can see that there is still som white on the upper and bottom place of the artwork and it is a 600 x 600 artwork.. And I Have an iPhone 4S so the artwork needs to be high resolution?
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Nov 6, 2010
I'm in the market for an internal HDD to use as a dedicated TM backup drive. The 2 TB WD Caviar Green is going for about $90 on Amazon right now. Seems like it might be a perfect TM backup drive? It's not that fast, but does that really matter for a TM backup? It's also quiet and doesn't use a lot of power.
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Jan 8, 2011
Trying to decide which laptop to get for work. This will be my primary computer, and I'll be hooking it up to a 27" cinema display at home. I currently have an iMac 24" 2.8 core duo 4gb, but I need the portability of a laptop to work on at the office, and I don't want to keep the iMac and sync with the new laptop, I just want one machine to work on. Don't really want to spend over $1500 on the laptop, unless it is a significant upgrade. For work, I use some adobe cs5 apps, mostly photoshop, and every once in a while I use premiere to edit video off my canon t2i. The kicker is, I need to get something within 2 weeks. Like everyone, I'm anxious to see what the new MBP's are all about, but I have a feeling they'll definitely be more than $1500, considering the new air's are more than that when beefed up to 4gb, 256gb. I already ordered a cinema display as they are on sale, so figured might as well get that component. Here is what I'm thinking for choices.
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Jan 19, 2009
My grand daughter has a class in Website design and they are telling her that she must use a PC format in the course. She has a MacBook with Leopard. If she installs MS XP, what else will she need in terms of software and is Parallels necessary? I also wonder why she cannot use the Mac as a Web design platform?
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Jan 5, 2008
I'm looking for a keyboard with trackball for a mac mini, but I cannot find anythink.
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Sep 21, 2009
I own an eMac (my first one) and overall, I'm extremely pleased with the machine. However, the fancy-appearing keyboard leaves much to be desired, and I'm looking for a new one. The Matias tactile pro keyboard looks promising, as does the Kensington, but I would be interested in everyone's opinion as to which keyboard has the best "feel." I'm not interested in bells and whistles, just basic utility and keyboard keys striking quality for long sessions on my word processor.
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Aug 13, 2009
I purchased my Macbook in September of 2007. I was born and raised on Macs so I am familiar with the products.
1) They keys are leaving severe imprints on the screen. I have researched that they now sell products to prevent this - but I was not *warned of this at the purchace time. I presume that this is a design flaw as a $1400+ computer should not damage the screen - I guess that there not there is not enough space between the top and bottom. I do not slam cover when I close nor do I carry it around in a backpack full of book squishing the computer. Please advise.
2) The outside of the white cover (of which I purchaced and used religiously the $60 plastic protective piece) is changing colour and there are 'scratch' like marking all over the top and bottom.
3) The bottom of the keypad keep chipping off, I have had to replace this twice and am looking at a third time. Fortunetly Mac acknowledeges this defect and cover the service fee.
I have genuinly enjoyed all the macs I have had over the years, but am downright frustreated with this Laptop!
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Apr 30, 2010
I am planning to buy the base new 15" MBP. I am going to use it for graphic and web design work along with doing other stuff like browsing, email, music, watching movies, etc. The programs I plan to use are:
- Adobe CS4/5 (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Flash)
- Coda + Transmit
- iMovie and GarageBand (slight movie and sound editing, nothing too large)
- Windows XP under Parallels Desktop for testing pages on IE
I am also planning on getting the 24" ACD to hook it to the MBP. This will also be my main and only computer.
Would the base model be enough for this? I currently have an 20" iMac Intel Core 2ghz and while it feels kinda slow when working on comps and large files in Photoshop it pulls through, so I am thinking that the base new 15" MBP would very much smoke my current iMac.
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Dec 27, 2010
I'm considering buying the MBAir 13" - I'm a graphic designer and was wondering if it'll be able to handle programs such as Photoshop and InDesign? I'll probably have two of Adobe's programs open at once as well as my web browser, I'm worried that it'll lag the laptop. I'd get the MBP but I bring my laptop with me in between classes and it's pretty heavy.
EDIT: just to clarify, I already have a 15" MBP but I had to get it fixed a few weeks back and it hasn't been the same since. It's laggy and I have to restart it a lot, every once in a while it even turns it self off without warning. I thought I'd rather spend more money on a new one rather than getting it fixed again.
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Mar 24, 2009
i was just wondering i am planning on get a macbook but a refurbished one. Im planning on getting the lower end model but I am just getting started on web design. The question i have is it going to be sufficient enough with the task Im going to be doing. Meaning Multi-Tasking
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Jul 7, 2009
I was planning on getting a macbook NEXT fall, not this one, but I was thinking about just getting the new macbook pros, the screen is bigger, and I get the mileage on the gfx card, as well as Graphic Design if I get interested in.. ( i could see this happening)I heard that the BUS or watever it is is being reduced tho, exponentially minimizing SSD effectiveness?Wat do u think about my buying choice? I hate to wait, i could use 4 school if I move and dont take the imac use for the Community College i go to until next fall
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Nov 17, 2007
tell me best recommended brand
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Feb 14, 2008
I've seen a few threads regarding changing apple keyboards to the 'dvorak' stup. I looked into it a little bit, and was thinking about trying it out just for fun. I type about 70-80 words per minute with the qwerty setup.
What are the main advantages of dvorak, and how long does it take most people to learn? Would it be worth me mastering, even though I am pretty fast on a regular keyboard?
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May 4, 2009
I use my laptop on a stand and when typing (only small tasks, i.e. a bit of facebook) I find it a normal to reach up and uncomfortably hit the keys. Is there software that would allow me to type say, with my mouse by hitting on screen letters/numbers. I googled for this but couldn't find anything. Does such software exist?
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Oct 19, 2009
Some Googling and some searches here have led me to a bunch of discontinued products from Adesso, and a bunch of crappy keyboards that state they're only compatible with Windows/Vista. I need to find something that has a built-in touchpad that's Mac compatible like the DiNovo edge touchpad is, but with a plug-in USB option rather than Bluetooth.
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