MacBook Pro :: Finding Best MacBook For Running Adobe CS4 Design Premium
Mar 8, 2010
I am going to be purchasing Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium (Photoshop, Acrobat, Flash, Dreamweaver, etc) shortly but want to make sure I have enough horsepower to be able to run it. Ideally, I'd like to have this on my laptop so the program can be portable, but at the same time I don't want to be hauling around 10 pounds of equipment with me.
So I'm looking at the MacBook pro 13" and am wondering if the 2.53 GHz, 4 GB of memory, and the 250 GB drive is enough power to be able to run CS4. I like the idea of a 13" as it's lighter to carry around, but when I look at the 15" version it looks like I can get a bit more processor and drive space, but more importantly it looks like the graphics are a bit better as well. I'm just trying to ascertain whether the graphics card on the 13" version will be an inhibiting factor to using CS4 Design Premium.
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Apr 10, 2009
I'm a college senior soon to be venturing out into the workforce in the fields of advertising and public relations. I love design and have thoroughly enjoyed working with Photoshop and InDesign - but plan on venturing more into web design and teaching myself how to make an awesome website. My school has really good discounts on Adobe software and so I'm torn over whether to purchase Design Premium at $300 or the Master Suite at $500.
I don't know how to use most of the extra tools in the Master Suite - but think that some of them could be good tools to learn. Those familiar with the software. I know this is a good deal. Should I go ahead and buy the whole package even if I'm not sure when I would use the extra features of the Master Suite?
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Mar 11, 2012
I currently have a MacBook Pro running 10.6.8. It has 2.4GHz Intel Core Duo 2 & 8GB of DDR3 RAM. I want to upgrade to Lion, but I am worried that my Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium CS4 will not be compatiable with that version. Can anyone verified that this will work?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 21, 2008
If you purchase the CS3 Prod Premium can you purchase another license at a cheaper price so that you can install it on another machine? and is there ANY place that sells the darn thing cheaper than the $1700 bones you have to pay for it? And how 'bout us folks who have Final Cut Studio 2 and just need Photoshop and After Effects? If you buy these two separately, it's MORE expensive than buying the Creative Suite Prod Premium so you buy the Production Premium box and you get all that other stuff you may not use.
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Nov 1, 2008
But, sometimes I'm confused because of OS X's symbols of ctrl, shift and option keys.
So, I slightly photoshoped the image from the Apple website and I believe Apple should follow this design someday.
Just look at the ctrl, shift and option keys, then you'll find something changed.
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Oct 27, 2009
So I used to be a student when I had the last Creative Suite I bought, and am not now, although didn't have the chance to graduate so obviously the money isn't rolling in from designing (for the most part) and apparently this crap cost $1700? Anyways I suppose I understand the pricing, but would be unable to buy the $400 Student Edition so was wondering, would ebay be a good option? I found this:
and the guy seems to be legit but I am still weary about it. Also seems like the guy has a hard time selling them and was wondering if anyone has had any luck buying the stuff off of ebay?
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Jun 21, 2012
Looking at the 2012 13" model with 2.5Gzh I5 chip and 4GB RAM, any one know if this will work ok for designing on using the latest Adobe CS6 design standard suite? ALso can the 13" be connected to a standard DVI monitor using an adapter for the thunderbolt port.
MacBook Pro
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Feb 20, 2012
Running Macbook Pro i7 processor. OSX 10.7.3. Adobe CS5 keeps crashing. Uninstalled and reinstalled - no luck. Purchased CS5.5 - same thing.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 30, 2009
I just "upgraded" yesterday from a Power Mac G4 to a 17" MacPro. Among other adjustment problems, I can't open PDF files. The message I get is "You can't open the application Adobe Reader because it is not supported on this kind of Mac."
I've tried downloading the latest version of Adoobe Reader, an although it seems to download, I can't find it.
How do I deal with PDF files on a MacPro?
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Jun 27, 2009
how to run 2 separate windows on a MacBook - one to run each of the two abovementioned programs.
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Jun 28, 2009
I've got MacBook Unibody 2GHz and if my charge ratio is 1 charge/1 day how long my battery will work - is it countable?
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Jul 8, 2009
I feel like the MBP to be a premium ultraportable should keep the same 5.0 hour rated battery. I would assume this can improve over time, but it is unrealistic to say it should be 7+ like everything else. Secondly, I think 4GB of RAM is feasible/necessary for the next revision. Lastly, I would really, really, really like to see 1 1440x900 res screen. If there is one thing I love about the X300/301 is the added screen space thanks to the higher res. I would much rather have a MBA as my portable since I have a MacPro for my power stuff, but I look at the price of the MBP 13 and then see the Refurb 15 at basically the same price (by using Edu Discount) and I just feel so stupid not taking the 15 at that point. Granted, it is always best to buy what you need regardless of price, but having had a 13" and a 15" before, the extra pound wont kill me. If I were not in the market for a portable laptop, I would gladly wait for a MBA with 4GB of Ram though. Oh well.
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Sep 16, 2009
do any of you have CS4 running on a G4 Powermac? I want to buy CS4 but I have no intentions of buying a G5. Someone told me that he use Photoshop CS4 on his G4 with no problem. I do not want to buy the entire Suite and then end up getting stuck being unable to use it. On the box says G5 Intel is recommende
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Oct 11, 2009
I'm connecting my new Macbook Pro 15" running Snow Leopard, to my home network and of course it hooked up with my wireless router right away. I have a NAS hard wired to a wireless router. The Mac sees all the folders and files just fine and can read/write. I have a Vista Home Premium PC hard wired to the same wireless router. The Users Folder is shared with full privileges as are the individual users folders. The firewall is off. It runs no "security software". The Mac can see the Vista PC and also see the Users individual account folders but when I open them I can't see any of the files. I really don't know what direction to go. The Vista PC networked fine with an older Toshiba laptop that the Mac replaced.
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May 13, 2010
I'm on a Mac OS X, version 10.6.3. Processor 2.66 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo. Memory: 2 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. I'm a graphic designer so I always have Photoshop CS4 & InDesign CS4 running simultaneously 8 hours a day. (Firefox 3.6.3 is also running). Never had a problem until recently - the screen would suddenly turn WHITE, or BLUE w/ VERTICAL STRIPES. Then I have to reboot.
I had 3 crashes today. I did notice when I was scrolling w/ my (sorta old & ghetto Kensington mouse) that it froze the iMac twice. IS THERE A PATCH, OR SOFTWARE UPDATE FOR THIS? Anyone else having similar crashes?
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Dec 5, 2008
I shudder to think that we might be getting a bargain from apple, is that possible, or is this ssd: SuperTalent 60GB SSD (Microsata II, 1.8'')
Which costs around 900 euros mind you not dollars, with less than half the capacity, is so much better in terms of performance than the one in the air? Also what's with the specification of a 1.8 ssd drive, are they produced in the same volumes as 2.5" ones? Are they aimed at air type products, i.e. thin and light but come at a premium price?
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Nov 9, 2010
I am poised to make the change from PC to Mac. However, I have a decision to make. I am currently running a 3ghz QUAD core, 8gb RAM with Windows Vista. The system runs well (yes, even though it is Windows) but I wish to move to Mac and ditch the Windows world. I plan to use Logic Pro so need a Mac. I have 2 x 24" monitors that set me back 700�. I was thinking to keep those and perhaps buy a Mini Mac. The mini Mac can support 2x displays.
My big question is this: If I went for the 2.66Ghz Intel Duo Core Mini Mac with 8gb RAM, would this tun Logic Pro without any problems? Would it also run software like Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator / Premiere without hanging or being very slow? Who has a mini Mac and currently has these softwares installed? Please advise? Should I simply sell everything and go for an iMac?
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Oct 25, 2007
Does Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 come in a MAC version?
If it doesn't what is the point of buying the Adobe Creative Suite CS3 Production Premium bundle?
Of course, I think more people would rather use Final Cut Studio 2, like me, and really the only reason I'd get the Production Premium Suite is for Flash, After Effects and Photoshop.
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Nov 10, 2008
I am getting an alert from Firefox that I need to install a Flash Player update. It gives me a link to the free Flash 10 download from Adobe. That's lovely of them, except that Flash 10 is only compatible with OX 10.4 & higher. I have 10.3.9. All the old links I can find for Flash 9 seem to have been updated to Flash 10.
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Feb 17, 2009
Is it possible to install the Windows Vista home premium Lite OS on a MacBook? Think it would be nice to save some precious HD space for other purposes.
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May 16, 2012
My MBA (Mid 2009) serial no W8******9A5. It broken hinges, I brought to premium service in Vietnam check warranty and replace hinges and dislay free all but its serial number don't replaced. I read in and thought my MBA has one of products affected. What reason my MBA don't replaced?
MacBook Air, Windows7
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Sep 3, 2014
When trying to install Adobe Acrobat 11 Pro on my iMac running 10.9.4, the install will not finish and hangs when installer indicates "running package scripts".
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 8, 2010
Iv'e just installed Adobe CS4 Master Suite which installed fine. Then I entered a serial number followed by running a special script...
As soon as i installed the adobe updater kicked in saying there were rucks of updates, the big question is, can I update the apps, or will it mess the whole suite up?
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Jan 8, 2011
Trying to decide which laptop to get for work. This will be my primary computer, and I'll be hooking it up to a 27" cinema display at home. I currently have an iMac 24" 2.8 core duo 4gb, but I need the portability of a laptop to work on at the office, and I don't want to keep the iMac and sync with the new laptop, I just want one machine to work on. Don't really want to spend over $1500 on the laptop, unless it is a significant upgrade. For work, I use some adobe cs5 apps, mostly photoshop, and every once in a while I use premiere to edit video off my canon t2i. The kicker is, I need to get something within 2 weeks. Like everyone, I'm anxious to see what the new MBP's are all about, but I have a feeling they'll definitely be more than $1500, considering the new air's are more than that when beefed up to 4gb, 256gb. I already ordered a cinema display as they are on sale, so figured might as well get that component. Here is what I'm thinking for choices.
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Apr 5, 2008
if there was another program available for mac that preformed a similar function to that of Adobe Indesign CS3? I have heard of a program called Swift Publisher, but that does not seem to suit my needs fully. Pages also seems to be a tad too simple for what I intend it to be. So, to restate, is there a program which performs a similar function to that of Adobe Indesign?
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Nov 16, 2009
I'm a bit confused here. I pay my phone bill online and recently started printing the receipts to the "pdf printer" on my mac so I can store them electronically. However, I cannot find the folder where the receipts are being printed to. Does anyone know the location of this standard folder in Snow Leopard?
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Jan 19, 2009
My grand daughter has a class in Website design and they are telling her that she must use a PC format in the course. She has a MacBook with Leopard. If she installs MS XP, what else will she need in terms of software and is Parallels necessary? I also wonder why she cannot use the Mac as a Web design platform?
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Feb 3, 2010
I have done alot of research. I have never owned a mac. I haven't used on since I graduated from school 5-6 years ago for graphics. I have no desire if I do get one to boot xp on it I find the mac os to look more clean(yeah if that makes since) My current laptop is a sony vaio. I mean I know its not strong enough to handle the adobe programs, I can barely run flash cs4 and photoshop cs4 at the same time. My specs on my current sony vaio which I got like 2 and a half years ago is 0.99 gigs of ram/1.60 ghz/ginuwine intel (r) cpu. I know its nothing compared to today and with more work from clients I need something that can handle running at least 5 of the adobe programs at the same time with the internet browser opened and maybe a mp3 player like jet audio playing some tunes to get some serious work done occasional video editing but nothing too crazy..
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Feb 2, 2010
Is there any application (freeware) which is substitute or similar to Adobe Pagemaker?
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Aug 13, 2009
I purchased my Macbook in September of 2007. I was born and raised on Macs so I am familiar with the products.
1) They keys are leaving severe imprints on the screen. I have researched that they now sell products to prevent this - but I was not *warned of this at the purchace time. I presume that this is a design flaw as a $1400+ computer should not damage the screen - I guess that there not there is not enough space between the top and bottom. I do not slam cover when I close nor do I carry it around in a backpack full of book squishing the computer. Please advise.
2) The outside of the white cover (of which I purchaced and used religiously the $60 plastic protective piece) is changing colour and there are 'scratch' like marking all over the top and bottom.
3) The bottom of the keypad keep chipping off, I have had to replace this twice and am looking at a third time. Fortunetly Mac acknowledeges this defect and cover the service fee.
I have genuinly enjoyed all the macs I have had over the years, but am downright frustreated with this Laptop!
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