I just bought a black MacBook. I've searched the forums but all the threads I've found on this topic seem to be dead ends.
I'm already planning on getting a Moshi palmrest to keep the top of the bottom case from getting all oily and shiny.
I'm also thinking of getting a Radtech Screensaverz to keep the keyboard from imprinting onto the screen and to wipe down the screen and case.
I would like something to keep my keyboard clean as well.
Right now, I'm looking at the iSkin and zCover:
I noticed on the iSkin site that they say the pre-printed covers (which is what I think I'd like) do not fit the MacBook revision that came out in November, though.
i just bought the newly updated white polycarbonate 13.3 macbook and i was wondering what type of case would protect it the best. ive seen a bunch on ebay that looked cheap like they would do more damge then they would prevent. i just dont want all kind of scratches on my new mac becuase its like my first child to me lol.
I got the clear moshi clear guard keyboard cover, it seemed to be one of the best ones out there, however I just read in a thread, that they can block venting & cause it to run hotter. Is this true? where does the mac vent out heat? I thought a keyboard cover was a good idea, to protect from spills etc.
Why did Apple go back to putting these aluminum boxes over the RAM? To cut down on dust I assume? Or something else? My 2008 Pro does not have these but I know some if not all of the G5's had them.
I'm pretty satisfied with the Marware cover, although it can be a little frustrating when typing quickly..I'm wondering if I should go back, return the Marware cover and pick up the iSkin.
So, for those of you that have any of these in comparing..which do you think is the best?
And yes, I did search and am aware threads like this exist..but I couldn't find any comparing all three, only iSkin vs. Moshi.
I absolutely HATE trackpad oil/wear. I have used many pre-unibody MacBook Pro's (and other laptop models) that have worn trackpads that make tracking VERY hard. But these new trackpads are apparently wear resistant.
I have a Moshi cover on the trackpad, but I'm wondering if its even useful. Since the unibody systems have been out for a long time, can anyone report back on trackpad wear. Are the glass trackpads really as good as Apple claims, and thus no wear? I have had a unibody system for a year but it has always had a trackpad cover, and if possible I would like to do away with it as it makes tap-clicking a bit hard.
I was first torn between actually ordering the whiite macbook over the macbook pro because i hated the black keys on the silver macbook pro.
Well after searching google, ebay etc i found out about these silicone keyboard covers and want to know if you have one and also im trying to get as close as the original MBP color but these below seem to be the closest what do you guys think will look better on the MBP.
I purchased two different Applecare boxes w/service both are brand new. One is for my mac the other is for a client. Only issue is they both came in the same box and have no indication of which is which. Mine is a Macbook Pro and his is a Mac Mini. Both boxes look identical except on one side the numbers are different. Anyway to tell without opening the boxes, as I need his to look brand new?
'm not particularly fond of some of the commercial macbook skins out there, so i'm interested in creating my own.
i'd like to create something similar to this:
clearly, there's some sort of custom/created skin (vinyl, perhaps?) on top of the actual macbook without covering the macintosh light. on top of that is a black incase cover.
any tips on creating something along these lines? methods/tools/supplies?
But i need to compare the two keyboard layouts. I am from Sweden, but I dont mind if the buttons says different on the MPB, as long as there is as many keys that im used to have.
If any one from sweden or china or if any one can google this it would be great! (i have googled ALOT, but I got nothing.. internet here is not they same as back home..
I saw a article/rumor about some company that is making a rubberized soft shell covers for our MBP. I having a hard time finding this and I keep running into those Speck hard cases...
I just picked up a 13" MBP for my wife with everything except the anti-glare, really wish it was an option. Has anyone used any matte or anti-glare screen protectors that they are happy with? My wife is a photographer and will be using this outdoors for work, so it's a must.
I own an eMac (my first one) and overall, I'm extremely pleased with the machine. However, the fancy-appearing keyboard leaves much to be desired, and I'm looking for a new one. The Matias tactile pro keyboard looks promising, as does the Kensington, but I would be interested in everyone's opinion as to which keyboard has the best "feel." I'm not interested in bells and whistles, just basic utility and keyboard keys striking quality for long sessions on my word processor.
I'm looking for an app that will let me design covers for DVD cases. Nothing super fancy, but one that will generate high-dpi results and let me create reusable templates. Most importantly, something that won't lock me into a "Wizard" mode. I've tried a few of these programs on the Windows side, and find that they're usually so constricting that your covers look generic, or they require you to be an Adobe Illustrator expert just to get anything done. I'd love to find something in between, and made for Mac.
I've seen a few threads regarding changing apple keyboards to the 'dvorak' stup. I looked into it a little bit, and was thinking about trying it out just for fun. I type about 70-80 words per minute with the qwerty setup.
What are the main advantages of dvorak, and how long does it take most people to learn? Would it be worth me mastering, even though I am pretty fast on a regular keyboard?
I use my laptop on a stand and when typing (only small tasks, i.e. a bit of facebook) I find it a normal to reach up and uncomfortably hit the keys. Is there software that would allow me to type say, with my mouse by hitting on screen letters/numbers. I googled for this but couldn't find anything. Does such software exist?
Some Googling and some searches here have led me to a bunch of discontinued products from Adesso, and a bunch of crappy keyboards that state they're only compatible with Windows/Vista. I need to find something that has a built-in touchpad that's Mac compatible like the DiNovo edge touchpad is, but with a plug-in USB option rather than Bluetooth.
When a file is selected in finder, what is the keyboard shortcut to open or launch whatever is highlighted? In other words, do the same thing as the "open" command in the menu when you "right click" with just the keyboard shortcut.
I am getting a new IMac with a new aluminum keyboard and it looks perfect. When i start using it I realize that my shortcut key does not work anymore. My shortcut key consists of F1 - F12 is now assigned to the Mac OS function, I don't find a way to them off.
I have iTunes 9.2.1 which I use with iPod Nano third generation How do I remove the album covers from my iTunes library (songs) as well as ones already on my iPod?Also, and not have new ones download when purch. new songs?
Info: emac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 700mHz, Power PC G4, Tiger
i got a kensington bluetooth usb 2.0 adaptor since my mac pro desktop does not have boothtooth...
when i reboot or lose power to the computer, i lose the connectivity of the keyboard when i turn on the computer back on...i cannot find any downloads or help from kensington nor apple..
I don't know if this forum is the correct one to ask the question I have.
I'm going to New York next month, and I'd like to know if I could buy the Apple Bluetooth Keyboard (Spanish version) in one of the Apple Store of New York.