Hardware :: Blurry Text Using OS X Snow Leopard On External Monitor?
Sep 14, 2010
I have a macbook pro and when I connect it to my external ASUS VH226H, 1920x1080 22" moitor all the fonts except the ones that are part of the OS not in external software are really blurry and rubbish. I've used the following apps and it all looks terrible: Coda, Firefox, Safari, Adium, Adobe CS5. I've tried changing the font smoothing options via terminal and it has made no difference.
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Aug 8, 2009
I purchased a dell monitor a few weeks ago (s2409w), but returned it because it had a defect. I was thinking about buying a new monitor, the Dell ST2310, but I recall that on the old monitor text didn't seem as sharp as it did on my PC. It almost seemed a bit blurry.
I had it hooked up to my MacBook Pro via DVI as the main display, running at its native resolution of 1920x1080.
I read somewhere that it may have to do with the monitor's ppi, vs the MacBook's ppi, or something like that. Is there any way to remedy this problem before I buy this new monitor because I'm fearing that it will have the same problem as my old one.
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Dec 23, 2010
I just recently got a Samsung P2450H 24" monitor and I've connected it into my MBP with a mini Displayport > HDMI adaptor and with a HDMI cable. I've changed the default setting from AV to PC in the Samsung Monitor menu as recommended by others on this forum, and now I'm getting the maximum 1920 x 1080 resolution available on both Windows 7 and Mac OS with no overscanning issues etc. Everything fits on the screen. However, the text and font on websites looks a bit jagged and a bit blurry on Mac OS and I'm not sure why. If you stand far away, it's not that noticeable, but sitting at a reasonable distance (say 2 feet), you can definitely notice it. It just doesn't look that sharp in general.
People have said HDMI connections don't work that well on Samsung Monitors and I'd be better off with a DVI connection, but I can't see why there would be a discrepancy between the two modes. Which leaves the other reason - that this is an inherent issue to do with all Samsung P2450H models being affected with Mac OS, and not the cable itself? Has anyone experienced the same issues I've just alluded to? Perhaps I'm just being pedantic, but I'm pretty sure blurry/jagged text shouldn't be a characteristic of this monitor.
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Apr 3, 2010
I purchased a Dell 2209 WA ISP monitor, and connected it to my Macbook Pro via a DVI to DVI connection. My Macbook Pro has a GE FORCE 8600 T graphics card.
The text is quite blurry on the Dell. It is at 1680X1050 native resolution, which is supported by Macbook.
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Jul 17, 2009
Together with my MBP I also purchased a MiniDisplayPort to DVI to hook up my external monitor. The graphics on my laptop are really sharp, especially with the glossy screen. Yet, for some reason, the graphics on my Samsung-monitor are extremly blurry. Compared to the MBP my 22" Samsung 226 BW seems to be very unsharp and lacks colour.
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Nov 17, 2009
When I hook up an external monitor to the DVI output, and use both the macbook screen, and the external, the display on the external is blurry, and not very sharp. However, when I close the macbook, and run it in clamshell mode, the external becomes very clear, and crisp (like it should). I never use dual monitors, so this really isn't a problem, but want to know if its normal. 2007 Macbook Pro, 2.4, 4 gig ram. Gforce 8600M GT
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Dec 4, 2009
I finally did it... After a lifetime of Windows I've leapt from the Dark Side and am LOVING OSX... the combination of Spaces and Expose alone will save me countless hours!
I just got the VGA adapter to connect my spangly new MBP to the large monitor I used to use for my PC (no DVI capability on the large monitor, Acer x223w). Now however, I'm getting a strange and inconsistent problem:
If I connect all the cables and then power up, both my large monitor and the MBP screen appear slightly but infuriatingly blurry (see screenshot, left-hand side). If I power up MBP without connecting my large monitor and then 'hotplug' it (connecting the cable while everything is turned on), the blurryness is mostly cured - see screenshot right-hand side. The screenshot is from the same monitor in the two different states.
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Jan 17, 2010
Recently I installed the Snow Leopard OS on my Macbook Pro, previously I had 10.5 installed. However, now when I connect my Macbook to my flatscreen TV (Panasonic Plasma), using a mini display port cable to an HDMI cable, there's a black border around the edges of the picture. Before the Snow Leopard upgrade I was able to view the entire screen area of the Plasma TV, without any borders. The only thing I've done differently since then is install Snow Leopard. Does anyone know how I can fill the screen with image without using the zoom option on the TV screen, as the zoom cuts off some image at the top and bottom?
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Apr 1, 2012
Since I updated Snow Leopard to Version 10.6.8 on my MBP15, I can't use my SyncMaster P2770 HD (Samsung) in its highest 1920x1080 resolution anymore. I can choose 1920x1080 in the monitor-preferences, but having done that the resolution remains at 1680x1050 @60Hz (I can see it and even the monitor's info-menu says, that i still use 1680x1050 @60Hz). I use a Mini DisplayPort to VGA-Adapter and a VGA-cable.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 7, 2009
For the last year I have been searching for a way to play Netflix instant streaming content on my external Cinema Display connected to my iMac. Once a movie was playing full screen on the external display if you clicked on anything on the main display the movie would fall out of full screen and back to window mode. This is highly annoying and I really wanted a solution.
I ran across Plex some months back and they had a Netflix plugin which solved the problem, or so I thought. While Plex could play movies from Netflix full screen on the external display without falling out of full screen, it came with a host of compromises. The first compromise was that in Plex my instant queue never reflected what was actually in my queue. Recently I had 116 movies in my queue and Plex reported only 80 of those. Worse if one of the movies I wanted to watch was missing I would try to use Plex's Netflix search function and Plex would still not find the movie. Some titles simply could not be found through Plex, a problem the author acknowledges and says he is working on with no ETA. The other issue I have with Plex is that the fast forward and rewind functions that work so well in the Netflix browser based player do not work at all in Plex, making navigation in a movie painful within Plex.
So tonight I set out to look for an alternative to Plex, I came up empty handed. Then I had an idea, I searched my Mac for the Silverlight plugin and when I found it was greeted with a window stating that an update was available. This has happened several times before and each time I updated with the hope that Microsoft fixed the external monitor viewing problem, but it always remained. So this time I updated and proceeded to run my usual test which is to put a Firefox browser window on my external display, play a movie, and then click the full screen button. The movie went full screen which it always does, then I clicked in my other Firefox window open on my main display, as always the window on the external monitor fell out of full screen.
Dejected I went on to my second test which is to perform the exact same sequence I just described but using Safari instead of Firefox. Again it went full screen on the external display but this time something was different! The window where I clicked full screen froze and a new window opened behind it in full screen. Now I had two windows open on the external display, the smaller frozen one and a full screen one playing the movie behind it. I minimized the small window which left only the full screen one playing on the external display. Then I clicked on a window on my main display and the movie continued to play full screen on the external monitor! Thinking it was a fluke I closed Safari and tried it again, it worked perfectly!
This is awesome now I can play my Netflix movies on my external display in full screen without any issues and I have all of the features of the Netflix browser based player, in particular fast forward and rewind.
One last thing, prior to this working playback in a browser window was extremely choppy for me. Plex did not play choppy and it was another reason I was using it for playback. Now in full screen with the browser based player through Safari there is absolutely no choppiness.
Just for reference here is everything I am running:
OS X 10.6
Safari 4.0.3
Silverlight plugin 3.0.40723.0 (which interestingly is dated July 23)
Even though my system told me an update was available I am confused by the July 23 date of the plugin. Maybe it wasn't the plugin that solved this but rather my newly installed Snow Leopard in conjunction with Safari 4.0.3? Whatever the case I am thrilled to report that it finally works!
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Nov 4, 2009
I purchased a 2.2 GHz Mac Mini today and connected it to my Samsung 720 p LCD TV via mini-DVI to HDMI adapter. I've already adjusted to remove overscan but all text on the screen is blurry. By blurry I mean it has ragged edges and looks "chunky." It's not good. Text looks clean and crisp on high-def TV channels. Photos look decent. Even YouTube videos (HD) look pretty good. But the text is awful. My display settings are 720p so it displays at 1280 x 720 @ 60 hz. If I plug in my Dell laptop, the same TV defaults to a 768 x 1360@60 hz display and looks great. I've tried all the display settings ranging from 480 p up to 1600 x 900.
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Jun 30, 2010
I need to give my boss a reason as to why when he uses universal access zoom text on our website becomes blurry ( he did this by mistake). If I don't give him a good enough reason I will have to "fix" the problem.
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Oct 31, 2010
I had the above printer connected to my old and newer computer. I got another printer and decided to sell my 7350. Nothing was wrong with it and I just got cartridges for it. I sold it for $20 and later that day the woman who bought it from me told me that for some reason she could not get the printer to print right and sent me a picture where the text was blurry and unreadable. Her laptop recognizes the printer and I told her to clean the cartridges, print a test page, etc. and still the printer is not printing well.
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Aug 27, 2014
I have a blurry spot in the middle of my imac screen. It is the shape of a kidney bean.
iMac, iOS 7.1.2
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Apr 27, 2010
I have a VGA HP monitor that runs at a native resolution of 1680x1050 at 60Hz. I plugged the Mini in, some weird resolution came up. 1680x1050 didn't show up in "Displays". I downloaded SwitchResX, and set it to 1680x1050 at 60Hz.The resolution is now set, but the monitor is very blurry, and the dock extends beyond the bottom of the screen.I really want to get this working. I'm not quite sure how SwitchResX works so could anybody give me a hand?
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Nov 4, 2007
I have a Dual 2GHz PowerPC with the stock video card (ATI Radeon 9600 Pro) and have had a Dell 2405FPW monitor connected to it via DVI cable and it has worked flawlessly for a couple of years... until this week.
Now the image seems to be "off" by about one or two pixels. Just a bit blurry here and there and when I move the mouse across the screen, the entire screen image seems to shift a little bit.
I've tried power cycling, re-connecting the cable, unplugging everything, resetting the monitor settings in the control panel, factory-reset of the LCD settings..
Dual 2 GHz PowerPC G5, 2 GB
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
DVI Connection to Dell 2405
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Jan 29, 2010
I just bought a Samsung XL2370 monitor to hook onto my MBP 15".
Problem: the image is pixelated and blurry green. I can slightly see the background though. Screen works fine on a Windows pc. Before I hooked up a 19" on my MBP and that also worked.
I tried the menu but no luck. And when I choose the auto adjustment a message appears 'not available'.
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Dec 24, 2010
I have a new Macbook Air 13", 4GB RAM, 2.13Ghz, 256GB SSD.
I'm connecting the Macbook with the Apple Mini Displayport to DVI connector to a DVI cable to a Dell 2407 monitor with a resolution of 1920x1200. The resulting image is blurry. The fonts are blurry and drop shadows on the screen flicker quite badly. The resolution on my Macbook is indeed set to 1920x1200 to match my Dell 2407.
Does anyone know what the problem could be? Is the problem with the Mini Displayport to DVI adapter?
I know for a fact that the Dell LCD and the DVI cable work fine with my Windows 7 box. I have tried two different DVI cables as well.
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Sep 2, 2009
Check out the attached image. I think this might come in handy although, I'm already really used to capitalizing things, so I don't know how well it's going to work out for me. Anyway, look at my snazzy list. Now I can say Snow Leopard is Snappy!
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Feb 11, 2012
I'm trying to fill out a downloaded application which is in pdf format. I can type text onto the form in Preview, however, the text types as though it's right justified. That is: when I type the text, the text appears to the left of the cursor. To clarify, the cursor stays in the same place and the text moves to the left, for example, when I place the cursor to the right of "Name", the text I type in appears to the left of the cursor on top of the word "Name". For fields such as Name and Date, I suppose I can just put the cursor far to the right and type my text, but this is an application that includes an essay portion. Typing a paragraph with all of the text going to the left of the cursor isn't going to work very well. Is there a way to change the way the text is added, so that it's added in a more normal way, like the way I'm typing this question, where the letters appear where the cursor is and the cursor moves to the right as you add more text? Â
I have also tried doing this in Text Edit and Pages (I converted the pdf in Text Edit to rtf), but I wasn't able to fill out the document as needed. In addition, importing the document to Pages and Text Edit, for some reason, only imported the first page of the document). I am using OS 10.6.8
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Mar 24, 2012
I have some pics that I want to put titles into/onto.I am putting together a poster. The top of the poster has a picture. I want to put some text on top of/into the pic.What is a SIMPLE and EASY TO USE app where I can open the pic and type in the text and do some formatting? I do not want a 'template' app. The one's in pages don't work for this project.I want it to be able to use the fonts I have. A program that gives me limited fonts is NOT going to work. MAC OSX 10.6.8
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 11, 2012
I have googled this question and followed the instructions, to no avail.I am unable to underline, cross out text and highlight. All other functions under Annotate work.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 13, 2012
I have a text string on a sticky note that is formatted as a web link.Â
How can I remove the web link so the string becomes ordinary text?Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), (Early 2007)
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Apr 21, 2012
I am having a problem with my Canon Pixma 5200. For some reason it has stopped recognising text. It will print out the test print ok. I can print pictures but no text. I have used different applications, Pages, Word and pdf and although it sounds as though it is printing I end up with a blank sheet. I have a letterhead with my email address on it and having typed a long letter only the email address came out (this was in the same font as the letter but a smaller size).
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Jul 3, 2012
everything we open on our desk top is very large.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 4, 2012
How do I remove text enhance adware from my mac?
MacBook Air, iOS 5.0.1
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Mar 11, 2012
I am designing an admission ticket to an event, when copy and pasting the design for more on a page, i am not able to move the copied ticket to where i want on the page
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 22, 2012
I frequently use Preview to annotate PDFs and screen shots, and every time I add a text box annotation it is formatted to center the text in the box. Is there any way to change that so that text is aligned with the left side of the box?
Info:Mac OS X (10.6)
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Apr 20, 2012
how to make text bigger without zooming in,i.e in ical the text is to small but i want to see the hole of the calender
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 9, 2012
I know I have seen how to do this before but now I can't seem to find it again.Â
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