OS X :: 720p LCD TV - Awful Text - Blurry Screen

Nov 4, 2009

I purchased a 2.2 GHz Mac Mini today and connected it to my Samsung 720 p LCD TV via mini-DVI to HDMI adapter. I've already adjusted to remove overscan but all text on the screen is blurry. By blurry I mean it has ragged edges and looks "chunky." It's not good. Text looks clean and crisp on high-def TV channels. Photos look decent. Even YouTube videos (HD) look pretty good. But the text is awful. My display settings are 720p so it displays at 1280 x 720 @ 60 hz. If I plug in my Dell laptop, the same TV defaults to a 768 x 1360@60 hz display and looks great. I've tried all the display settings ranging from 480 p up to 1600 x 900.

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Hardware :: Getting Blurry Text On Dell Monitor?

Aug 8, 2009

I purchased a dell monitor a few weeks ago (s2409w), but returned it because it had a defect. I was thinking about buying a new monitor, the Dell ST2310, but I recall that on the old monitor text didn't seem as sharp as it did on my PC. It almost seemed a bit blurry.

I had it hooked up to my MacBook Pro via DVI as the main display, running at its native resolution of 1920x1080.

I read somewhere that it may have to do with the monitor's ppi, vs the MacBook's ppi, or something like that. Is there any way to remedy this problem before I buy this new monitor because I'm fearing that it will have the same problem as my old one.

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OS X :: Finding Best Explain - Why Text Gets Blurry When Using The Zoom

Jun 30, 2010

I need to give my boss a reason as to why when he uses universal access zoom text on our website becomes blurry ( he did this by mistake). If I don't give him a good enough reason I will have to "fix" the problem.

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Hardware :: HP Printer Not Printing Right / Text Blurry And Unreadable

Oct 31, 2010

I had the above printer connected to my old and newer computer. I got another printer and decided to sell my 7350. Nothing was wrong with it and I just got cartridges for it. I sold it for $20 and later that day the woman who bought it from me told me that for some reason she could not get the printer to print right and sent me a picture where the text was blurry and unreadable. Her laptop recognizes the printer and I told her to clean the cartridges, print a test page, etc. and still the printer is not printing well.

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MacBook Pro :: Samsung Monitor - Text Looks Jagged / Blurry

Dec 23, 2010

I just recently got a Samsung P2450H 24" monitor and I've connected it into my MBP with a mini Displayport > HDMI adaptor and with a HDMI cable. I've changed the default setting from AV to PC in the Samsung Monitor menu as recommended by others on this forum, and now I'm getting the maximum 1920 x 1080 resolution available on both Windows 7 and Mac OS with no overscanning issues etc. Everything fits on the screen. However, the text and font on websites looks a bit jagged and a bit blurry on Mac OS and I'm not sure why. If you stand far away, it's not that noticeable, but sitting at a reasonable distance (say 2 feet), you can definitely notice it. It just doesn't look that sharp in general.

People have said HDMI connections don't work that well on Samsung Monitors and I'd be better off with a DVI connection, but I can't see why there would be a discrepancy between the two modes. Which leaves the other reason - that this is an inherent issue to do with all Samsung P2450H models being affected with Mac OS, and not the cable itself? Has anyone experienced the same issues I've just alluded to? Perhaps I'm just being pedantic, but I'm pretty sure blurry/jagged text shouldn't be a characteristic of this monitor.

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Hardware :: Blurry Text On Dell Monitor / Connected MBP Using DVI To DVI Connection

Apr 3, 2010

I purchased a Dell 2209 WA ISP monitor, and connected it to my Macbook Pro via a DVI to DVI connection. My Macbook Pro has a GE FORCE 8600 T graphics card.

The text is quite blurry on the Dell. It is at 1680X1050 native resolution, which is supported by Macbook.

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Hardware :: Blurry Text Using OS X Snow Leopard On External Monitor?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a macbook pro and when I connect it to my external ASUS VH226H, 1920x1080 22" moitor all the fonts except the ones that are part of the OS not in external software are really blurry and rubbish. I've used the following apps and it all looks terrible: Coda, Firefox, Safari, Adium, Adobe CS5. I've tried changing the font smoothing options via terminal and it has made no difference.

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MacBook Air :: Fixing Blurry Screen?

Jan 17, 2009

I notice that the screen on my macbook air is not as sharp as my 4 yr old sony vaio s460. Is this the nature of the screen? I read chinese and there is a huge difference in sharpness with my vaio for small fonts compared to the air

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QuickTime :: How To Get Screen Recordings In It To Not Be Blurry

May 30, 2012

I have the standard Quick time application that came with my Mac Book Pro. I need to do sreen recordings for help videos on my website. When I use the screen recording feature from Quck time they videos come out blurry.

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Screen Has Blurry Lines In Screenshots

Jan 11, 2009

I dont even know how to describe what's going on with my screen so i took some screenshots of me playing WoW since that's where the problem is more apparent and one desktop ss.

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Software :: Screen Recording - Blurry Bar On Right Side And Bottom

Dec 22, 2010

My son wants to record his Call of Duty battles. I tried using Quicktime screen recording. It sort of worked but I have a blurry bar on the right side and bottom. Am I asking to much of my iMac (2.66 C2D with ATI 2600)? I quit other apps and made sure that I was not paging out to the HDD. How to improve the quality of the recording?

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MacBook Pro :: MBP 15" 2009 Model... Blurry Screen?

Jun 27, 2009

Not sure if this has been discussed yet, but after searching on these forums I couldn't find a topic already talking about it...

I just received my 15" Macbook Pro ( Mid 2009, the most recent update ), and noticed right away at just how blurry the screen is.

Comparing it to other laptops around me, and my desktops monitors... the text on the Macbook's screen looks blurry compared to them all.

Now Im making it sound like it's horrible, and it's really not... I just expected it to be a lot crisper and sharper.

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Mac Mini :: Monitor Is Blurry, The Dock Extends Beyond The Bottom Of The Screen?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a VGA HP monitor that runs at a native resolution of 1680x1050 at 60Hz. I plugged the Mini in, some weird resolution came up. 1680x1050 didn't show up in "Displays". I downloaded SwitchResX, and set it to 1680x1050 at 60Hz.The resolution is now set, but the monitor is very blurry, and the dock extends beyond the bottom of the screen.I really want to get this working. I'm not quite sure how SwitchResX works so could anybody give me a hand?

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MacBook Pro :: Awful Static When Plugging Into Speakers

May 24, 2010

Just received my new 15" i7 Macbook Pro today, and I like it a lot, but I'm having one major issue. I get awful static when I plug it in to my speakers via the headphone jack. I had no issues with the speakers on my previous Macbook (from around 2007). I even used the speakers just this morning with the old MB. The static comes whenever a sound is played, whether iTunes, a system sound etc. If there is no sound for a few seconds, it goes away, but immediately comes back the next time there is a sound. The static is fainly present using my Sennheiser headphones, and also with the built-in speakers. But t he sound is horrendous with external speakers. I've seen a lot of people with similar issues while searching the web, but no real solutions. Does anybody know?

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MacBook Pro :: Awful WiFi Speeds - Getting 500k Per Second

Jun 7, 2010

So I've got a new 15 inch i7 MBP. SSD, 8 Gigs of ram.. it's awesome. The machine itself is insane. Crazy crazy fast. However, it's not nearly as fast in terms of WiFi speeds as my previous Macbook Pro. Using Unison to download usenet files, I was getting about 5 megs/second (I'm in Holland, our internet is crazy fast). With the new one, I'm getting about 500k/sec. I suppose it could be a coincidence and something could be wrong with the network, but it's been this way for days. Anyone have any idea what might be slowing things down? Could something be wrong, or would it just not work at all if that were the case? Hoping I don't have to send it in for service...

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MacBook Pro :: Apple's Awful Repair Service (with Pics)?

Jun 20, 2009

Do the older macbook pro's like the Santa Rosa have liquid damage detection sensors? Or is just in the newer ones?

A year ago I spilled a tiny amount of beer on it and only a few drops got under 2 or 3 keys. I quickly popped them off, dried the area and everything was fine. My gpu failed recently due to the whole Nvidia thing and I had to ship it off to Apple. So I was wondering if they will be able to tell there was a spill and void my apple care warranty even though the failure was not caused by this?

I'm really worried because it was only a few drops and it did not leave any residue...

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Intel Mac :: Make Mail Readable, Text Barely Readable On Screen When Set To 12 Point Text?

May 20, 2012

Is there a way to increase the size of the displayed mail, as you are creating it? I have mine set to 12 point text, but it is still difficult to read. The e-mail when received is fine, it's the creating that's "tiny"?

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OS X :: Text On Screen And Finder Bar Gone Smaller

Jul 7, 2009

I've just been browsing the net with safari and all the text on the screen and finder bar above has gone smaller, like, straining your eyes small.

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OS X :: Custom Resolution/(MacBook At 720p?)

Aug 29, 2009

I am wanting to record screen casts. But there's one thing I displike a lot. Computer screens are 16:10 (mine are 1920x1200 and 1280x800).

However I'd love to record the screencast in 720p (1280x720) on my MacBook. Is there any way to set my MacBook's screen to 1280x720?

SwitchResX is the only app I found. However I would prefer a free method and something that eats itself into your system slightly less..

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Mac Mini :: Reverting To 720p From 1080p?

Apr 19, 2012

I have recently purchased a brand new 2.3Ghz Mac Mini to act as a home theatre PC which is connected to my receiver via HDMI & running Plex.In the MAC OSX display settings I have the resolution set to 1080p & then launch Plex to watch my media & everything is fine. The issue is whenever I turn the receiver off (Mac Mini remains on) and then come back to watch my media, the Mac Mini has automatically reverted its resolution to 720p (Plex is still open). For the life of me I can't figure out why this is happening. Mac Mini is set to never sleep, no screen saver or other hibernation like settings are enabled, it's just got me perplexed as to why it's downscaling itself! 

Mac mini

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OS X :: User Created Text On Login Screen

Dec 26, 2008

When logging in with my password there is some user created text above the dialogue box. I created this text in Tiger but can't remember where or how. It was deep in the root, and I know Leopard is somewhat different than Tiger when it comes to these functions.

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MacBook Pro :: Automator Pdf To Text Comes Up With Blank Screen?

Jun 21, 2012

I have creadted an Aitomator to convert PDF to Text, but it only comes up with a blank page.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: 720p MKV Video Playback Capability?

May 17, 2009

I often have 720p MKV video to watch, and I was wondering whether the current generation base model MacBook White is capable of playing them. I know that the MacBook White has the 9400m GPU which should be capable of doing it, but does it work in reality? What software do you need?

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MacBook Pro :: Playback Becomes Choppy - 720p Movies

Jul 22, 2009

I have a 13MBP 2.26ghz 2GB ram etc and when i try to play 720p movies like harry potter or deja vu, during action scenes the playback becomes choppy and the video turns into a bunch of squares and i usually miss a few second of the scene. it usually happens on graphic intensive screens such as the a girl dropped her teddy bear into the ocean waves and in harry potter 4 when all the glass frames break from the wall and fall down. Im using LED Cinema Display

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OS X :: HD Video 720p Mp4s Choppy On Mac Mini

Nov 19, 2009

Earlier this year, I finished ripping nearly every single one of my DVDs and Blu-rays (I only have a handful of the latter) so that I can play them off of my Mac Mini instead of having to load the DVD player every time I want to see a different movie.

On the Mac Mini 1.83 gHz C2D with 2gb of RAM and GMA950 graphics, I had no issues with the 480p videos in Front Row, but the high-def rips from the Blu-rays were very jerky, even though I downconverted them to 720p. I just upgraded to a 2.0 gHz C2D with 2gb of RAM and the nVidia 9400M graphics. Most of the 720p videos play well now, but a couple of them (Iron Man, particularly) are still a bit jerky in places.

Would upgrading again to a 2.26 gHz or a 2.53 gHz Mac Mini fix this issue? Do I just need more RAM? Does anyone have any advice?

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MacBook Pro :: GPU For Watching 720p/1080p Video?

May 28, 2010

Which one better handles HD video, the dedicated Intel HD or the nVidia 330M?

I watch a lot of HD video on my i5 and it mostly handles it without a hiccup but on occasion there is some slight stuttering when there is fast motion (with 1080p, the 720p stuff is handled well)...I think the default chip for most video is the Intel HD but I would think the nVidia would better handle these bigger files...any thoughts?

(of course with battery use I know the nVidia is a resourse/energy hog)

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ITunes :: Possible To Update Purchases From 720p To 1080p?

Mar 8, 2012

Is this even possible now that itunes supports 1080p?

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ITunes :: Upgrade 720p Movies To 1080p?

Jun 4, 2012

Apple when they did their press conference for the new Apple TV - specifically stated that previous purchases of movies from iTunes could be updated to 1080p.  There was no charge involved, I just needed to redownload them.  I wish that were the case.  What am I missing?  All my preferences state 1080p.  Viewing my purchases shows all my movies I can download and pretty much all of them are available in HD.  Yet, they are still downloading in SD (720p).  Why?  Online support/itunes sends me in a loop as far as downloading in 1080p.  It never answers the question. 

Do I need to re-buy (not going to happen) all my movies in HD to get HD?  That wasn't what was stated by Apple.   

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ITunes :: Sync 720p Movies On IPhone 3gs?

Jun 9, 2012

Why I can not sync 720p movies on my iphone 3gs? When I try to sync by selecting the film does not give me any error message but then there isn't on the iPhone.

iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Capture 720p Video From Webcam?

Jun 18, 2012

I am wondering what an easy solution would be to capture HD, 720p resolution video from an HD webcam? 

I have a MacBook Pro, mid-2010 with the standard-def iSight.  I will not be using the iSight for the video capture.  Rather, I will be using a 3rd-party USB HD webcam. 

The camera works well with Skype and the like, but I would like to capture full 720p video using a standalone piece of software. 

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