OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: App To Put Text Into/onto Photos?
Mar 24, 2012
I have some pics that I want to put titles into/onto.I am putting together a poster. The top of the poster has a picture. I want to put some text on top of/into the pic.What is a SIMPLE and EASY TO USE app where I can open the pic and type in the text and do some formatting? I do not want a 'template' app. The one's in pages don't work for this project.I want it to be able to use the fonts I have. A program that gives me limited fonts is NOT going to work. MAC OSX 10.6.8
Check out the attached image. I think this might come in handy although, I'm already really used to capitalizing things, so I don't know how well it's going to work out for me. Anyway, look at my snazzy list. Now I can say Snow Leopard is Snappy!
I'm trying to fill out a downloaded application which is in pdf format. I can type text onto the form in Preview, however, the text types as though it's right justified. That is: when I type the text, the text appears to the left of the cursor. To clarify, the cursor stays in the same place and the text moves to the left, for example, when I place the cursor to the right of "Name", the text I type in appears to the left of the cursor on top of the word "Name". For fields such as Name and Date, I suppose I can just put the cursor far to the right and type my text, but this is an application that includes an essay portion. Typing a paragraph with all of the text going to the left of the cursor isn't going to work very well. Is there a way to change the way the text is added, so that it's added in a more normal way, like the way I'm typing this question, where the letters appear where the cursor is and the cursor moves to the right as you add more text? Â
I have also tried doing this in Text Edit and Pages (I converted the pdf in Text Edit to rtf), but I wasn't able to fill out the document as needed. In addition, importing the document to Pages and Text Edit, for some reason, only imported the first page of the document). I am using OS 10.6.8
I have googled this question and followed the instructions, to no avail.I am unable to underline, cross out text and highlight. All other functions under Annotate work.
I am having a problem with my Canon Pixma 5200. For some reason it has stopped recognising text. It will print out the test print ok. I can print pictures but no text. I have used different applications, Pages, Word and pdf and although it sounds as though it is printing I end up with a blank sheet. I have a letterhead with my email address on it and having typed a long letter only the email address came out (this was in the same font as the letter but a smaller size).
I am designing an admission ticket to an event, when copy and pasting the design for more on a page, i am not able to move the copied ticket to where i want on the page
I frequently use Preview to annotate PDFs and screen shots, and every time I add a text box annotation it is formatted to center the text in the box. Is there any way to change that so that text is aligned with the left side of the box?
I have a macbook pro and when I connect it to my external ASUS VH226H, 1920x1080 22" moitor all the fonts except the ones that are part of the OS not in external software are really blurry and rubbish. I've used the following apps and it all looks terrible: Coda, Firefox, Safari, Adium, Adobe CS5. I've tried changing the font smoothing options via terminal and it has made no difference.
I have several PDF docs with several annotations in them. When I show the sidebar in Preview it lists page, type, date, and author, but does not display the words in the annotations!With a long of annotations that only identify themselves by "Text", it's laborious to find the note one is looking for. (One has to manually step through each one at a time!)
Info:MacBook Pro early 2008, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Time for a new computer!
Backed up my macbook air using time machine to my time capsule. Then went into iphoto and backed up pictures just to make sure. (They are all the pictures of my 6 and 2 year old since birth, very important to me). Opened time machine to make sure that my pictures had backed up, they were there and I figure everything is good.
I install Snow Leopard and after rebooting all pictures are gone. My iphoto library is gone. I went from 49.68 gig of used storage space on my hard drive pre-Snow Leopard to 17.92 gig of used storage space on my hard drive after installing Snow Leopard. I get kind of hacked off but figure there is no big deal since I know that my photos are in my Time Capsule. I go into time machine and there are 0 jpegs, 0 iphoto libraries and no pictures of any kind other than icons.
I freak the heck out and just plain don't understand. I call Apple 2 hours on the phone yesterday and 2.5 hours on the phone today and I am told that it is a problem being passed onto the engineering department and that they will get back to me but most likely the photos are gone and they are sorry. 3500 photos of my children's lives eaten by the dang Snow Leopard.
This is unacceptable, I did everything right in this instance, backing up my things, even spent the extra money to buy the time capsule, from apple, to make sure my backups went flawlessly. Got an appointment with the Genius Bar at the local retail store for Sunday but I was told today that they will more than likely not be able to help and will just add to the notes on my "Case" with apple.
How to send photos in jpeg formats? Read info which suggested exporting files to folder on desktop and attaching to email. files still open to photo instead of sending file name.jpeg.Â
[B]Issues:[/B ]Safari has garbled menus/text and so does [URL] Also the groups on the right in address book are garbled (the text looks out of place/corrupt ). The contacts look fine, it's just a couple group names, not all.
What i've tried: There are no duplicates in my font book. I repaired permissions. I've tried the demo of fontdoctor 7.6 but it says no errors, everything passed.
I'm completely stuck - anyone else have this problem?
After installing snow leopard I've had constant issues with mobileme, first with data conflicts, after I choose which data I think is correct (I usually guess) it then (sometimes after several minutes) constantly props me for a password. It's constantly saying this:
It says this WHILE LOGGED IN, I've logged out a million times and logged in, the password is correct. After I log out and try to log back in, it also gives me this error.
I've been trying to clean up a bunch of duplicates but when I highlight a photo and then take the option "move to trash" it simply moves the highlight to the next photo but the system acts as though I have moved the first photo to trash as the option to move to trash is now unavailable. I am running snow leopard but I am sure I have performed this task before in this version of the OS. Dragging a photo to trash simply doesn't work.
I have run into a similar problem before, when Address Book stopped accepting changes to contacts altogether. I followed advice I saw on the web and deleted the .plist files for Address Book in the Preferences file in my Library. That worked like a charm. Now, that doesn't work.
I have deleted the files, restarted my computer, verified and fixed permissions using Disk Utility, and let my computer rest overnight by leaving it off. Nothing works and I've tried several combinations of order. I am running Mac OSX 10.6.8 on a first generation Intel MacBook Pro. All software is up to date
This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed. Also, I downloaded google Chrome, but it crashed too. This has only been happening for the past week or so--up till then it's been fine.
After installing Snow Leopard on both of my computers, I have found that while the computers recognize my digital camera it will not allow me to import photos into i-photo and eventually you have to just force quit i-photo to get out of it.