OS X :: Blurry External Monitor - How To Cure
Jul 17, 2009
Together with my MBP I also purchased a MiniDisplayPort to DVI to hook up my external monitor. The graphics on my laptop are really sharp, especially with the glossy screen. Yet, for some reason, the graphics on my Samsung-monitor are extremly blurry. Compared to the MBP my 22" Samsung 226 BW seems to be very unsharp and lacks colour.
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Dec 4, 2009
I finally did it... After a lifetime of Windows I've leapt from the Dark Side and am LOVING OSX... the combination of Spaces and Expose alone will save me countless hours!
I just got the VGA adapter to connect my spangly new MBP to the large monitor I used to use for my PC (no DVI capability on the large monitor, Acer x223w). Now however, I'm getting a strange and inconsistent problem:
If I connect all the cables and then power up, both my large monitor and the MBP screen appear slightly but infuriatingly blurry (see screenshot, left-hand side). If I power up MBP without connecting my large monitor and then 'hotplug' it (connecting the cable while everything is turned on), the blurryness is mostly cured - see screenshot right-hand side. The screenshot is from the same monitor in the two different states.
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Nov 17, 2009
When I hook up an external monitor to the DVI output, and use both the macbook screen, and the external, the display on the external is blurry, and not very sharp. However, when I close the macbook, and run it in clamshell mode, the external becomes very clear, and crisp (like it should). I never use dual monitors, so this really isn't a problem, but want to know if its normal. 2007 Macbook Pro, 2.4, 4 gig ram. Gforce 8600M GT
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Sep 14, 2010
I have a macbook pro and when I connect it to my external ASUS VH226H, 1920x1080 22" moitor all the fonts except the ones that are part of the OS not in external software are really blurry and rubbish. I've used the following apps and it all looks terrible: Coda, Firefox, Safari, Adium, Adobe CS5. I've tried changing the font smoothing options via terminal and it has made no difference.
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Aug 8, 2009
I purchased a dell monitor a few weeks ago (s2409w), but returned it because it had a defect. I was thinking about buying a new monitor, the Dell ST2310, but I recall that on the old monitor text didn't seem as sharp as it did on my PC. It almost seemed a bit blurry.
I had it hooked up to my MacBook Pro via DVI as the main display, running at its native resolution of 1920x1080.
I read somewhere that it may have to do with the monitor's ppi, vs the MacBook's ppi, or something like that. Is there any way to remedy this problem before I buy this new monitor because I'm fearing that it will have the same problem as my old one.
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Dec 23, 2010
I just recently got a Samsung P2450H 24" monitor and I've connected it into my MBP with a mini Displayport > HDMI adaptor and with a HDMI cable. I've changed the default setting from AV to PC in the Samsung Monitor menu as recommended by others on this forum, and now I'm getting the maximum 1920 x 1080 resolution available on both Windows 7 and Mac OS with no overscanning issues etc. Everything fits on the screen. However, the text and font on websites looks a bit jagged and a bit blurry on Mac OS and I'm not sure why. If you stand far away, it's not that noticeable, but sitting at a reasonable distance (say 2 feet), you can definitely notice it. It just doesn't look that sharp in general.
People have said HDMI connections don't work that well on Samsung Monitors and I'd be better off with a DVI connection, but I can't see why there would be a discrepancy between the two modes. Which leaves the other reason - that this is an inherent issue to do with all Samsung P2450H models being affected with Mac OS, and not the cable itself? Has anyone experienced the same issues I've just alluded to? Perhaps I'm just being pedantic, but I'm pretty sure blurry/jagged text shouldn't be a characteristic of this monitor.
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Aug 27, 2014
I have a blurry spot in the middle of my imac screen. It is the shape of a kidney bean.
iMac, iOS 7.1.2
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Apr 3, 2010
I purchased a Dell 2209 WA ISP monitor, and connected it to my Macbook Pro via a DVI to DVI connection. My Macbook Pro has a GE FORCE 8600 T graphics card.
The text is quite blurry on the Dell. It is at 1680X1050 native resolution, which is supported by Macbook.
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Apr 27, 2010
I have a VGA HP monitor that runs at a native resolution of 1680x1050 at 60Hz. I plugged the Mini in, some weird resolution came up. 1680x1050 didn't show up in "Displays". I downloaded SwitchResX, and set it to 1680x1050 at 60Hz.The resolution is now set, but the monitor is very blurry, and the dock extends beyond the bottom of the screen.I really want to get this working. I'm not quite sure how SwitchResX works so could anybody give me a hand?
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Nov 4, 2007
I have a Dual 2GHz PowerPC with the stock video card (ATI Radeon 9600 Pro) and have had a Dell 2405FPW monitor connected to it via DVI cable and it has worked flawlessly for a couple of years... until this week.
Now the image seems to be "off" by about one or two pixels. Just a bit blurry here and there and when I move the mouse across the screen, the entire screen image seems to shift a little bit.
I've tried power cycling, re-connecting the cable, unplugging everything, resetting the monitor settings in the control panel, factory-reset of the LCD settings..
Dual 2 GHz PowerPC G5, 2 GB
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
DVI Connection to Dell 2405
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Jan 29, 2010
I just bought a Samsung XL2370 monitor to hook onto my MBP 15".
Problem: the image is pixelated and blurry green. I can slightly see the background though. Screen works fine on a Windows pc. Before I hooked up a 19" on my MBP and that also worked.
I tried the menu but no luck. And when I choose the auto adjustment a message appears 'not available'.
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Dec 24, 2010
I have a new Macbook Air 13", 4GB RAM, 2.13Ghz, 256GB SSD.
I'm connecting the Macbook with the Apple Mini Displayport to DVI connector to a DVI cable to a Dell 2407 monitor with a resolution of 1920x1200. The resulting image is blurry. The fonts are blurry and drop shadows on the screen flicker quite badly. The resolution on my Macbook is indeed set to 1920x1200 to match my Dell 2407.
Does anyone know what the problem could be? Is the problem with the Mini Displayport to DVI adapter?
I know for a fact that the Dell LCD and the DVI cable work fine with my Windows 7 box. I have tried two different DVI cables as well.
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Jul 29, 2008
I'm using an external display with my MacBook Pro, using the DVI/VGA adapter.
My problem is that the display is a little bit blurry. It's not awful, but for example the display of the MBP itself is very crisp and clear so that's what I'm judging it against. Looking at text on the external monitor, some of the letters are reasonably clear, some are a little bit out of focus, and occasionally there is a fairly clear line like on the vertical of a t or an l. I'm sure there is a pattern to this but I couldn't tell you what exactly.
I'm using a Samsung Syncmaster 940NW widescreen display (the cheapest one I could find!) I have the MBP closed and I'm using Bluetooth kbd and mouse.
I've noticed that none of the resolutions available on the external display match the resolutions available on the MBP. The default res of the MBP is 1440 x 900 - I can get close (1344 x 1008, 60 Hz) to this but it seems none of the options on the display is the same as the ones available on the MBP's own display. Is this the reason for the blurriness?
I can still do work even with it looking this way, but I wondered if there's anything I can do to improve it.
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Jan 9, 2010
I have a 27" i7. I have a 24" DVI Montior hooked up to it via MDP->DVI adaptor. When the 24" Monitor is on, everything is fine. When I turn the monitor off, the magic mouse tracking on the 27" screen stutters. I am not kidding - it took me ages to figure out that to fix I either need to turn the other monitor on OR disconnect the MDP->DVI adaptor.
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Jan 31, 2010
I have a G4 powerbook with an LCD that only displays the top 25% of the screen. I've been using an external monitor with it just fine. Today, I reinstalled the OS and ran into a problem. The main OSX startup menu (you know, where it asks for your location, timezone, personal info, etc) is prompting me for information, and I can't see the forms to fill them in! The external monitor defaults to "extended" as opposed to "mirrored", and the forms are embedded, meaning I can't drag them over to my external monitor. Obviously, if I can't fill out these forms and get to the desktop, the laptop is completely useless.
Does anyone know how to force the external monitor to be "mirrored" from startup? Is there a keycommand?
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Dec 21, 2010
My beloved ibook G4 �went on strike ; ) !!!� As soon as I turn it on a message appears that tells me the
You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.
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Jul 30, 2005
I have been using the latest macbook pro 13.3" since April 2010. Over the last week the monitor suddenly goes completely white and the external monitor goes black. The laptop becomes unresponsive although the programmes opened continue running (e.g a skype voice call would continue without interruption although the monitor is all white).
The only solution at the moment is to press the turn off button for a few seconds then switch the laptop on again. It will then work normally until for no apparent reason this happens again.
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Oct 16, 2008
I picked up a new MacBook yesterday and I noticed a weird issue when coming out of "monitor sleep" mode, not regular sleep mode.
When I move the mouse, the external monitor shows what you see in the picture, kinda like a TV with no signal. The MacBook screen works fine so what I just do is unplug and re-plug in the DVI plug and everything is good again.
My 24 inch Dell monitor worked fine with my M1330 and other computers so I know it's not that. Does anyone have the same issue or maybe give me some light on this?
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Nov 9, 2008
Is there a way to use my external monitor as my only monitor when connected to my mbp? Or, can i clone my display, but at separate resolutions? I am able to do this on windows with nvidia software, is there software that allows further customization?
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Jun 27, 2009
I have a 22" Dell external monitor on my MBP. I know that I just close the cover to my MBP to shut off the screen. What do I do in those instances that I want to use both screens? There has to be something simpler than restarting the MBP?
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Aug 5, 2009
As said, my current set up is an HDMI - DVI cable (HDMI to monitor and DVI to adapter) and my DVI - mini DisplayPort adapter, everything is connected fine but when I turn on the monitor, it says cable not found... and nothing is displayed on the screen but on the Macbook side of things, it sees the monitor is connected (I can extend the screen and leave the screen) but other than that, it appears I cannot get an image on the monitor, pressing every button on the monitor does not work either.
Any other information that may seem necessary, let me know. I tried clearing my PRAM and clearing the power and such but nothing seems to work.
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Oct 27, 2009
I drunkenly spill wine on my brand new 15" MacBook Pro and get convinced by my (also drunk) girlfriend to submerge the entire thing in plain white rice in order to magically suck the moisture out.The thing won't charge or power on three days of "drying" later. I came across one guy's post that completely taking the laptop apart (guided by an intricate YouTube video) and cleaning the internal components with a special alcohol would solve this nightmare for me. My question:Should I fess up to Apple (who I have ProCare with) or see what an independent repair
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Oct 14, 2009
After some trouble with sending word documents trough Entourage I discovered that my boss' Macbook with OS x 10.4 and Word 97 has a W97.Marker virus problem. Identified this to [URL] and ClamXav.
Every new word document I create on this computer will be created with the Markervirus in the document as a default. I thought this was impossible since supposedly the Marker virus was meant to be PC only thing.
Furthermore, although this problem started exactly two weeks ago ClamXav is identifying the virus in a large number of older files as well. Can the Marker really infect 'dormant' files that are not in use? And moreover, is there a way to 'cleanse' the older infected word documents?
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Dec 12, 2009
I've hooked up my Macbook Pro 2009 to my external monitor and everything works. The issue is the mac image on the external monitor is cut off like I can't see the white top bar. Any solutions to fix this issue?
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Feb 27, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro 2.16 Core Duo, and I'm wanting to install 10.6, but about a year ago, I cracked my screen to the point that I cannot make anything out on it, and haven't replaced it. Instead, I have just been using it in clamshell mode, which has worked out fine so far. My problem is that I cannot get the 10.6 install to show up on my external monitor.
I searched around, and could only find one other similar thread that just ended with the author putting it in clamshell and having it work fine. When I boot to the install and close the screen, I just get a grey box on my external display with a black bar on either side of it. I can't seem to find any other resources, so I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Sep 9, 2009
I've got the older white macbook laptop. Just got delivered was my brand new Dell U2410 monitor (drool) and the adapter from apple that converts mini dvi to dvi-d. The monitor is sitting here and i plug it into my mac via the adapter using the dvi cable provided by Dell and the external monitor displays the default apple background and I can move my mouse around on the screen but that's it. How do I get it to work properly? Do I have to use a separate mouse/keyboard or can I use the macbook keyboad?
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Feb 11, 2010
I know this is a basic question, but for some reason i just can't seem to figure out how to use my 24" Apple cinema display with my 13" MBP as a second screen. I obviously want to use the 24" display as my main screen (when connected to my 13" macbook) but for the life of me I can't seem to figure out how to use my MBP as a secondary iTunes, etc. screen. I typically use my macbook in "clamshell" mode with my 24" display and when I open the lid of the macbook, it's just black as if the computer was asleep but it fails to wake up when I press any buttons on the keyboard . When I unplug the mini display cable, the external monitor goes black and I'm reverted to using just my macbook. I know this can be done. Does anyone have any experience with the 24" Apple cinema display and MBP?
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Dec 1, 2010
I have my MacBook Air hooked up to a 46" HDTV so that I can play games on the big screen.
Problem is, I notice a slight lag with the mouse when looking around in the game on the big screen.
When I look at the game from my MacBook Air there is no lag with the mouse.
I heard theres a mode called "clamshell" that would fix this but don't know where to find it or enable it.
Info on fixing the lag from the big screen so that games could be playable when watching from the big screen.
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Sep 28, 2007
is it possible to use the screen of a macbook pro as an external monitor for a different device?specifically, I have a mythtv system at home that I want to bring to school, and was wondering if i could get the monitor of the macbook to display the mythtv system (preferably via the VGA connector).
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Apr 5, 2009
Macbook Pro last years model. I use external monitors alot for video DJing. I normally go DVI to VGA using the adaptor that came with the MBP. The other night I tried a different adaptor- DVI to composite. Now when I go back to the DVI to VGA my external screens have a yellow green tinge to them. I bought a new DVI to VGA adaptor and that didnt help. I calibrated the color profile, detected displays. and still the external screens are a yellow green color. You can still see whatever Im playing but there is definately something wrong with the color.
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