Hardware :: Mini Display Port To DVI Cable Produces Blurry Images On Dell 2407 Monitor
Dec 24, 2010
I have a new Macbook Air 13", 4GB RAM, 2.13Ghz, 256GB SSD.
I'm connecting the Macbook with the Apple Mini Displayport to DVI connector to a DVI cable to a Dell 2407 monitor with a resolution of 1920x1200. The resulting image is blurry. The fonts are blurry and drop shadows on the screen flicker quite badly. The resolution on my Macbook is indeed set to 1920x1200 to match my Dell 2407.
Does anyone know what the problem could be? Is the problem with the Mini Displayport to DVI adapter?
I know for a fact that the Dell LCD and the DVI cable work fine with my Windows 7 box. I have tried two different DVI cables as well.
a way to extend the mini display port cable on the 24" monitor? I'm using it with a 2009 mac mini and want to put the mini in a cabinet which is too far for the standard connection. The USB easy, but I can't seem to find a solution for the display port.
if i buy the mini display port to dvi adapter, could i use it with a dvi to hdmi cable for my monitor. This is because the dvi and vga ports are already taken up.
I hooked up my macbook pro to a mini display port to a dvi -> hdmi to my tv no problem. However, when I hooked up the mini display -> dell monitor, I get nothing. The screen is black. The weird thing is that my macbook pro recognizes that a second monitor is plugged in... it just won't display anything
I want to buy the 27" iMac - but only if I can use it as external monitor for my Lenovo laptop when working from home. A the Apple store in London they said that this is possible with a Belkin converter from hdmi to mini display port (with a USB power caple to turn it into an active signal). The laptop also has a displayport.
I purchased a dell monitor a few weeks ago (s2409w), but returned it because it had a defect. I was thinking about buying a new monitor, the Dell ST2310, but I recall that on the old monitor text didn't seem as sharp as it did on my PC. It almost seemed a bit blurry.
I had it hooked up to my MacBook Pro via DVI as the main display, running at its native resolution of 1920x1080.
I read somewhere that it may have to do with the monitor's ppi, vs the MacBook's ppi, or something like that. Is there any way to remedy this problem before I buy this new monitor because I'm fearing that it will have the same problem as my old one.
Can anyone suggest what should I do with Mac Mini 1,83 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo and my two new Dell monitors?I tried them using their standard VGI cables connected to a VGI port on a Mac Mini - both are dead. Not a single flicker.
My Mac bought from a trusted friend and acts as a practically new machine - but not with my monitors.
P.S. I went through several Mac-related forums and there's abundance of issues with "alien" monitors.
I have a fresh install of Windows XP, service pack 2 on a boot camp partition on my macbook (13" first gen aluminum case) and a Apple LED Cinema Display attached to the mini display port.
I can't seem to make the Cinema Display the primary display (the "Use this device as the primary monitor" checkbox is always greyed out in the Display Property Settings tab). I also can't shut the macbook lid and continue to use it closed (with kb, mouse and monitor attached) like I would when booting OSX.
Is there some other way to make the Cinema Display the primary monitor, so I can leave the macbook closed when booting into Windows?
I purchased a Dell 2209 WA ISP monitor, and connected it to my Macbook Pro via a DVI to DVI connection. My Macbook Pro has a GE FORCE 8600 T graphics card.
The text is quite blurry on the Dell. It is at 1680X1050 native resolution, which is supported by Macbook.
I have my 09 mini connected to a Dell E177FP and I have the energy preferences set to turn the display off after 15 minutes. The problem is that the display never turns off. It just sits at the "check signal" screen as if it was not plugged into anything. How can I get the monitor to go into standby mode?
I was wondering if there is an adapter or cable of some sort where you can plug in the minidisplay port from the ACD to dvi from the video card of a pc?
I just got the mini display to hdmi cable for my macbook pro. So far it works with the tv. It displays everything but there is one probably safari doest work.
Airport shows that I am connected but safari doesnt connect.
I bought a Mini DisplayPort to DVI adaptor with the intent of connecting my TV (with DVI-in) to my MacBook in order to use front row (and plex) for films.
However when I got home, I found that the DVI female of the adaptor does not match up (or successfully connect) to the DVI male of the cable. Have I done something foolish, but it seems that there are pins on the male that do not have a corresponding socket?
I'm asking myself if it's possible to connect two 27" iMacs with the "Mini-Display-Port to Mini-Display-Port" Cable. I wonna use oneof the iMacs as the primary computer and on the second one just the display to extend my screen.
Just a piece of info for those considering driving a 30 inch Monitor with the Mini: The mini-display port to Dual Link DVI adapter Apple is offering is not working. There are some other forums discussing this problem with the unibody Macbook pro. I've been using mine since Dec. At irregular intervals the screen becomes blurry (weird double lines all over), and the only thing that works is plugging back in or (more harmless if you have multiple projects up and don't want them to be scattered all over the screen) Control-Shift-Eject to put the display to sleep, then wake it back up after a few seconds with mouse or keyboard. This can be very annoying as sometimes one has to repeat it multiple times. Apple is aware of the problem, but has not come forward with a solution. I just don't want you guys to be disappointed in your new Mini with a capable graphics card...
Had been using the Mini Displayport > DVI adapter just fine with both HDTV and Dell monitor, BUT then all output has stopped completely!
No monitor is detected by the laptop (although the display does blink blue, as if it had detected it), tried different cables, different displays, using the Displayport firmware update, speaking to Apple, deleting the com.apple..plist files, etc
With my 'old' Intel iMac using a Display Port adapter, my 24" LG Monitor would be detected correctly and worked first time. With my new 2011 iMac 27 using a genuine Apple mini DisplayPort adapter plugged into the Thunderbolt port, this same monitor now shows up as a generic VGA monitor and the range of resolutions is severely reduced - basically it looks terrible. I've tried disconnecting the cable, reconnecting, using the second Thunderbolt, changing resolutions, detecting displays, showing displays in the menu bar. All with no success.
I bought a MBA 13" last month and now I'm trying to connect an external monitor through a Mini Display Port-to-HDMI adapter and most of the times the display shows a message "No signal detected"...
I've tried all the possible combinations between the MAC and the Monitor but it would seem a random matter.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), Mavericks 10.9.4
I did just a bit of searching and found some cable answers but none that I thought fully answers my question, which is two-fold:
1. I am ordering a new 27" iMac but want to connect my Dell 30" monitor as a second monitor. I assume the iMac does not come with the necessary cable, but I'm not sure which one to buy. The Dell monitor is digital with a 2560x1600 resolution.
2. Would that same cable be able to connect a 2010 model Macbook Pro to the new iMac and/or the Dell?
The one area I feel Apple needs help is the multiple monitor situation. For years I have run laptops with 2-3 external monitors... I find myself having to go back to 2 monitors with either setup unless I buy some 3rd party hardware or shell out for a Mac Pro.
When I hook up an external monitor to the DVI output, and use both the macbook screen, and the external, the display on the external is blurry, and not very sharp. However, when I close the macbook, and run it in clamshell mode, the external becomes very clear, and crisp (like it should). I never use dual monitors, so this really isn't a problem, but want to know if its normal. 2007 Macbook Pro, 2.4, 4 gig ram. Gforce 8600M GT
I finally did it... After a lifetime of Windows I've leapt from the Dark Side and am LOVING OSX... the combination of Spaces and Expose alone will save me countless hours!
I just got the VGA adapter to connect my spangly new MBP to the large monitor I used to use for my PC (no DVI capability on the large monitor, Acer x223w). Now however, I'm getting a strange and inconsistent problem:
If I connect all the cables and then power up, both my large monitor and the MBP screen appear slightly but infuriatingly blurry (see screenshot, left-hand side). If I power up MBP without connecting my large monitor and then 'hotplug' it (connecting the cable while everything is turned on), the blurryness is mostly cured - see screenshot right-hand side. The screenshot is from the same monitor in the two different states.
I have a VGA HP monitor that runs at a native resolution of 1680x1050 at 60Hz. I plugged the Mini in, some weird resolution came up. 1680x1050 didn't show up in "Displays". I downloaded SwitchResX, and set it to 1680x1050 at 60Hz.The resolution is now set, but the monitor is very blurry, and the dock extends beyond the bottom of the screen.I really want to get this working. I'm not quite sure how SwitchResX works so could anybody give me a hand?
For anyone wanting to use their Mini Display port connector on their 4870 with a panel that has the standard size display port connector, I've found a source for a cable that works perfectly. It has the mini display port on one end and a full size display port on the other. Cost $19 bucks shipped and works like a champ. The cable is nice and compact, thinner and more flexible than my DVI cable. I'm quite pleased! ( it's the little things.... )
Here is the cable I picked up: Mini Display Port to Display Port cable
Relevant newbie to the mac world. I have a MBP late 2009. I bought a third party Mini display port to HDMI converter so I can hook the MBP to my 46" Samsung screen.
This works fine, no major issues here. However the picture is not great. I compared watching a standard definition TV show through the MBP then burnt it onto a DVD. The DVD (using the PS3 as my DVD drive, connected via HDMI) had superior quality than through the MBP.
Also the picture does not quite fill the screen. There is a small black border running all the way around the screen. Does not sound significant but when doing the same comparison as above, you notice the difference when via DVD the movie fills the screen. I have played around with the resolution settings. Those that fill the screen chop bits of the mac desktop off, so thats no good either.
So I am wondering why this is? Is it because the mini display port is not a DVI port, hence I am not getting true HD quality picture? How can I overcome this if at all. I'm thinking of getting a mac mini as a media hub/HTPC but want to ensure I dont encounter the same problems.
I am in the market for a new display. I was thinking about getting a new dell one, but then again I love the looks of the Apple studio and cinema displays. Do you think it would be a mistake to buy a used Apple display, so long as it is in good condition? I have about $150-200 to spend
The text looks a lot different from the Macbook's display. I got it to 1080p and stuff - and yes, it's showing the full 1080p. But how do I get the text to look more like the Mac's text? My Macbook display looks so much sharper. The text on the Dell looks very not anti-aliased...it isn't thick, etc.
How many of you would like to see a HDMI Port? Why the miniDisplay port? Why not remove ethernet jack and miniDisplay port and replace it with a HDMI port. That way one HDMI cable feeds digital video AND audio. Am I the only one thinking of this?