Hardware :: Recovering Apple Hard Drive After SMART Status Failed?
Oct 30, 2010
A while back I removed a Apple Hard Drive after I thought I had shut down the computer. Instead, it had just slept and so still had the power on. This caused the file system in the hard drive to fail, so I erased and rebuilt the file system on the Hard Drive. It worked fine for another day, and then failed. When I went to see if I could fix it, Disk Utility said the S.M.A.R.T status had failed and the send the hard drive to an apple specialist. Is there any way I could fix the Hard Drive myself?
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May 29, 2010
I just installed last night the 1TB WD Scorpio Blue without a problem in a 2010 MBP 13", but seem to be having some issues now. Im showing the drive is shown w/red text and failing the SMART status in the disk utility. It showed verified when I installed it last night and reinstalled OS X, but now this. I have also been getting some beachballs, but does seem to be running fine now. Is this a sign of just a bad drive, or is it normal for a non-apple drive to fail the smart status check?
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May 25, 2012
SMART status in my imac hard disk running Snow Leopard is failing. it is < 2 years old. No obvious issues with the machine.
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Aug 29, 2014
I have a Macbook Pro . The hard disk failed smart disk and my laptop does not start any more. Is it ok if I replace the HDD with CGET or WD hard disk rather than the apple hard disk. the pros and cons of a non apple HDD.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Nov 18, 2010
Any way to really check for hardware failure on an external FW800 drive. I'm interested in being able to check for bad/pending sectors. SMART status on external drives is not supported in disk utility or SmartCTL
What else is out there?
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Aug 9, 2010
My macbook pro's HD is in bad shape. S.M.A.R.T status is not ok. Sometimes the OS freezes, but so far this is the main problem I detected so far. Until now. I reinstalled the OS X - clean install - to see if things got better, but no luck. Although I think the system is more stable now, the machine is unable to restart or shut down as before. I have to hold the shut down button for a couple of seconds. With this in mind, is it dangerous for the machine to do frequent force shut-downs, or it just deteriorates the HD even more?
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May 24, 2012
It's a new Momentus XT 750 that I bought to replace the orignal HDD.I can read and write and even installed Leopard via USB, but the SMART status was not appearing 'verified'.After installing I hook it up to my MBP and it could not be recognized.
MBP 2.8G Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 4Gb RAM
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Jul 9, 2009
I recently killed my PC laptop by spilling liquid on it. It died instantly. I replaced it with a Macbook, which I love, but all my iTunes music files and photos were on the hard drive in the PC laptop. Is any of that information recoverable and capable of being added to my Macbook?
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Jun 17, 2010
I'm using a unibody MBP 15" that I had for about 2 years. After being awakened from sleep mode, the hard drive started to "click" for about 3 mins straight (I was on XP at the time, although that's probably irrelevant). I was so convinced that my hard drive was about to die, so I backed up my data. Then I ran a "repair disk" on disk utility to see what's up. There was something about "missing thread record" and "invalid volume file count," but eventually it was repaired.
It now says the drive is fine. So my question is, should I still expect the drive to fail on me pretty soon? I know what I heard, and it was pretty bad. It seemed like a hardware problem that can't simply be fixed by running a program. At the same time, I'm a bit puzzled by the SMART status saying the drive was verified. Is it SMART that unreliable?
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Dec 5, 2008
Data Rescue II was recommended to me recently to retrieve erased files from an external 1TB hard drive, where the files were accidentally erased whilst initializing another (now discovered as a faulty) external hard drive. I was led to believe by the sales person that the lost data could be recovered completely with no change, but now since using the software it seems this is not the case. As recommended, I scanned the drive using the scan specifically for deleted files, proceeded with the recovery (happy to see it had recovered all of the expected files, plus more) but then discovered that none of the files had their original file name (everything is now renamed with numbers relating to the file, and the file type). I have tried calling ProSoft several times now during their opening hours, and sent several emails to enquire further about the recovery process, but never receive an answer.
It would be great if anyone here has had a similar/same problem or knows if there is a way of retrieving the lost files with original file names intact. I fear that this software has left me with no choice but to open each file and rename individually, which is sure to be an epic task for the amount of files that were on the drive!
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Jul 27, 2009
just a few minutes ago, i decided to install leopard on my mac. So i cloned my old install onto my external hard drive using carbon copy cloner. once that was done and verified that it was good, i inserted my leopard dvd and installed: erasing my os x install...now i booted up and was messing in disk utility and erased my external hard drive...i thot it was the other one i had plugged in for time machine! i just lost all my important files, including my itunes library, and everything else that i really need!!
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Feb 9, 2010
I recently upgraded to snow leopard because i needed to install logic pro and I decided to format the hard drive, I did my back up but there was to much music on it so I did a couple of dvd's just for the music I compressed them (.zip) with stuffit one of them did work but the other one where it has all of Itunes library doesn't unzip. I wonder if I can recover it from time machine?
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Oct 9, 2009
I had a PC before I had a MAC, and I started using my external hard drive (a FAT32 drive) with my MAC using NTFS-3g. Now my hard drive has stopped working - it is recognised by my mac although no files show up, and it is not recognised in the PCs I've tried it in, and seems to crash them. I tried DiskWarrior to recover the data, but it only works in NTFS. I am looking for a way to try and fix the drive and retrieve the data using a mac rather than a PC.
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Sep 9, 2014
Macbook Pro 17" Early 2011
Notes. Failed HDD ASD Test. A new hard drive was installed in September of 2011 after the previous hard drive failed. Having worked well until now the system seems to give the same problems as it had previously. I am wondering if this is a compatibility issue as others have pointed out.
I have been told by the technician my only option is to replace the entire hard drive again for the second time with a new one. However to my understanding a ASD test is very specific and this my not be necessary? Further I am attempting a final backup just in case. I don't have to take it in where I could just back it up myself without the system shutting down.
Mac Pro
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Apr 16, 2012
My hard drive on my iMac died. However, I saved my music on my back-up Seagate Drive. Now my iMac has a nice new drive and a freshly downloaded copy of iTunes. I found the music on the back-up drive. So far, so good. Now, all I gotta do is get the music files from the back-up to iTunes.So:
(a) How do I do that, since my efforts so far have been unsuccessful.
(b) Can I assume all my original lists and albums are kaput and will have to be recreated and reorganized?
(c) When I sync my iPod to the new library, can I assume it will scramble my existing iPod configuration to meet the new lists and album configuration?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 24, 2009
My hard drive crashed and could not be recovered without spending about $1500. (according to the guys at the local Apple certified store) We had quite a bit of music on it but not enough to justify spending that kind of money. Is there a record of the music we purchased and some way to re-download that music to our new hard drive without re-buying all of it?
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Jul 28, 2010
I did a search for this problem but all the solutions seemed to involve using your iPod or old hard drive to recover. I recently had two tragedies in a short period of time. First, my iPod broke - a tragedy, but one I could get past. The second was the horrible death of my laptop's hard drive. I had some backups of important school and work related files, as well as a few other things like old tax documents, and much of my older files, but I did not have my iTunes folders backed up, because I was under the impression that I could download these songs again through iTunes should the need arise, since I had purchased them in the past.
Now, on my new computer, I have downloaded iTunes, and have been trying to recover my old songs. I authorized this computer, but when I "check for available downloads" it says everything has been downloaded, and that I should try to transfer the songs from the other computer. This is of course, impossible at this point. I can still see my purchases in my history, and if I try to purchase a song I had before, it warns me that this will create a duplicate. Will I have to purchase these songs again? I can see how I should have backed up my music, but I thought that iTunes would allow me to acquire them again.
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Dec 21, 2009
My 500GB external hard drive (Hitachi DeskStar) crashed! The blue light comes on, and I can hear the hard drive spinning, then sounds like it's stuck, or clicking ...
Same thing happens to the internal HD on my iBook G4. Sometimes the internal HD works, sometimes not.
I desparately need to find someway to attempt to either fix the external 500GB HD, or recover the files. The 500GB was my main HD, and I have so much very important data that I need to recover (no backups!).
I have years of research (lots of family history), thousands of pictures (many very old), my personal journals that I've been keeping for years, personal information, letters, documents, family videos, and all of my e-mail.
Somebody was telling me that there is special software that will recognize the HD, and allow you to recover the files.
What would you recommend? At the present I have no money to do anything, but will save up for the recovery software. My uncle is getting me a new hard drive, so I'll have that to back up the files when I have the recovery software ...
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Sep 8, 2014
If my hard drive was "scrubbed" by techs at the genius bar who thought that my computer had a software issue (it didn't) does that mean that a data recovery tool wouldn't be able to find the deleted files?
MacBook Pro
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May 21, 2012
I have Snow Leopard (10.6.8) installed on a solid state drive (SSD). I'm wondering how I can check whether my internal hard drive is spinning or asleep. Is there a diagnostic to test whether a hard drive is spinning?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12 GB RAM
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May 3, 2012
I went to make a copy of an important drive and accidentally re-formatted it (re-formatted mac journaled, originally mac journaled). The drive contained a bunch of important disk image files which I need to retrieve whole. I'm fairly confident that the files are still there and only the table information got overwritten, as the re-format took about 30 seconds. None of the recovery software I've seen however, can retrieve .dmg files, or such large files (these are up to 32 gb each in size).how I can retrieve these disk image files?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 4, 2012
How would I make a smart folder that only searches the local hard drive?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Oct 8, 2008
Failed To Load Extension Com Apple Driver Applemacriscpc
Still waiting for root device
what should i do?
iBook G4 12"
updated firefox today and tried to update os x 10.4.11 combo update (ppc). I tried to install the update after downloading, but it quit and said it had been moved to the trash and I could open it again in finder. I tried this but it quit, giving me the standard error message. After that I rebooted and then it never booted again. Only the blue apple screen and nothing else.
Then I booted pressing the S key... it opened up a terminal like screen and at present it says Failed to load extension com.driver.AppleMacRiscPCI.
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Jun 19, 2009
After waiting in a non iphone line today at the apple store to pick up my Black Macbook that hard drive failed. Well I got there and I realized I still had tiger on it. So I get in the car start it up and after set up I got Leopard on it for free! lol I was like this is nuts. So applecare covered my repair and I didn't have apple care and they said with the situation I had they would let it go. So I basically saved 350 dollars! What a day!
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May 19, 2010
The first day I got my MBP two years ago, it fell off the coffee table and got a small dent in the left side. I thought it was a cosmetic problem, and didn't think much about it. Three months ago, when my laptop was in for repair because the screen cracked due to a manufacturing defect, I told the Apple employee that when my laptop was in for repair, and they inspected the dent and found that it could cause problems for me in the future, to repair it and quote me the price to fix it. I assumed that the price to fix that dent and prevent future problems would be a lot cheaper than fixing whatever may break from it in the future. I got my laptop back, with a note saying that the dent was a cosmetic problem and consequently they didn't feel the need to fix it. So that was all good.
Until my hard drive crashes. So I take it to the Genius Bar, and they send it in for repair. I get a call today saying that the dent was the cause of the hard drive failure, and that the failure wasn't covered under warranty because of accidental damage. They also quoted me $1240 to fix it. I wanted to argue that since they didn't fix the dent and charge me for that three months ago because it was determined to be a cosmetic problem, that it should be up to them to fix the hard drive, since I tried to take the preventative measure awhile ago and they said there was no problem. Do I have a case here, or should I just have them send the laptop back and try to get it fixed cheaper?
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Jun 28, 2014
My hard drive has failed, but the HD drive is found to be ok. I have neither a startup disk or a backup copy, although I have another disk and a DVD for a system copy
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Sep 14, 2010
My girlfriends HD failed the other day, with a lot of her portfolio pictures. She has a new HD and the computers working fine. My question is this - on a simplistic level, could transferring the failed HD platters to a new enclosure work as a means to retrieve the info. So if I buy I cheap working drive of same size/manufacturer - say 20 gig. Take it apart and remove it's platters. Then replace them with her failed disk's platters (160 gig). Would I stand any chance of retrieving the data? I really can't afford the $600 ish I'm being quoted to get it done professionally.
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Apr 19, 2009
i want to re-install my OS from scratch. so i used SuperDuper to backup my HD onto my 1TB My Book but something went wrong. this is my first time trying this so i have no clue why it didn't work.
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Sep 26, 2009
I want to carbon copy my bootable external drive to my main internal bootable hard drive so I tried to use Disk Utility to erase it but it will indicate that it failed and can't unmount. When I tried to manually unmount by dragging it to the trash it indicated that it is in use. I can't understand why it's in use since I booted from the external drive which I wanted to the copy to the internal drive.
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Mar 20, 2009
I have just got a refurbished 2.8 Octo from Apple. I was glad at the first minute as it comes with an expected 16M-cache 500G HD (instead of 8M-cache 320G), as well as airport extreme card installed without additional charge. But at the same time I find out that both hard drive bays 3 and 4 are not working when I connect another three 3rd-party HDs to the machine internally. While at the same time, the original HD in bay 1 and bay 2 (which is hosting one of the three 3rd-party HDs) are working properly. Is there anything I have ignored and I should perform now to enable bay 3 and 4. Or, should I call Apple now to claim a DOA and request a replacement?
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