OS X :: Recovering Files After Formatting Hard Drive
Feb 9, 2010
I recently upgraded to snow leopard because i needed to install logic pro and I decided to format the hard drive, I did my back up but there was to much music on it so I did a couple of dvd's just for the music I compressed them (.zip) with stuffit one of them did work but the other one where it has all of Itunes library doesn't unzip. I wonder if I can recover it from time machine?
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Jul 27, 2009
just a few minutes ago, i decided to install leopard on my mac. So i cloned my old install onto my external hard drive using carbon copy cloner. once that was done and verified that it was good, i inserted my leopard dvd and installed: erasing my os x install...now i booted up and was messing in disk utility and erased my external hard drive...i thot it was the other one i had plugged in for time machine! i just lost all my important files, including my itunes library, and everything else that i really need!!
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Oct 9, 2009
I had a PC before I had a MAC, and I started using my external hard drive (a FAT32 drive) with my MAC using NTFS-3g. Now my hard drive has stopped working - it is recognised by my mac although no files show up, and it is not recognised in the PCs I've tried it in, and seems to crash them. I tried DiskWarrior to recover the data, but it only works in NTFS. I am looking for a way to try and fix the drive and retrieve the data using a mac rather than a PC.
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Dec 21, 2009
My 500GB external hard drive (Hitachi DeskStar) crashed! The blue light comes on, and I can hear the hard drive spinning, then sounds like it's stuck, or clicking ...
Same thing happens to the internal HD on my iBook G4. Sometimes the internal HD works, sometimes not.
I desparately need to find someway to attempt to either fix the external 500GB HD, or recover the files. The 500GB was my main HD, and I have so much very important data that I need to recover (no backups!).
I have years of research (lots of family history), thousands of pictures (many very old), my personal journals that I've been keeping for years, personal information, letters, documents, family videos, and all of my e-mail.
Somebody was telling me that there is special software that will recognize the HD, and allow you to recover the files.
What would you recommend? At the present I have no money to do anything, but will save up for the recovery software. My uncle is getting me a new hard drive, so I'll have that to back up the files when I have the recovery software ...
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Sep 8, 2014
If my hard drive was "scrubbed" by techs at the genius bar who thought that my computer had a software issue (it didn't) does that mean that a data recovery tool wouldn't be able to find the deleted files?
MacBook Pro
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May 3, 2012
I went to make a copy of an important drive and accidentally re-formatted it (re-formatted mac journaled, originally mac journaled). The drive contained a bunch of important disk image files which I need to retrieve whole. I'm fairly confident that the files are still there and only the table information got overwritten, as the re-format took about 30 seconds. None of the recovery software I've seen however, can retrieve .dmg files, or such large files (these are up to 32 gb each in size).how I can retrieve these disk image files?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 27, 2009
I have an external hard drive that I use to watch movies on a Nintendo Wii and some of the movie files are over 7GB, which means when I format the drive to FAT32 I cannot copy the larger files. What are my options for getting around this problem? I have VMware fusion but I cannot easily see my external drive in XP. Is it possible to format the drive in XP and then transfer everything via VMware on XP?
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Jun 21, 2014
I lost a hard drive with important personal data on a trip overseas. There is no way of getting that hard drive back. However I have an MacBook Pro which once had that same data stored. "Once" because I've reformatted it and installed OSX. I know this is a very tall order to recover data, but is there any computer forensics tricks or any way to get get that data back?
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Jul 9, 2009
I recently killed my PC laptop by spilling liquid on it. It died instantly. I replaced it with a Macbook, which I love, but all my iTunes music files and photos were on the hard drive in the PC laptop. Is any of that information recoverable and capable of being added to my Macbook?
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Jul 20, 2009
The USB flash drive is Sandisk, 4GB, formatted for Mac. It became corrupted and I don't have access to stored files. The messages on screen is that disk can not be read and invitation to reformat it. I found special software for recovering files from corrupted drives but it is not affordable for a student like me. I've tried to find in forums and word of mouth some shareware/freeware working on Mac OS 10.3.9 but all I got is programs that take space on HD and do nothing, that is, software that is about selling and marketing stuff, not the real thing. Tried with 3 different such a programs, sheer time wasting. I found that this area is pretty much absolutely dark. Do experienced fellow mac users know about some truly working shareware/freeware that can help me retrieve the files from this corrupted Sandisk USB flash drive?
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Dec 5, 2008
Data Rescue II was recommended to me recently to retrieve erased files from an external 1TB hard drive, where the files were accidentally erased whilst initializing another (now discovered as a faulty) external hard drive. I was led to believe by the sales person that the lost data could be recovered completely with no change, but now since using the software it seems this is not the case. As recommended, I scanned the drive using the scan specifically for deleted files, proceeded with the recovery (happy to see it had recovered all of the expected files, plus more) but then discovered that none of the files had their original file name (everything is now renamed with numbers relating to the file, and the file type). I have tried calling ProSoft several times now during their opening hours, and sent several emails to enquire further about the recovery process, but never receive an answer.
It would be great if anyone here has had a similar/same problem or knows if there is a way of retrieving the lost files with original file names intact. I fear that this software has left me with no choice but to open each file and rename individually, which is sure to be an epic task for the amount of files that were on the drive!
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Apr 16, 2012
My hard drive on my iMac died. However, I saved my music on my back-up Seagate Drive. Now my iMac has a nice new drive and a freshly downloaded copy of iTunes. I found the music on the back-up drive. So far, so good. Now, all I gotta do is get the music files from the back-up to iTunes.So:
(a) How do I do that, since my efforts so far have been unsuccessful.
(b) Can I assume all my original lists and albums are kaput and will have to be recreated and reorganized?
(c) When I sync my iPod to the new library, can I assume it will scramble my existing iPod configuration to meet the new lists and album configuration?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 2, 2009
My macbook refuses to boot and freezes with either the blue or grey screen of death. I took my computer to the Genius Bar and the guy said my drive was dead but said I could possibly recover some of my files with an external hard drive. How exactly would I go about doing this? I've searched through posts but haven't really found anything specific. Do I go through Disk Utility or do I need a third party program like Data Rescue? He said to just boot from an external drive and then browse my old hard drive (which does show up in Disk Utility) and move things over.
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Apr 24, 2009
My hard drive crashed and could not be recovered without spending about $1500. (according to the guys at the local Apple certified store) We had quite a bit of music on it but not enough to justify spending that kind of money. Is there a record of the music we purchased and some way to re-download that music to our new hard drive without re-buying all of it?
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Jul 28, 2010
I did a search for this problem but all the solutions seemed to involve using your iPod or old hard drive to recover. I recently had two tragedies in a short period of time. First, my iPod broke - a tragedy, but one I could get past. The second was the horrible death of my laptop's hard drive. I had some backups of important school and work related files, as well as a few other things like old tax documents, and much of my older files, but I did not have my iTunes folders backed up, because I was under the impression that I could download these songs again through iTunes should the need arise, since I had purchased them in the past.
Now, on my new computer, I have downloaded iTunes, and have been trying to recover my old songs. I authorized this computer, but when I "check for available downloads" it says everything has been downloaded, and that I should try to transfer the songs from the other computer. This is of course, impossible at this point. I can still see my purchases in my history, and if I try to purchase a song I had before, it warns me that this will create a duplicate. Will I have to purchase these songs again? I can see how I should have backed up my music, but I thought that iTunes would allow me to acquire them again.
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May 18, 2010
I have a 500GB hard drive in my laptop, I partitioned it and I put 80GB for Windwos and then the rest of it for MAC, I don't know how but I somehow got rid of the Windows. I ejected the BOOTCAMP on the Desktop of the Mac OS X and then I tried to delete the partition but it didn't work. Now I tried to go to BootCamp Assistant but It doesn't show that I have partitioned hard drive. It shows me that I have only 420GB and it shows only my Macintosh HD. The 80GB are lost somewhere. Tell me how can I format the whole hard drive and get the 500GB again? And i want to do it while the hard drive is in the laptop and is working? Is there any way of doing that(it is fine if i have to install the OS again) Or what do i have to get done so that I can fix it?
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Jul 8, 2009
I'm switching back to PCs for now, what is the best way of getting all my data over? The external HD is Mac OS X "Journaled", what would I need to format it to for Vista to read it?
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Oct 30, 2010
A while back I removed a Apple Hard Drive after I thought I had shut down the computer. Instead, it had just slept and so still had the power on. This caused the file system in the hard drive to fail, so I erased and rebuilt the file system on the Hard Drive. It worked fine for another day, and then failed. When I went to see if I could fix it, Disk Utility said the S.M.A.R.T status had failed and the send the hard drive to an apple specialist. Is there any way I could fix the Hard Drive myself?
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Sep 14, 2010
I have a new iMac 27, which I'm running primarily as a Windows machine. Using Bootcamp, I sectioned off 150GB of the 256GB SSD for Windows and installed W7 on it (the rest I leave for OS X, in case Windows fails, or upgrades become available). I've installed programs on the Windows drive, transferred my emails, etc. Now I still have to do something with the 1T hard drive, which I've decided not to partition, and to use exclusively in Windows mode. Two questions:
1. Please talk me through the process of formatting the 1T drive, as if I were a child!
2. I will use this drive mostly for large data files, but perhaps also for less important programs. Installations seem to happen more or less automatically when you insert a disc - how would I direct a program in the normal course of an automatic installation towards this second larger hard drive, AND is there any way (simply) to have programs running on the SSD with associated data files sitting on the other drive (e.g. with iTunes)?
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Jan 3, 2009
I installed a new hard drive into my wife's older iBook G4 since the HD that came with the machine was only 30GB and was max'ed out shortly after we added some applications and photos. (Never should have bought such a small hard drive in the 1st place!) The new hard drive is an 80GB hard drive I bought online. I turned on the machine and got the question mark (?) blinking with something else on the 1st screen that came up. I proceeded to insert the original iBook OSX install cds. First I cleared the hard drive under disk utility and then the computer recognized the new drive. Then installation began. Got through the first disk no problem. Then it restarted and asked for disk two, which I inserted.
Then, if it decided to start installing from disk 2 (it kept going back and forth before it actually started disk two installation), it would get about 75% through the disk two installation and I keep getting a message saying 'There were errors installing the software'. I have tried to eject and re-insert the cd and I get the same message. I started from scratch by re-booting, wiping the hard drive clean again and started with disk one, only to get to disk two and encounter the same problem. I don't want to take this computer in and pay a service company to get me straight. This is an experiment to see if I could upgrade the hard drive and memory to make a slower/older machine perform better. We really only use it for organizing photos, surfing the net, office applications, etc.
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May 26, 2009
I have a Ibook g4 that got trashed the scree stoped working it would flicker on and off so i tryed to fix it and made it worse because I have not skill so I then pulled the HD and put it in a pc laptop I have I am now trying to get files off it through linux i tryed ubuntu because that is the only thing i have used but it is way to slow on my laptop because the cd drive is older then time so I tryed dsl and puppy linux but don't know how to mount the drive it shows up in the bios but not when i try to use the simple mount tool in puppy or dsl I know this is a mac fourm but I am hoping someone has done this before
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Jul 25, 2009
I'm selling my old white Macbook so I can purchase the new Unibody one. I wasn't sure how exactly to "wipe" my old hard drive on Mac. Do I have to install the OS all over again? Did my Macbook come with the disc so I could do this? If not, is there a way to wipe everything without formatting the hard drive?
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Dec 11, 2009
I've got an 8GB Sony Micro Vault Pen Drive that's stopped working. When I opened up Disk Utility it appears but doesn't give me the option to erase.
Can I try doing it with anything else before I bin it and buy a new one.
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Dec 26, 2009
if i can partition my Windows NFTS External Hard Drive. I do not want to format it because i have some important files and programs on my External Hard drive, But I also want to use it for Time Machine Backup. I was wondering if it was possible to Not format my Hard drive, Partition it, And then format the 2nd partition to Mac, and use it for time machine. I am using Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8
The Capacity of the EHD is 55.9GB
Available: 37.1GB
Used: 18.8GB
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Jul 12, 2010
i just formatted a hard drive using apple's software but i changed my mind.. now, i tried putting it inside an enclosure and connected it to my windows laptop, but it's not detected,. the enclosure is detected, but the hard drive isn't.. i would like to use this for both my mac and windows.. can any1 tell me how i format my hard drive so that it can be recognized by both mac and windows?
i have a external enclosure, and the hard drive is 300gb.
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Mar 6, 2009
I am looking for a way to wipe my hard drive clean so I can sell my G4 powerbook. However, I have read some forums with instructions that involve my start-up disk to reinstall os after it wipes... but i don't have my start up disk.
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Mar 12, 2012
My MacBook Pro won't recognize my portable hard drive, so I can't format it.
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Apr 9, 2012
I'm selling my Macbook Pro and the buyer said when formatting my harddrive, I don't need to reinstall the OS (10.6.8) because he is going to install 10.7 on it. This is good news for me because I don't have the OS installation disk anymore. I read somewhere that it could be possible to format my hard drive using another Mac (my roommate has a Macbook so that works) but I can't seem to find exact instructions.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 7, 2012
I asked about running Snow Leopard on my mac after a hard drive fail. I'm having issues with formatting a new hard drive in my mac. I have a 2007 black macbook and I'm trying to run a 160gb SATA seagate hard drive. After replacing this hard drive, I booted my mac up from cd, ran through setup fine until I got to the 'select a drive to install to' - the point where my hard drive should be visible. Nothing there at all. Nothing to click on in the box. My question is, is there a process I need to undertake to format the hard drive or is this an indicator of a much bigger problem?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 9, 2012
My hard drive died last week on my MacBook and I failed to back up anything forever the last couple of months. Anyway, I took it to the genius bar and they confirmed its death, and showed me how to replace it. I decided to go ahead and do so on my own, and also upgraded the memory while I was in there. I also decided to upgrade to lion since my DVD drive was giving me trouble and it'd be easier to use the USB - and yes the computer meets the requirements for Lion.The problem is that when I try to boot up to format the HD, I only get a black screen. No disk utility when holding option, nothing. What am I doing wrong?
MacBook (13-inch Mid 2007)
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