Hardware :: Power Mac G4 With Airport Card To Linksys Wireless Router?
Oct 11, 2006
I have a Linksys wireless router set up (WRT54G) and my PC desktop and laptop connect fine to the internet with wire and wireless. I installed an airport card in our Power Mac G4 but this cannot detect my wireless network. I have it connected now with an ethernet cable running through the kitchen but want to get rid of the cable.
Is there a compatibility issue with airport and a Linksys wireless network? The Mac recognizes the airport card so I hope that means that it is good. (I got it from eBay used) This Mac is the farthest away from the router so I guess my next try is to see if I can move the router a little bit closer.
I am a newbie to wireless so possibly I have a setting wrong. I did tell the router the mac addresses of all of the computers that I want to connect.
Any advice?
I got an old Power Mac G4 Quicksiver 2002 a little while back and I decided to upgrade it a little bit as a pet project. One of the things I did was add an Airport Card so I could get wifi. I read all about 802.11b and WPA2 and all that, and I can't say I understood it all, but what I think I DID get was this: The old airport card cannot connect to a WPA2 network. (right?) I looked at the settings for my router, and it said it was on "WPA2/WPA Mixed Mode." I thought it would work. When I went to connect, it said "WPA Network Needs a Password. I put in my password, and after trying to connect for a little while, it said "Connection timed out." Right now I am connected to the "guest" network, which needed no password. Just to test, I changed the encryption to just WPA, not mixed mode. It stopped my PC from getting wifi, and still didn't work on the Mac. I got it to work by putting NO password, but I really don't want that. Should I try to change it to WEP? I'm not really a tech type of person, especially not with wifi stuff, I'm kind of just stumbling around with Google...
The router is a Linksys E2500 router. AirPort Card Information:Wireless Card Type:AirPort Wireless Card Locale:USA Wireless Card Firmware Version:9.52 Current Wireless Network: {other network name} Wireless Channel:11 Is there any way to connect to the password protected network?
I'm lucky if I can get more than five feet away from my Linksys wireless-G router before the Airport Extreme says it's getting no bars. My son also has an Airport Extreme card in his iMac; connection is always iffy, even though his computer is barely four feet from the router.
Do I need a wireless-N router? Is there no backwards compatibility here (e.g. shouldn't a wireless-G router be able to work with wireless-N Airport Extreme cards?)
I have a Linksys Wireless Router and a Linksys Modem, the router is 6 years old or so 802.11b, how much faster would the Internet be if I had a combined Linksys wireless router/modem versus the 802.11b that I have now?
Would I see a huge difference? I am running my Macbook off it and an olde Toshiba laptop.
i really want a new iMac but can't afford it right now. so i was thinking of getting an older iMac to replace the pc we have now. if i do do this can i use the wireless router that i have now with an iMac G3 or G4?
I have a new unibody macbook pro and print from it using a wireless hp officejet pro 7410 all in one printer. I have a linksys wrt150n router. My pc laptop prints fast from it but the mac prints very slow. The printing actually stops for a while then starts again. It doesn't seem to do this all the time. I can't figure out what would slow it down.
I have several questions before I make my purchase. I've got 2 computers in my upstairs bedroom that are wireless. I currently have a Wireless router which is a Linksys WRT54G.
It's already getting on in age so I was thinking of replacing it with a better wireless router. I'm deciding weather I should go with a Linksys N or go the apple route.Will I get faster internet if I go with a Linksys Wireless N? What is the difference between G and N?I was thinking of getting a Time Capsule because I wanted an automatic backup of my data.Is a time capsule going to perform the same as a Linksys? Which router is better?
what is the difference between Time Capsule and Airport extreme. Are they basically the same with the only difference being the hardrive?If I get a Time Capsule then do I still need a Linksys router? Is it easy to setup a wireless network using a Time Capsule or Airport Extreme? Is it easy to configure as a Linksys?
I just bought an AE and replaced my older Linksys with SpeedStep router and for some reason the internet seems slower.I did a speed test to compare with my older system and it's night and day how much slower it is now.
With the Linksys I was getting from 10-15Mbits download.With the AE I'm just tested and got 700KB down Anyone have a clue as what I can do to speed it up?By the way, the AE is connected directly to my desktop by ethernet cable.
Imac and iphone lost internet connectivity via Linksys wireless router. Ehternet works fine. Keep getting note about "self-assigned" ip. Ideas? I have tried everything I have found and read.
I had a DLink DIR-655 Wireless N router and my wireless was running very fast, 9.7MB using [URL] with no lag looking up sites. I had to upgrade the router since I was hosting a site and the router wasn't working properly for that.
So, I bought a Linksys WRT610N Dual Band router. I have the iMac running on the 5GHz band and it runs around the same speed.
HOWEVER, when I open Safari or Firefox, in the status bar, it says "looking up google.ca..." or whatever site I'm browsing for and can take up to 5-10 seconds before it starts to display the site. When it is on the site, browsing around is fast as long as it doesn't change domains.
ANOTHER HITCH, I have VMWare's Fusion installed on the iMac and Vista installed there and there is no lag to browsing a site. When I type in the site, it immediately goes to the site and I am able to browse fine. Any thoughts on this?
My neighbor has a blazing 10mb dl wireless connection which I can use. Problem, I'd like to use my Airport Extreme so I can hook up an external HD for use with Time Machine. I'd like to extend the Linksys wireless network with my AE.
Can this be done without needing a wired connection to set the two routers up? I'm hoping I can just connect my AE to the Linksys by way of remote setup.
I have an airport extreme base station (wireless n draft). problem is, my room is all the way in the back and i get poor reception. Can i just buy another standard $40 wireless G router and "extend" my wireless network? if so, how easy would this be to accomplish? would it be as simple as hooking up the $40 router with my airport extreme using via ethernet cable so that it extends it? update: I am looking at this router...would this accomplish my purpose? [URL:....]
I have a bit of a dilemma, you see I have BlackBerry service on my phone but im planning to buy a usb 3g modem and disconnect my phone's internet service. I would like to know if it's possible to connect the usb 3g modem to my MacBook and use my Airport card to create a wireless router so other devices can connect to the web such as my BlackBerry. Is this possible?
I was already informed for my Mac Pro that I need an Airport Card. I do have a Wireless USB adapter from my PC that I used by Netgear. Would that connect me wirelessly to my router too?
I bought my Mac Pro as a refurb from Apple, but it didn't come with the wireless card built in. This didn't bother me because at my old apartment my computer was near the router so I just wired it up by ethernet. I just moved into a new place and my computer isn't within router distance and I don't want to run a bunch of cable. My boss gave me a card to plug into Apple wifi card spot and OSX found the card and showed some airport info, but it didn't find any networks and if I run the Airport Utility it says it can't find an airport card. So I assume it's not compatible. What are my options? Oh yeah, I found this on ebay. Sound reliable? [URL:....]
I have an older MacPro 2006 model. I need a WiFi card for it. I want to know which one to get. Says a 802.11g AirPort Extreme will work. But is that only for Airport routers or can I use it with my Netgear router? Does it matter?
I've moved out to the middle of nowhere, and there's no phone line. However i do have a very fast 3G/HSDPA wireless router on the 'Three' network, and have been impressed by its speed - i was downloading at 285kb/sec just now! Only issue is that there's a 15gb/month limit on data, but it's the most i could get.
Anyway, it's not a USB dongle, it's actually a tiny wireless router and more than 1 person can be connected with no problems. It's a Huawei E585 Wireless Modem.Thing is, I still want to use my Airport Express (802.11n) to stream from different machines to my hifi.How should i go about this? If i connect the Airport Express to the 'Three' router (which is b/g speed) and use that normally, would it work properly do you think? Does anyone have a set up like this, or has tried it
I don't have my Airport Express with me as it's with a friend, so can't just go and try it myself. Obviously don't want to have to put a computer onto a different network to be able to use 'Airtunes'.
I live in a small apartment, so I never set up a wireless network, because, well I don't need to. However, lately I've been interested in trying some things out with my iphone to see how they work (the remote application mainly), but don't really have the money or need to go out and buy a wireless router. I was curious if there was any way to use my Airport Express Station as a wireless router? Someone told me it was possible, but after much googling, I didn't find much.
Since Saturday I've been having trouble connecting to the internet. For the last 18 months we've been connected to my Airport Extreme Base Station (2003) which in turn is wired to a Motorola SB5101 cable modem. Every time I had called the ISP (Comcast), they've been able to get it going while I was on the line by restarting the modem (which I tried before calling). Last night nothing would work no matter how many times I rebooted the modem and after many trial and errors, we were able to get connected to the internet by hooking my MBP directly to the ethernet cable from the modem and taking the Airport out of the equation. The service rep decided my router was likely at fault and I wasn't inclined to argue as it is an old router and things do break over time.
However, I ran out and bought a brand new Belkin Share wireless router and now neither that nor the Airport can connect to the internet even when the lights on the modem say all is well. Unfortunately, the Belkin came with it's own software package for router management and setup, which I'm not too keen on. It kept saying it couldn't connect to the modem or that the internet connection to the modem was lost. In tonight's efforts, I'm always able to plug my MBP right into the modem and get a connection, but as soon as I move that cable to the Airport or the new Belkin, my internet is gone. The Airport connection in the Network section of System Preferences always comes up as connected, but the Belkin glows dark red instead of green and the accompanying software says no connection to the internet can be found.
Does this sound more like the fault of the modem, the ISP, or me, the user? Any help would be much appreciated. Although I am able to connect now, my roommate's computer doesn't even have an ethernet port.
I have a three month old unibody MacBook, and up until yesterday, AirPort seemed to be working just fine, but over the past 15 hours or so, it has lost its wireless connection to the router four times. Two of the times, AirPort reconnected to the router on its own within a matter of seconds. One of the other times, AirPort said that it was enabled but not connected to any networks, and I had to manually reselect my router in the drop-down to reconnect. Now this morning, AirPort lost its connection to the router yet still showed that it was properly connected, but I couldn't access my network or the Internet at all. As soon as I disabled and re-enabled AirPort, everything was fine.
On top of this, I also got my first kernel panic yesterday for seemingly no reason while I was submitting a post to a forum, and I've submitted dozens of posts to that forum before without problem, so the forum can't be to blame. Normally one random disconnect from my router wouldn't be alarming, but four disconnects in the last 15 hours combined with a kernel panic that may or may not be related certainly has me searching for answers. I'm certainly quite confounded, especially considering that I haven't modified anything with my system, nor have I installed any programs in a long time. Should I be alarmed, or could this all be some coincidence?
I have an old power mac and want to get it online if possible .Does anyone know if ots possible to install an airport card into it and get online that way ?
I would like to install an internal airport card in my Mac pro (2008) as I didn't order the wireless BTO option and the USB adapter I tried instead didn't satisfy me. When I asked for the card at an apple reseller they said to me that this upgrade would cost a lot of money because they haven't only to order the card but they have to install the antennas as well. I went home and checked the interiors of my machine and saw three antenna cables (labeled with 1,2,3) which seem ready to be connected to an airport card. So I don't know if I have to believe this antenna thing. Are the antennas already preinstalled in every Mac Pro or do I really have to bring the whole computer to the store?
I just got a 17" Powerbook G4 1.5 Ghz. My friend that sold it to me said that her wireless always had a really weak signal but in recent time, unless she was in the same room as the router it was really hard to get a decent connection. She said she took it to an Apple store but her Apple care was expired and they said they'd have to send it out for 5-7 days. Today I just tried it out at home, where I normally (as well as everyone else in the house) have full signal from our router, this computer gets a bar or two max.
I was adding in some more RAM to it so I figured I'd take it the rest of the way apart. So, in doing so carefully because I could not find a diagram at all that matched this computer, I found that there is not a Airport Extreme card in the computer at all. Is that right? Is the wireless built in now? (or maybe for that year). Is this a common problem that the signal fades?
just converted and purchased a 21.5" iMac this weekend, he took advantage of that rebate offer on printers and picked up the black HP wi-fi printer. Anyhow he does not have an airport extreme or any type of wireless router since his iMac is right next to his modem, so he is using Ethernet.
So I tried setting up a wireless network using his internal airport card in his iMac and this worked out great i enabled internet sharing and printer sharing. For some reason when i try to connect his printer with his network it says that the network is not within reach even though the printer is right next to the iMac. Am I doing something wrong? is there something I'm missing? I know the wi-fi network is working properly because he is able to connect with his iphone and I was able to connect with my MBP.
I was getting tired of my belkin54g router that kept dropping connections, so I went and got a new linksys wireless G router. I popped in the CD, followed all the instructions and when I get to the end of the install it says that the configuration was successful, but it could not verify an internet connection.
I figure it's just a hiccup and try to connect with my laptop via airport- success! I get my homepage. But then, I can't get to any other page at all.
It says it can't find the page, but my network connection in system preferences says I'm connected. I go to my desktop which has the hardwire connection and I can't get on the internet at all, but again, my network connection in system preferences says I'm connected- green light, IP address and all.
So I figured I did something wrong and restored the factory settings on the router. Same thing happens again. WTF? This should have been easy. What the hell is wrong with this thing?
It should be noted that if I type in my IP address, the router info comes up immediately. I am also just connecting my modem to my desktop to post now. My internet connection works fine.