Hardware :: Airport Extreme Slower Than Linksys Router?
Jul 10, 2009
I just bought an AE and replaced my older Linksys with SpeedStep router and for some reason the internet seems slower.I did a speed test to compare with my older system and it's night and day how much slower it is now.
With the Linksys I was getting from 10-15Mbits download.With the AE I'm just tested and got 700KB down Anyone have a clue as what I can do to speed it up?By the way, the AE is connected directly to my desktop by ethernet cable.
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Sep 7, 2009
My neighbor has a blazing 10mb dl wireless connection which I can use. Problem, I'd like to use my Airport Extreme so I can hook up an external HD for use with Time Machine. I'd like to extend the Linksys wireless network with my AE.
Can this be done without needing a wired connection to set the two routers up? I'm hoping I can just connect my AE to the Linksys by way of remote setup.
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Aug 10, 2010
Having issues in setting up my Apple Extreme + Apple Express to my Linksys E2100L ROUTER/NETWORK. I have Green lights on my extreme and express with the Linksys router having the extreme attached to the router (ethernet) with express in another room for my Blu-ray. The Linksys does not see the Extreme or Express. I am using WPA2 Security on the Linksys router. How can I get the Linksys to see the Apple Extreme/ Express? Is there something I need to do on the Linksys end or on the Extreme/Express so that they can talk to each other?
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Apr 12, 2012
I got an old Power Mac G4 Quicksiver 2002 a little while back and I decided to upgrade it a little bit as a pet project. One of the things I did was add an Airport Card so I could get wifi. I read all about 802.11b and WPA2 and all that, and I can't say I understood it all, but what I think I DID get was this: The old airport card cannot connect to a WPA2 network. (right?) I looked at the settings for my router, and it said it was on "WPA2/WPA Mixed Mode." I thought it would work. When I went to connect, it said "WPA Network Needs a Password. I put in my password, and after trying to connect for a little while, it said "Connection timed out." Right now I am connected to the "guest" network, which needed no password. Just to test, I changed the encryption to just WPA, not mixed mode. It stopped my PC from getting wifi, and still didn't work on the Mac. I got it to work by putting NO password, but I really don't want that. Should I try to change it to WEP? I'm not really a tech type of person, especially not with wifi stuff, I'm kind of just stumbling around with Google...
The router is a Linksys E2500 router. AirPort Card Information:Wireless Card Type:AirPort Wireless Card Locale:USA Wireless Card Firmware Version:9.52 Current Wireless Network: {other network name} Wireless Channel:11 Is there any way to connect to the password protected network?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Airport Card
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Jul 29, 2009
I want to fully convert to the apple eco-system but can't afford the new airport extreme right now. Model number of the used airport is EbM8799LL/A
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Jul 24, 2007
I was looking at getting a new Airport Extreme base but I'm not sure if it will work with my 15" G4 Powerbook at all? I currently have a Linksys WRT54G which is OK but is such a pain to set up when it does happen to crash once in a while too. Besides, I don't think I'm getting the most powerful signal I can get too. Besides saying that the new wireless "N" has 5 times more speed than the wireless "G", is it worth it to switch over from a linksys to the Airport Extreme?
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Oct 11, 2006
I have a Linksys wireless router set up (WRT54G) and my PC desktop and laptop connect fine to the internet with wire and wireless. I installed an airport card in our Power Mac G4 but this cannot detect my wireless network. I have it connected now with an ethernet cable running through the kitchen but want to get rid of the cable.
Is there a compatibility issue with airport and a Linksys wireless network? The Mac recognizes the airport card so I hope that means that it is good. (I got it from eBay used) This Mac is the farthest away from the router so I guess my next try is to see if I can move the router a little bit closer.
I am a newbie to wireless so possibly I have a setting wrong. I did tell the router the mac addresses of all of the computers that I want to connect.
Any advice?
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Feb 2, 2012
I just got and airport card for my old mac, and want to use it with my network. but it won't work with my network.
ibook (14.1 LCD 900 mhz 32 vram), Mac OS
X (10.2.x)
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Jun 10, 2009
I'm lucky if I can get more than five feet away from my Linksys wireless-G router before the Airport Extreme says it's getting no bars. My son also has an Airport Extreme card in his iMac; connection is always iffy, even though his computer is barely four feet from the router.
Do I need a wireless-N router? Is there no backwards compatibility here (e.g. shouldn't a wireless-G router be able to work with wireless-N Airport Extreme cards?)
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Dec 9, 2009
I need some network guidance as well as if an upgrade is worth it. I currently have a linksys WRT54G firt gen. Its old but works, up until i moved into an area with many different wifi networks. I have tried different channels and what not. I have found a decent one but it still screws up a few comps here and there. My question is would buying the dual band airport extreme fix said issues? Or would buying the express also fix the issue? I am looking for things to get this holiday season and a new router was an option. I really would like to wirelessly print from my mac and pc running windows 7? this would be possible correct? Also is there any real difference between extreme and express to warrant the $80 more. Also how many printers can you configure to the wireless router at the same time?
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Jul 15, 2009
We have a desktop PC wired into an Airport Extreme and then my macbook pro wirelessly connected. We are both running at the same speed - slower than dial up! I had Time Warner talk me through checking the connection and everything is fine on their end. They said it the problem was airport. I called Apple and was suggested to "change channels" to an odd number instead of using "automatic" through manual set up. Tried that - just as slow. I also upgraded to 7.4.2.
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Feb 18, 2010
Just how do I connect a G4 to an Airport Extreme Base station via LAN cable, and then get it to connect to an existing wireless network (that's using a non Mac router). It's just that the existing airport card is painfully slow with a NAS and as I had the AE kicking about I thought I'd use that rather than buying a new PCI AE card.
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Oct 19, 2010
I have an old Belkin pre-N router and Virgin internet.
I am considering getting a new router and was wondering what people think about the airport extreme versus others, specifically the Netgear N300 dual band routers, such as the WNDR3700? Both are about the same price.
I have 3 Macbook Pros and an old Windows xp computer and my mac pro currently on our home network, with my mac pro on the ethernet cable and the rest on wireless.
Is the range on the airport extreme good for outdoors as well as going through walls to upstairs?
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Mar 3, 2009
I am sorry, whats the difference?
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Apr 9, 2009
OK I know this can be done and have searched many forums and I cannot find the whole walk through on the process!!!
I have the Airport Extreme one version back without the dual antennas and I'm trying to make up for that with my old linksys router. I want my airport extreme to transmit wireless N only! and my linksys to transmit wireless G only!! configuration setting to make this happen??
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Apr 21, 2009
What is Airport Extreme? Can I use it in conjunction with my existing modem / router and share it with my internet connection?
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Jun 17, 2012
How do I use my AirPort Extreme base station with my FIOS Router to extend my network? I have hard disks connected to my AirPort Extreme and would like to access them.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 12, 2009
Just bought an Airport Extreme from Apple. Is there anyway I can use it instead of my existing netopia router.
I'm getting mixed reports on whether I can do it. The AEBS appears to be able to take a dsl line.
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Mar 15, 2008
Does anyone out there is able to guide me thru the step on setting up a 2Wire all-in-one router with the AirPort Extreme base station? I was reading from somewhere, they were saying like i need to bridge the 2 router together or something.
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Feb 12, 2009
Just bought an Airport Extreme from Apple. Is there anyway I can use it instead of my existing netopia router.
I'm getting mixed reports on whether I can do it. The AEBS appears to be able to take a dsl line.
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Jul 8, 2009
i've just got my sister a emac G4 1ghz i installed the airport extreme card from my G5 cos she wants it in her bedroom but it's not connecting to the router, my router is a Thomson TG585 V7 i never had this problem with old airport, it only seems to be with extreme although the card was connecting to the network from my g5 was basically inches away from it, the Emac is on the floor about 2ft away i goto connect and it just keeps timing out, i've made sure the wpa key is correct and even tried manually entering the network config details but to no avail, is there any hope?
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Sep 13, 2009
I have an older MacPro 2006 model. I need a WiFi card for it. I want to know which one to get. Says a 802.11g AirPort Extreme will work. But is that only for Airport routers or can I use it with my Netgear router? Does it matter?
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Jan 4, 2011
I was reading through this old "Airport Extreme 2010" thread, but didn't see a discussion around 2011 yet - so I thought I'd start one.
I might have missed the news, but we never did end up getting a new version of Airport Extreme last year, right? So do you think the odds are good we'll get a new Extreme in 2011?
What's your best guess at a release date? Possibly around March 2011?
What new features would you expect a 2011 AEBS model to have? What upgrades would you like to see? Minor spec bumps? Stronger/wider range? More...?
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Jan 11, 2011
Since Saturday I've been having trouble connecting to the internet. For the last 18 months we've been connected to my Airport Extreme Base Station (2003) which in turn is wired to a Motorola SB5101 cable modem. Every time I had called the ISP (Comcast), they've been able to get it going while I was on the line by restarting the modem (which I tried before calling). Last night nothing would work no matter how many times I rebooted the modem and after many trial and errors, we were able to get connected to the internet by hooking my MBP directly to the ethernet cable from the modem and taking the Airport out of the equation. The service rep decided my router was likely at fault and I wasn't inclined to argue as it is an old router and things do break over time.
However, I ran out and bought a brand new Belkin Share wireless router and now neither that nor the Airport can connect to the internet even when the lights on the modem say all is well. Unfortunately, the Belkin came with it's own software package for router management and setup, which I'm not too keen on. It kept saying it couldn't connect to the modem or that the internet connection to the modem was lost. In tonight's efforts, I'm always able to plug my MBP right into the modem and get a connection, but as soon as I move that cable to the Airport or the new Belkin, my internet is gone. The Airport connection in the Network section of System Preferences always comes up as connected, but the Belkin glows dark red instead of green and the accompanying software says no connection to the internet can be found.
Does this sound more like the fault of the modem, the ISP, or me, the user? Any help would be much appreciated. Although I am able to connect now, my roommate's computer doesn't even have an ethernet port.
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Jan 26, 2007
Connecting a router to Airport Extreme: Will it slow down the internet access to all the computers more? I wanna hook up my Mac Pro, iMac via Ethernet and my PowerBook will be wireless. Is it gonna effect my speed?
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Dec 28, 2008
I am looking for an individual who can spend some time to carefully take me through the steps of piggybacking my Apple router off of my new Verizon router (pictured above).
I realize some of the process is discussed earlier in this thread but I found some of it difficult to follow, and I think I may have a newer Verizon router than what may have been previously discussed.
There are also some functions of this Verizon router that I cannot have disabled.
Will talk about all of that below...
To Begin With
I switched from DirecTV to Verizon Fios this past week.
The tech who came to my home told me that I would need one of their routers if I wanted the DATA (channel
text information) transmitted to all the displays in my home.
This would mean, of course, my Airport Extreme Router would have to go.
Since switching to the Verizon MI424WR router, my Wifi signal at far ends of the
house constantly goes up and down. This was never a problem with the Apple router.
Need to Piggyback the Apple Router but not disable critical Verizon Functions
I need my Apple Airport Extreme router back.
Problem is, the Verizon router provides critical data information to all my displays. So,
hopefully there is a method that I can piggyback the Apple Router and turn off the Verizon
WiFi function without affecting its data transmission to the other televisions.
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Jan 27, 2009
I've just moved and have had to switch ISPs. I have DSL service and the only modem option my ISP provides is an all-in-one modem/Wi-Fi router. I have an AirPort Extreme that I would like to use, but with this setup, unfortunately, I have to put it behind the modem/router.
I've used the AirPort Extreme both wirelessly and via Ethernet, and it is noticeably slow in connecting to Web sites. My browser often gets stuck on "Looking up [URL]" or "Connecting to [URL]" when it's plugged into the AE via Ethernet. When I plug directly into the DSL modem/router, sites are connected to and loaded immediately. The problem only exists when plugged into the AE. (Strangely, speed tests show that the AE downloads at nearly the same speed as the DSL modem/router, but this doesn't account for the noticeable delay in connecting to and the initial loading of Web pages).
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Jan 19, 2010
I've owned a Netgear and a D-Link route before and with those, you could access all your router settings and statuses over the internet. The Login would usuallly be the ip address and the password would be one of your choice. I can't seem to find any settings to enable this on my Airport Extreme.
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Jun 25, 2012
I am having since few weeks problem with my iMac loosing connection with my wifi airport extreme, my MacBook pro, iPhone and iPad is staying looked perfect with my wifi..I Mac is loosing connection, no indication anymore on my top window on my desktop. I need to go to system preferenties, open network and selecting again my wifi network..All fine for certain period of time ( 15 minutes) and i need to do THE Same thing..As all THE rest is werking fine, is this setting Or hardware problem in my iMac
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Oct 4, 2010
I am looking to get a AirPort Extreme base station and use the dual radio modes. However, there are some peripherals like printers and game consoles that will not run on the 5 GHz band. Could anybody please tell me if the router allows sharing between both bands or just in each individual band?
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