OS X :: Unable To Get New Linksys Router To Connect
Nov 12, 2010
I was getting tired of my belkin54g router that kept dropping connections, so I went and got a new linksys wireless G router. I popped in the CD, followed all the instructions and when I get to the end of the install it says that the configuration was successful, but it could not verify an internet connection.
I figure it's just a hiccup and try to connect with my laptop via airport- success! I get my homepage. But then, I can't get to any other page at all.
It says it can't find the page, but my network connection in system preferences says I'm connected. I go to my desktop which has the hardwire connection and I can't get on the internet at all, but again, my network connection in system preferences says I'm connected- green light, IP address and all.
So I figured I did something wrong and restored the factory settings on the router. Same thing happens again. WTF? This should have been easy. What the hell is wrong with this thing?
It should be noted that if I type in my IP address, the router info comes up immediately. I am also just connecting my modem to my desktop to post now. My internet connection works fine.
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Dec 25, 2009
The Linksys router has a static ip set up to work with the DSL connection and desktop. My macbook pro connects to the router but there is no internet connection! This is pissing me off becuase my mom's cheap Dell notebook connects flawlessly but My $2500 macbook pro doesn't. What do I need to do?
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Aug 17, 2010
Our company is currently running an Apple Time Capsule that has ~40 users wirelessly connecting to it. Now we recently opened up a new office space that will potentially have more than 50 users that need to connect to our network.
Seeing this we then purchased a Linksys WRT610N wireless router so that we can facilitate more than 50 wireless users. My question therefore is: how do we set this up so that the Linksys router connects to the TC so that we will subsequently be connected to the Internet as well as our network - no matter what SSID (TC or Linksys) we're on. I've been bearing about bridge modes and WAN ports but this is new to us so a brief explanation/procedure would be appreciated.
Keep in mind that we would like to keep the TC as our main router with the Linksys connected to that as well as increase the TC limit of the 50-user connectivity limit.
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Jun 12, 2009
I have a WD Mybook Essential Edition external hard drive that is dedicated to the Mac that I am trying to connect through USB to my Linksys router (WRT 610N).
I have spent no less than 14 hours on the phone with Linksys, can't get through to Western Digital, and Applecare tells me they don't work with PC hardware.
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Feb 5, 2009
i had my friends white book and when i opened the air port it found the linksys wireless G router i had had connected but it didnt ask me for the password.
I know i set a password for the linksys router because when i log on using my HP it ask me for the password.
Question is what did i do wrong? or are the linksys wireless routers not the best things to use with the mac?
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Jun 25, 2009
I have a Linksys Wireless Router and a Linksys Modem, the router is 6 years old or so 802.11b, how much faster would the Internet be if I had a combined Linksys wireless router/modem versus the 802.11b that I have now?
Would I see a huge difference? I am running my Macbook off it and an olde Toshiba laptop.
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Jul 29, 2009
I want to fully convert to the apple eco-system but can't afford the new airport extreme right now. Model number of the used airport is EbM8799LL/A
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Dec 26, 2008
How long do these routers usually last for? I've had mine for less than a year and I believe it died today.
For the pasta few days I've had to unplug and plug back in to get a connection and today - nothing.
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Dec 25, 2010
I'm new to Macs. I live ~200 yards from my Mom's house. I set her up with a b/g/n router. My Imac picks up the "n" signal just fine. My ps3, which only does b/g, gets no signal. I have an old linksys wrt54g wifi router. I tried plugging it into my imac and setting the imac to internet sharing through ethernet, but it didn't work. Stringing an ethernet cable isn't an option. Am I missing a step in the system preferences for internet sharing? Is there another way to get internet to the ps3? I would rather not buy any new equipment, but I'd spend up to $50.
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Dec 25, 2008
My router is a WRT54GS with DD-WRT firmware. It works fine with my old eMac (w/ original airport) and every PC in my house, but not with my new iMac (w/ airport extreme).
At first I thought I might need to power cycle it, but it didn't work. Then I thought it might be conflicting with something, but that wasn't the problem. On a side note, I also have a WRTU54G-TM for VOiP phone. It works with both Macs equally, unlike the GS. The only problem with that one is it will randomly kick my Macs off the network and I end up turning off airport and turning it back on when that happens.
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Nov 18, 2009
I've a Macbook, PS3 and Linksys ADSL Gateway that can be put in Bridge Mode.Macbook is connected to the internet via 3G USB modem.I was able to tell Macbook to broadcast it's 3G internet connection via AirPort and use it from any other Machine, such as iPhone.
But the problem here, is that I want can't use it in my PS3, because it's the old 20GB model which doesn't have a wireless connectivity.So, I figured out that I might be able to tell Macbook, to share it's 3G internet connection with the Linksys ADSL gateway while it's out in Bridge Mode, and this gateway can send the internet connection to PS3, all using Ethernet cables, as follows:
Macbook --> Linksys ADSL gateway in Bridge Mode --> PS3
But I couldn't make it work.
This is what I've done so far:
1- I plugged the Ethernet cable from Mac to Linksys ADSL gateway
2- I put Linksys ADSL gateway in Bridge Mode
3- I plugged another Ethernet cable from Linksys ADSL gateway to PS3
4- I went to network preferences in Mac and choose the Manual settings
5- I gave the Mac the IP address:, Subnetmask:, Router: and DNS:
6- I went to to PS3 wired settings and gave it IP:, same setting with other fields as Mac Ethernet
7- While testing the connection in PS3, the IP check went successfully, and the internet didn't
Note: I do not want to connect Mac to PS3 directly via a croseeover cable because I want to share the internet connection in mac with Xbox 360 as well, which also doesn't have a Wireless connectivity.
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Jan 1, 2011
My friend bought a new netgear router today. He plugged it in and was ready to get on the internet. The problem is, he can't get on the internet. He is able to connect to the router though. We also tried unplugging the router from the modem and plugging the ethernet straight into his Macbook Pro. From there the internet works perfectly. It is like the modem and the router are not connecting.
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Jun 17, 2007
i really want a new iMac but can't afford it right now. so i was thinking of getting an older iMac to replace the pc we have now. if i do do this can i use the wireless router that i have now with an iMac G3 or G4?
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Feb 7, 2009
I have a new unibody macbook pro and print from it using a wireless hp officejet pro 7410 all in one printer. I have a linksys wrt150n router. My pc laptop prints fast from it but the mac prints very slow. The printing actually stops for a while then starts again. It doesn't seem to do this all the time. I can't figure out what would slow it down.
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Mar 31, 2009
I just bought a Powerbook G4 from my school and the internet is sparatic but it is just at my house. I went to my friends house on Friday and it worked fine and at my school it does to. When I get home it either doesn't connect or goes from four bars to two bars. I have a Macbook and that works fine with the internet. I have tried re setting the router and nothing works. I have a Linksys router.
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Oct 10, 2009
is there a way that I can lock the linksys Wireless connection from my MBP?
It's been an open connection so users or neighbors around me can use my connection and it seems to be slowing my connection down.
I was looking at how I could secure my connection through my computer?
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Jul 8, 2010
I've always used airport express but lately I've been noticing big drop in speeds when I'm in the upstairs rooms. I do not feel like spending $175 on another apple router, how much trouble is it to go with linksys? How much settings configurations will I be getting myself into?
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Apr 13, 2009
It took me a lOOONG time but I finally bit the bullet and bought a macbook. So far so good, I will be giving it a memory upgrade in a few weeks but right now I could use some serious help.
The computer won't connect to my Netgear WGR614 wifi router. I called Apple, they said the airport works and I may need a router firmware update. I updated the Netgear router. I have tried using the WEP, the WPA and also tried with the router set to zero security. The macbook still won't connect. Here is the kicker, my old windows based laptop and my wifes newer netbook picked up the new upgrade without issue.
The macbook (I loaded all the macbook updates with hardwire) will go through the network diagnostics and end up being unable solve the problem.
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Oct 31, 2010
i want to know how instal Linksys router WRT54G in Mac Os x Snow leopard 1.6
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Mar 23, 2009
I have several questions before I make my purchase. I've got 2 computers in my upstairs bedroom that are wireless. I currently have a Wireless router which is a Linksys WRT54G.
It's already getting on in age so I was thinking of replacing it with a better wireless router. I'm deciding weather I should go with a Linksys N or go the apple route.Will I get faster internet if I go with a Linksys Wireless N? What is the difference between G and N?I was thinking of getting a Time Capsule because I wanted an automatic backup of my data.Is a time capsule going to perform the same as a Linksys? Which router is better?
what is the difference between Time Capsule and Airport extreme. Are they basically the same with the only difference being the hardrive?If I get a Time Capsule then do I still need a Linksys router? Is it easy to setup a wireless network using a Time Capsule or Airport Extreme? Is it easy to configure as a Linksys?
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Jul 10, 2009
I just bought an AE and replaced my older Linksys with SpeedStep router and for some reason the internet seems slower.I did a speed test to compare with my older system and it's night and day how much slower it is now.
With the Linksys I was getting from 10-15Mbits download.With the AE I'm just tested and got 700KB down Anyone have a clue as what I can do to speed it up?By the way, the AE is connected directly to my desktop by ethernet cable.
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Apr 12, 2012
I got an old Power Mac G4 Quicksiver 2002 a little while back and I decided to upgrade it a little bit as a pet project. One of the things I did was add an Airport Card so I could get wifi. I read all about 802.11b and WPA2 and all that, and I can't say I understood it all, but what I think I DID get was this: The old airport card cannot connect to a WPA2 network. (right?) I looked at the settings for my router, and it said it was on "WPA2/WPA Mixed Mode." I thought it would work. When I went to connect, it said "WPA Network Needs a Password. I put in my password, and after trying to connect for a little while, it said "Connection timed out." Right now I am connected to the "guest" network, which needed no password. Just to test, I changed the encryption to just WPA, not mixed mode. It stopped my PC from getting wifi, and still didn't work on the Mac. I got it to work by putting NO password, but I really don't want that. Should I try to change it to WEP? I'm not really a tech type of person, especially not with wifi stuff, I'm kind of just stumbling around with Google...
The router is a Linksys E2500 router. AirPort Card Information:Wireless Card Type:AirPort Wireless Card Locale:USA Wireless Card Firmware Version:9.52 Current Wireless Network: {other network name} Wireless Channel:11 Is there any way to connect to the password protected network?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Airport Card
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Oct 11, 2006
I have a Linksys wireless router set up (WRT54G) and my PC desktop and laptop connect fine to the internet with wire and wireless. I installed an airport card in our Power Mac G4 but this cannot detect my wireless network. I have it connected now with an ethernet cable running through the kitchen but want to get rid of the cable.
Is there a compatibility issue with airport and a Linksys wireless network? The Mac recognizes the airport card so I hope that means that it is good. (I got it from eBay used) This Mac is the farthest away from the router so I guess my next try is to see if I can move the router a little bit closer.
I am a newbie to wireless so possibly I have a setting wrong. I did tell the router the mac addresses of all of the computers that I want to connect.
Any advice?
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Aug 10, 2010
Having issues in setting up my Apple Extreme + Apple Express to my Linksys E2100L ROUTER/NETWORK. I have Green lights on my extreme and express with the Linksys router having the extreme attached to the router (ethernet) with express in another room for my Blu-ray. The Linksys does not see the Extreme or Express. I am using WPA2 Security on the Linksys router. How can I get the Linksys to see the Apple Extreme/ Express? Is there something I need to do on the Linksys end or on the Extreme/Express so that they can talk to each other?
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Feb 2, 2012
I just got and airport card for my old mac, and want to use it with my network. but it won't work with my network.
ibook (14.1 LCD 900 mhz 32 vram), Mac OS
X (10.2.x)
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Sep 1, 2008
i recently bought an Airport Express, and i finally took it out of its box after i purchased my new stereo. I connected the audio cable to the stereo and the airport unit and plugged it into an outlet. I opened up airport utility on my mac, AX appeared and i configured it to "join a wireless network". After completing the remaining steps, i updated it.. and waited for it to restart. Now here's my problem. It comes up with an error telling me it couldn't find the device after restarting. I have Verizon FiOS as my provider.. and I know that airport express has a history of trouble with the Actiontec router. Is there anything i can do with my current equipment to get this thing to work? I do not need to extend the network.. only join to use airtunes and print wirelessly... Also, my Actiontec router and FiOS connection are through my crappy dell pc downstairs, while i am using my 24" iMac upstairs in my bedroom trying to connect this. Should i change my router's settings?
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Sep 24, 2010
When I connect my iMac directly to my cable modem (no router) I get fast speed. But when I connect my laptop through my Linksys WRT54G v5 router the speed drops to about 20-40 kbps.
What is causing this dramatic drop in speed?
WAP Personal security
MAC filtering enabled: Yes
Channel 6
DHCP Enabled: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled: Yes
What kind of configuration could help me to get fast speed? I am newbie so don't know to make deep configuratons!
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Mar 18, 2012
Imac and iphone lost internet connectivity via Linksys wireless router. Ehternet works fine. Keep getting note about "self-assigned" ip. Ideas? I have tried everything I have found and read.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 11, 2010
I installed a WRT400N router via my PC several months back and used an adapter to utilize the Dual Band, Wireless N network. The product worked very well on my PC.
I recently bought a 27" iMac. It easily connected to the 2.4 Ghz Wireless N network. Performance and reliability are both good. However, I cannot see the 5Ghz network listed as an available network. Video streaming is not as good without the 5Ghz network.
Supposedly the 27" iMac (with built in wireless N) can achieve the Dual Band connectivity with Airport Extreme...but I do not want to spend money to replace a perfectly good router.
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Jul 13, 2010
i'm currently using the linksys w610n router thru wifi, i'm experiencing very slow internet speed on pages loading on safari but when i tried to download files on igetter, it goes on full speed
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