I have a iMac AL just got it and it came with the HP Photosmart C4580 Wifi Printer. It works great on the wifi, but After a few hours after printing something, the screen goes blank and you cannot print to it.
It will not respond to any of the buttons and you have to pull the plug and restart it. Is there a fix? Anybody else have this problem?
So I have a DYNEX 21 inch HD TV conected up to my MBP via the VGA connection route. My problem is that when I want a program (or more specifically in this case a game) to go into fullscreen mode it automatically goes to my primary monitor and turns the other screen black. I know I can switch the primary monitor from my actual laptop screen to the TV however I just want the game to be full screen on the TV while still having access to my dock and everything on my laptop.
Since a couple of days, my screen (iMac 27" mid 2011) turns off. Also, half of the screen looks darker. Is it a hardware problem or maybe can be solved by software?
I was sitting on the internet, when my macbook just shut off. Now when I try and start it up, it just goes on the startup screen for 15 seconds and then shuts off! I have tried like 20 times, literally, and it still won't work!
I got home to find my mac was unresponsive. I thought it had fallen to sleep so i kept pressing keys on the keyboard and clicking the mouse. Nothing happened, I tried everything. So I turned it off by holding down the power button and turned it back on. But then 10 mins later while using it, the screen just instantly turned off! The iMac was still running, it even had the music still playing in the background from iTunes, but again it was unresponsive to my commands. After 1 minute the music turned into an awful static cry for help. So i turned it off. Here i am again on the Mac after turning it back on, but i'm scared it could just go again any second.Â
Info: iMac (20-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.16 Ghz, 3GB Ram, 256MB Gfx 1TB HD
At least, it seemingly randomly turns off. I can be surfing the web or whatever like normal, but then after a period of time the monitor goes black. I can see that the computer hasn't shut off, but it's as though the computer is on its lowest brightness setting. It can be temporarily fixed some times if I lower the brightness all the way via F1, then put it back up, but if it goes up more than 3 or 4 boxes it goes black again.
It also goes black if I were to move the monitor any time during this whole thing. I've heard things like an inverter cable and board, but I have no idea what's going to fix this. This is my only computer, I use it for all my school work, if it breaks permanently I'm screwed.
I just bought a refurbished macbook pro and at first the screen wouldn't turn on when I started it up, the little sleep light was on though. I pressed and held down a key for a few seconds right after pressing the power button and the screen worked. My question is, should I be worried about this? I got the computer from a company I later found out is really difficult to deal with so I don't want to have to return or exchange it, but I also want to get my moneys worth.
It happens every now and then that the display light of my MBP late 2011 turns off right after opening it and I only can get it back by hitting F1 and F2.
This has been going on for me for the past few months on and off, it just randomly switches the screen off but everything else works perfectly, for example if im watching a video on hulu i can still hear the sound, if im doing work on word the documents are still there, iv finally gotten video footage of it. url...To turn it back on i press "ctrl + shift + eject" and then move the mouse. i have contacted Apple support on the phone they did say bring it in, just need to make an appointment. If anyone else has this problem and knows a better solution than having to keep pressing buttons to turn the screen back on please share.
I've installed OSX successfully many times but this one, with a new WD disk gives me trouble. After the gray screen is gone and the installation menu starts, the back-light turns off and I can't do anything about it. Any idea why that happens and how I can deal with it? I am working on a Mid 2009 13" Macbook pro with 2.26ghz and 8GB of RAM.
My MAC powerbook was working fine yesterday! I shut it down last night and when I tried to boot it up this morning I get: the booting "sound" and the grey screen after which the screen turns to black and in the top left-hand corner
I purchased a powerbook g4 from a friend a few weeks ago and it was working fine for the first couple weeks. the other day when I started it up it booted to the gray Apple logo screen as usual but will not proceed from there. I've left it sit over night and when I get on it the next day it's still on that screen.
I configured my MacBook Air to request a password after the screen turns on in "Security And Privacy". But then I realised that can change this option without unlocking the padlock. Here is a screen picture. I think is a very important security problem.Â
My 3 month old macbook pro suddenly has problems booting up. I press power and it goes to the gray screen with the apple logo, the gears start spinning, and then it just shuts off!
I can hear the chime going off, but the display turns on you cannot see through naked eye, you have flash light onto to the screen to see very little, can you tell me why this is happening and how to fix this issue. Secondly, can you tell me how to fix this issue, my keyboard and trackpad doesn't work. Is it the problem of flex cable of both the keyboard and trackpad or is the related to software
My macbook pro late 2009Â (10.6.7) when i press the power button it turns on, then it turns off by itself and then on again and gets a black screen and nothing more no booting sound and i just hear the fans or the Hard Drive going...
having problems with my MacBook Pro. Turns on, straight into user log in. Once password is entered it tries to start up then eventually after grey progress bar has finished brings up a grey screen, then shuts down again.Â
I've tried starting in safe mode and resetting PRAM etc with no success.Â
My screen is black but my laptop is not off.. and its not that only the screen is black, my mac on sleep (i think)...When I turn my mac on, it does turn on.. The starting screen comes out.. but the moment the desktop opens, the screen goes black. And if I try to wake my mac up by pressing any key, the mouse shows for like three seconds(on the black screen, not my desktop). So that means that my mac is not totally off, it's just that the screen is black. But once in a while, when I press any button, my desktop shows for five seconds and the screen turns black again. I had yesterday was that the finder was keep restarting. I was still able to go on all the apps except that I could not open any files on my desktop.
I have a little problem with my last generation 12" Powerbook G4. Sometimes, after I wake it up from sleep mode, the screen has a kind of blue tinge to it, as if there was some blue transparent plastic stuck to it. After I reboot, it's just fine.
The little progress spinner thing below the apple just spins and spins. The computer said that several apps stopped responding and had to quit after falling asleep watching a movie in VLC, which had error logs that had frozen on the screen as well saying, "Computer too slow?" from dropped frames apparently. Not normal. Also, yesterday, when waking it up from the display shutting down, the whole screen was gray and smeared looking. There was nothing recognizable at all on the screen, and I hit the power button quickly for it to sleep, and back again and it worked fine for the rest of the day. Its a 1.66 Core Duo Mac mini w/ 2gb of RAM.
I have a 3.06 GHz, 4 GB, iMac running 10.6.1. and I have a weird problem: while I was running Windows 7 under Boot Camp, during a simple task, my screen suddenly turned a solid shade of gray. Having no other option, I held the power button, turned off the computer, and turned it back on.
When I booted back to OS X, it happened again immediately upon opening iTunes. This time the color was solid black. Concerned, I turned off the computer, waited a moment and booted it back up in Safe Mode, where I currently have no problems whatsoever. From Safe Mode I repaired my disk permissions, cleared my caches, and zapped the PRAM while restarting my computer back into normal mode. Unfortunately the problem persists, this time my screen turning a solid shade of dark purple.
I'm going to call Apple Care in the morning, but has anyone heard of an issue like this? I searched the forums for a solution, but wasn't sure what terms to search for.