MacBook Pro :: Turns On Twice And Black Screen With No Booting
Sep 1, 2014
My macbook pro late 2009Â (10.6.7) when i press the power button it turns on, then it turns off by itself and then on again and gets a black screen and nothing more no booting sound and i just hear the fans or the Hard Drive going...
My MAC powerbook was working fine yesterday! I shut it down last night and when I tried to boot it up this morning I get: the booting "sound" and the grey screen after which the screen turns to black and in the top left-hand corner
I was on Netflix but all of a sudden my MacBook crashed, it wouldn't do anything, so I held the power button until it turned off. But when I tried to turn it back on, the booting wouldn't complete. It turns on, I hear the chime, I see the apple logo and the "turning on" screen but out of nowhere it turns off. What should I do?
So I have a DYNEX 21 inch HD TV conected up to my MBP via the VGA connection route. My problem is that when I want a program (or more specifically in this case a game) to go into fullscreen mode it automatically goes to my primary monitor and turns the other screen black. I know I can switch the primary monitor from my actual laptop screen to the TV however I just want the game to be full screen on the TV while still having access to my dock and everything on my laptop.
I can hear the chime going off, but the display turns on you cannot see through naked eye, you have flash light onto to the screen to see very little, can you tell me why this is happening and how to fix this issue. Secondly, can you tell me how to fix this issue, my keyboard and trackpad doesn't work. Is it the problem of flex cable of both the keyboard and trackpad or is the related to software
My screen is black but my laptop is not off.. and its not that only the screen is black, my mac on sleep (i think)...When I turn my mac on, it does turn on.. The starting screen comes out.. but the moment the desktop opens, the screen goes black. And if I try to wake my mac up by pressing any key, the mouse shows for like three seconds(on the black screen, not my desktop). So that means that my mac is not totally off, it's just that the screen is black. But once in a while, when I press any button, my desktop shows for five seconds and the screen turns black again. I had yesterday was that the finder was keep restarting. I was still able to go on all the apps except that I could not open any files on my desktop.
my MBP is really screwing up these days. Basically the best way I can describe it is that randomly once in awhile (no matter what I'm doing, usually surfing the net) the screen flickers a few times, then most of it turns black (except usually for a small part on top that stays on whatever it was displaying before). The section between the part that stayed the same and the bottom is sort of "multicolored".
The computer does not respond to anything except holding the power button down for 5 seconds until it shuts off. If I try to adjust brightness or sound level, nothing happens. Anyway, I took it in to apple and they claimed it was the motherboard, so they replaced it. But today I had the problem again! What else could it even be? Any chance its the RAM/screen/hard drive?
Anyone else noticing their new macbook air freezing randomly and the screen just turns completely black? The back light is still on but nothing is on the screen.
None of the buttons work, can't force quit anything, i have to hold power button to turn it off then back on. It has happened to me twice already, first time when i was installing the adobe suite, second time is when I was working on a school assignment with a simulation app (not cpu or memory intensive AT ALL).
It was just an accidental liquid spill, but however my macbook pro has been acting up before all this mishap with the graphics. I thought is was just nothing so I didn't care to bring it to an apple store but when I had to bring it and check it out using the Nvidia video test it presumed a failed video card. The genuius said it will take 2 weeks to be fix until several days later I recieved a call saying it can not be fix due to a foreseen amount of liquid damage. I've spilt other liquid items but wiped it off the keyboard quickly and it still worked. I'm using my MBP right now with an external monitor, it still works fine but with the issue of the screen being pitch black.
A few times now, maybe once a month, I've restarted my (first generation, 2006) Macbook and gotten nothing but a black screen, while the computer seems to be continuing to boot in the background. The boot-up sound plays, and if I leave it to finish, the screen goes from black to a dull grey, and I'm able to shut it down by hitting the power button and pressing Enter, as if the shut-down dialogue screen has appeared. The pattern so far seems to be that if I shut down down mid-boot, by holding the power button, the next boot will still have a black screen; but when I let the boot finish and shut down from 'within' Mac OS X, the next boot works normally. I restart the computer once or twice a week, and this only happens occasionally--but it has been happening repeatedly.Â
I have a MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo 2.5GHz/250GB HDD/2GB RAM that won't turn on, unless I leave the power button pressed, in which case, as you all know, the computer turns off again. It started about 3 days ago. Set the computer to sleep, shut it closed, took it to another room and opened it. The MBP gave me the blue screen, then black and then... nothing. At first I thought it was the HDD, but now I'm having second thoughts. I now think it's the cpu fan.
I went to the Genius bar and they told me to Control, Option, P, R on a reboot to restore the settings, but with a wireless KeyBoard it does not work. I installed my standard PC keyboard, but am not sure what keys renase the display back to factory settings.
when working on my new Imac sometimes the machine put itself in sleep mode! The screen turns black and I have to enter my password. Sometimes it happens 2 times in 1 minute; other times once in 1 hour.
Aperture 3.5.1 on iMac11,3 (Core i7, 2.93GHz, 16GB RAM) and OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)Â
Son's Eagle Project. Set up GroPro to snap a pic every 10 seconds. Now have 3,000+ photos in Aperture, in slideshow with most running at 1/10th second. Added text annotations.Â
In Aperture - plays perfectly.Â
Once exported - 75% through the video, screen goes black EXCEPT that the annotations I've made are retained - so occasionally a timestamp or comment appears on an otherwise black screen.Â
I've tried multiple export formats, no difference. Am now resorting to inserting timestamp slides between pictures to see if somehow there is a corrupted image that is causing the video export to fail.Â
Have replicated problem after a reboot with nothing of substance other Aperture running.Â
/etc/master.passwd: No such file or directory /etc/master.passwd: No such file or directory -sh-2.05b#
I have tried fsck -f and it runs, I get the response The volume Macintosh HD appears to be ok I type "reboot" and it starts rebooting again and I get the loop of:
/etc/master.passwd: No such file or directory /etc/master.passwd: No such file or directory -sh-2.05b#
Is there any way of fixing this problem? I am running OSX 10.3.9 on a 17" iMac.
I Upgrades to Lion last year. Two months ago, suddenly the screen of the iMac went black. I tried to boot but it didn´t. After waiting one day, it worked and i made a backup and I installed Lion again but this time not updating.It worked, never happened again till yesterday. The screen went black, I still could listen to the song that was playing on iTunes but after a while it crashed at all.Hours later could start the computer doing everything i read here: SMC, PRAM reset, start with D, with shift.... and i made the backup but when i was going to install Lion again it went black again and I couldn´t restart my iMac.I´m afraid it´s the NVIDIA card, but i can´t be withouth the computer some weeks. Is there anything i can do to fix it or to boot at least?
Just installed Windows XP using bootcamp and usually no problems switching between operation systems. Recently started using an USB modem for my wireless internet connection. Internet works on both Mac and windows through the modem. Now the problem is whenever I restart or switch on my computer, it shows a black screen if I choose windows partition to boot. No problem if I start through mac partition. If I unplug the USB modem, everything goes fine and I have to plug the modem after starting windows. Is there any solution so that I can permanently plugin the USB modem and avoid booting problem?
Disk Utility in OS X gave me a Invalid key length after checking Catalog file, so I restarted to OS X Install DVD. It did the same thing on the OS X Install DVD. I went to Startup Disk, changed it back to the Mac OS X on Macintosh HD option - so I could go in and back my stuff up. It just goes to apple logo, does the spin thing at the bottom, and goes black. I can't even boot from DVD anymore.
This only happens when I choose to boot into windows. The screen sort of hangs for about 20 seconds in a black screen with an underscore at the top left corner before even starting to boot into windows. I know its normal for this to happen for like 5 seconds tops, but this is happening for about 20 seconds and its dreadful trying to boot into Windows 7 because it takes so long. When windows is done starting up i don't even get any messages saying startup failed or something like that. This is so annoying that I even reinstalled everything but the same thing happened.
I'm using an external Monitor (Compaq W185q) and everything's ok until I open certain webs, this websites have banners on both sides mostly, so I think that's important to tell. After couple seconds on those sites, the monitor starts flickering and then it turns black, completely. To make it work, I launch Mission Control and it starts working again, I drag the safari window back to my MBA's monitor, and problem solved. Â
I have noticed that my hard drive turns over before the bong sound during booting which I cannot remember if this has happened before,I have had his macbook 4 months and for the life of me I can not recall if it has happened before?
So just got my new MacBook Pro yesterday and loving it! I just got VMware Fusion and have a quick question (just don't want to mess anything up).
I have the Windows XP Black Edition image file, when I hit "Continue without Disk" on Fusion, next options are "Use installation disk image file", "Use existing virtual disk" or "Create custom virtual machine".
If I just have the .iso, what option should I go with?
My mac was being very, very slow so I turned it off, then as it it was booting it was taking ages so i restared in safe mode. While booting in safe mode the black bar at the bottom goes around 2/5 of the way across and then my macbook just switches off.Ive tried:fsckdisk utility repair/verifyreinstalling OS X LionÂ
When i tried to repair, it said i needed to erase everything and reinstall the OS. Last night when i tried to it said both drives are locked so i couldnt. And now when i just tried again, neither drivers are appearing; the box is just blank.Â
Let alone my livelyhood on the laptop, i have thousands and thousands pictures which if lost, would genuinley heartbreak me. I have much valuable data on my laptop and i really dont want to erase all data, because me being the gigantic fool that i am, i only have one time machine back up from about a year and a half ago. Â
I set my screen's resolution to 800x600 in order to play a newly downloaded game demo (Jets N'Guns). The screen went black and will not reset after trying many things: