PowerPC :: AirPort Extreme - IBook And Pismo Cannot See Wireless Network
Feb 20, 2007
I bought the Airport extreme and I can connect from my MBP only when setting the radio mode to:
-802.11n only (5 Ghz)
-802.11 (802.11a compatible)
My iBook and Pismo boxes cannot even see the wirless network at all. It is not a closed network and when selecting Other to connect and entering my WPA password I get an error.
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Jan 4, 2006
This is driving me insane. Just got a new Centrino laptop (obviously with wireless), but it refuses to see the AirPort network. I have reset the base station so there is no encryption of anykind, but still no joy.
Is there anything that needs to be set on the AirPort for this to work?
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Jul 22, 2009
I just purchased my first Mac: 13" macbookpro. I got a time capsule with it as well, but cannot set up my macbook to connect to the internet. I connected my desktop pc with windows XP via ethernet just fine. But I cannot get the wireless network to popup on my airport extreme.
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Mar 3, 2008
Will an Airport Extreme card from and ibook G4 work in an iMac G5??
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Feb 21, 2007
Quick question- will this model of iBook G3 work with an AirPort Extreme card, or do i have to get the original AirPort card?
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Jan 14, 2007
I have been enjoying my recently acquired pismo g4 500. Typing on it feels wonderful, and I'm so glad that I got it. We also just got an ibook 1.2ghz (768mb memory), and for some reason, the pismo loads internet pages faster.
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May 10, 2007
So I have a network running a Linksys B&G WRT54G router on a ComCast Cable internet connection. I have an iBook G4 (2005) and a B/W G3/400 connected to it. The iBook is using the built-in Airport Extreme and the G3 is using a valid Belkin PCI card (model: FD57000) 802.11G card. So the G3 is just chillin' downloading torrents and what not, but I noticed the speeds aren't that great and my iBook is slowed waaay down on just basic web browsing. I reboot the G3 and all of a sudden the iBook speeds way up. Once the G3 is back online everything is slow again. I've tried many settings and still am not satisfied yet (using the iBook on the same torrents as the G3 the speeds are insanely higher).
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May 15, 2008
I can't get our G3 iBook to connect to our AirPort network anymore. It's the last-gen AirPort Extreme base station (domey type with a modem) and I've successfully used our wireless security in the past. We use WPA/WPA2 Personal with a 40 character password. The iBook has worked before with this configuration, and it works when there is no security set up, but even though our town is filled with computer illiterates and there are only 2,000 of them, I'd like security.
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Jan 11, 2008
I just got my iBook Clamshell Blueberry from a seller. It appears to have Airport, but it has 9.2 OS and I'm not sure how to get it to pickup my wireless network. Any ideas? Other then that its in Great shape. No pixels out and no cracks. I want to up the ram and hardrive and then get a dvd drive to sub out for the cd drive.
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Jul 4, 2010
I recently purchased a refurbished AirPort Extreme Card and AirPort antenna for my late 2004 Power Mac G5. My Mac is running on OS X Version 10.4.11. I properly installed them, since the computer notes the AirPort Extreme card in the "About Mac" menu. There are a couple of wireless networks near my home and the computer doesn't detect any of them. I've checked out previous forum discussions around this issue, tried some suggested troubleshooting to no avail. Can I presume the AirPort Extreme card is defective? It detects absolutely no signal from the other networks around here. Could the WEP password length of our router have anything to do with it? Do I need to download a driver to activate the AirPort Extreme Card? Could upgrading to a different operating system make it work?
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Jun 5, 2007
I connect two desktops and the subject ibook to an airport base station. The ibook is a 1.2MgH, 30GM hard drive, 256 RAM. The laptop has been in use approximately two years. The laptop has always automatically connected to the airport. Yesterday morning when I started the machine, it indicated it was not connected to a network. When I selected my network, it asked for the password. When I input the password, it told me it was invalid. Nothing I've been able to do with any utility or any other corrective action has changed the message "invalid password." And just so you know, I am entering the correct password for my network.
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Feb 7, 2007
Well I'm here at college and my iBook keeps giving me connection errors when trying to connect to the wireless network. It works fine at my house but it only works occasionally here at school. I'm not sure what the problem is but I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of what I could try to fix this issue.
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Mar 7, 2010
I have an airport extreme base station (wireless n draft). problem is, my room is all the way in the back and i get poor reception. Can i just buy another standard $40 wireless G router and "extend" my wireless network? if so, how easy would this be to accomplish? would it be as simple as hooking up the $40 router with my airport extreme using via ethernet cable so that it extends it? update: I am looking at this router...would this accomplish my purpose? [URL:....]
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Apr 25, 2010
I have an Airport Extreme, with two USB hard drives connected to it. The Airport Extreme shares these disks to my wireless network via Airport Disks.
Upstairs I have an Airport Express, that wirelessly connects to my Airport Extreme downstairs, and extends the wireless network so I get a good wireless reception upstairs.
My problem is, that it does not seem like me Airport Express does a good job of forwarding my 2 USB Airport Disks to the extended wireless network upstairs.
For example, when I use the AirVideo iPhone app to stream video from my USB Airport Disks I get a server connection error when I go upstairs and the iPad/iPhone switches to the Airport Express networks. I cannot reconnect as long as it is on the Airport Express network. If I turn the airport Express off, and thus switch to the poor wireless reception from the Airport Extreme, I can connect to the USB Airport disks again.
The Airport Express is connected to the Airport Extreme in bridged mode.
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Jul 8, 2009
Here is my situation. I am a network newbie. I bought a Airport Extreme (2008 model without dual band & guest networking) and have it setup with my ADSL broadband modem. I bought it so I could use the high speed N to connect to my Apple TV. It replaced a Linksys WRT54G.
My concern is this. We have another laptop in the house which only has Wireless G. It is connected most of the time to our network, so I presume that it will be slowing the speed of my Extreme to G levels.
Can I connect my old Linksys G router somehow to my network to create a seperate Wireless G network to access the internet. The older laptop can be at G speeds and my Extreme network remaining at N speeds ?
Maybe an easier option is to buy a N USB adaptor for my laptop but I don't want to buy something if I can use my current equipment.
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May 14, 2009
I'm working in a home/home-office environment right now which was setup by someone else and I've noticed some odd network behavior when moving about the property. Looking at the setup, the relevant portion is: Cable modem - Airport Extreme - 10 port wired switch - 3x Airport Express in different areas of the house. The configuration of each device has the Extreme and all three Express devices set to "create a wireless network" with the network name the same for all four of them. I am not a networking expert but I would have thought that the Extreme should be set to be the "master" in a WDS network and the Express should each be set to participate in that WDS network. If they're all hosting their own wireless network with the same name and the coverage overlaps, how does a PC know which one it's using? Or maybe this doesn't matter. I just know that when we move from one room to another we frequently have to re-select the wireless network to establish connectivity.
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Jul 6, 2009
I don't understand something very basic about the internet...
I have been using a 2WIRE wireless box plugged into my phone line/DSL for four years. I knocked it over and it doesn't seem like it is broadcasting a wireless signal anymore, so I bought an Airport Extreme Base Station, 2007 square model used.
I don't understand how to set it up... Can't I just throw away the 2WIRE thing now? When I try to use the Airport Extreme thing, it does not recognize the internet DSL signal or something.
I just want to use the Airport Extreme as a dsl wireless router alone.
I don't want the 2WIRE thing. The 2WIRE thing is usable when I plug my ethernet cord into it, but it is no longer broadcasing a wireless signal.
How do I set up the Airport Extreme with my DSL for wireless?
Sorry this is so stupid. I just don't understand what to do at all.
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Nov 4, 2010
We've just moved house and signed-up to O2 Broadband. They've supplied a Thomson wireless box that plugs into the phone socket. This box, however, doesn't work with my Apple TV or Airport Extreme/Airport Disk. I've tried to make my Extreme 'extend the network' but it says the network cannot be extended.
How can I ditch this O2 wireless box and get back to my Apple-based network (considering the broadband enters my house through a phone socket rather than a Cat-5 ethernet cable that the Extreme can accept)? I want my AppleTV/Airport disk back as I had in my old house!!
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Nov 6, 2010
I want to get an airport extreme base station to replace an old Belkin router that I use now.I have Virgin broadband and I currently connect three MBP laptops and an iphone via wifi and a Mac Pro and an Xbox 360 via ethernet to the Belkin, which is connected to the Virgin modem.The Mac Pro and one MBP also run Windows 7 using Bootcamp.I also have an old PC upstairs running windows xp that connects via wifi using a Belkin USB N adapter.All of this works fine now, but it's a bit slow due to the old router which is only pre-N.
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Sep 3, 2009
I recently got a PowerPC G4 from a family member and reinstalled Mac OS X 10.5. I did this without the Airport Extreme card installed. After installation I put the card in, and after booting up I thought the card would be recognized. I was wrong. Any suggestions besides that the card might be bad, that I can do to fix this? The card works on other machines.
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Dec 9, 2010
AirPort Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi wireless networking;2 IEEE 802.11a/b/g compatible
Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) wireless technology
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Apr 26, 2005
My powerBook has no problem connecting, but the Airport Admin utility for Windows XP can't "see" the base station.
Clicking "Start" then "connect to" and then "show all connections" and then the name for my Airport network, a "choose a wireless network" screen comes up, a strength meter (all bars on) displays, and a reminder that a network key is required. Clicking "connect" on this screen shows a "wireless network connection" thingy -- but it never actually connects.
Have a Belkin Wireless G Notebook Network Card in a Toshiba 2430:(URL)
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Nov 29, 2006
I no longer have any wireless devices in my house and I'd prefer not to have wireless active. When I go to the AEBS admin utility, the best I can see to do is reduce the signal strength to 10%. Is there a way to shut of wireless altogehter?
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Jul 7, 2008
I can't get my Airport Extreme to work w/ any of my PCs (via wireless). I have an Extreme N w/ gigabit and using WPA/WPA2 security. Latest firmware. My MBP works perfectly fine, so does my iPod Touch and even my printer which connects via WiFi also (hp Photosmart D7460).
However none of my PCs can connect, I already tried w/ 2 different Dell laptops a Toshiba laptop and a desktop. All are running XP and have all the updates etc. All connect and work fine to my Linksys WRT54G.
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Mar 3, 2009
I am sorry, whats the difference?
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May 18, 2009
First post so bear with me. I use a 1Tb Time Capsule as my wireless router. On the other side of the room I have (wirelessly connected) my PS3, TV, Wii, and a Helios network media server. These are not all wireless N devices.
I also have a previous generation Airport Extreme.
Question. Can I wirelessly connect my Time Capsule to the Airport Extreme (on the same side of the room as the PS3, etc.) and then connect PS3, etc. to the Airport Extreme via the ethernet connections ?
If this is possible would I (as I hope) get better network throughput as the only wireless connection would be at N speeds ?
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Aug 2, 2009
Quick question does anyone know how to set the Airport Extreme to wireless N only? I understand it will be wireless N only if I connect to the 5 ghz band. Problem is my Netgear Wireless N Bridge is 2.4 ghz only, and when it connects to the Airport extreme for some reason it only connects at wireless G. I do not see an option in Airport Utility for it to broadcast in Wireless N only. My options are 1) Automatic 2) 802.11a/n-802.11b/g 3) 802.11a-802.11b/g
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Aug 6, 2009
Quick question, if I were to get a usb hub to use with an airport extreme would I be able to use both an external hard drive for backup and a printer for wireless printing or will it only let me use one? Also, would I be able to do this with an airport express? From what I see it seems like the express doesn't support hard drives.
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Feb 21, 2010
My MacBook Pro's Airport Extreme card usually recognizes ~15 wireless signals (I live in an apartment building), now it picks up none.
If I try to manually access my own wireless network (which works fine for my flatmates' computers), it says "There was an error joining the AirPort network". It doesnt seem to care that the network normally has a password, it just gets an error.
Max OS X v 10.4.11
AirPort Extreme
firmware version 1.4.4
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Jun 4, 2012
I have used my airport extreme for several years. It now will only allow one computer to be connected to wireless at a time. When the new computer signs in shows disconnected. I am able to connect but then the original user is bumped off when they try to switch pages. Talked to provider and everything seems to be OK on their end. Modem works when plugged directly into computer using ethernet cable.
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