Hardware :: External HD, Apple TV, Wake On Wireles Include In Existing Wireless Network?
Oct 22, 2010
I have a new AppleTV set up in my entertainment center on the other side of my house from my office, where my MacBook Pro is. Currently I have my U-verse gateway(which has a wireless router built in) in my home theater. The AppleTV is wired into the gateway. The signal from the gateway does not reach my office so I was able to hack a linksys router into a repeater bridge (different SSID as my U-verse setup). This allows me to stream my iTunes library, which is stored on an external HD (1.5tb) connected to my Mac, to my Apple TV.
We have a PC in the upstairs office with cable/DSL router for Internet (through Comcast). This service also has a wireless connection. We have a Macbook laptop which connects effortlessly to our home network and we use it all over the house. We simply clicked the internet symbol on the top right (looks like a little amphitheater), selected out network, entered the password and have been connected ever since.
Today we brought home a new iMac and set it up in basement office. Tried the same routine. Clicked on the internet symbol, selected our network, noticed that the signal is just as strong as it is upstairs, typed in password but that's as far as we get.
I've gone the rounds with the Assist and the Utility features. I've shut the Airport on and off. I've tried setting up a new network. I do notice that the iMac has a "self-assigned" ISP "and cannot connect to the Internet." Does this mean I can't ever connect? Do we need to replace the self-assigned ISP with our Comcast IP address?
I've read here and there that our router might have Macs blocked and we could add this iMac as a secure system to get on the network. But we haven't played with the router's settings because we wouldn't know how. Besides, the Macbook connects fine.
I'm soon to start working from a shared office and my internet will be gained wirelessly from a shared router.As I cannot modify the wireless network as it will interfere with everyone else Can i simply attach my time capsule via ethernet direct to my macbook pro, so that it does all the backup goodness and yet still have my wireless internet conneection open.
MAC to TC wired with MAC to INTERNET Wireless Without interference.
I currently have a DSL internet connection (static IP if that matters), and my iMac is connected to the network via an Airport Extreme, but am switching to Comcast Cable for better speed/price.
I picked up the self-install kit from Comcast yesterday and find the included instructions pretty much worthless.
Due to where cable outlets are located, I hope to install the new cable modem in a different room than my computer. However, will I first need to have the computer hard-wired to the Airport to configure the connection? Or should I be able to configure it wirelessly?
If wirelessly, should it be as easy as turning off the computer and Airport, connecting coax from the wall to cable modem, ethernet cable to the Airport, and then powering everything on? Will the iMac instantly recognize the new connection and walk me through configuration?
I am going from a static IP w/ the DSL to, I assume, a dynamic IP with the Cable. Does this further complicate the install?
I have 3 PC/laptops already in my windows 7 network. My new mac pro is on the wifi just fine, but does not see my printer or my network and my windows 7 does not see my mac pro. Can someone step me through in very simple steps or send my to an article I can follow.
I have an airport extreme base station (wireless n draft). problem is, my room is all the way in the back and i get poor reception. Can i just buy another standard $40 wireless G router and "extend" my wireless network? if so, how easy would this be to accomplish? would it be as simple as hooking up the $40 router with my airport extreme using via ethernet cable so that it extends it? update: I am looking at this router...would this accomplish my purpose? [URL:....]
What's the best way to wirelessly b/up 3 mbp's to one external HD? I have 1 using Lion, 2 using Snow Leopard. I just purchased a Seagate 3T b/up for this process. I also use an Airport Router so my thought was to plug the HD into the Airport and use TM.
Random question, I have Uverse internet. The modem is also a WAP. Would it be possible to use an Apple Airport to receive the signal from the Uverse box wirelessly AND transmit a wireless network simultaneously?
Is there a way to make Mail show messages from the Trash when "include related messages" is turned on? If I have trashed a message and receive a later reply from that conversation, Mail won't show me the previous message. Â
When I arrive at my office and turn on my MB Air, it does not always connect to my wireless network, it sometimes connects to an un-secured wireless network locaterd somewhere else in the building. Is there a way to force Lion to always connect to a specfic network and ignore others?
Apple's Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard operating system will include tools borrowed from the iPhone that let developers determine the geographical location of Macs, as well as extend additional support for multi-touch to their apps, AppleInsider has learned. People familiar with the latest pre-release distributions of the next-gen OS say the software now includes the CoreLocation framework previously available via the iPhone SDK, which will allow Mac applications to identify the current latitude and longitude of the Macs on which they're running. Since Macs don't include GPS technology like the iPhone 3G, CoreLocation will utilize a Mac's existing networking hardware to triangulate the system's location in a manner similar to the way the original iPhone was able to use the technology to emulate a true global positioning signal. Meanwhile, those same people say that developers writing applications for Snow Leopard will also gain access to a new set of Cocoa-based programing interfaces for leveraging the multi-touch features of the latest MacBooks and MacBook Pros within their applications. AppleInsider first revealed plans for the new multi-touch framework in a an article from last June titled "Five undisclosed features of Apple's Mac OS X Snow Leopard." The report noted that the framework would "consist of code libraries and functions that ordinary developers can use to enhance their applications with the same multi-touch capabilities currently available in Apple-born apps like Safari and iPhoto, and do so with ease." Word of the new location tools in Snow Leopard comes on the heels of an announcement by Google that it will soon deliver its own software that will let iPhones and Macs broadcast their location information over the Internet.[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
Can I include external drives to be backed up using Time Machine? Not only do I want to back up my IMac, but I have several extenal drives for one iPhoto, one iTunes and one for other files & documents. How do I know if they are included in the backup process?
How to add Mac27" to existing home network? and read files on other PC computers (Window7).type of connection:All computer (PC & Mac) connect to router (ethernet or wireless), then connect to internet.Â
condition:internet works fine on all computer (PC & Mac).existing 4 PC communicate well (share files & printers), my problem: can NOT add Mac into existing home network. I tried SYSTEM PREFERENCES, then NETWORK, then ...... several times could not make it work.Â
My family use Dell computers and we all feed off the same router which is Linksys. Although, what happens is because of the location of the linksys router, my signal comes and goes weekly. I was wondering if I were to purchase an Airport Express, would I be able to use is as an extender/booster with the existing network that I already have? If I cannot do that, would i still be able to use the Airport Express and have it dedicated to just my computer? and if so, how do i go about doing that?
I have a dual-band airport extreme router setup in a closet on the bottom floor of my 3-floor apartment, and I'm in need of some help figuring out how to go about adding some additional networking gear to my existing system
I have a 1TB Time Capsule which I'd like incorporate into my existing network. I have an available ethernet cable on the top floor of my apartment which I would like to connect the Time Capsule to so that I can quickly backup my MacPro (connected to network directly via ethernet), and so if possible I can extend the range of the Wireless-N network that my dual-band router is currently providing (because the signal on the top floor of my apartment isn't as great as I'd like it to be). I'd like to have the Time Capsule configured to only use the Wireless-N network so that my Macbook pro and my wife's Macbook Air will be backup to it via wireless-n speeds at all times.
I have a mixed Mac/PC environment - Macbook Pro (snow leopard); iMac 21 (leopard); 2 x Dell laptops (XP) - and an existing wifi network from a Belkin 8233-4 N modem/router. Also connected to the wifi network is a WHS for backing up the laptops; an HP printer; 2 iphones; an xbox 360; and a Wii.
I've just bought a 1TB Time Capsule to use to back up the Macs as my previous external time machine hard drive just died (which was connected via USB to the iMac).
At the moment, I've got the TC set up to join my existing wifi network (it's connected via an Ethernet cable from the Belkin wireless router), however I'm getting issues with the wifi network not working properly and being unable to connect to the internet. Every time you wake the Mac, you have to manually reconnect to the wifi (and sometimes even re-enter the password), and things work OK until the Mac goes back to sleep. When I go into the Airport utility, the settings say that the TC is set to create a new network, so I reset it back to join an existing network via ethernet, but then if I go back to these settings a little later (after having problems with the wifi connectivity), they have reverted back to create a new network !
move my existent time machine back ups from a external USB hard drive to a WD MBLD network attached storage. Â
What I have tried to far:Â Â Created the a new time machine back up using the MBLDSelected the option to replace the existing time machine back up and selected the encrypt optionStarted a back upStopped it right after it started Turned the time machine offMounted the sparsebundleRemoved the backups.
backupdb folder from itAttached the old time machine disk to my macbook airCopied the backups.backupdb from there and tried to paste it on the NAS drive using Shift Option Command V.Got an error saying "the volume has the wrong case sensitivity for a backup"Â
I've just joined a Time Capsule to my existing wifi network and it's working fine. However, if I try to connect a computer to the LAN port, I can't ping the TC. Is this by design?
my router is linksys and i want to let my airport express join the network created by linksys wirelessly, would that be done? i was told at apple store that airport can extend existing network, what the problem is?
I have just got my 1Tb time capsule and there are a lot of confusing descriptions of how to connect it.
At the moment I have just selected "join existing wireless network" which is a ADSL 2.4ghz G Router that came with my internet package (Thompson TG585 v7).
Does this mean that all traffic goes via the ADSL Router and that I will not be using the 5ghz band when I back up so that all the data will follow a path like this and have slow data rates? :
MAC --2.4ghz--> ADSL Router --2.4ghz--> TC
or will I be communicating directly with the TC at 5ghz for backups and data transfer and 2.4ghz with the ADSL router for internet like this? :
MAC --5ghz--> TC ADSL Router --2.4ghz--> MAC
If this is not a good setup, what setup would allow me to get the full speed to the time capsule and be connected to the internet.
I'm working in a home/home-office environment right now which was setup by someone else and I've noticed some odd network behavior when moving about the property. Looking at the setup, the relevant portion is: Cable modem - Airport Extreme - 10 port wired switch - 3x Airport Express in different areas of the house. The configuration of each device has the Extreme and all three Express devices set to "create a wireless network" with the network name the same for all four of them. I am not a networking expert but I would have thought that the Extreme should be set to be the "master" in a WDS network and the Express should each be set to participate in that WDS network. If they're all hosting their own wireless network with the same name and the coverage overlaps, how does a PC know which one it's using? Or maybe this doesn't matter. I just know that when we move from one room to another we frequently have to re-select the wireless network to establish connectivity.
OK, I asked this question previously, but not quite succinct enough, I think. I have a Pioneer home theater receiver that is network capable, but not wireless capable. I want to get this thing on my home network without having to purchase another device as my Mini resides no more than 36" away from it.So far, I have been able to get the receiver to connect to the internet through Internet Sharing on the Mini, but it remains blind to, and invisible to my wireless network. I simply want to connect the receiver to my Mini via ethernet cable and have it see and be seen on my wireless network. url...
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.7 GHz i7, 256 GB SSD, 8GB RAM
I have an account I use for iTunes. For reasons I cannot fathom, when I try to sign up for iCloud using that username/password, Lion comes back with "This Apple ID cannot be used to sign in to iCloud. Create a new Apple ID or sign in with a different one." I do NOT want yet another Apple ID and I certainly don't want to have one different from what I use in iTunes for purchases.
I am trying to figure out how to automatically connect a MacBook to a network drive after connecting to the wireless network that the drive is connected to.
Here is the situation:
I back-up my wife's MacBook via Time Machine to an external hard drive that is connected to my Apple desktop. It works great! I even have her system setup to automatically mount the drive upon log-in. Unfortunately, after leaving our wireless signal and then coming back the time machine drive isn't automatically mounted since she isn't "logging back-in". Is there an automator script that can be built to automatically connect to drive X after connecting to wireless network Z?
I need help in figuring out how to print wirelessly from my Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.5) to my HP Color Laserjet 2600n. I've set up a static IP on the printer and hooked it up to a D-Link router. I see the printer in my system, but printing fails each time. It appears there's a software glitch of some sort.
When i wake my 2.4 Ghz aluminum MacBook with 4GB ram from sleep it takes the AirPort about 10 minutes to connect to the internet. The status is that the AirPort is connected but there is no internet coming through. What could be making my MacBook take so long to connect to the internet?