Hardware :: Can't Connect To Internet Through Airport And Ethernet
Feb 21, 2010
This has been happening ever since I bought my Mac. I have reset + configured my router SO many times already and nothing is working. Can anyone explain why this is happening and/or what can I do?
The router is a Linksys WRT54G. Mac is running 10.6.2.
I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a Macbook Pro, and today I've been unable to connect to the internet via ethernet or wi-fi, unless I'm in safe mode. Then everything seems to work as it should, which makes me believe that this is a software issue rather than a hardware problem. I've tried making a new account with administrator priveleges, but that doesn't solve my issue. Does anyone have any advice on how I can connect to the internet under my normal user account, rather than in safe mode? I should note that I won't be able to get my hands on my repair CD or perform a clean install of OSX because that stuff is at home, and I'm in college. Also, I'm at a university and don't have a router. I just use the campus-wide wi-fi. Finally, my roommate has no problem accessing the internet in our room via ethernet or wi-fi, but I do. Thanks for the help everyone.
I'm brand new to Mac. I just got a MacBook Pro, and I've been having some troubles connecting to the internet at home. I have a LinkSys WRT54GS router with Firmware Version: v1.50.9. I'm unable to access the internet through both ethernet and wireless. Concerning wireless, I have tried connecting using WEP, and have tried entering passcodes both with and without an "$" and "0x" preceding the 10 digit WEP passcode. I have also tried switching the encryption over to WPA2, and still nothing. I have even disabled the security to see if it's able to connect -- it's not. I had some error regarding not being able to find it's IP or something along those lines.
My macbook is not letting internet through from ethernet or airport but when i boot up xp with bootcamp both work so the drivers must be fine, this problem might have something to do with when i turn the computer on it doesnt always start up it go to the gray screen with the spinning loading wheel but also it gets the loading bar which you can see for 30 sec till it gets about 1/32 of the way though the bar so not far at all and sometimes doesnt boot at all. I am running snow leopard and luckily used time mach.
So here is my problem: Originally I had an airport express set up to broadcast a wireless network. I had a printer plugged into the airport express. I also had an ethernet cord going into the airport express. When I was connected to the network, I could surf the internet just fine, and was able to set up the printer just fine as well. I then decided that I was not getting fast enough speeds wirelessly with my b/g airport express network, so I unplugged the ethernet cord from the airport express and connected it directly to my mac. With this setup I was able to surf the internet over ethernet, but even though I was connected to the airport express network I was not able to print. It would always give me errors... I read somewhere about how it looks at one service first or something... so I tried moving Airport to the top of the services in System Preferences, but that just made it so my internet didn't work. How can I print over the airport network and use the internet via ethernet at the same time?
I'm here at university and the wifi here sucks! it is so slow, it is working.However there is an ethernet port and I did connect to it this morning. But, this evening I tried connecting again and it wouldnt let me!At my university they require you to put in your student ID and pw in order for you to use the internet for both wi-fi and ethernet. But when i tried this evening it dint ask for my student ID or password. I went to settings and it did say that there was a connection and that "Ethernet has a self-assigned IP address and will not be able to connect to the Internet"
i dont understand how come now it isnt working. I aksed my classmate nextdoor if his internet port was working through the ethernet port he said it was.... i am not that tech savy so keep vocabulary to something simple lmaooo.
I can't seem to connect to the internet using my ethernet cable. I messed around with some of the ethernet settings but now forgot what was the default one. The strange thing is, when I go into windows mode, the ethernet cable works. its just in Mac OS mode it doesn't.
I just installed the Home Edition of Windows XP (from 2002) via Boot Camp. I'm having trouble getting online in Windows. Most of the Internet options seem to revolve around modems, which I don't have. I use a router connected to my computer via Ethernet. There's also a wireless function, which I can use in a pinch.How would I get the Windows side to connect to the Internet via Ethernet? I don't intend to spend much time online on the Windows side (due to viruses), but I'd like to be able to go online if necessary.
I don't know what happened, but a connection that I use frequently has suddenly stopped working on my 4-year-old MacBook (10.5.8). I have tried some of the fixes suggested for wireless connection problems, but none have worked. I live in a place where wireless is not always a viable option, so I need my Ethernet connection...
I have a problem with my Airport Express. I plug it in to the plug and connect the ethernet. When i go to search for the base station on Airport Utility it doesn't show it and it tells me to rescan to see if I can find it but it never does. Any ideas on how to fix ?
I have a 24" iMac that has completely all of a sudden stopped wanting to connect to the internet. However, my Macbook, connected to the same ethernet cord or wireless network, works flawlessly and has no trouble. The iMac will find the wireless network...show full bars...then drop a bar....then another bar, then another, until only the smallest bar is available. It will transfer data but only for a few seconds until it wont work at all. Now the macbook, sitting right next to the imac will show full bars and stay that way. So i tried a ethernet cable to the iMac and it will not even pull up 1 single page, but the same cable connected to my Macbook will work flawlessly.
I connect to the internet mainly through an ethernet cable, connected to my own base for ethernet connections (Might be a router, but doesn't connect directly to the internet) which is connected to the main Linksys router on the other side of my house, which even has a wireless connection.
Regardless, this setup has worked without issue for a long time now, but all of a sudden now, I cannot connect to the internet (On my Mac).
I have tried unplugging the routers, for extended periods of time, plugging them back in, but I cannot connect to the internet. Whats awkward, is that when I check the Network settings in the System Preferences, it says clearly is that the Ethernet Cable is connected (Which it is), and as a backup, I have even connected to my Wireless Network through AirPort (Which says it is connected), but I cannot connect to the internet through Firefox, or any instant messaging service.
On the main computer, with the main router, the internet works fine. When I try to load Firefox on my Mac, it sometimes takes a long time loading (On a blank screen), and never loads usually (With occasional loads, but usually does not connect).
My father in law had a power failure at the house, and since then, he cannot connect to the internet via DSL Modem connected via ethernet cable. Being that he is 1000 miles away, I am trying to diagnose via phone. System Info: Imac 17", purchased new around 2006- Intel chip, running Tiger OS
Symptoms: - Cannot connect via ethernet - When searching system profiler, "Built-in Ethernet" shows up, but no MAC address - In Network settings, he can see the various connection ports, but cannot check the box on "Built-in Ethernet" to turn the port on... won't let him. - Wireless is not an option, I don't want to be 24/7 tech support
Diagnosis? I am thinking that the power surge may have fried the ethernet port on the motherboard.
Repair Solution: Planning on picking up the Apple USB Ethernet adapter. I know it doesn't have the correct drivers to run on Tiger, but found a driver online that claims it allows use of the usb adapter on Panther on up.
Questions - Does this sound like a fried ethernet port? Any other easy diagnostic tests I can do? Does the USB adapter sounds like a decent solution?
I have my iMac connected to my wireless router via ethernet, but also airport is on. At the top right I can see I am connected to my network. How can I chose the faster ethernet to connect without turning of airport? How can I be sure the connection is with ethernet and not wireless?
is it possible to run both a wireless connection with airport express, as well as have a direct ethernet connection to the computer? i have a simple, two-way ethernet splitter than comes from the port in the wall that should technically be able to do this, but i have tried this without success and i am guessing there is a little more to this problem than just having both connections hooked up at the same time.
anyways right now i am running on an airport express wireless connection. at my school there is a campus-based p2p program that can only be accessed through direct ethernet connection, leaving me inaccessible to it when i am on my wireless connection. there is a bunch of registration junk that has to be done when i switch from ethernet to wireless, which is why i would prefer to have both set up at once.
i can't connect to the internet via my ethernet cable, but this is a weird case. What's weird about it is that all my settings are O.K. (appletalk on and set to ethernet, tcp/ip set to ethernet, dhcp) and my iMac is recieving a 192 address, but it still can't connect to the internet. The dhcp settings are correct, because they are the same settings used on all my other devices (at least those that use internet anyway), and they all connect to the internet just fine. Whether via an ethernet cable, or Wi-Fi.
I have an Xbox 360 set up in my bedroom which is at the opposite end of the house. I have an airport extreme base station (new model) connected to my modem and PC (PC is not wireless, thus why i have it connected).... I have the wireless adapter connected to my xbox 360. I can play online with no lag (game: modern warfare 2) when nobody is on the pc but when someone is on the pc I get very noticeable lag. I guess I am fighting to split the connection with the pc. What is my best solution? 1) Have my ISP boost the speed of my modem. I didn't know if this would help by giving us more speed to fight over. 2) Get an Airport express and set it up closer to my bedroom/xbox 360. Will the express still fight for the connection with my pc like my wireless adapter on the 360? 3) Get the airport express and connect it directly to my 360 with an ethernet cable. Will i still be fighting for connection with the pc?
I have a modem (Tilgin Vood 342) that came from the phone company which I use to connect my old desktop PC and my new MacBook Pro to the internet, through two separate ethernet cables. The modem has three ethernet ports and connects to the internet through an ethernet port in the wall. I want to buy an Airport Express in order to get wireless internet to my MacBook, but since my desktop PC can't receive wireless internet, I still need it to be plugged into the modem through a cable (I don't mind that). So my question is, can I use one of the modem ports for the Airport Express and another for the ethernet cable without there being a conflict?
I'm asking because I went to an electronics store and I was told that there might be a conflict and that I should buy an Airport Extreme or another router with ports in order for it to work. I would really prefer the Express because it's and it's the most I can pay for.
I have recently had to stop using my wireless router and connect directly from my modem to the WAN port on my computer. However, I can only achieve an internet connection when I direct connect into my PowerBook G4. When I try to connect into my iMac, I get nothing.
i've recently got the Ethernet adapter for MBA and I am still unable to connect to my home internet connection... It continues to give me a "self-assigned IP".
I've read about a thousand threads and can't seem to find a solution to my problem: my computer is able to recognize my Airport network and it has the green signal next to it with the full signal strength, but when I select it, the internet doesn't work. I'm using a Macbook OSX with an Airport Extreme.
I've been looking around the internet for a solution to this problem. I'm currently in an apartment with a single wired connection running to my Macbook Pro, i haven't got time to buy a switch or router right now and i've been trying to connect my 360 to the internet using Airport. All of the how-to's i've found so far concern connecting the 360 and Macbook via Ethernet rather than Airport, and while i've tried to follow the steps as best as i can i haven't been able to connect to xbox live.
I have a problem with my macbookpro and connection to internet.
1 week ago my computer as stopped to connect to internet.
I was used connecting with my airport express, but at one point my macbook pro stopped receiving ip adress from interenet.
the message on the network connection is Airport is connected to the network. Airport is does not have an IP address and Cannot connect to the internet
I have try everything...:
the Airport is working becouse all the others computers inside on my office are working well with airport.
If I connect my computer with a cable I have the same problem.
I have reset and restart Airport and computer.
I have let my connection and computer disconnected and switched off for 24 our.
I have verifyining that is not an hardware problem because I have installed a fresh OS on an external drive and when I boot from the external drive everything working well.
The OS is on boot installation 10.4.9
the machine is a Mac book pro 17 2.16 GHZ intel core duo with 2gb 667 Mhz.
My problem is that on the old installation I have a lot of software installed and will be take a lot of time doing all the new installation. I wondering if there is a way to recover the situation.
I haven't been able to connect to my school's internet and every so often when I am at home I will have to turn my Airport on and off to get it to connect to the internet(sometimes it's rare and sometimes it can happen up to 3 times a day). Is there a way to troubleshoot this to see if there is anything wrong with my Airport or if it is just a problem with my connection at home and at school?
I've had this simultaneous dual band APX for a while now and have just been overlooking this problem, but now I really just want to resolve it. Basically it will not connect to the internet when plugged directly into our cable modem. In order for it to work, I have to leave our old Belkin wireless router plugged in between the APX and cable modem.
I cannot connect to the internet after the last airport upgrade and Airport Extreme firmware upgrade. I can connect wirelessly to the Airport Extreme using my iMac (27", mid-2011), but cannot connect using my 11" MBA ( late 2010). When I use the adapter and connect the MBA with an ethernet cable, I can get online briefly with a restart, however the connection is lost within two or three minutes.
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2)