Applications :: Looking For Mac Train Simulator

Apr 24, 2010

I am new to Mac. Does anyone produce a train simulator for Mac?

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Mac :: Practically Speaking, How Much Less Of A Train Wreck Is The New MBA?

Nov 6, 2008

just after I thought I'd got rid of all of my Apple notebooks I had to get a new Macbook Pro. And equally sadly, just as I've rid myself my the last of my utterly crud Airs I find that I'm going to have to lug the MBP around much more often that I thought - which means that if at all possible, I will need something considerably more portable. So it was with a sense of resignation that I found myself hovering over the 'buy' button on a 1.8/SSD Gen 2. But then I thought "**** it, I've got far better machines than anything Apple can crank out, why can't I hackintosh these instead?" - namely my Sony Z's, forthcoming TT's, existing TZ's and SZ's as well as the Voodoo Envy133 that I finally caved on and ordered. And I'd love to hear of anyone installing a rock solid Hackintosh install with no functional issues on any of those machines - because from what I've read, there seem to be problems.

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MacBook :: Can Flight Simulator X Run On It

Mar 19, 2012

I just pulled out my old Flight Simulator X out of a box in my closet. I put it in my brother's Dell to test it out and I got back into loving planes.

I'd like to install it on my Mac. I currently own Parallels Desktop and I have Wineskin. I'd prefer not to use Parallels but if it was my only option I'd go there.

I use Wineskin for running a couple PC games but the guy who makes the wrappers [URL] doesn't make one for FSX so I'd have to make my own wrapper. 

I have a Mid-2011 MacBook with 8GB of RAM, a 256GB hard drive, and a NVIDIA GeForce 320M with 256MB. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X :: Simulator That Can Be Worked In Internet Explorer?

Mar 20, 2009

Am new to Mac OS, I need to work on simulator first before purchasing the MAC OS, any simulator of MAC version will work. The simulator that can be worked in Internet Explorer itself or is there anything that we have to download.

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Windows On Mac :: Microsoft Flight Simulator X?

May 23, 2009

I have been having bad problems with my PB 17" and will probably sell it and my MB to get a 2.4Ghz. 15" MBP.

I also play Microsoft Flight Simulator X on my MB w/bootcamp. This game is very taxing on the 2GB of Ram and the pitiful integrated Intel GMA X3100 "graphics processor", which gets around 10fps. This game is still usable with this computer, but I want to know a few things...

1. For people who use this game on any Intel Macintosh, what FPS do you get?

2. Would getting the 2.66Ghz. MBP w/512MB of VRAM be way better than the base 2.4 MBP with only 256MB of non-shared VRAM?

3. If I get the 15" MBP, what is the best way to move the Bootcamp partition with the games to the MBP from the MB? (the FSX game folder is around 35-40GB in size because of all the add-ons)

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Windows On Mac :: Wants To Play Flight Simulator X.?

Dec 28, 2009

I've just bought a pretty nifty Mac Pro custom system (spec is on my signature) and want to run Microsoft Flight Simulator X at the maximum settings possible. Two questions :

1. Would a Mac of my spec be capable of running FSX on maximum settings?

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OS X :: IPhone Simulator For Mac-apps Work On It?

Apr 21, 2010

I know that the only true iphone simulator for mac is the one in the sdk and I have a few questions about it.

1)Do all iPhone apps work on it?

2)I don't want to become a developer, yet I really want the iPhone simulator. Is there any way i can get it without becoming a developer?

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OS X :: How To Save Snapshot Of IPhone SDK Simulator

Jun 5, 2010

I am developing app for iPad, I want to save snapshot of running app in simulator, what can I do?

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Mac Pro :: Microsoft Flight Simulator - Looking For Graphics Card

Mar 19, 2008

I am an avid Microsoft Flight Simulator fan...I have been playing the sim since my Apple IIE days in the 80's. Unfortunately, that was the last time I played MFS on an forward through two decades of PC use and here I am today. A Mac Convert!

Last spring, I finally bought my wife this little MacBook she had been wanting. I fell in love with it...bought myself a MacBook Pro for my business and I can't get enough! I'm hooked!

Unfortunately, the ONLY way to play Flight Sim X, 2004, 2002, etc. is with Windows installed. I have a partition with Windows on my MBP (15", 2.2, 128m VRAM)...but it isn't nearly powerful enough on the GPU to play the sim.

I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of an updated IMac with a fresh approach to graphics (NVidia card), but I'm getting anxious and ready to pull the trigger.

I also have Final Cut Pro 2 and Logic Pro that I will be using on the machine so I know I should be looking at a MacPro big problem is self control on the MacPro configuration site...I get my computer up to seven or eight large without a monitor

On a serious note though...I am curious if any others have run Microsoft Flight Sims on a Boot Camp partition (Windows) on one of the new MacPros, especially with the 8800 cards?

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Windows On Mac :: Flight Simulator X - A Lot Faster And Generally Better

Dec 28, 2009

So i have just installed Microsoft Flight Simulator X on the bootcamp partition on the very latest white macbook before the uni-body ones were released and i am amazed!

The games works far better than on any genuine desktop or laptop PC i have ever played it on. The graphics are smoother with better FPS and the game is generally a lot faster and generally better. My mac just keeps impressing me!

I was just wondering if anybody else on here is a Flight Simulator X fan and if you're playing it on a mac? If you are, let me know!

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Applications :: Finding Application That Deletes Files/folders From Other Uninstalled Applications?

Oct 21, 2010

I recently went through my Applications folder and uninstalled some applications. Now and then, I'll find a file or a folder or a bunch of files and folders from an uninstalled application. Does anyone know of an application that can delete these files that I no longer need?

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Applications :: Does Turning On The Discrete Graphics Card Make Applications Faster?

May 27, 2010

Sorry for the incredibly stupid question, but I just got the gfxCardStatus application for my i5, and was wondering whether turning on the NVIDIA video card will make applications like Mail, Firefox, etc. faster?

I read something about OpenCL, but am not really sure whether it works for all applications.

I find that turning on the NVIDIA card, instead of using the integrated Intel one, makes my laptop hotter.

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Applications :: No Calculator In Applications Folder / Upgraded To Snow Leopard

Mar 23, 2009

I have a second user on my Mac Snow Leopard. I have the calculator in my Applications and Dock...he doesn't. How can I get this for the second user? (I recently upgraded with the disc to Snow Leopard..could that be part of the problem?)

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Applications :: Finding Free Adobe Photoshop CS4 And Other Applications Licenses ?

May 10, 2009

I have both a mac and a pc

now with my student ID i could get programs for a decent price

however it seems that there is a mac edition and a pc edition license for each program.

i was wondering if there is a way where i can pay once and use both versions. or do i have to buy for both versions

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Applications :: Disc Image Appear On Desktop When Open Applications That Downloaded?

Nov 15, 2009

how to not have the disc image appear on my desktop when I open applications that I downloaded. For example I downloaded wondershare dvd ripper and everytime I open it the disc image shows up on my desktop and I cant eject it without quitting the application. This is now happening with every application I open and it never happened before.

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Applications :: Screen Shot Of My Applications Folder - Dual Logic?

Jul 4, 2010

Here's a screen shot of my applications folder, Can anyone explain or help me with this?I find this strange that it appears that I have two versions of Logic installed on my computer, Is there anyway I can "merge" or "trash" one without losing any data?

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Applications :: Word Docs Saved As Aliased To Applications Folder?

Aug 17, 2010

My dad was saving a bunch of Word docs on his Mac - he had one large file that he split up into twenty-some smaller files, which he then saved onto both his desktop and on a flash drive. Somehow along the way (neither he nor I had any clue how) but 4 of those files saved as an alias that point to nowhere. In other words, I can't find the originals anywhere on his computer or flash drives.

Even stranger is that one of those files aliased to the Applications folder. Keep in mind these are all supposed to be word documents. They all still end with .doc, but their type is an alias. I have no clue how they were created as an alias, but they were. It's probably a longshot without knowing where the original is located, but do any of you guys know how to possibly retrieve this?

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MacBook :: Applications Installed Correctly But Not Showing In Applications Folder?

Mar 12, 2012

I have a friends MacBook running 10.6.8 2.26Ghz Intel Core Duo 8 gig ram. I have installed UnrarX a couple of times with no errors in the installation process, however the application does not appear in the applications folder or any where else and cannot find it to open .rar files. 

I fixed the issue by simply copying the UnrarX app from my MacBookPro but would like to find out what is going on. I have been told by my friend that she has had this issue before.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Deleting Multiple Mirrors Of Applications Folders?

Feb 3, 2009

When I open my Finder, inside my Applications folder I Applications folder. And an "Applications copy" folder. All full of the same applications. Am I just seeing multiple mirrors of one Applications folder, or did I actually somehow duplicate all my applications?

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Applications :: Good Facebook Photo Upload Applications?

Mar 2, 2009

Does anyone know any really good Facebook photo upload applications? Perhaps something similar to the Flickr photo upload application?

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Applications :: How To Stop People To Steal My Applications From My Macbook

Mar 18, 2009

Does anyone knows how to stop or block or anything that can stop someone of stealing my applictaions?

I tested in my macbook and if you have a USB you can just go and copy any application in the usb. Then you just put it in you macbook and it works.

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Applications :: Lock Separate Applications Like Pictures And Documents?

Apr 18, 2009

im trying to lock separate applications like pictures and documents

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Applications :: Places Applications Store Additional Files?

May 10, 2009

I'm looking to get my Mac running as close to factory spec as possible without having to reinstall the OS. As a result, I'm looking to get rid of any and all files that Apps leave behind when they're deleted. Like where preferences, caches etc are stored.

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Applications :: Time Machine Reinstall - Applications Crashing On Mac

Oct 23, 2009

I recently reinstalled OSX 10.5.8 on my penryn MBP so I could make a larger XP bootcamp partition. After reinstalling leopard and restoring my whole system through time machine my computer is acting weird. First, "the file "itunes library" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of itunes". It didn't upgrade itunes to 9 till after I had done all the TM restoring. should be older, no? Second, adobe applications crashed. I was in AI working on a 500 mb file and BOOM, beach ball>crash. All other CS3 unable to open. I have 4 gigs of ram and some of the applications that would not open were not even in use at the time of the AI crash, could this be something with the TM backup? CS3 was all installed together.

Third. While this epic crash is happening on my desktop disappears. Just a blank desktop image. but wait, If I click were things used to be, Bam they appear out of no where, but only if I click where it is supposed to be. It's there in the desktop folder but not showing up as icons on my desktop. I think this has happened to me before the reinstall too, though never all at once, usually when I use the "pinchy" to resize icons one or two will disappear. Fourth. Cisco clean access agent beach balls and requires hard reset. the login window was floating on screen all the way till the screen turned off. These all happened in the same day, now It is working some what like normal, though my itunes is broke. Any ideas on how to fix this itunes? If I only need one application and it's plug-ins (SU and Podium beta) restored through TM ( i have a disk for all the others) is there a way to just restore the one. Would this give me a more stable system over all? should I go ahead and reinstall and restore the one app and do the rest manually?

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Applications :: Change Language Of ITunes Without Affecting Other Applications

Dec 23, 2009

I recently adjusted International in my System Preferences to British English so that I wouldn't keep getting prompts to spell in the US fashion.

However, I preferred the US version of iTunes with Movies/TV Shows instead of Films/TV Programmes and Seasons instead of Series.

Is there any way to change iTunes without affecting anything else?

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Applications :: ITunes Mobile Applications Folder Location

Jan 23, 2010

Is the there a way to force iTunes to store my mobile applications on my external drive automatically?I have my library set to an external and all my music, movies, etc goes onto the proper location except the mobile applications. I know I can use the consolidate library command, which will move the apps to the external. But as soon as I d/l another app iTunes begins saving them to the default folder again.

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Applications :: The Computer Booted Up And Runs Different Applications Perfectly?

Feb 22, 2010

I Just did a complete new install of Snow Leopard on my computer. I did the new install because the computer stopped booting up. After I did the new install, the computer booted up and runs different applications perfectly. However, the harddrive Icon stop appearing on the desktop. Will someone tell me how to get the harddrive icon to appear on the desktop again?

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Applications :: Needed To Re-install OSX, Files Were Saved, Applications Were Not?

Jun 5, 2010

alrightyyy so basically my unibody 2008 macbook crashed a short while back, needed to re-install OSX, files were saved, applications were not. I had been using iLife '09 off a copy that my mother got with with her 2009 polycarbonate macbook. After the crash I upgraded to 10.6 and attempted to install iLife '09 again. It told me thus: 'Alert: this software cannot be installed on this computer'. And that's it. I can't access any of my pictures in iPhoto or upload any(3 wedding albums :3), and I can't access any of my old Garage Band files, simply because they were created on '09 and since the reboot I'm stuck with '08. Major bummer. Bottom Line: is there any way to get iLife '09 on my computer without wasting $100 just to access files?

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Applications :: Applications That Can Batch Change .JPG Extension To .jpg?

Nov 29, 2010

is there an app that can do this but only change the file extesion case & not the rest of the file; Sossity_1234.JPG to Sossity_1234.jpgalot of apps will go from;Sossity_1234.JPG to sossity_1234.jpg, they will change everything to lower case, & I only want the file extension to be lower case.

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Applications :: Finding And Removing Unused Applications?

Dec 26, 2010

I've just used my time machine to migrate my old macbook's contents to my brand new macbook air. While I was watching it restore 803,678 files to the new machine, I was wondering how many of them are unused applications. I've stupidly never set up separate user accounts before this, and I'm sure there are any number of applications that were placed on my old machine by my kids, my husband, and various visitors to our house. Since I'm using time machine instead of starting fresh, I know those have been transferred to the new machine. I've never worried too much about this situation before now, as about every three years I've bought a new machine, migrated the files I need to the new machine, wiped the old one clean, and handed it down to one or the other of my kids.

But now I'm realizing that with time machine, everything on my computer is now forever...everything anyone has ever put on it has been transferred to time machine and now to my new machine. I don't want to be operating with years-old versions of kid's games and apps on every machine I set up from now on for the rest of my life. Is there anything out there that specifically looks for stuff that hasn't been used for a specified number of years and asks something like, "Barney & Friends was installed 1/16/2003 and was last used 10/18/2005. Delete Barney & Friends and all associated files, yes or no?"

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