Applications :: Finding Application That Deletes Files/folders From Other Uninstalled Applications?
Oct 21, 2010
I recently went through my Applications folder and uninstalled some applications. Now and then, I'll find a file or a folder or a bunch of files and folders from an uninstalled application. Does anyone know of an application that can delete these files that I no longer need?
I was just thinking about the stuff I have on my HD, and I'm not really sure what is eating up the 500gb HD I have installed in it (with only 50gb or so available at the moment). The usual culprits (iTunes and iPhoto library) are both on externals.
And i don't *think* I've got nearly 450gb worth of audio work on here.
So my question is, is there an application that will scan through my system HD and tell me which olders/files are taking up the most space? This may give me some idea of what I should start getting rid of.
I just purchased my 2.66 15" uMBP today and it's been a few months since I've owned a Mac and I forgot all of the old applications I had on it. I've currently downloaded Firefox and VLC but are there other apps that you can't simply do without? Also, is there a Mac application that can play FLAC music files?
I'm a proud owner of a new MacBook, and I'm loving it.
What I'm having problems is that I also currently own a mid 2007 iMac.
Is there an app were I can choose what folders, and files I can sync over a local wifi network?
I currently have Dropbox setup to sync file between home and work, but I don't want to have to chew my internet bandwidth up syncing folders, between 2 computers sitting next to each other.
Edit: and if it can be set up to sync Safari bookmarks, Address Book contacts, iCal events, preferences, widgets etc.. that would be so much better
i have been searching for a notepad application for awhile ever since i saw some random person in my college using it, well its not really a notepad application more of listing notepad with lines.
Some apps, like tweetie for example have a global show/hide shortcut. I want to set it for some of my other apps that do not have this feature built in, is there an app for that?
I use ComputerTime application for managing parental controls on my Windows machines. However, I do not know of an equivalent application on the Mac. Is there an application for the Mac that offers parental control like:
1. Specifying when a child can log in to the Mac? 2. What day a child can use the Mac? 3. How much time is allowed per day for use on the Mac and where each session totalled up will not exceed the total allowed time per day? 4. How long each session is allowed?
I'm still using a Mac os x version 10.4.8 and my stickies application recently decided not to open anymore even though I was using it fine the other day. It jumps up once and then nothing happens, the problem with this is I wrote home work on it. However I'm past the point of thinking it will recover any information so where can I download stickies version 5.2 ?
Does anyone know of any 3rd party add-ons for OS X that allow you to 'snap' or align any on-screen window to the other windows? I'm looking for a system-wide add-on so I can use this feature across all my apps, collectively aligning their window edges together to try and keep things tidy.
Thought that I would ask the collective minds at macrumors. I have been playing around with all of the databasing, collection, sorting apps that I could find.
Main goal is a central repository for All of my documents (PDF's, word files, txt files, notes/receipts etc...), all with a user interface so that I may browse my documents.
The problem I am having is that none of the apps i have found have everything I need. Now if i could put 2 or three apps coding into one, then I'd have a winner
� Tagging system (Devonthink Pro is not functioning)
� Accessible file structure (no sparse bundles etc...), so that I may access my files via drop box if away from my computer, without the actual program.
� Smart Folders As Subfolders WITH Tagging. An example would be to make 3 Nested smart folders ( Personal Folder / School Folder / Math Folder) Now if I dropped a File on the Math Folder Tags would be added to the file to satisfy the entire Folder structure. Please let me know if this needs further explanation.
� Shelf would be nice. Devonthink has one that operates as a separate app than the actual program, Together has one, but only when the program is active.
� Decent search ability, but I would think this is easily done utilizing spotlights abilities. I am already manually OCR'ing my PDF's with Acrobat.
I think i mentioned most things, but am sure i missed out on a few points. The best implementation of what I want is a mix of Journler, Together, and DevonThink Pro. Journler nails the tagging, and nested folders perfectly. But does not have a file structure that is usable without the program. DevonThink fales with both nested folders and lack of tagging. I have settled on Together for now, as it works with the file structure I want, and supports tagging. Just does not have smart tagging.
MacHeist are promoting the new 'Calcbot' application for iPad and iPhone from Tapbots and if you post a promotional messsage for them on your Facebook account you can download a free copy of Socialite.
Socialite ($30) is a Mac OS X app designed by Realmac Software to make it easy to stay in touch with the social networks and services that matter to you. Browse and update Facebook, Flickr, digg, twitter and more from the comforts of one app. Best of all, it's yours today for free, courtesy MacHeist to celebrate the launch of Calcbot!
I am looking for an Application that I can type and send instant text messages to my friend who has a PC, and he can then send back a text reply message , but if possible not MSN / Yahoo Etc, does any one know of a simple instant Text messaging application we both could use , we don't need voice or video just the ability to send and receive instant text messages to each other .
I have installed the beta of Google Chrome but is unable to select "Create application shortcut" (not so sure if its the correct words, because my installation is in Swedish)
The option is there to select but is greyed out (disabled).
What I need is a mail client for my iMac running MAC OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 which I can have Hotmail on which displays and has access to all my personal hotmail folders. So when I update/send emails/move email from one folder to another on my mac they update online and on my business partners (PC), and the same at the other end so it update son my Mac.
I also need to be able to send HTML e-newsletters.
This is for my business with 6000+ email addresses so I don't want to really have to change my works email address and use googlemail instead or something.
Currently I use a combination of Windows Live Mail (its actually pretty good for hotmail) and Outlook 2003 (flakey at times but great and easy for sending HTML emails).
In windows let's say I have a folder called "A". Let's say I am working on a project and I want to save it in that folder on my desktop. In windows you click "save as" then drill down to find the folder you want to save the file in. On my Mac it gives me the option for "desktop" but how do you pick a folder on the desktop to save a file in?
I used have a windows mobile phone but since a bought a blackberry. Now the problem, I have uninstalled syncmate but it still come up with message (do you what sync to now). I can't find it in spotlight so what is going on?
I've been installing software on my new MacBook and have gotten to the point where I'd like to install the KDE LaTeX Editor (Kile). I found a page which explains how to install Kile on OS X natively without using X11... but the installation looks rather involved. (Perhaps overly-so.)
Before I dive into such an installation, I'd like to make sure that there's a way to undo things in case they don't work out. In particular, I'm unfamiliar with commands like "svn checkout [URL]Given how involved the installation instructions appear, is there a way to uninstall a full or partial installation without going through all this fuss? I'm worried that I'll end up with KDE taking up tons of space without Kile even working.
On the other hand, I've been having a hard time looking for an alternative to Kile. TeXMaker seems to be the closest product, but it lacks some features that I've gotten used to (auto-complete, customizable highlighting, auto-indent, for example). TextMate is somewhat closer, but it's commercial-ware and still doesn't provide the same feature set as Kile. I'll be working with large multi-file projects, so having a good editor is important for me... but I'm concerned that the "Run Kile Natively" option is a bit too kludged together for someone like me who isn't too comfortable with OS X.
Alternately, I suppose I could install an X11 version... but I don't know where to find instructions to do this. Also, I heard that the X11 version doesn't have copy-and-paste compatibility with the rest of OS X. (Is this true with the latest build??)
I have setup up Finder to view all folders/files. I know how to become root from Terminal using (su) and navigate to all folders and do things.
The problem I can't figure out is when I use Mac apps (such as TextEdit) to open a file in one of the hidden folders (such as /private/etc/apache,) I dont see them in the dialog even though I am logged in as root and have enabled the Finder to show all files.
Is there a way to view all the folders from these dialog boxes? I dont want to use vim or pico for editing.
I have accidentally uninstalled an application. I cannot install it back as in "My Purchases" section on App Store it is marked as "Installed". I simply cannot download it back. What do I do now?
On the Windows side, I like to right-click and "Send To" except I'd usually prefer it *moves* selected files instead of copies. Is there a Mac utility where I can right-click and move to configurable folders? It looks like the only "folder" by default is the Trash ("Move to Trash"). I know there's the left-hand collapsible pane with Places, but I don't want to clutter it up with too many folders that I could neatly tuck into a contextual menu.
I'd like to announce moveAddict, a Snow Leopard-only application that provides a functionality the Finder was missing, the ability to move files using the keyboard. It�s meant to replace dragging and dropping for anyone that would rather use the keyboard instead of the mouse.
In a nutshell, you can use it to cut files or folders and then paste them where you want.
As a bonus, you can also use it to merge folders instead of completely replacing them, another functionality that the Finder was missing.
For anyone that hasn't used cut and paste for files before, here's a short description:Cut - when you cut files the only thing that happens is that moveAddict remembers the location of the files, it does not change the files in any way Paste - when you paste, moveAddict moves the files from their original locations to the new one If you cut a file and forget to paste it, nothing happens!
moveAddict does not change the system or the Finder in any way, it's just a regular application which you can uninstall by deleting it.
I am the developer of moveAddict, for any questions/suggestions/bugs please reply to this thread or contact me personally.
I have sophos on my mac and I've tried deleting the application by throwing it away into my bin. I searched as much as finder/spotlight can find about sophos and threw those away. But after restarting my mac, the sophos icon at the top is still there. How can I remove it completely?