Applications :: IMac G5.. Wants To Know About Good Software
Sep 4, 2010
I recently acquired an 17" iMac G5, 1.6 PPC with 2 GB RAM. I upgraded to Leopard 10.5.8, installed iWork and iLife '08, Aperture 2 and a video game. I also added some enhancements, Divx and an I.M. program.
I know they just updated them in March but I'm wondering if they're going to get the quad core or core i7 processes anytime this year? Also, starting June I believe is the going back to school promotion. Basically you get an ipod or touch for free after rebate, right? Can you still get the $100 student discount off?
I bought a macbook pro yesterday and tried to install snow OS X from the CD that the MBP came with onto my iMac, for some reason its not allowing me to. Is the OS X cd good for only one computer?
I have read a few posts of new i7 users posting various stats on their machine. I am specificaly interested in the gpu performence (without OC). I am a traditional tower pc guy, but i have slowly but surely been able to convince myself of the relative merits of going loaded imac i7 over low end MP (the least of which is the horrible value and waiting 500+ days for no real improvments other than having the base now include a few bto upgrades to save you a few hundred bucks...but dont get me started).
Anyway, back on message, NAS solves my concerns about extra HD's, the cpu is certanly fast enough, mem not an my only concern is gpu.
Just looking at it from a price perspective, i am not sure how comfortable i am that a $130 graphics card will keep me fat and happy for 3 years (tech refresh assumption). I don't need a $600 cards, but when i have typicaly built pc's, the last few years, a $300 or so card has kept me happy. With the imac, it appears that switching gpu's is not easy or something i will probably do during its warranty covered life cycle....
So how good is the card (sorry it took so long to get there). I am a somewhat power home user...not professional, but i probably fall under the label i saw floaing around on another post as someone using 500 bucks of sw to load up raw images of their cat...or in this case kids and a golden retriever. I love games, but to be fair, my xbox has replaced most of my need for quick fps. 27in is a big screen. Can i play most games at full frame/speed extra? I assume photo shop cs5, et will work fine.
i really am on the fence on which one to get, i guess next week hopefully i can really price compare them, but the MP just seems to be such a god awefull value that its hard for me to jusitfy buying the low end legacy prejudiceness against all in ones is taking a bit to get over...the imac seems to be the obvious choice.
I'm planning on getting the SSD + 2TB drive option for my new iMac and using the 2TB drive as a scratch disk for final cut (as well as my itunes media drive and a few other things). My question is will this much use on the drive be bad for it? Right now I'm just using external drives and when they fill up I get a new one so I don't put as much use on them as I would with the 2TB drive where I plan on just archiving the footage onto a external hard drive when I am done with project and then continue using the 2TB drive for my next project.
I plan to use it for basic home stuff such as photos, video editing (basic), t'internet etc. I dont plan to play any games on it (i have a ps3 and a wii which do a much better jobs me thinks). The question is this: will the low end 24in imac be good enough? there seems to be a lot of negative comments round here on the graphic card. also on a not less serious note, do you find the screen too big on your desk. Is it overwhelmingly big?
I bought a new iMac a couple of weeks ago, it's my first alu one but I've had two of the white plastic ones before. The sound from the internal speakers in my old iMacs is pretty acceptable for day to day usage (not playing music of course), but the new one sounds horrible... extremely tinny. So is this just what they're all like these days? If not I guess it's got some issues:-/
while the drive in my macbook pro a few years ago was just plain terrible, i've had no issues with the one in my 24" imac. however, i'm looking to burn some audio cd's for my little record label. so how good is the cd burning capability? i've made some discs in the past, when i was still using a PC and i bought a very high quality external burner for $80 or so canadian, and when i checked the errors it was comparable to a pressed cd. unlike the homemade ones i used to do before that didn't play on some systems.
i'm looking for a cheap way to do batches of twenty or so discs that will play on everybody's computers and cd players. however since most people these days rip them to mp3, i don't want to make a big investment. i will however be buying high quality cd-r stock and printing attractive images to the tops.
I am a home theatre enthusiast, and I have setup Plex, Boxee, Netflix, Hulu, Front Row and Etc. The menus and interfaces are absolutely stunning and the customization of them are endless. So now I have this 27in LED iMac with greater than 1080p Resolution and these Apps look great but I want the content to look as good as the menus. Aside from the iTunes pseudo (low frame rate) HD, does anyone have any suggestions of a resource for "stunning" video content to match my beautiful 27in screen. It sure would have been nice to have a Blu Ray option. Hopefully the "bag of hurt" will soon be sitting on my desk killing me with pain.
I have an iMac with a 3.06 ghz intel core 2 duo processor, snow leopard 10.6.3, an nvidia geforce 8800 gs, and 2 gb of ram. I wanted to play games like Counter Strike: Source and Left 4 Dead 2. How would those games work on my iMac?
I have the new quad 27" iMac and record HD video from cable on it. Since those video resolutions are either 1920x1080 or 1280x720, isn't it degrading the video quality by watching it in full screen?
Yes, the added pixels are great for Mac OS windows and stuff, but isn't the high resolution actually a bit of a negative for watching HD video in full screen because it has to stretch the pixels to fill the screen?
I just hooked up my logitech speakers to my IMac and they don't sound as good as they did on my pc. On my pc there was some settings that were the Realtek that had a bunch of audio options that made it sound much better. Is there anything like that for a mac? I can't find anything like that in the apple menu settings.
Im looking to get an imac and some speakers. Im coming from a pc computer with build in speakers in the monitor and they sound horrible, so im guessing the imac wont be much different. So what are some good speakers I could get for 100 bucks?
I'm looking at getting some good quality speakers for my new iMac. My budget is up to about $250. So far I've auditioned the following speakers;
1. Logitech Z2300. These sounded boomy and mushy to me. They are a good value though at around $150.
2. Bose Companion 3. I like the little hockey puck remote unit. They sounded very weak on mid-range. Surprisingly good low end output though.
3. Audio Engine A2. I really, really, really like these speakers. Until I play something with a lot of low end in them, then they just start farting because they can't handle anything under 100 hertz very well.
What I would really like to do is get the Audio Engine A2 and pair them up with a subwoofer at a later time, but in their short sightedness Audio Engine didn't put line outputs from the A2 so from what I can see there is no way to get them hooked up to a subwoofer.
Will i have any problems running Final Cut Pro with these cinfigurations on my iMac 2009?3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 8GB Memory 1.0TB Serial ATA Drive ATI Radeon HD 4850 512MB Is this "ATI Radeon HD 4850 512MB" graphic card good to run FCP?
My internet provider says it has a good signal. whether i use wifi or connected straight to the modem its the same, some pages load some dont, always different on what loads and doesnt. If i connect to a neighbour who has the exact same internet speed and provider it works perfectly fine. Ever since i did a software update 3 or 4 days ago it has been happening.
Hi, so I've been using Blender off and on for about a year and a half and I was thinking about buying a different program. I'd like to keep it under $200 but if its a little over that fine. I was thinking about Silo but I don't really like not having the ability to extrude single vertices and subdivide objects like in Blender. Also if their are any products that have a student discount or something like that for someone in high school that would help too.
Been looking for a good FLV to M4A video converter for the Mac. Only one that I can find that people seem to love is Wondershare Video Converter... but it is $40. Anyone know of a free one out there that can get the job done?
Been using NewsRack on my iPhone and iPad and really would like to find one for my MacBook Pro. I want something that works well and looks decent, but my main request is one that supports google reader syncing. MacUpdate search is down or i'd just go hunting for one myself.
I'm looking for a good DVD Copying/Ripping App for Mac OS X.
I use Magic DVD Copier on my Windows Machine, but thats about the only thing I do on Windows anymore. Its a great, easy to use app. Anything on the Mac side? Id like to retire my PC
I have 3 websites that I wish to backup... most are just a few hundred MB - but have MySQL - and have been hunting around... Looking at SpiderOak and Mozy - but would like something a little less pricey or "free" if possible? Also, I'm a mac n00b - so - a decent GUI would be nice...
My host went belly up over xmas - and lost allot of data... hence the search... can't count on anyone these days
PS: Carbon and SuperDuper are cloners - not backup apps (subtle differences).... and I need something more NAS traditional - to get "changed" files and such....