Been using NewsRack on my iPhone and iPad and really would like to find one for my MacBook Pro. I want something that works well and looks decent, but my main request is one that supports google reader syncing. MacUpdate search is down or i'd just go hunting for one myself.
I tried, iChm, not too bad, but the search function is not working, everytime I tried to search something, the beach ball will appear and whole thing will shut down.
I have tried xchm...doesn't work as well. chmox doesn't do well too. Chmosx is just horrible.
I need to get an expresscard reader for my MBP that WILL read Sandisk Ultra II cards. I want one that fits flush or close to flush and that I will be able to leave in without freeze ups. I was going to buy this but it just got Deactivated...
I understand how to do this from within Apple's 3 main document apps, but how do I access files backed up there from 3rd party apps on my Mac, when the apps have no desktop equivalent??
I'm running osx 10.6.4 and Adobe Reader is giving me fits. It doesn't play well. How do I change the default PDF reader from Adobe to Preview or iArchiver? Adobe Reader just grabs hold of the download and won't let go.
I was looking for a Safari Reader-like add-on for Firefox and finally stumbled on Firefox Reader, which seems to have more customizations, and options. Has anyone else tried it? What are your impressions?
I just tried NetNewsWire, and Vienna, NNW is nice but Google Reader has a great feature that these both are without.
In GReader, when I mouse over or scroll down it marks that one article as read. No pushing buttons, clicking next, nothing. Just read.
I want to be able to pre-download all of my current unread items, AND the pictures. Gears for GReader does NOT download the pictures. I have a lot of picture only feeds, like lolcats, that I would like to let build up for a week and then on my long plane ride home, check out.
In NNW I can smash the space bar and get this accomplished, but I'd rather just scroll through, or at least have the option to.
I don't really like the look of Vienna, it's too unpolished, NNW is a tad better and has better options for like the prefs.
It would also be interesting to be able to give specific instructions, or adjust certain settings on a per-feed basis. Such as filter out cartain keywords (Without using a service such as feedrinse).
I hat vienna because once I click on a feed, it marks everything as read. That's bad for me as I sometimes just open a mega feed and read one or two items. I have maby 20 or 30 feeds, but usually get 2-300 new items a day. Most are junk like Joystick, but I like to sit down and go through the important ones while im taking a break or eating lol.
I know you can't but it'd be interesting to allow some feeds to auto queue an embedded movie, let me view it offline (or off my VPN.
I have searched on here and google and not found anything i am looking for. I have been using Gruml for the past month for my RSS reading and its just slow and full of bugs.
Im looking for new RSS reader. Since we are almost to 2010 im sure there are new programs or old ones that have been updated with awesome features.
Im looking for:
Syncs with Google Fast Modern UI Free or Cost (doesn't matter) Unique features.
I have around 10 RSS feeds, and have NewsFire set to update every 5 minutes, and it didn't seem to want to update all the RSS feeds. So I just cut it back to like every 30 minutes, and it still doesn't seem like it updates. Like it'll alert me with one update in about 2 hours, and then when I manually update it, like 20 things pop up!
I checked each site and they are all updating on the same time slot, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Is just 10 RSS feeds too many? That would seem weird to me...
Is there such a thing? I know you can open them in TextEdit but the formatting is a little messed up most of the time, same with Notepad in Windows. Once I switched to DAMN NFO (Windows NFO reader), formatting was great.
I read a lot of blogs for my business for research such as marketing tips, product releases new, etc. I've always tried to figure out the best way to keep up with the multiple sites and either just browse the sites or use services such as Twitter or Email Newsletters I've talked to PC users and many of them suggested using RSS Feeds and I recently got Pulse for both my iPad and iPhone and it's been wonderful. I like the design and how it works but the only problem is a limit of 20 feeds. This covers many of the feeds but not quite all that I want to subscribe to.
What is a good option for using on the Mac? For web browsing I use Firefox, Safari, and Chrome and for email Thunderbird. If I'm correct these offer options for RSS feeds. How do these compare to other feed readers for the Mac. Are web based/cloud versions better? I"ve heard of options such as Google Reader.
I've got a PDF of a large map that's 23MB, 150" x 130". I cut out segments as needed using the select tool in Preview, copying and pasting it to a new document, which I save as a PNG. Not the most elegant solution, but it works. The trouble is, Preview chokes on it. Zooming is slow, and it takes 15 seconds to copy a selection, and another 15 to paste it into a new image. I've made 5 individual maps so far in this session, and Preview is using 1.44GB of RAM. Is there another tool that would be faster for cutting up a large PDF? It has to stay a PDF in the large form, because it has searchable text I use to find the region needed.
A family member of mine needs Adobe Reader 7 (because they have an old iMac that can't be upgraded to Tiger) and I can't find it anywhere, not on the Adobe site or [URL}. Does anyone know where I can get it?
(PS- the reason they need it is because Preview somehow got deleted and they don't have the OS X install disks.)
Is there any function or app out there that will enable me to follow posts? For example, a question that i may have asked a year ago but want to continue following up on in case there is a reply? I have about 20 threads on this forum bookmarked and would like an easier way to keep up with them. I've only seen the availability to check a main page or subforum..but it seems like there should be something else available.
I'm trying to email a pdf in Adobe Reader 8.1.5 but when I go to File>Print>PDF button>Mail PDF, I get this strange message saying "saving a pdf file when printing is not supported. Instead choose File>Save" but I'm not trying to save anything, just email.
I'm looking for an RSS client for Leopard that will sync with Google Reader (Google Reader is the only was I can view my feeds at work) Does such a thing exist? (I'm new to Macs, I just switched after 15 years of Windows use, and I'm not regretting it at all!)
i'm looking for an rss reader app that can load google reader feeds. basically an app that i can login into my google reader and see all my starred feeds and see all the new ones, without having to use a web browser. is there one? i searched on google, and i've tried many of the free and non-free rss feed readers and non seem to have that feature.
I've been using Optiscan as a QR Code Reader on my iPhone. I'm looking for essentially the same type of program, except it will be on my MacBook Pro (or any other Mac desktop/notebook) that uses an iSight Camera. There are programs that generate QR Codes, but I am looking for one that does specifically reading. It can do both, or any combination, but the reading must be included. I preliminary Google search brings me close, a lot of possibilities (mostly in Japanese, which i do not read). But ultimately I have found nothing. I was hoping someone could direct me towards program.
I recently installed Adobe Reader. It did installed the plug-ins for Safari (so I can view them in the browser) but not Firefox. Where can I find this plug-in? Or should I re-install Adobe Reader?
Safari Reader: Apple's Weapon of Mass Destruction. Steve Jobs gave his usual keynote address at WWDC today. The iPhone took center stage, as expected. But there was another announcement that web publishers should take note of and should dread: Safari 5. The release of Safari 5 constitutes an absolutely vicious attack by Apple on web publishers. Specifically, the inclusion of a feature called 'Safari Reader' may ultimately prove financially devastating for many web publishers.
I'm using Reader Notifier but it somehow stopped working. When I check for new feeds, it says "Updating" but nothing happens. I tried deleting all the preferences.
I found a great iPhone RSS app, powered by Google Reader. But I use for my RSS on my Mac. Is there a way to sync Mail and Google Reader's data? Maybe an AppleScript?