IMac :: Internal Speakers No Good?
Oct 7, 2009
I bought a new iMac a couple of weeks ago, it's my first alu one but I've had two of the white plastic ones before. The sound from the internal speakers in my old iMacs is pretty acceptable for day to day usage (not playing music of course), but the new one sounds horrible... extremely tinny. So is this just what they're all like these days? If not I guess it's got some issues:-/
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Mar 21, 2010
and connect my keyboard directly.. are the internal speakers of the imac enough? or i should buy the imac with some good external speakers?
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Aug 7, 2010
I just hooked up my logitech speakers to my IMac and they don't sound as good as they did on my pc. On my pc there was some settings that were the Realtek that had a bunch of audio options that made it sound much better. Is there anything like that for a mac? I can't find anything like that in the apple menu settings.
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May 4, 2008
Im looking to get an imac and some speakers. Im coming from a pc computer with build in speakers in the monitor and they sound horrible, so im guessing the imac wont be much different. So what are some good speakers I could get for 100 bucks?
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May 4, 2009
I'm looking at getting some good quality speakers for my new iMac. My budget is up to about $250. So far I've auditioned the following speakers;
1. Logitech Z2300. These sounded boomy and mushy to me. They are a good value though at around $150.
2. Bose Companion 3. I like the little hockey puck remote unit. They sounded very weak on mid-range. Surprisingly good low end output though.
3. Audio Engine A2. I really, really, really like these speakers. Until I play something with a lot of low end in them, then they just start farting because they can't handle anything under 100 hertz very well.
What I would really like to do is get the Audio Engine A2 and pair them up with a subwoofer at a later time, but in their short sightedness Audio Engine didn't put line outputs from the A2 so from what I can see there is no way to get them hooked up to a subwoofer.
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Dec 27, 2009
Is there a way to tell if/how my speakers are damaged? I have 24" aluminum imac (bought December 2007, whichever model that is), and I was using the internal speakers (I don't normally do this). I was playing an avi file (xvid / mp3 encoding) on, and i struck the space bar to pause it. Instead of stopping, my comp emitted an extremely loud "beep" sound at around 400 Hz, and ever since the audio has been weird. At first it was sorta/really scratchy and broken and a little diminished in loudness, but now it is very quiet, playing sounds at around 1/4 the normal volume. What the hell happened to it?
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Dec 1, 2009
just wanted to ask you guys if you've played music on your new macs and moved the sound from left to right? I was just fiddling with mine while playing some music in itunes and discovered the speakers sound quite different with the left well rounded and solid and the right sounding less deep and more hollow. Neither speaker distorts or sounds bad in isolation but they do sound different to each other. Has anyone else noticed this?
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Mar 28, 2010
I'm still in love with my iMac, now entering the phase where I have to fight with SWMBO* to get access to my main machine. I have plugged a pair of headphones in the iMac but I would like to be able to find a software solution that would let me switch between headphones and the internal speakers of the iMac (which are quite good actually!) Plugging / Unplugging is not really ideal and I swear I thought I could do this on my powerbook...
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Nov 2, 2010
I have plugged a toslink cable between my 5.1 amplifier and my iMac, but I would like to be able to find a software that would let me switch between digital out and the internal iMac speakers (which are quite good actually!)
I know it is a Mac OS driver limitation since Windows 7 (via Bootcamp) let me choose the output. In Mac OS once I plugg something, "Internal speakers" output option disappear from sound preferences, audio midi setup, HalLAB, .... This causes unnecessary wear and tear on the audio port from constantly inserting and removing the cable to switch from built in speakers to external audio system.
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Jan 30, 2009
i just installed vista home premium. everything seems to work fine except for my internal speakers it says that they are installed but they don't work. the name that shows up is high definition audio device.
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Jul 23, 2009
A year ago next month I bought the best iMac on the market at the time, as souped up as it could possibly be. I have not had any problems with it until now. Last night, my computer began suffering an incredibly strange problem with the internal speakers (I don't own any external ones). It all began when I opened GarageBand: noise was suddenly 10x louder, I tried to turn the volume down and the clicks that usually sound off when I work the volume were not only louder, but different clicks. The only way I could stop the jarringly loud noises was to mute the computer entirely. When I exited out of GarageBand, everything returned to normal.
I thought that was the end of the problem until today. I was on Youtube watching a music video, and in the midst of changing my status on Yahoo messenger, I heard another extremely loud click noises. These clicks don't sound like they're coming from some kind of malfunction in the computer. They sound like the computer actually means to make this sound, like it's stored in the computer's library of sounds. That went away, but the volume was again messed up. It was way too loud and in between turning it down, the volume suddenly disappeared altogether! Without being muted, my computer was not making any noise, although the music video should have still been playing. Only time seemed to solve the problem, as the sound later returned (I exited messenger and re-opened it as I had exited GarageBand--but I wasn't sure if this is what caused the sound to return).
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Sep 1, 2009
Apple's default audio drivers (for Windows) for the built-in speakers on the iMac make them sound horrible, they have way too much bass, whereas in OS X they sound great. Why is this?
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Jun 27, 2014
Imac 27" mid-2011 running Maverics 10.9.3 I'm not getting any sound from internal or ext. speakers. I can hear the startup sound when booting up.
System Preferences->Sound only shows Digital Out for OUTPUT and Output Volume is maxed and can't be adjusted. Mute is NOT checked.
I've done an SMC and PRAM reset with no change. I've tried multiple times plugging and unplugging the external speaker cable jack.
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Sep 11, 2014
I have a 27" mid-2011 iMac - today I upgraded it to 16GB RAM and added an SSD (in addition to the existing hard drive). The memory upgrade I performed myself but the SSD upgrade was done by a qualified tech.Now my internal speakers no longer appear as an audio output device, instead I have a "digital out / optical digital-out port".
I cannot adjust the volume (my menu bar volume icon is greyed out) and no sound plays either through the speakers or connected headphones once I login, however I hear the startup chime when I first turn it on, so this doesn't appear to be a hardware problem - it is perhaps a driver issue?
Is there any way I can rectify this without reinstalling OS X? I plan to install Yosemite on the SSD once it's out but would prefer to wait rather than installing Mavericks on it first.I have already tried resetting my SMC, resetting my PRAM a few times and also reinstalled the 10.9.4 combo update, but neither have resulted in any changes.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 2, 2009
I have my stereo plugged into the headphone jack but would like the sound to also come from the internal speakers when the stereo is off without unplugging the jack in back.I tried going to the sound control panel but it only lists the headphone jack. Is there a way to do this?
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Jun 7, 2010
After I pulled out the jack for my speakers the volume icon was greyed out [URL]and soon I realized that internal speakers as such have been disabled from the system [URL]When I restart the startup chime is played as usual.Is it a hardware or software thing?
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Mar 19, 2008
MacBook Pro 2.16
Situation: no sound out from speakers in admin and user account and newly created account. Headphones work, startup chimes work on speakers.
Go to Sound in Preferences and only shows Digital Out for output. Should show Internal Speakers. Ran Diskwarrior and Applejack and zapped pram. Took mac apart and confirmed speakers wired correctly which is verified by the start up chimes being audible on the internal speakers. tested all accounts and created new account all with the same results. Did search of Google and MacRumor. Found one unaswered post indicating same problem. Had same problem with another macbook pro, ran same steps, take apart, confirm wiring setup, Diskwarriored, applejacked and zapped pram and it fixed the problem. I'm not sure what else to try. Did check Audio Midi Setup util and it also did not see the internal speakers.
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Jun 5, 2010
I just plugged headphones into the headphone port on my iMac(dual core 2.4) I went to system preferences, sound, then output and only the internal speakers show up. I rebooted the machine and still, same thing.
I tried the same headphones on the eMac sitting next to it, and it worked just fine. Still confused about the iMac
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Dec 9, 2007
I'm coming from a good 7-8 years with an old G4, so forgive the ignorance. On that one, I added a PCI audio card to connect with some Altec Lansing speakers with Sub-woofer & simulated Surround sound. It sounded great. hat's your suggestion? Get a similar card for the G5?Or get some new speakers that will sound as good?I don't know anything about digital audio out. Does that connect to speakers, or only tuners?
G5 tower
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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May 24, 2010
the external speakers (and the earphones) I use for my i-mac suddenly stopped playing sound from my imac. They do work though when I plug them to the i-pod. My imac speakers work perfectly. Any ideas what's happening?
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Sep 11, 2009
Since two days ago, Wed Sept 9, my iMac's internal speakers aren't working.Checking the Sound Preferences, under Output, there is only Headphone. Internal Spkrs is missing.
mac Intel Core 2 Duo
2.8 GHz
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Sep 27, 2007
Sound isn't coming out of my internal speakers. When I hook up headphones everything is fine, but when I'm on the computer itself, no sound comes out, a red light is coming from my headphone jack, and the volume controls don't do anything (volume stays at max and there's a white circle with diagonal sign thru it, like a no smoking sign) and I don't get sound.
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Feb 2, 2008
So... for reasons unknown, my macbook pro is not recognizing it's internal speakers, in the sound options for output it only shows the digital out option.I searched trough the apple support site and the mac's help and all they say is to select the speakers, but that's kinda hard when they play hide and seek. Anyone knows what's up with that? Cause the weirdest thing is that they will make that mac sound when you first press the "on" button.
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Dec 13, 2008
I have a new aluminium 2.53 MBP and have installed vista 64 ultimate on it via bootcamp.
I have noticed that I am having problems with the audio, there is no audio from the internal speakers at all and when ever I boot up in vista the audio jack has a red light coming out of it...This only occurs in bootcamp and if i go back to OSX the problem disappears
I have installed the latest driver from realtek and have tried to fiddle with the audio jack using cotton buds etc, but nothing seem to work... are there any other ways from rectifying this?
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Sep 6, 2009
I was watching a movie on the bus using my headphones earlier today, and when I got home just now, the internal speakers aren't working. There is a red light coming from the headphone port and the volume can not be adjusted. Is there a software fix, or do I have to take this thing to the genius bar? I restarted the computer, still no dice.
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Nov 10, 2009
This is the second time an update has done this to me (Early 2008 Mac Pro). Run the update (10.6.2) - reboot - "sound effects" and "output" changed from "line out" to "internal speakers". What's up with that? Not a big deal - but kind of a pita when I get a call at work from a family member asking why iTunes is playing from the internal speaker...
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Sep 8, 2009
The internal speakers on my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.5.5) are not functioning at all.The 1/8" jack works fine with external speakers and headphones, although there is a red light in the jack when nothing is plugged in. The light does remain turned off for a moment after anything is unplugged, but when I try to raise the volume on my keypad the light returns and the volume indicator displays a gray, not white, speaker with a crossed circle under the volume bars. Can anyone advise me on how to rid my machine of this terrible red light and return audio to my internal speakers?
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Mar 22, 2012
the ONLY output device listed in my system preferences is Digital Output with Optical Digital-Out Port. I NEVER used headphones or any external speakers. I don't know what turned the Internal Speakers OFF But I would like to turn them back on. I can't find any thing any where in the OS that would do that. Any one has ANY Clue to why this would happen?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 23, 2012
My iMac 27" 2.7 GHz Inter Core i5 has just stopped producing sound. The speakers seem to work fine, because I can hear the startup sound, but nothing comes out of iTunes, Youtube, Quicktime, DVDs or any other medium.
iMac Intel Core Duo, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Jun 18, 2012
So the sound on my Macbook Pro is NOT working. I went to the sound settings and the internal speakers option under output is gone. I reset the PRAM and when it did its "second boot", the apple sound played just fine. As soon as I logged in again, the option is still gone and I am getting no sound.
iMac, iOS 5.1
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