Applications :: What Are The Best Games For The Mac
Dec 1, 2010I just got a new MBP and have been doing all kinds of work stuff.....but now I want to have some fun too!! What kinds of games are popular for the Mac?
View 9 RepliesI just got a new MBP and have been doing all kinds of work stuff.....but now I want to have some fun too!! What kinds of games are popular for the Mac?
View 9 RepliesNot sure if this should be under "Running Windows on a Mac", but this isn't exactly Windows... so here it goes.
I am trying to run TF2 via CrossOver Games 8.0.0 on Snow Leopard using the specs described in my sig. I've placed a support ticket with them, but they haven't been answering quick enough to my liking; I have an itchy trigger finger, I guess. So, has anybody had any experience with Wine and/or CrossOver that could help me out? For the sake of brevity (plus I don't want to type it out ), here's the link to the support ticket describing my problem.
can i burn xbox games on my macbook pro 15?
i would like to make some copies to keep some at my apartment and some at my parents without worrying about losing them in transit.
is this possible to do with the burner provided with the MBP? and what kind of discs would i need to use?
I donwloaded crossover games on my macbook pro, and i tried downloading steam, but everywhere i download steam, i get a msi file, which crosover wont open?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am looking for some fun and free casual games for the Mac. Any good ones? Perhaps a tower defence?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a simple program like xspeed, just for Mac. Any offers? Nothing to make my mac faster, just making each application I am running like twice as fast (speedhack).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just puchased a macbook, And was wondering what are some good free apps/games.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have crossover games. I am trying to install 'The Movies' by lion head games. When I select a new bottle, and make it a winxp type, I get the error message that says, "Exception EAccessViolation in module TheMovies at 00000000 Access violation at address 00000000 in module 'TheMovies.exe' Write of address 00000000" Does anyone know what I can do to get this game to install? Or is it simply never going to work?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been thinking of purchasing Parallels. I have some games that play great in Windows 7 via Bootcamp on my iMac (see sig) but play horribly in Parallels. I understand that BootCamp is the far superior solution, but I do enjoy the ability to switch between Snow Leopard and Win7 on the fly. My question is really around whats holding me back. I am using the trial version of Parallels. Is it Parallels, my RAM (I have 2GB alotted to Win7) or because it emulates a video card I believe? These aren't intense games... things like Icewind Dale and Diablo II.
View 8 Replies View RelatedAloha, I just downloaded a game, and it's extension is .toast.sit ? What am I supposed to do with that?
You know the iMacs they have setup in the Apple Store with the cool kids game interface where you can select a game by clicking on it? No menus, no way to mess it up? Is that "program" available so I could use it at home for my kids? All they use their iMac for now is to play games.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was told to run Vista 64bit for games, but I was wondering about this� Since many applications don�t even have a 64bit version out and I don�t think games are 64bit, will they all run under vista 64bit? I have a feeling this might be a dumb question, but I just wanted to make sure before I go out and buy Vista 64.
Also do you think windows 7 is better for games? Will it even run games that have not been written for it? Or would I just be better sticking with vista 64 until everyone has caught up and made their apps compatible with the new windows 7? I mean will antivirus programs, ripping apps, etc work under windows 7 without a hitch, or should I wait and just use vista64 for now?
I am either going to get the 13 inch macbook pro intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz or the Imac i3 3.06 intel.... but I know the intel chip is better in the Imac, and I can upgrade the RAM to 16GB!!!(: But is the Imac i3 going to be SUPER slow for SIMS3 online and Modern warfare 1...?? like this 06 macbook is? am I going to see a big difference?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to be able to play against some friends in NY (I'm in TX). Urban Terror doesn't work, neither does Halo 2. Anything with good graphics :-) I'm trying to see if Alien Arena will work..
View 8 Replies View Relatedi know that changing your resolution and increasing RAM will increase framerates, but are there any other different ways to do so?
iMac G5 1.9Ghz PPC 17" 1gb RAM (x2 sticks of 512mb)
other than dual booting, whats the best, easiest, cheapest way to run windows apps (games mostly) inside osx? vmware fusion? wine? ive found this: [URL]
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am wanting to get a new Macbook Pro. I will be running osx 75% of the time and then will be running bootcamp for windows xp for a online game. My question is: will the mac run the video game without a problem while running bootcamp and will it over heat and crash on me. The game is online and the box says it requires 1G ram and a shader .2 or more video card and 120harddrive. And another question I had was will the computer be exposed to viruses while useing windows, if so i will only use windows for the gaming, will this prevent the harmful viruses. I am sure this will work on the mac useing bootcamp but I wanted to ask someone who knew a little bit more about it
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got a mac and have a lot of PC games that I want to use. How to run and use boot camp?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi cant play pc games on it? is there a way to achieve this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan someone run a few games on CAN YOU RUN IT And to post pictures of your tests...I'm just very interested to know what it can actually run and what it can't.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMany people are using virtual machines or bootcamp to run there games on the Mac. Virtual machines cost money and a windows license. Well there is a solution for many games and thats wine Read everything about it on [URL]. Nice thing about it, is that it is open source and freee! But the source itself is quite technical, so there some solutions like Crossover or Wineskin. Wineskin is free And makes it possible to install your favourite games to the Mac and export it in an .app which you can start easily with an doubleclick. I made some step by step installation guides for some games so you can enjoy those games freely on the the Mac Made the for the following games an step by step manual and many many more are about to come!
- Company of heroes
- FIFA 11
- Fallout 3
- Caesar III
- Need for speed Underground 1 + 2
- Settlers V, Heritage of Kings
- Dune 2000
- Trackmania Nations Forever
is there a patch for MAC OS that would enable microsoft game to run on MAC OS
View 10 Replies View RelatedCan anyone with an 11.6" MBA comment on how it can handle Steam games on OS X?I mean anything like HL2, Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress and stuff like that.If you could make a video that would be awesome!I am not really looking to use it for gaming, but if it can run some of these decently I might go with the larger SSD since I can put Steam games on all of my machines.
View 3 Replies View Related I just recently purchased a Macbook Pro for my college major this year. I had a PC before it, but it crashed and I dont want to have to buy another one since I already payed $2000+ for the Macbook Pro. I have a few PC games that I would still like to play.
So I used Boot Camp to put Windows Vista on my Mac then installed the games to it. The three games I put on Vista were Half-Life, The Longest Journey and Grim Fandango. So after installing each of them I tried to play them to make sure they worked. Both Grim Fandango and The Longest Journey started to load the game but were interrupted with an error message, not allowing me to play. Half-Life on the other hand loads and plays perfectly.
So my question is, is there some way for me to play the two games that didnt work? If so how can I get them to work. The only reason I put Vista on was so I could play those games. And if I cant get them to work I'm probably just gonna take Vista off of my Mac.
I have lost my disc to my favorite game diablo 2 and I am wondering if there is still a way that I can play the game without the disc? I heard that u can use disc utilities to make an image but can I do it without the disc first?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to know if i got the baseline 2.93 Ghz iMac if I could play the Sims 3 and World of Warcraft on all high setting?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI want to know how the quality for PC games in bootcamp. Was it as good as a PC?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi have the newest black macbook i was wondering is it better to run games, ie: the sims 2,3.... on mac OS X or on windows via bootcamp??
View 1 Replies View RelatedI posted this same problem a couple months ago and didn't have any luck. This time I posted a screen shot of what happens when I try to install WCIII on os x.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow well will graphic intensive games work with the 13 inch MBP graphics card with 4gb of ram? I will be using Windows 7 though bootcamp
View 4 Replies View Related