Applications :: Finding Fun Free Mac Casual Games?
Mar 19, 2009I am looking for some fun and free casual games for the Mac. Any good ones? Perhaps a tower defence?
View 2 RepliesI am looking for some fun and free casual games for the Mac. Any good ones? Perhaps a tower defence?
View 2 RepliesI just puchased a macbook, And was wondering what are some good free apps/games.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to try playing a game on my MBP. Does anybody know where I can download some for free/recommend popular games?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI currently have a 2007 white MacBook. I am in the market for a new MacBook within the next several months for college. I am a casual gamer. I do not intend to be playing intense games on it. I have a ps3 and 360 for those. What I'm asking is, how well does the 13 inch MacBook pro (2.53 GHz, 4gb ram, 500 HDD) handle games like the Sims 3 or simple RTS games? Also, would there be a considerable performance difference in playing games in Windows 7 as opposed to OSX?
View 9 Replies View RelatedThe lack of a security slot to cable down the airbook is drving me nuts. I like to putter around in my local coffee house and leave my mb pro cabled to the table when I go to the head or wander off in a fog. I'm thinking of inventing my own security system -- or maybe having a machine shop drill a hole. or calling Steve and asking him why he created this problem in the first place.
View 24 Replies View RelatedRecently bought a movie off of itunes and would like to burn it to a cd, for those who have done this, what is the best (free) software to help me with this challenge.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe reason I need this is for the xbox 360. If you have a flash drive you can watch movies on your tv just through a flash drive. The problem is all my movies are in .avi and they have to be .wmv.
View 8 Replies View Relatedi was wondering if anyone knew of a free file converter for mac so that i can turn my mpeg files to mp4 so that i can watch it on my iPhone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have both a mac and a pc
now with my student ID i could get programs for a decent price
however it seems that there is a mac edition and a pc edition license for each program.
i was wondering if there is a way where i can pay once and use both versions. or do i have to buy for both versions
I'm a college student working on a database project for a class where I need to make an ER Model for a final project and I wasn't sure if anyone knew of free modeling software that I could use for Mac? (Otherwise it will be time in the lab using Visio on a PC )
View 4 Replies View Relatedanyone know a good free program i can download?
View 15 Replies View RelatedIs there any I should be running on my mac book pro or is it safe to still run a mac without any form of virus protection?
View 2 Replies View Relatedbut how do I buy DRM-free music on iTunes? Do I have to upgrade my current library to DRM-free before I can buy a DRM-free song? Is there a way of telling if a song is DRM-free, such as a icon in the corner? Because for the life of me, I can't seem to find any DRM-free songs, and I have iTunes 802...
View 8 Replies View RelatedIm at a loss. Does one exist? .mkv to anything playable will be fine.
or an mkv player will work i suppose
Is there a free way to do this?
View 7 Replies View RelatedMacHeist are promoting the new 'Calcbot' application for iPad and iPhone from Tapbots and if you post a promotional messsage for them on your Facebook account you can download a free copy of Socialite.
Socialite ($30) is a Mac OS X app designed by Realmac Software to make it easy to stay in touch with the social networks and services that matter to you. Browse and update Facebook, Flickr, digg, twitter and more from the comforts of one app. Best of all, it's yours today for free, courtesy MacHeist to celebrate the launch of Calcbot!
I've quickly searched around, and found too many options and no idea about the quality of each. One site has one list of ten "best" free video file converters, while another site has a completey different list of ten "best"!
So, I can't figure out what a good well-known, easy to use one is. I want to be able to convert random different types of video files into DVD-quality files to watch on my DVD player, and I want the quality to be good.
I'm look for a free app that will download youtude video or any other flash video. I know I can do this with safari but looking for another option.
View 24 Replies View RelatedAny good Free, Stick Figure Animating Software <<<< Fan of Stick figures
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any application (freeware) which is substitute or similar to Adobe Pagemaker?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI hope everybody is doing good out there! So here is my question...... I am looking for some free or open source Network Management Software, I have recently purchased some new computers, and I would like to start managing all of my computers, and printers on my home network along with possibly some basic network security.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow well will graphic intensive games work with the 13 inch MBP graphics card with 4gb of ram? I will be using Windows 7 though bootcamp
View 4 Replies View RelatedI had the current (at the time) entry level MacBook Pro, it could handle Gears of War & BioShock through Boot Camp with no hassle.
View 24 Replies View RelatedIt's going to be used mainly for work, which involves me having multiple programs at once open, including word, powerpoint, graphpad, endnote, internet, mail, and probably itunes.
Also, I play WoW and want to play SC2 on at least high settings ideally. I currently have a 24" monitor at home that I could either hook a laptop up to, or get a average gaming desktop.
I have the fully loaded 3.06GHz iMac with the upgraded video card. The native resolution is 1920x1200, which even with the iMac's decent specs, is a hefty performance dump being forced to run games in this high resolution. When I try lowering the resolution, literally every other resolution option looks like crap, while 1920x1200 looks crisp and perfect. Most of the other options aren't a matching aspect ratio for the widescreen monitor. Is there a good resolution you recommend, and if it isn't available in my game, is there a way to make it available?
Do I need to hack each game to display other resolution options that match my aspect ratio? How can I get better performance besides turning the graphics to crap? I would be happy running in a lower resolution with all other settings maxed, rather than most settings low with such a high resolution.
Do I have any options here or am I screwed? I'm sure some of you guys must have come across this issue! I'm a new Mac convert who can't get rid of my PC gaming.
Note: Preferably I would like to find an alternate widescreen resolution, rather than finding a way to use 4:3 with black bars, but either would be better than how it is now.
Im a new Apple/imac convert.
Got tired of windows crashing and the viruses.
-can I play windows games on my new imac? (a company of heroes) -I dont fully understand how the anti virus works...i feel like i need to download something?
I'm looking for a converter that will convert a .mpg file to a .mp3 or any other audio type of file.
Haven't seen a converter that is free before for Mac yet.
Just wondered if anyone knows of any free powerpoint viewers? I don't use powerpoint normally and don't really want to buy MS office but some friends sometimes send me jokes or pics set up as powerpoint presentations and I'd like to able to view them at home.
I know there was a version from MS for OS9 but again, I'm running Tiger and don't have os9 in order to run it in classic mode.
I am trying to back up my DVDs but have only one more region transition left
View 24 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a free online backup service to back up about 2Gb od files. I use Mozy on my MBP. But their free service is only for one computer. So I am looking for another company for my MacPro. I tried idrive but they seem to have problems.
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