Applications :: Remove Chapters From .m4v Video / Checked The Create Chapter Markers

Sep 30, 2009

I just ripped some TV episodes from DVDs I have with Handbrake, only to realize that the episodes don�t have chapters. This means that since the �Create Chapter Markers� or whatever button was checked, I still get a chapters button, with only one chapter. I wish I�d just unchecked it, but at this point, is there any way to just remove the chapters?

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Applications :: Finding DVD Chapter Markers Database?

Jul 14, 2005

This is an extension of the 'Best DVD Copy Program' but I figured this would warrant it's own thread.

As stated in the other thread, I'm ripping all my DVDs to take with me to college. I'm using handbrake to rip h.264 movies. Now I want to add chapter markers to my movies. Is there any online database that has chapter marker timecode and names for DVD movies that I can use as a reference? I know that you can pull the timecode from the DVD itself, but i have some DVDs that do not list the names of the chapter markers.

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OS X :: Unable To Get Chapters / Video Made In IMovie 09 To Transpose Into IDvd

Nov 4, 2009

I cant get the chapters that I made in iMovie 09 to transpose into iDvd.....should they?

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Applications :: Track Markers In Itunes?

Apr 15, 2009

Another idea for itunes. I wonder why they have not implemented this yet...track markers. A lot of times I have a set or other 1 hour - mp3's in my itunes, but I sometimes like to fast forward to certain songs in my fast forward is not as good as itunes fast forward so it sometimes takes would be nice if we could place track markers in itunes then that info is saved in the mp3 or that when playing fro my iphone i can just fast forward to those markers.....know what i mean? would be ncie to be able to do htis without splitting the original long mp3 into a bunch of small ones...

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Applications :: How To Add The Word Chapter Before The Number

Mar 25, 2010

Do you know how to create a following list in Pages:

Chapter 1.
Section 1.1.
Section 1.2.
Chapter 2.
Section 2.1.
... etc.

Specifically, how do I add the word "chapter" or "section" before the number?

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Applications :: Saving DVD Movie As Individual Chapters?

Jan 14, 2009

my sister is going overseas and wants all of her box sets of TV shows on her lappy as she is going to study and needs a way to keep her self entertained, me being the nice guy i am with a mac pro, thought i would do it on my machine... Which leads me to the issue: How do i get handbrake to save each disc as individual chapter divx's? i have 30 DVD's of 5eps to get sorted in around 24hrs :O

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Applications :: How To Create A Video Playlist In Quicktime

Oct 26, 2006

Can it be done or do you need a plug-in or seperate program?

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Applications :: New Feature In ITunes 8 (Create Version Video)

Feb 4, 2009

I just noticed something in iTunes 8. In the Advanced drop down menu, you can now create iPod or iPhone and Apple TV versions of the videos you have in iTunes. However, the only video I can import are already iPod ready.

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Applications :: ITunes Only Plays Checked Songs

Jan 5, 2010

All the songs that are synced onto my iPhone are check marked in iTunes. When playing songs in iTunes, it only plays the checked songs. Is there a ways to make it also shuffle in uncheck songs when playing through iTunes?

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Applications :: Trying To Have Songs Checked But Not Play In Shuffle Mode?

May 1, 2010

I have some children's music on my iPhone that I play for my toddler daughter in the car. But when I'm listening to music for my own personal enjoyment, I don't exactly want "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" to come up. Is there a way to keep certain checked songs from playing when in shuffle mode? I mean, besides creating a new playlist with everything BUT the 20 or so songs I have for my daughter.

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Applications :: Making Flash Video Files / Create Simple Flash Movies?

Jul 8, 2007

I want to create a simple flash movie (I don't yet own or know how to use Adobe Flash). Pretty flowers in the background, inspirational music, passages from the Bible or something fading in an out... you know the schtick. Maybe convert it to a screen saver.

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ITunes :: Cannot Select Any Of Chapters

Mar 6, 2012

After purchasing a movie from iTunes, I clicked on the film and it brought me to the movie's DVD menu.However, it will not allow me to select it to play.I can select the "chapters" option, but I cannot select any of the chapters.Essentially, it is stuck on the menu.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Final Cut Pro X :: 10.1.2 - Chapter Marker Thumbnail Pin

Aug 29, 2014

According to the FCPX 10.1.2 User Guide (pg.153) a thumbnail pin associated with each chapter marker allows to select the image that will show up in the exported menu for that marker.

Well, after adding the chapter marker I find the pin in the timeline, I move it to select an image but: 1) nothing changes in the FCP X viewer, which does NOT show the selected image, and (worse) 2) in fact nothing happens in the exported movie: Share/Export File (added) with Format: computer, Video Codec: H.264 Faster Encode, Resolution 1920x1080.

The export fully works, all chapters are there in the right position, but each chapter is associated with the frame under its marker, NOT the frame I selected for it using the pin (which lays ignored on the frame I chose...).

Well: almost "fully" works: it can be played only by Quicktime X, not Quicktime 7. Not a big issue. And probably this has nothing to do with the pin problem... Is there a way to make it work as in the user guide?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), FCP X - Canon HF M56 PAL

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: PDF Preview Sidebar Other Chapter As In Mainwindow?

Mar 16, 2012

There are following problems with two PDF Files. When I open the PDF with preview 5.0.3 in main window there is an other chapter as I have mark in the sidebar.There is allway a different of one chapter between mainwindow and sidebar.

This failure are in two PDFs.The PDFs are manuals of DEVONthink, not the help of DEVONthink. There is no problem when I open this PDFs with Acrobat Reader 9.5.0. Sidebar and main windwow the same chapter when I mark it in sidebar. 

I use Mac OS X 10.6.8. Can someone give an explanation of this bug ? 

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Final Cut Pro X :: Chapters To Compressor 4.1 Do Not Fully Transfer For DVD Menu

Aug 20, 2014

Making DVD, chapters from Final Cut Pro X to Compressor 4.1 do not fully transfer for the DVD menu.  I can get the title of the chapters by clicking "include subtitles" but the associated picture for the chapter does not show (though it will on iDVD).  So I have a boring menu with the words but not the picture. For example, one chapter is of Baltra, Galapagos.  The island isn't shown though the chapter says, "Baltra"

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Latest IMovie Doesn't Have Chapter Creation

Sep 11, 2014

I have the latest iMovie. 2014 version. I want to make a music DVD. To access individual songs, chapters are needed. The latest iMovie doesn't have chapter creation. I know that iMovie 9 allows making chapters, but when I tried that, it worked, but the quality of the movie suffered. The picture quality looked less clear. I will download the trial version of Final Cut Pro X..The chapter creation in iDVD is not good enough and I can't find any other DVD creation software that does it.

iMac 3.06 Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.6)

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OS X :: Removing Chapters From The Movie File / Transferring DVDs To MBP Using Handbrake

Mar 14, 2010

I am transferring my DVDs to my MBP using Handbrake. A lot of my DVDs have been recordings from my dvd player (like football matches etc ) so they have chapters which is a pain. Is there a way I can remove the chapters so I just have one movie/TV file only.

Oh one last thing?? is it normally slow?

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Intel Mac :: Create A Mp4 Video That's Playable On A Regular Dvd?

Apr 8, 2012

How do I create an MP4 video thats playable on a regular dvd player?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: How To Remove A Video Card

Feb 15, 2012

I'm giving my son my old 2.8 dual quad care computer. We are getting ready to replace the old ATI 2600 video card with the new 5770. How do I release the old card? I removed the metal hold down in the back. It looks like there's a little clip sticking out of the socket on the left of the card. Do I have to press that to release the card. Just don't want to screw anything up. Should I pull straight up on the card from the top edge?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Can I Remove Subtitles From A Video File?

May 11, 2009

I have a .avi file, but it has subtitles. Im on a mac 10.4.11, so how do I remove the subtitles from the video??? Like what application should I get to use to remove the subtitles?

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Mac Pro :: How To Remove The Default BootCamp ATI Video Drivers

May 6, 2009

I was about to install the new ATI video drivers from AMDs website for the 4800 series together with the Catalyst Control Center, however the sites FAQ and the installer itself "reminded" me to completely remove any old video drivers before attempting to install the new drivers. Well, the problem is that I can't find anything related to video card drivers in the software management / uninstall menu...

Is it safe to just install the fresh drivers and the CCC without removing the old ones ?

Running Vista SP1 64Bit, Mac specs see sig.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Remove Old Audio/video

Apr 28, 2012

I have recently moved most of my photos and videos to an eternal hard drive but I am not sure how to remove everything from my HD.  I deleted everything out of Iphoto and deleted the trash but if I do a search for video it still shows videos in Iphoto.  Also I am not sure how to remove all of the old video from Imovie without doing any damage.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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OS X :: No Administrator Account - Box Not Checked Off After Log Out

Jul 23, 2010

I have no administrator accounts on my imac! After upgrading to leopard, everything changed to standard accounts, even my root user. I tried to do what the apple website said, and change passwords and check off the "allow user to administer" box, but when i log out of root user and back into my main account, the box is not checked off. Nor when logged in as the root user will it let me to lock the settings to make sure it goes through.

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ITunes :: Downloading "The Firm: Chapter Five" Error -50

Feb 6, 2012

I am having problems downloading "The Firm" "Chapter Five".  It gets to about 570 MB and then throw an error of -50. 

Mac Pro (Intel), Mac OS X (10.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Put HD To Sleep Should Be Checked / Unchecked

Oct 16, 2010

Somewhat new to Mac now. In the Energy Saving settings should I have the 'put hd to sleep' button checked or unchecked? I know with it checked preserves power, but I've read that its bad to do, just wondering if I can get some experts to tell me what I should do.

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Windows On Mac :: Checked Settings But Cannot Connect

Nov 28, 2010

I've added the MAC address to my MAC filters changed the IP address, Subnet mask and default gateway along with the Physical address. I've checked and double checked the settings and still can't connect.

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Intel Mac :: IPhone Cannot Locate My It When Everything Is Checked

Mar 4, 2012

I'm running 10.7.3 and locate my iPhone cannot locate my iMac when everything is checked?, i'm running 10.7.3 and locate my iPhone cannot locate my iMac when everything is checked?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ICloud :: Some Contacts Not Syncing - Have Checked 'on My Mac'

Apr 16, 2012

I have a mac mini, a macbook, iphone and ipad. I upgraded from mobileme to icloud recently.  

on my mac mini i have 833 contacts, I am syncing with iCloud, but icloud is only showing 750 contacts. 

I have checked my mac mini for a group that says 'on my mac' and i don't have one, it's not showing in my group list which means that theres no contacts in there. 

Under the iCloud group on my mac mini, when i click 'All contacts' the missing contacts are in there. (these include my boyfriend and my dad!) yet these contacts are not on, my iphone or ipad... 

I seem to have baffled iCloud support and am still waiting for a resolution

Is there some way they may be in an 'on my mac' account and not showing somehow? but then i dont understand how they'd appear under all contacts in the icloud account. 

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MacBook :: Checked The Input And Out For Sound?

May 9, 2012

I know there have been lots of questions about no sound on my mac book pro. I have the same issue, I have tried updating all my software, checked the input and out for sound and still no luck.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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QuickTime :: Exporting HD From IMovie To Quicktime HD But Chapters Not Visible?

May 8, 2012

I edited a screen recording video (shot with QuickTime) with iMovie. Added chapters but when EXPORT - USE QUICKTIME and set properites to HD format, once done (5 hours) chapters are not available in Quicktime. I read that when exporting to tiny video format, chapters are not available but here I' exportin to an HD format.  

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