Applications :: Trying To Have Songs Checked But Not Play In Shuffle Mode?
May 1, 2010
I have some children's music on my iPhone that I play for my toddler daughter in the car. But when I'm listening to music for my own personal enjoyment, I don't exactly want "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" to come up. Is there a way to keep certain checked songs from playing when in shuffle mode? I mean, besides creating a new playlist with everything BUT the 20 or so songs I have for my daughter.
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Apr 20, 2009
i noticed that i was actually listening to the same songs every time i started the shuffle mode from a song.
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Apr 8, 2009
Let's say I pick Song A manually, it finishes and moves on to Song B. 10 songs after Song B, if I manually select A, all those songs play in the exact same order. The only thing that changes the order is restarting iTunes.
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Jan 5, 2010
All the songs that are synced onto my iPhone are check marked in iTunes. When playing songs in iTunes, it only plays the checked songs. Is there a ways to make it also shuffle in uncheck songs when playing through iTunes?
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Mar 26, 2007
i cannot seem to figure it out. my nano is set to "shuffle all songs" in the main settings window, and i want to be able to shuffle the songs in the playlist i listen to while exercising using Nike+. i cannot seem to make this work. ideas?
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Mar 14, 2010
this might sound like a daft question, but it's just started to annoy me.
i've just got into using smart playlists, and love em. I've got one just containing the band name 'minus the bear', and it puts all the albums i have in album order and will shuffle through different tracks.
but now for some reason when i click shuffle it re arranges all the tracks in the playlist. i know its abit ocd, but i liked have all my tracks in order. then if i want a specific track on i can find it easily, and then just let it shuffle after that.
i don't know how i had it like that before, but does anyone know how to get it back how i want it?
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Apr 14, 2012
I want to take the songs off my shuffle and put them into a new playlist so I can reorder them--how do I do that? Or, how can I simply change the order? (I have the version where you can listen to songs in order or random).
iPod shuffle
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Jun 25, 2014
Both my MacBook Pro and iPhone were set up to shuffle all songs, but in the past they seem to have played an awful lot of repeats without playing different music all the time! Now I just updated the software and re-synced and can't even set up shuffle on the phone any more. Clicking on the crossed and uncrossed arrows on each side of the phone doesn't do anything. Shaking just shuffles inside the album playing.
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May 10, 2012
I have an iPhone 4S. There are some songs that I purchased through iTunes that are not downloading to my phone. The songs are listed in iTunes under both "Music" and "Purchased." The songs are checked. On my iPhone, under SUMMARY, I have checked "sync only checked songs and videos," and under MUSIC I have checked "entire music library."Â
The phone and computer are both authorized to the same iTunes account. The weird thing is that, for most of the missing albums, the first song of the purchased album has downloaded, but the rest are not. Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 1, 2012
When I set the shuffle mode on my iMac or iPod I get a different start track each time I restart but when I try on my MacBook it always reverts to the same start track. I've tried looking in Preferences but cannot find anything relevant.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Apr 9, 2007
Hi everybody...I have to do a slideshow using iPhoto for one of my classes. Last time i did a slideshow it was reallt annoying because it continually played one song over and over. I'm just wondering if there is a way to play a collection of songs? Kind of like a playlist for my slideshow, if that makes any sense...
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Jan 5, 2010
I try to play songs in iTunes (ver. 9.0.2) on my MacBook Pro (OS X.5.8) and some (note all) won't play and a box pops up and says:
"This computer is not authorized to play "(song title here)". Would you like to authorized it?"
I type in my password and then is says: "You cannot authorized more than 5 computers.
Makes sense, except to my knowledge, this is the only computer that I have authorized and the only computer I use.
I tried to repair the permissions and some iTunes things did come up but I've restarted iTunes and am still having the same problem.
Also, the songs that won't play are ones I purchased, but there are some songs that I bought that I can play.
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May 3, 2009
I have unchecked most of my songs on iTunes to enable an easy iPod synchronization.
Still, iTunes now skips unchecked songs when I play music on my laptop. Has anyone an idea on how to deal with this?
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Jun 24, 2009
I am using iTunes with a Tascam US-122L audio interface. It worked perfectly fine until yesterday evening, and now iTunes absolutely refuses to play any music when the Tascam is connected. I click a song title and the diamond slider does not move, the song stays at 0:00, and the "play" button doesn't change to the "pause" button. It seemed to have started doing this after I exported a song into iTunes from Audio Hijack, which I downloaded to capture some audio from Logic Pro.
I've tried everything, from restarting my computer, to reinstalling the Tascam drivers to reinstalling iTunes.
iTunes works just fine except for the "playing songs" part, which is it's major selling point. It works perfectly fine when the Tascam isn't connected.
I've heard of a lot of people with similar problems but none of the solutions I've seen have worked. Anyone got any ideas?
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Sep 4, 2010
Quite bizarrely, in iTunes 10, shortcuts to skip next song (command - right arrow) or adjust volume (command - down arrow/up arrow) don't appear to work in shuffle (iTunes DJ). The shortcuts work fine in every other playlist other than iTunes DJ.
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Oct 28, 2009
i recently got a 3rd gen iPod shuffle. In my music i have "synced only checked playlists" I also have sync only checked songs. When I make a change to my playlist in iTunes and sync, it doesn't change in the shuffle when I sync.
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Mar 2, 2012
I've recently copied some cassette tapes onto the computer (using Audio Hijack Pro) as mp3 files. *None* of those longer than a minute and nineteen seconds will play past that point in iTunes on Lion. They show up as their proper length (and are *not* set to cut short in options), but playing them, they just skip to the next song at 1:19 as if they'd finished, no error or anything. If I drag the slider to a point past there, the counters stop at that point and it starts the next song when I release it. The files play perfectly well if I press the spacebar in Finder, or if I open them with Quicktime Player, or if I use my iPod Touch, or if I use iTunes in Windows XP, but not on the Mac. Every last one of them... and no others. Older tracks play perfectly, regardless of source or format.
All software is the latest version available. (Within reasonable meanings of "latest" for XP, at least.)
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Mar 19, 2010
I'll be going thru my list clicking a bunch of songs, say making a playlist for example, and often when I click on a song, it gets renamed (artist, song, album). 90% of the time, the song/album gets changed, but the artist stays the same. But sometimes it changes it to something new altogether. The kicker, though, is that the new song/artist/album is ALWAYS a duplicate of something I already have. This has happened without me clicking on songs as well. I just went to Show Duplicates and iTunes it appears iTunes has renamed about 200 of my songs. Often I don't even know what song I'm hearing, and if the lyrics aren't on google, I have to leave the song and artist as UNKNOWN. This problem has only started in the last few months.
iTunes with iPod Classic 80GB
Windows Vista
HP Pavillion dv6000 series
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Sep 29, 2010
I noticed this about a year ago. So, there are some songs that I cannot play in iTunes, on either my laptop or home computer. However, I can play them on my iPhone 3GS and my 3rd Generation iPod after being sync'd. A friend thought that it was perhaps these songs/albums were not "official" Apple iTunes downloads or not direct downloads from CDs. This is not correct, random songs from random mp3 sources including iTunes (Apple iTunes Store), and even complete albums (from CDs) are affected. Why is this? how can I correct this?
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Jun 17, 2010
I'm still learning new things with my MBP. I have some mp3s placed on the desktop and I know there's a play arrow in the middle and I can play them. Well I stumbled upon a way to play the song without iTunes opening, but it had what looked like a real music player with play, FF, RW. I'm guessing I used some finger gesture to get it to do that, anybody know how I can recreate it? I tried searching, but can't figure it out. As I said, still learning all the cool tricks with the Mac! Anyways, to clarify, it did NOT open iTunes, but had an mp3 player. Also, it was not quicktime player. It was bigger than just a tiny rectangle with RW, Play, and FF. No software was opened, but there was still a big rectangular box that opened.
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Jun 9, 2012
I am unable to play certain songs since itunes wants me to authorize the computer with an old email address I had when I first bought the songs. I don't remember that password and when I use my present Apple id and password it doesn't authorize the computer to play those songs. How do I get these songs authorized since there are a lot of them?
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Jun 18, 2012
I have been trying to import music from an audio CD into my itunes library.All the files appear to be imported but all the timings are missing and when I try and play, the play symbal jumps about from one track to another and won't play any of them.This is about the third time I have tried to import it.he CD will play on an up to date CD player.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Aug 25, 2014
why is my iTunes not playing any of my songs in my song library and when i click any song, it tells me the song could not be used because the original file found not be found and will also asked me if i would like to locate?
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Aug 25, 2014
Downloaded an album from iTunes, and it plays all songs except one. Error message says that I need to authorize the computer. It is already authorized, but even when I re-key the user name and password I refuses to play that one song.
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Sep 30, 2009
I just ripped some TV episodes from DVDs I have with Handbrake, only to realize that the episodes don�t have chapters. This means that since the �Create Chapter Markers� or whatever button was checked, I still get a chapters button, with only one chapter. I wish I�d just unchecked it, but at this point, is there any way to just remove the chapters?
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Jun 9, 2010
this is starting to bug me, so hope you can help. Currently, I only have a 16GB iPhone, and so in order to get my music on there, I have to select the 'only import checked songs' and select them on my iTunes playlist.However, when I'm listening to music on my iMac, I cannot listen to an un-checked album, it just skips over to the next checked song. Is there something really simple I'm missing here? Is there an option to play all songs, regardless of whether they're checked or not? Or is there a better way to sync my music? This is doing my head in.
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Sep 24, 2009
not sure if this question belongs in the applications section, but I have a problem/question with Itunes. I have all of my music on an external hard drive. How can I get Itunes to play the songs directly off of the external hard drive without copying every song onto my computer's hard drive?
I have done this:
1. File > Add to Library > Selected my external hard drive to add everything on it to my library
Result: At first it says 'Adding Files: Processing...' That process takes a few minutes considering I have a lot of songs. Then it says "There is not enough room to copy all of your songs onto the Mac OSX Hard Drive, but iTunes will copy as many songs as possible." or something along those lines. So then iTunes starts copying every single song from my external hard drive onto my computer's hard drive.
2. File > Import > Selected my external hard drive
Result: All of my songs are in hundreds of different folders for each album and artist they are in from when I imported those songs from my CDs. I cannot select my external hard drive as a whole, meaning I would have to go into each folder individually and manually (which would be ineffective and take hours) in order for the itunes library to have all of my songs.
Is there another way to do this without filling my computer's hard drive up with songs?!
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May 30, 2012
I want to burn some songs for a friend with iTunes 10.6.1 that will work on her CD player. I am new to this, and the CD-R I made this morning will work on my Mac and Windows computer, but not the CD player. How do I troubleshoot this?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 30, 2012
For some reason the songs seem to play back faster than they should. Â
I even went on youtube and played the songs simultaneoulsy and it isnt just one song it seems to be that my entire itune library plays back faster than it normally would.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 7, 2012
I am using iToons !0.6.1(7) on a MacBook Pro Running OSX 10.7.4.I cannot get my playlist to play the songs sequentially.All songs are checked, the suffle is off, and there is nothing in the info. For example, when I try to play the first song it just skips to the second. Sometimes it skips many tracks.The songs in my playlist were ripped from my CD.
iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMessage, iPhone
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