Applications :: QuickTime X Not Playing .mov Files?
Jan 26, 2010
I attempted to view a movie trailer off [URL] something which I often do with QuickTime X, but it didn't work. 3 or 4 error messages popped up. I have perian and flip4mac installed, but I've always had those installed.
I have a .wmv file and when I try to open it in quicktime it only plays half of it, but when I attempt to convert it to a different format like .avi, the quality gets reduced but it will play the entire thing.
Just trying to get an aswer about playing my .mov files.I have the new Ipad and I have been recording videos.I'm looking to get these videos online on my website.What is the best way to put this on my website so there is a video player and all.Right now I just added the videos online but there are no play, pause and rewind options and its just 1 big page of video.
My QuickTime player us not playing .avi files and says I need a codec I can't play no .avi files on QuickTime. How could I fix this because I want to play these files with QuickTime.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7.
I shoot HD videos on my Nikon P100 and play them from QuickTime on my Win7 machine. I'd like to be able to play multiple files one after another, but it seems Apple does not allow this. For instance, if I click multiple files and then click Open, it brings up two copies of QuickTime. It seems it can't figure out that I'd like a single QT window that would know to play the first file then the second file. Is there a way to achieve this behavior in QuickTime for Windows?
I've used to play .sdp files on Quicktime Player 10.0 on Snow Leopard.
After I've updated to Lion, Quictime Player got updated to 10.1 and it no longer recognizes .sdp files. It gives an error message with "Quicktime Player cannot open files in the " 1.0 Presentation" format."
The same sdp file plays well on Windows version of QuickTime Player, and if I boot to Snow Leopard, it works on QT Player 10.0. Is there a way to fix this problem and let the QuickTime Player recognize the .sdp files again?
Anyone have a problem playing wmv files using flip4mac on quicktime x. Ever since I installed SL, I'm having problems fast forwarding and rewinding in flip4mac. Anyone else have this problem or workaround?
Is there a way to get QT to play audio in email attachments?Im on 10.6.4, and if I import the attachment to itunes I can hear the audio, but the default is quicktime and its not working.Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
does anyone know of a program I can use to change .m4a files (what itunes rips cd's into) into .mp3? I'm trying out a different music playing program, but it doesn't support .m4a's, which is what most of my music is...
A couple of months ago, I was sent some WMV files that I need to watch. I installed Flip4mac and the files would play sound but no video. I have since upgraded to snow leopard and now it won't even play the sound. It shows me a status bar telling me that it is processing the file and then I get an error message telling me "additional software may be required to play this file" Anyone know how can I get these files to work?
I just purchased a Mac Mini and was hoping to play VOB files (which I ripped on a Linux machine, not the Mac Mini) with the native DVD Player application. However, when I try to open the files, which have names like title1.vob, title2.vob, etc, the names are grey-ed out in the file selector window. I can't select those files, and therefore I can't play them. Am I doing something wrong? Can I play VOB files with DVD Player? If not, is there another way to play VOB files on a Mac Mini? I have an LCD TV connected to the mini-DVD port on the Mac Mini, and I'd like to be able to play the files to the TV screen, and also, use the Mac Remote to control Fast Forward, Rewind, File Select, etc.
Someone sent me a link to a file that is stored on their server. When I click the link the movie auto plays in QT. Is there a way I can save this file?
as the title says. I have some AVI files that Quicktime doesn't want to play. it's telling me to go to this site that has different codecs but none of them work. I have that flip4mac program but it doesn't do anything either.
Is there a way of defaulting .mp4 files to open in Quicktime? I'm experiencing an issue in which movie files in .mp4 format are for some reason opening in another application I use for audio editing.
I can still play the movie file in Quicktime, but only if I right click it and select it from the "Open With" menu.
I tried playing a video through Quicktime but there was no audio and the program said it needed a codec. Quicktime suggested that I download another progran (DivX player). I downloaded DivX but then the video still does not have any audio output. What will I do?
itunes will not play mp3 files that quicktime plays. I've dumped the files into itunes and added them via add to library. Opening with quick time the files play fine.
Anyone else having trouble opening MPEG files in QuickTime? I was able to fine until installing Leopard. The file is not corrupt or anything. I tried several MPEG files and none of them open. I get the following message.
how to open several avi. movie files I have downloaded onto my Mac (version 10.5). First, I tried to open them just simply on QuickTime player, but a got a 'this is not a movie file' error message, so I Google'd and found advice telling me to download VLC in order to open avi files to QuickTime player. So, I downloaded VLC and tried to open one of the files with that - except when it opened on VLC there was no video and only the audio sped up really fast (you know, where they sound like chipmunks xD) and then it stopped. So, baffled, I then tried to open it again on QuickTime, but got that error message again *
So I Google'd a bit more, and found advice telling me to download DivX Player, which should open/play avi files - so, I d/w'd it.... but alas, the files wouldn't play audio or video, it didn't seem to show up.
I've looked on the info when it's opened on VLC, and it describes the streams (not sure what these are) as having both mpga and mpgv codecs.... so do I need to download a program that can open these files? Is there a codec program I need still?
My friend is having this little problem with Quicktime. Every time he plays a movie (not in fullscreen) and make the window bigger, it starts to shrink until its the smallest it can go. This doesn't happen in fullscreen, does anyone know what the problem is?
I work for a law firm and we received a CD which contains a .mov file. When we try to play it in Quick Time, it plays the audio, but NO video. We are trying to play it is Quick Time (version 7.7.1) on a Windows XP Pro PC. When Quick Time first opened, it gave a message saying "Additional software is required for QuickTime to playback this media. It may be available from the Quick Time Components page." I clicked Continue and it took me to the Components page, but it lists like 10 different components and I have no idea what we need. Is it a CODEC? I have tried converting it to a different format usinig two different softwares and have gotten errors.