Applications :: Playing VOB Files On Mac Mini

Jan 6, 2010

I just purchased a Mac Mini and was hoping to play VOB files (which I ripped on a Linux machine, not the Mac Mini) with the native DVD Player application. However, when I try to open the files, which have names like title1.vob, title2.vob, etc, the names are grey-ed out in the file selector window. I can't select those files, and therefore I can't play them. Am I doing something wrong? Can I play VOB files with DVD Player? If not, is there another way to play VOB files on a Mac Mini? I have an LCD TV connected to the mini-DVD port on the Mac Mini, and I'd like to be able to play the files to the TV screen, and also, use the Mac Remote to control Fast Forward, Rewind, File Select, etc.

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Mac Mini :: Playing 720p MKV Files At 1080p Resolution?

Nov 19, 2010

I have a bunch of 720p MKV files. I have my mini connected with HDMI to my 54" Panasonic 1080p. I set the resolution on the mini to 1080 and I play my MKV files...

When I set my resolution on my computer to 720p the movie takes up almost the full screen before i select full screen mode. When I set the computer resolution to 1080p and play the 720p media the movie screen only takes up about 3/4 of the screen until i set to full screen mode.

Do I lose any quality or get extra quality having my mini res at 1080p but playing 720p media?

Is the NVIDIA geforce capable of upscaling 720p to 1080?

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Applications :: Changing M4a To Mp3 Files / Program For Playing M4a Files?

Nov 26, 2006

does anyone know of a program I can use to change .m4a files (what itunes rips cd's into) into .mp3? I'm trying out a different music playing program, but it doesn't support .m4a's, which is what most of my music is...

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Applications :: Playing WMV Files / Can't Get Files To Work?

Sep 30, 2009

A couple of months ago, I was sent some WMV files that I need to watch. I installed Flip4mac and the files would play sound but no video. I have since upgraded to snow leopard and now it won't even play the sound. It shows me a status bar telling me that it is processing the file and then I get an error message telling me "additional software may be required to play this file" Anyone know how can I get these files to work?

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Applications :: How To Add Files To Itunes Without Playing Them?

Oct 20, 2009

every time I drop and drag files they auto play once completed how to disable that?

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Applications :: QuickTime X Not Playing .mov Files?

Jan 26, 2010

I attempted to view a movie trailer off [URL] something which I often do with QuickTime X, but it didn't work. 3 or 4 error messages popped up. I have perian and flip4mac installed, but I've always had those installed.

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Applications :: WMV Files Only Playing Half Of The Movie In Quicktime?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a .wmv file and when I try to open it in quicktime it only plays half of it, but when I attempt to convert it to a different format like .avi, the quality gets reduced but it will play the entire thing.

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Mac Mini :: Playing "raw" BD Rips On A 2009 Mini (2.0GHz)

Nov 7, 2010

I've been given the Blu-ray set of season 1 of the classic 70s sci-fi series Space:1999, but I don't have a BD player. What I am thinking about doing is buying an external BD drive for my Mac mini HTPC, ripping the episodes with MakeMKV and playing them in Plex.

I want to maximise the quality so I don't want to recompress the video in any way. At the risk of asking a really dumb question, will I get reliable playback from a truly "raw" 1080p24 BD rip played off a Firewire 400 drive, or will the data rate be too high?

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Applications :: Uncompressing 7z Files On G4 Mac Mini

Sep 11, 2010

I am looking for a program that will uncompress .7z files and will work on a G4 Man Mini running OS 10.4.11. All of the programs I have found so far only work on Intel Macs. I have tried the latest version of Stuffit Expander (14.0.1) for PPC/Intel Macs, but expanding a 7z file only creates a new zipped file.

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Hardware :: Playing Video On The New Mac Mini?

Mar 4, 2009

I recently have gotten into video, such as downloading .mkv files from Vuze, and .mov and .avi files from various other places. Now that I will be purchasing a Mac mini I hope to watch movies from the iTunes Store. One of the things I hated about my Power Mac G4 500 is that it's slow processor could only play about 45 percent of the videos I had. The rest of the videos I tried either the audio and video would either out of sync, just sputter along, or refuse to play at all. Will the 2.0Ghz processor of the new Mac minis be sufficient for video, or do I need to go with the 2.26 Ghz processor offered in the "build-to-order" option?

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Mac Mini :: Apple TV When Playing Movies?

Nov 7, 2008

I always read posts of people who ask whether to get an Apple TV or Mac Mini to use as an entertainment hub. I just got a 2 ghz C2D Mini for free. I was excited because now I can put it in my closet and have it on at all times to stream to my Apple TV (Currently stream from iMac). But then I thought about it, what if I just plug the Mac Mini into the TV directly and play my content directly through it? 1. Apple TV has been great, silent, I don't hear any fans, and plays iTunes bought HD content without any problem. Can the Mac Mini handle this in the same way, and as silently? I plan on using a DVI to HDMI cable. 2. If I do use the Mac Mini, I also plan on getting rid of my DVD player, which is also silent when it plays DVDs. How quiet is the Mac Mini when it plays DVD movies? I don't need it to be silent, but I just don't want to hear it when I'm watching a movie. (I know I can try this myself, but I still haven't gotten the required cables and peripherals to try it now) 3. Based on all of the suggestions people here make when comparing Apple TV to Mac Mini is that the Apple TV is half the price. In my case, I was fortunate to have a Mac Mini land in my hands for free and I plan on either using it as a media streaming hub or plug it directly to replace the Apple TV. In this case, since money isn't an issue, which is a better option?

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Mac Mini :: Only One Speaker Works When Playing Music

Apr 4, 2012

Only one speaker works when playing music. Is this normal?

Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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Mac Mini :: Playing Only Through Internal Speakers, Regardless Of Settings

Jun 2, 2012

Regardless of the settings, I can only get my Mini to play through its internal speaker. For the past several months I've had it hooked up to a PeachTreee Decco2 through the optical port, and it worked fine. 

Today I tried to play some music, and found that the Mini wasn't recognizing the optical port anymore. So after a couple of hours of futzing around with it (including updating Lion and repairing permissions) it still no longer recognizes the optical output. 

I know that nobody has made any changes to the Mini, because it isn't attached to any input devices. I control it over my wireless network using the Apple Screen Sharing app. 

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Mac Mini :: Playing World Of Warcraft, With 1680x1050 Monitors?

Aug 15, 2010

So is the 320m capable of pushing that high of a resolution in game with highest settings (Minus AA and AF, both of which would be near lowest, shadows would also be on medium-medium high)? I ask because, before I buy one, I want to make sure I know what I'm getting. I know the 320m isn't a gaming card by any means but I'd love to crank up the settings on WoW. I also wonder if it will still be able to push near max settings (in the case that it already does) when Cataclysm comes out.

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ITunes :: Keeping Mac Mini From Sleeping While Playing On AppleTV

Mar 25, 2012

Ever since I reformatted my Mac a few weeks ago, I've had some interesting new problems. I've been told for some of them that it is because before my reformat, my Mac was updated from Snow Leopard, and carried over some stuff into Lion. 

This problem involves iTunes 10.6 and streaming to a second-generation Apple TV. (The 720p version, but running iOS 5 that came out with the new 1080p Apple TV) The problem involves my Mac going to sleep. I can fix the problem, but it works differently than it used to: Before, my Mac went to sleep after three hours of inactivity; if my iTunes library was being accessed by my AppleTV, iPhone, or iPad using Home Sharing, it would never sleep as long as it was being accessed remotely. Now, however, it will still sleep if it is being accessed, which causes problems since my Mac is on the other end of the house from the Apple TV, and I often run it for more than three hours when listening to music as ambiance or watching a television/movie marathon from my iTunes Library. 

I can set my Mac to never sleep, but I would prefer it would still sleep after the three hours -- assuming it wouldn't sleep while accessing it from Home Sharing.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mac mini 2010 with OS X Lion

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Mac Mini :: Widescreen Games - Getting 4:3 Display When Playing Full Screen

Aug 4, 2010

I am trying to play a couple of games on my mac mini 2010 and when they play full screen I only get 4:3 display and I cant get it to stretch to widescreen. I have tried all resolutions but the game still goes to 4:3 when I select fullscreen. I have my Mini connected to a 40" tv via HDMI.

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Mac Pro :: Playing Mkv Files?

Dec 25, 2008

got dual core 2.8, 10gb memory and 8800

Trying to play a .mkv 1080p file with vlc, quicktime using perian and mplayer

all fail at doing a good job. vlc does the best job but drops frames, so annoying.

I didn't have this problem a few weeks ago before i reinstalled osx.

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OS X :: Playing Wmv.001, Wmv.002 Files?

Dec 14, 2009

When trying to learn how to play these files, a google search led me to another thread on this forum written by someone with the same problem. Another user suggest MacHacha as a decompression tool. I tried this, and it appears to have successfully decompressed the files into a basic .wmv file, however I am still unable to play the file.

When I try to open it, quicktime says it is not a movie file. I installed the newest version of flip4mac, and still get the same result. VLCPlayer and RealPlayer also give me similar notifications.

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IMac :: .avi Files Not Playing?

Sep 15, 2010

I have an iMac, 3.06gig, 27". I recently purchased a Toshiba Camileo s20 camcorder. It records movies in the .avi format. When I transfer them to my iMac, they don't play, using Quicktime and RealPlayer, both of which should play .avi format. Can anyone tell me what Im doing wrong?

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OS X :: Playing Mkv Files On Realplayer?

May 16, 2006

I notice that MKV files are getting more and more popular around us.

But it looks that these files are not supported very well on MAC.

Maybe it's because many MKV files use ReadVideo9 as video codec, which is not popular in MAC world.

As far as I know, the only software to decode Real Media File is RealPlayer, and RealPlayer do not support MKV files. So ...!!

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OS X :: Playing And Converting .ra Files?

Jan 4, 2010

I've got some .ra files which I can't get to play. RealPlayer no longer supports .ra files, and while there are a few threads saying to use MPlayerOSX, that doesn't recognise them either.

The files are available online at the Lost Cosmonauts website. I've no reason to believe the files provided are corrupt or broken in any way.

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OS X :: Playing AVI Files On Snow Leopard?

Oct 6, 2010

I am running Snow Leopard on both an iMac and a MacBook Pro. On the MBP I can play an AVI file. On the iMac, I cannot. I get an error saying "The document could not be opened. The movie is not in a format that QuickTime Player understands."

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ITunes :: Lag When Playing Audio Files From NAS?

Mar 12, 2012

Setup : Itunes 9.0.2 on a Macbook 5,2 running OSX.5.8. Audio Files on NAS (brought there using "consolidate library" in itunes), libraries still on main drive. I created a NAS account with the same ID as my admin one, and connect to it with a script executed on startup. I can do exactly the same things as when audio files were on my drive. The only problem is lag, when I play next track, edit metadata,...I checked wifi, ethernet, different cables,... didn't change a thing.Moreover, I can browse through all my tracks with VLC without lag. Last evening I ran idefrag for a totally different purpose and found 'itunes music library.xml" was fragmented (≈20 MB in 7 parts), "Itunes Library" too.

Here's the thing :When I defragment these two files at startup, and then launch iTunes, the lag issue disappears.When I quit iTunes, the library files are saved but written in parts again, and the lag comes back.Finally, if I defragment the files between a quit and a start, they must be edited again because they're split up again and the lag is still there.Since I didn't add new songs, itunes must be saving stuff like playing counts, which is useless to me. Make the library read-only? 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), NAS itunes9 lag fragmentation

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ITunes :: Video Files Not Playing?

Apr 4, 2012

In iTunes on OS Lion on an iMac, I started getting an error message that the "video needs QuickTIme and it is no longer supported by iTunes." What gives? The files are m4v and won't play even 5 minutes after I download them. 

If I download them to my MacBook then access them through the shared media, they will play and become part of the library on the iMac. Seems like a lot of bother just to watch a video.  

Anyone have a clue about what's going on?

iMac, Lion OS 10.7.3

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QuickTime :: PLaying .Mov Files On Website

Apr 11, 2012

Just trying to get an aswer about playing my .mov files.I have the new Ipad and I have been recording videos.I'm looking to get these videos online on my website.What is the best way to put this on my website so there is a video player and all.Right now I just added the videos online but there are no play, pause and rewind options and its just 1 big page of video.

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My QuickTime Player Us Not Playing .avi Files

Jun 15, 2012

My QuickTime player us not playing .avi files and says I need a codec I can't play no .avi files on QuickTime. How could I fix this because I want to play these files with QuickTime.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7.

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MacBook Pro :: VLC Suddenly Stopped Playing MKV Files?

Oct 28, 2010

Out of the clear blue sky, VLC just stopped playing MKV files. I was watching a .MKV file just 15 minutes prior. I'll click on a MKV file and it'll just hang... or I'll open up VLC and open the .MKV file from there and it'll hang. Have the most recent version.

I went to preferences and changed the preload so it wouldn't load all the videos in the directory and it still doesn't work.

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MacBook Pro :: Playing MKV Files - Loud Fan Noise

Nov 1, 2009

I have a MacBook Pro 2009 with a 500GB drive (WDigital, I replaced the 160GB). I was using Perian to play mkv movies, and yesterday I downloaded Plex to try it out. But in both every time I play a Mkv file the fans start spinning, I think it's the fans or maybe the hard drive. But it's quite a loud whoosh all throughout the movie. Is this normal or playing a mkv file shouldn't make any noise at all? Should it use a lot of CPU? I'm using Leopard latest version.

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OS X :: Playing Music Via USB Connection (Invisible Files)

Feb 18, 2010

So my new car has a usb connection to play music from (which is awesome!!). However, when I plug my usb into the car's usb connection and try to play music, it works, but every other track is "unavailable". However , there is no "track" there..i.e. if my music folder copied from mac os x 10.5 has 12 songs, the car reads 24 files and file 1 will play song 1, file 2 will be unavailable, file 3 will play song 2 from music folder. My assumption is that Mac OSX is adding in some kind of invisible file or something, but I'm not sure what's going on.

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QuickTime :: Playlists Or Playing Multiple Files?

May 15, 2012

I shoot HD videos on my Nikon P100 and play them from QuickTime on my Win7 machine.  I'd like to be able to play multiple files one after another, but it seems Apple does not allow this.  For instance, if I click multiple files and then click Open, it brings up two copies of QuickTime.  It seems it can't figure out that I'd like a single QT window that would know to play the first file then the second file.  Is there a way to achieve this behavior in QuickTime for Windows?

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