My QuickTime player us not playing .avi files and says I need a codec I can't play no .avi files on QuickTime. How could I fix this because I want to play these files with QuickTime.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7.
I've used to play .sdp files on Quicktime Player 10.0 on Snow Leopard.
After I've updated to Lion, Quictime Player got updated to 10.1 and it no longer recognizes .sdp files. It gives an error message with "Quicktime Player cannot open files in the " 1.0 Presentation" format."Â
The same sdp file plays well on Windows version of QuickTime Player, and if I boot to Snow Leopard, it works on QT Player 10.0. Is there a way to fix this problem and let the QuickTime Player recognize the .sdp files again?Â
have in the past few weeks uprgraded from tiger to leopard.Everything has been ok but i think i might have deleted some vital part of Quicktime player when i tried to clean up.I only realised this when i decided to get Quicktime player pro which i have paid for and have the key..I have tried to download quicktime from apple support website and just about any other website for that matter but zero.zilch.Installer takes me through the process but i get no player.
I have tried to remove all components of quicktime but to no avail.the download intalls but goes nowhere.Have tried to maybe 'jumpstart' it by double clicking quicktime time movies but there is just nothing going on.
Model Name:PowerBook G4 15" Model Identifier:PowerBook5,8 Processor Name:PowerPC G4 (1.5) Processor Speed:1.67 GHz Number Of CPUs:1 L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB Memory:2 GB Bus Speed:167 MHz Boot ROM Version:4.9.5f3
Digital movies play just fine on my camera, a NIkon Coolpix but once I import them to either quicktime or windows media player they do not play smoothly. Any ideas why or what I can do to correct this?
Info: quicktime or windows media player , Windows XP, camera digital films won't play
I have had this problem quite a while now:When I open an .avi file it automatically opens using QuickTime. I'd like that because it's the best player for Apple.The problem is however that I can only hear the sound, there's no image/video.I use 10.7.2. (now updating to 10.7.3), but it already did this before I had OSX Lion installed.If I search for new updates it doesn't come up with an update for QuickTime.Any other player works (although VLC's the only one I tried so far).
I've got 2 iMacs running 10.5.6. I've created a DVD on a Sony RDR-VXD655 digital DVD/VHS recorder/player.
DVDs created on the Sony will play on one iMac and not the other. On the one it won't play on the recorded DVD shows up as a blank DVD. The problem iMac plays commercial DVDs just fine. I've tried to see what video utilities I have on the iMac that works and transfer them to the one that doesn't, but no luck. The only thing I haven't installed is Final Cut Express.
I attempted to view a movie trailer off [URL] something which I often do with QuickTime X, but it didn't work. 3 or 4 error messages popped up. I have perian and flip4mac installed, but I've always had those installed.
I tried playing a video through Quicktime but there was no audio and the program said it needed a codec. Quicktime suggested that I download another progran (DivX player). I downloaded DivX but then the video still does not have any audio output. What will I do?
itunes will not play mp3 files that quicktime plays. I've dumped the files into itunes and added them via add to library. Opening with quick time the files play fine.Â
Just trying to get an aswer about playing my .mov files.I have the new Ipad and I have been recording videos.I'm looking to get these videos online on my website.What is the best way to put this on my website so there is a video player and all.Right now I just added the videos online but there are no play, pause and rewind options and its just 1 big page of video.
i have a macbook pro with snow leaopard, and this just started. I can hear everything, and can control, but can't see anything on the screen, it's all black. how do i fix this issue?
Part of my iBook says there is an initialization error when I open up the DVD program, and the other part of it says I have have no drive at all. But I have tried everything that I was told to do. Basically I have a problem with my white iBook Laptop, a G3-4 800 mhz, which runs on OSX-10.14.11, and has 384 sd-ram
It has a DVD application program, but opening it just gives an initialization error. The date on the App is something from earlier this year, so it's not that old. It has the corporate "DVD" player logo. (but it won't open) If I drop down the Apple menu at the top corner, "About this Mac" I see the list, and if I select Burners, it says No Burner Found. If I look for CD or Audio devices, there is nothing like that on the list but i can find the cd drive under ATA drives (it has the HD listed, and then a CD drive). When I open Disk Utility to find out about 'repairing disk permissions' all I see on the left side of the screen are 2 drives: the hard drive and a CD drive (LG Model 8245B), and I cannot select 'repair permissions' or 'verify' because they are in light grey (un-selectable). If I click on 'First Aid" bacically nothing happens. It's sort of like "nothing's broken, nothing to fix."
So I went on to reset the PRAM, as this was the last suggestion someone gave me.
Some interesting things: The thing plays CD's. It detects a CD drive, like I said. There is no CD/Audio player Application, anywhere (i was looking to see if it was read/write). There is also, buried somewhere, an older Apple DVD application, for an Apple DVD player. It wants to run on OS-9. So I open OS-9, and after OS9 has opened, it tells me that OS-9 doesn't support it.
The DVD application I mentioned earlier (it's about 28 MB) is newer, and runs on OS-X 10.14. (So.. yes, this was an OS-9 computer which got upgraded to OS 10.4.11)
Lastly, it came from a brother in law who is a filmmaker, and I know that he used it for DVD's. I was told i could also burn with it.(it doesn't burn cd's right now) He re-set some names and passwords when he gave it to me; from what I can see, all the 'permissions' are ok, and set to my name. I have his passwords in case I need them.
If the computer has forgotten that it has a DVD drive, then I can't run OS 10 (which is a dvd), if it were to crash. This worries me, since I had to do this with my old Pismo only 2 months after buying it (at least it had a dvd drive!) I lifted the keyboard to see if there was a label on the cd-dvd player. Nothing. I can't pull it out (like I could in my old Pismo) to examine the underside. How does it come out? (it's a tray-loader)
Before I start trying to remove the drive, just to see what it says...
Is there any program on the iBook which will actually detect, and tell me what hardware I have? I think that the computer still thinks it has the old cd drive in it, even though it was obviously upgraded to a dvd drive. If I could find out the brand I could maybe download some software driver for it..?
(i am sort of afraid to go poking around the system files if I know that I cannot use the OS- 10 startup disk when it crashes (since it is a dvd)...
So is it beginning to sound like there WAS a dvd drive in there first, which burned out, and was replaced by a cheaper LG (that's Dell) CD-R drive
As many know, burning a dvd on a mac and playing it back on a dvd player dosen't work. You have to convert it to a different codec. My question is, what methods and apps do others here use to do so. I have several conversion tools and a Phillips dvd player.
My friend is having this little problem with Quicktime. Every time he plays a movie (not in fullscreen) and make the window bigger, it starts to shrink until its the smallest it can go. This doesn't happen in fullscreen, does anyone know what the problem is?
I work for a law firm and we received a CD which contains a .mov file. When we try to play it in Quick Time, it plays the audio, but NO video. We are trying to play it is Quick Time (version 7.7.1) on a Windows XP Pro PC. When Quick Time first opened, it gave a message saying "Additional software is required for QuickTime to playback this media. It may be available from the Quick Time Components page." I clicked Continue and it took me to the Components page, but it lists like 10 different components and I have no idea what we need. Is it a CODEC? I have tried converting it to a different format usinig two different softwares and have gotten errors.
I shoot HD videos on my Nikon P100 and play them from QuickTime on my Win7 machine. I'd like to be able to play multiple files one after another, but it seems Apple does not allow this. For instance, if I click multiple files and then click Open, it brings up two copies of QuickTime. It seems it can't figure out that I'd like a single QT window that would know to play the first file then the second file. Is there a way to achieve this behavior in QuickTime for Windows?
only one problem that I have is a fact that there are no decent players to watch HD movies.
VLC player supports mkv's, but it still cannot handle videos using multi-processing. So you can clearly see some stuttering and the mkv's even in 720p play not so well.
QuickTime Player with Perian codecs is also not best and is very slow.
I'm about to pull the trigger on a Mac Mini and make the switch to OSX. However, there is a TV subscription that I use that plays the channels through windows media player. I tried watching them on my sister's Macbook but it didn't work - Quicktime replaced the WMP box and said that there was an unknown source or something.
I've burned a movie to DVD, which plays on my Mac, but not on a Philips DVD player which is connected to my TV. How can I write movies to DVD which WILL play on a DVD player?