I use a Voip application called Sipgate, and when I open Sipgate there is a Menubar icon and an icon in the dock. I would like to have this app open all the time but not show up in the dock, only in my menubar.
About a week ago I noticed that my open application icons weren't showing up in the dock. The only icons that will are the ones permanently docked there. I don't recall any software installations or setting changes I made, but its very possible I unknowingly changed something.
I am new to the Mac OS world as i only got a mac one week ago. I'm learning lots of new stuff everyday but can't seem to figure out how to make my applications show up at the Guest Account Dock or even at the Applications folder for that matter.
I got Microsoft Office for Mac and it works fine and all on my User account (admin) but i cant make it show up at the applications folder or at the dock so when someone borrows my laptop for some office editing they have to be logged on my account.
Is there a way to customize the applications that show up on Guest Accounts? Ps: Love my macbook air. It makes me never want to touch another PC laptop again.
I've seen a video on youtube awhile back about opening all the dock apps at once. But now I'm having trouble finding it. Does anyone know how to open them all at once?
Is there a way to have a program open at login (I know, I know, select "open at login") but then NOT appear in the dock when it's open? I'd like to have my Garmin software always open but hate the cluttered space of having it open. I can always close it with Cmd+tab. I'm running Leopard 10.5.6.
Is there a good app launcher that stays entirely in the top right system bar area, and does not need to be open in the dock to work? I'm very finicky about what's in my dock, and don't like having background utilities showing up in it.
I bought a macbook Pro 17" this August. This afternoon I found I can't open the applications in the dock. When I click an application icon, it doesn't start up, but instead the Application Window with a list of all my applications jumped out. But if I click the application icon in the Application Window, it will start up.
I am willing to start up the applications directly from the dock. Could anybody help me on it?
Another problem with my laptop is, everytime I left click a link in Safari, the link will open in a new tab of the same window. This problem came the same time as the last one.
Recently, software update stopped responding after I hit the "Install" button, so I had to force quit. Now, none of my applications will open- they just bounce in the dock for a while and stay there, without the dot appearing- including disk utility and system preferences (I thought it might be a repair permissions problem after poking around forums). I do not have install discs with me and plan on going to the apple store tomorrow.
Finder still works, and I emptied the trash, but now clicking on the trash gives me the message that it "cannot be opened while trash is being emptied," which leads me to believe something is frozen. So, my question is: it is safe to turn off or try restarting the computer? Last time I had a problem similar to this and restarted, I got the flashing folder icon that signaled my hard drive was dead, so I am worried about letting it go to sleep or shutting down.
I've poured over these boards in hopes to finding a solution as to why my dashboard won't open. It literally stopped working mid day, one day when I went to return to get a number off of my sticky note in my dashboard. I have tried posting the different lists from my preferences page, however, am unable to get the docments to actually drag to my desktop. I'm not sure if there are any other solutions, but was hoping to find a quick fix as opposed to traveling 2 hours to the nearest genius bar. Any help would be awesome!!
Can't open mail account even though it's still in the dock and in the applications. Also finder went missing from the top left menu. Do I have a virus?
I have an iBookG4 with Leopard. This morning I may have had too many applications going at once--camera applications plus listening to a talk using RealPlayer. Suddenly everything froze, but I got it all going again. However, now the little balls that appear under an application icon to show that the app. is open are missing. Also, when I click the icon, e.g., for Firefox which I'm using right now, the pop-up menu gives me the option to "Open" it, when, obviously, it's already open. There is no "Close" option in the menu anymore. I AM able to quit applications by clicking their name in the menu bar at the top of the screen. But I'm disturbed that this weirdness has happened. Things I've tried already, without effect:
1. Restarted computer. The computer won't shut down. Everything on my desktop disappears except for the wallpaper and the Dock.
2. Shut down computer (chose "Shut Down" as opposed to "Restart"). Same as #1. Won't shut down.
3. "Force Quit"--clicking on the Apple icon > Force Quit > clicking on the name of the application in the little window. Note: I haven't used Word this morning, but Apple icon > Force Quit > [little window] brought up a whole list of applications I haven't used, inc. Word.
I have an iBook G4 that's running Tiger 10.4.11 and the most recent version of Safari and just recently when I try to open up some web pages I get the error message "Safari can't open the page "http://whateverthewebaddressis" because it can't find the server". It will open some pages, some of the time and then a few minutes later if I try to open it again it will give me the error message. It is not a problem with my internet, as I also have a new iMac running leopard and Safari has never had a problem opening the same pages at the same time.
i just downloaded candybar. after changing some of my dock icons, i decided i didn't like them. so in candybar i clicked "reset dock", which apparently was supposed to reset my dock icons back to normal. now my dock is just missing. i have googled and looked throughout this forum and have tried everything everyone has suggested. i do not have a back up of my mac os x on time machine, so that won't work either. it isn't hiding, it's just NOT there! any help would be greatly appreciated. if nothing works, do you suggest going to the apple store i bought
Anyone know if there is a way to put a show desktop item on the dock. I'm really lost without it, I hate having to minimize like 5 windows just to get to the desktop
I like to autohide the dock but it reappears too slowly, is it possible to start the reappear effect before I touch the edge of the screen, say 1 inch in advance. Or just have the animation be faster?
I like to automatically hide the dock, because it gives me more space on the screen. Sadly, I can't see mail and Adium notifications when the dock is hidden.
Is there a way to only hide the menu bar, but keep the dock unhidden? I tried Menu Magic, but it hides both. Menu Eclipse can a put a black bar on top of it, but you can't maximize windows to fill up the space it takes up.
Basically I want a "Turn Hiding On" feature for the menu bar.
When I turned on my computer, all the icons on the dock didn't show up. I know that they are there because when I put my mouse over it, the name shows up. They also work perfectly fine when i click on them, just the icon itself isn't showing up. How do I get them to show up?
I open iTunes and it shows the blue dot under the itunes icon in the dock which mean its open. I see the top bar with itunes on it but my main window i can not see. I have checked everything. And also when i do Expose to see all my windows i see itunes main windows that i need. When I click on it it doesnt show that window. How can i get it were i can see it?
I just purchased a MBP (prev gen) about a week ago, and I've been noticing something weird in the dock. This usually happens a few minutes after I boot the computer from being completely off, but what seems like an Application quickly shows in my dock and then disappears. It happens in a split second and there's not enough time to see what it is. It just opens and closes. I haven't installed much on this MBP, just Office, Firefox, Visualhub, Mactracker and perian and flip4mac. I have all these Applications installed on my iMac and I have never seen this happen before.
i saw on a video of some guys dock. and instead of the stock blue light under the applications that are open, he had an actual blue glowing circle under it....looked really cool. anyone know where or how i can customize this feature on the dock?
I found my dock is gone. When I moved my pointer over the edge of screen where the dock was, the dock does not show up. I went to the Dock preference, it seems that the option "Automatically hidd and show the Dock" is chosen. I turned it off. It shows no difference. And I went to the Dock preference again, the Option is still chosen. And the Mac->Dock-> Turn Hiding Off is not functional. And also the hot key combination. Now I have to went to the lunchpad to see my dock and all my applications. It is really annoying.
You can assign the application in the dock to a desktop. But can you hide the application in the dock in the desktop where it is not assigned? That is, the dock in each desktop should show only the app icons that are assigned to that desktop. Possible? Within OS X or via an app?
I've been trying to change my docks theme for the past few days but have been unable. I've used Candybar, Dock Library etc. and none of them seem to work. I'm really annoyed because it used to work for me. Any suggestions on how I can remedy this problem?