Applications :: Final Draft 7 Arbitrarily Adding Pages
Feb 15, 2010
I have a new Macbook Pro where I have installed FD7 (upgraded). I worked on a 105 page script on Friday, adding a few lines which increased the page count to 106. I saved it. Printed it. And Closed it. Sunday, I re-open the same file only to discover now FD7 has clocked the pages at 108. It appears that on page 10 FD7 'pushed' forward the last four lines onto the next page. Then, throughout the entire script - every so often - it would 'push' more lines into the forward page amounting to an increase in 2 pages. FD7 is glitchy, I know, often times when working in a script where I cut three pages, the total page count didn't change for a while after making the change. I did not mess with the 'tight' feature, nor were there any changes other than shortening one line. I even converted it to a pdf and emailed it to several people... now it's two pages longer, not a good thing. Or has this happened to anyone -- PC or Mac?
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Mar 5, 2009
I didn't realize final draft had autosave disabled by default. Long story short, the program crashed, my work along with it. I didn't save the work. It was not auto saved. Would like to recover the work if possible.
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Oct 18, 2009
I've overall read better things about Dramatica, but a book I got in class keeps hyping up Final Draft...
With student discount, I can get both for less than the price of one, but still... would rather pay for one.
If you're a user, which one did you prefer?
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Mar 30, 2009
i've been editing a movie and in the viewer i set my in and out points and drag it down to the timeline. when i do this, final cut is adding about 10-15 frames to the end of where i set my out point. does anyone know why this is happenng and how to turn it off?
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May 17, 2009
I have a bunch of Scriptware files but no longer have Scriptware. How can I get those files into Final Draft?
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May 9, 2008
I hate to beat an old drum but has anyone found out how to prevent Mac Office 2008 from jumping between spaces in leopard.
I will be using it on one space and switch to the next space then another space and bam it has moved for seemingly no reason. Now I have to go to the zoomed back view of all my spaces and drag the app back to where it was.
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Mar 11, 2012
I installed Lion and now I can no longer use Word and Final Draft? I had no idea these things would "no longer be supported". I read up on the upgrade and saw nothing on this. I didn't back up recently..
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 18, 2009
This may be a ridiculously stupid question, but for the life of me I can't figure out whats wrong!
I'm trying to add a header and footer to my pages document, however I am not able to no matter how hard I try.
I have tried to create a section and make that the footer, and read almost every related article in the help menu.
Also - when I try to insert a section, the selection in the insert menu is grayed out.
I'm not sure if this will help, but my document has no text and is just tables where I need a header and footer for the 11 pages.
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Aug 19, 2010
Is it possible to have custom numbered bullets? I'm doing something with a very specific formatting and it needs to have a "3 HEADING" formatting but Pages doesn't seem to offer the number without the dot ("3. HEADING"). Is it possible to do a custom numbering scheme somehow?
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Aug 6, 2006
I need a new laptop and I've decided to make the move from PC to Mac. I think the thing that's bothered me most about the dell laptop I've been using for the past 4 years is that it's quite heavy (I think somwhere around 8 pounds) and bulky.
I fell in love with the powerbook 12", but held off in part for financial reasons, and in part because I was hoping there would be a 12" macbook pro.
I hear great things about the macbook, but trying it out in the store, it seems to be just as big as my Dell and almost as heavy (well, at least quite a bit heavier than what I remember the 12" feeling like).
at $1199, apple is offering a refurbished powerbook which seems to offer as much if not more than the macbook
I'm a comic book writer that travels quite a lot, so here's what I'd like:
To be able to use MS Word and Final draft
To be able to use photoshop (really just to open photoshop files, not to do much to the artwork itself)
To have something very light to travel with, but still big enough to do a significant amount of work on without straining my eyes or feeling like the keyboard is cramped
and I guess possibly to play games, notably civ iv, although it seems neither the powerbook or the macbook is good for that (the powerbook at least has a dedicated videocard)
it's mostly the size thing that's causing the hangup...I think the macbook is just big enough to be a problem on planes, not fitting on the fold out tray.
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Jun 28, 2012
I unintentionally locked a file in Pages so now when I try to add additional information to that file and try to save it I get the message that I can't alter that file by adding additional information. How do I unlock a Pages file that has been locked?
MacBook Pro, 10.5.8
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Jun 24, 2014
How to batch add an intro, ending, and watermark to multiple videos and be able to export multiple videos using FCPX?
I can do this in Premiere Pro, but I have switched to Apple for almost everything since 2000 and hate to go back to (ack, spit, cough) anything else.
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Feb 18, 2009
I am using Apple Mail, and ive just compiled an email containing a lot of text and some photos, Then I saved it as a Draft , when I try to open the Draft I get these messages . All my other drafts open OK , Is there any way to retrieve this email draft ..? Thanks
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Jan 27, 2010
If I create an email that is saved as a draft while I'm still writing the email, when it finally sends Mail doesn't delete the email from the drafts folder.
I only use MobileMe in Mail, so I'm not sure if this is a problem with MobileMe or with Mail. It happens periodically on both my MacBook and iMac.
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Sep 17, 2008
When copying a table from say a webpage or even a RTF file, Pages does not retain its table formatting. Instead it separates the rows and columns and puts them on separate lines.
See it for yourself, try copying one of the tables on this page into Pages [URL]
The only way I can get the table into Pages is to paste into NeoOffice (which retains the correct formating), save the file with the .doc extension then open in Pages.
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Mar 24, 2010
I need to open a few Pages files but I don't have Pages installed on this computer. I understand you can convert Pages files to .doc or .pdf within the application, but unfortunately I won't have access to the computer with the program installed for a while.
Is there some sort of (free) converter that can convert .pages files to .doc or .pdf or even .rtf?
Or even better, a document creator/viewer than can open .pages files?
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Mar 31, 2010
I'm wondering if there's a way to eliminate the visual break in-between pages in Pages '09 (see screenshot). I'd prefer maybe a subtle dotted line indicating a different page, not a 5-inch gap.
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May 12, 2010
I'm trying to create pages that have all black backgrounds. I've been doing this by using the Shapes tool, choosing a rectangle, filling in the entire white space for the page, which is 8x11, and then filling in with black.
The problem is that when I do this, Pages seems to think that I want this page and the following page to be connected, in some way. When I look at the two pages in the thumnail view, the yellow outline is around both pages, rather than each individually.
Anybody know how to keep this from happening. Or the right way to create full black backgrounds for pages in Pages?
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May 19, 2005
I know that you can show facing pages using View>inspector>documents. But, this does not place the pages side by side, Is there any way that say page 1 and page 2 can be shown and worked on side by side so you do not have to scroll up and down to view them?
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Feb 13, 2010
I have just got a new mac and I was playing around with it when I found that on the keyboard settings you can create keyboard shortcuts to applications. So I clicked add and it gave me a list of apps to choose from - the one I chose was Safari. It then says enter the menu title (no idea what that is) so I just called it Safari. Then I chose the keyboard command - command S. When I clicked off it and tried it nothing happened.
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Sep 12, 2010
When I rip a TV Series off a DVD then add the episodes to iTunes they go into the Movies section, is there a way I can add them to the TV show section?
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Jan 1, 2008
I'd like to be able to have more than one song per slideshow. Is that possible in iPhoto 06? What about 08?
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Mar 25, 2009
what best app is there that auto downloads ID tag information to my music lybrary? i have tried SongGenie wery good app but laks information about what year, album nr, and genre.
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Jun 5, 2009
I have a video of a seminar presentation that I would like to add the powerpoint slides to so they are more easily seen.
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Dec 15, 2009
I have a MacBook Pro with Leopard and the latest iTunes.
For some weird reason iTunes starts to add every file twice. And I don't mean that it just keep the original, it actually adds the file two times in the iTunes Music folder.
I just added 300 Beatles Songs but now it added every single song twice...I have 600 songs now. This happened now and then before and its REALLY annoying. Especially when I need to delete every single file manually. The show duplicates just shows both files but I still need to highlight every 2nd file and then delete it.
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Dec 19, 2009
I have a strange one here. When I am using my Apple Mail program, It goes out ok, but still appears in my draft box. Not every mail does it , however a lot them do. How do I know they are going out? I am talking to the person I am sending something to, and they said they got it fine. But I look in my drafts box and there it sits. Right now I have 3 in there that I sent today. This is happening with my .mac account. Any ideas before I call Apple Support?
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Oct 20, 2010
I am attempting to modify the given template CHECKING ACCOUNT REGISTER in Numbers. I have figured everything out except how to modify the "Category" column where a drop-down menu is given for several recurring items (Home/Gas/Food/etc.) that are to be entered in that column. I would like to find how to create such a column or to be able to modify the one provided in the template. The TRANSACTIONS table is linked to the ACCOUNT CATEGORIES table which is linked to the CHART. That is intact and working as it should, but I have been unable to alter the column CATEGORY so that the drop down items will be ones that I want to use. Having the drop-down menu insures proper itemization in the linked ACCOUNT CATEGORIES table where typos are avoided as a result. The PDF manual was of little help (to me anyway) in addressing this seemingly simple alteration.
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Apr 11, 2006
I have to type a short paper for my spanish class (in Spanish). Is there any way to type accents as needed?
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Jul 5, 2006
I have been using a caculator software product called Kensington Adding Machine (v.1.01) on my Macintosh computers for the last 12 years.
While the software is compatible with Mac OS 10 via Mac Classic the new Intel based Macs won't support Mac Classic. Hence I will be unable to use Kensington Adding Machine software when I next upgrade.
The version I'm using is dated 1993 Kensington Microware Limited. No one at Kennsington today even remembers the product.
I have tried many times over the years to find an alternative software product that does what Kensington Adding Machine does. It adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, has a floating decimal point, it has a paper tape, it saves and prints and it has a small footprint on my desktop and sits in a 2.5" x 3" corner of my 17" Powerbook desktop. It even sounds like an adding machine or calculator when one enters numbers--- reassuring the user that his/her numbers actually got entered.
Nothing I've found on the internet (including Version Tracker) or in catalogs duplicates the simplicity, inconspicuousness and overall effectiveness of Kensington Adding Machine. As a financial person who works off of three laptop computers, I've found nothing on either platform that does what the Kensington Adding Machine does.
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Apr 23, 2007
I have been using GarageBand to record voiceovers for an animation project, and I need to add those infamous censor "Beeps" to cover curse words. I'm not sure how to add them with GarageBand, but I'm guessing there has to be a way, right?
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