MacBook Pro :: How To Unlock Locked Pages File For Adding Information
Jun 28, 2012
I unintentionally locked a file in Pages so now when I try to add additional information to that file and try to save it I get the message that I can't alter that file by adding additional information. How do I unlock a Pages file that has been locked?
I use an external hard drive for Time Machine backups and to store some larger video files in a folder called Videos. The Videos folder on the external drive is now locked and I can't unlock it. I go to Get Info, hit the lock icon and enter my password, but the "Locked" checkbox is greyed out in the General section. In the Sharing and Permissions section, instead of displaying my name, it says "Fetching . . ." and I can't change the Privilege from "Write Only".
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have startup discs for os x and everything. My admin account has a password that i don't know.
I have secondary account thats not a admin and i don't know the password to that one either. everytime i turn on the computer i automatically log into the secondary account.
i have tried everything out there including the command-s window to reset the passwords but nothing works. my os x disc will not boot on startup by pressing c. i cannot use it with the computer on because it asks for a password.
this has happened a few times in recent weeks. I lock the screen on my MBP (mid 2009) and go do something for a few minutes. When I come back, the computer won't come back on. I have to hold down the power button for ~10 seconds and shut the computer down hard and then power it back on. What the heck is going on here?
Our Mac Pro crashed, and upon reboot, both the internal raid as well as the external firewire drive that happened to be plugged into the machine at the time, are both 'locked' and we cannot unlock them. We've tried toggling the 'user and permission' choices from the 'custom' setting that they are now showing to read/write... and it just snaps back to 'custom'!
Same if we try to change to just READ or just WRITE...etc...nothing...
Just a gray icon of a LOCK under the icons of the drives, and a warning anytime I try to access them, saying I don't have permission to do so.
I even unplugged the firewire drive and plugged it into another computer and it does the same thing! And I even made a new ADMIN and tried changing it with that, to no avail. Everytime I look at either of these drives, those 'users and permissions' toggles are back at 'custom' and they just won't relent!
Oh, and I also flashed PRam and 'Repaired permissions' on the boot drive [yes, the boot drive is working fine]
I need the media that is on these drive... a ton of video media on the internal raid, specifically... So I can't just repartition them from boot disk.
I just got a new macbook pro, and when I popped my old secondary hard drive in, I notice that half of my mp3 files are now shown with a little lock next to them. I can manually un lock them one at a time, but I'm a professional DJ, and I have thousands of files. how to unlock an entire directory in one fell swoop? I didn't lock them to begin with, so this is aggravating.
I cannot save bpm or cue points to files while they're locked. My serato scratch live software will also not save overviews while they're locked.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have somehow lost all my iTunes. When I go to play something - I get the grey exclamation mark comes up. In trying to restore from Timw Machine, I find my iTunes is now unlocked. I have gone through the process of unlocking every file I can find and changing all the permissions to read and write. However it is still locked.
a) how to unlock iTunes using a defferent technique to that which I have tried.
b) tell me EXACTLY (step by step - because I am a mac newbie!) how I restore from my Time machine preferably. I do have my full collection (about 15 000 pieces) on my ipod if I need that - but I am terrified of loosing everything?
After upgrading to an SSD, i was having problems with restoring files from Timemachine. i fiexed that by naming my ssd drive the same as the drive that was backedup using time machine. now, i can't seem to edite any of the files restored in Documents from the backup. not can i edit or add content inside the folders withing documents. i dont know whats going on. they appear lock and there is no way to unlock them. it says i will need to duplicate the items!
when trying to unlock the usual way (right click - get info - uncheck the locked box) it will not allow to uncheck, the check mark just keeps coming back. Troubleshooting already done:
- Tried a disk repair, this didn't work
- Logged in as Admin and tried deleting the file, this didn't work
- launching terminal and "sudo rm -f" -- this idea didn't work either
I have several files in both Pages and Numbers which I cannot open - when opened they are blank. The instruction to unlock does not work because the 'unlock' option in the 'Arrange' drop down menu is greyed out.
I have a new Macbook Pro where I have installed FD7 (upgraded). I worked on a 105 page script on Friday, adding a few lines which increased the page count to 106. I saved it. Printed it. And Closed it. Sunday, I re-open the same file only to discover now FD7 has clocked the pages at 108. It appears that on page 10 FD7 'pushed' forward the last four lines onto the next page. Then, throughout the entire script - every so often - it would 'push' more lines into the forward page amounting to an increase in 2 pages. FD7 is glitchy, I know, often times when working in a script where I cut three pages, the total page count didn't change for a while after making the change. I did not mess with the 'tight' feature, nor were there any changes other than shortening one line. I even converted it to a pdf and emailed it to several people... now it's two pages longer, not a good thing. Or has this happened to anyone -- PC or Mac?
Is it possible to have custom numbered bullets? I'm doing something with a very specific formatting and it needs to have a "3 HEADING" formatting but Pages doesn't seem to offer the number without the dot ("3. HEADING"). Is it possible to do a custom numbering scheme somehow?
i was burning some documents for somebody i know because there CD drive correctly. she gave me all of the files on a thumb drive, and one of them was a locked PDF file, i dragged all of the docs to my desktop, burned them to a CD, then deleted them all, but the locked PDF just gives me an error. how can i unlock it/ delete it?
I was copying some music over from a CD onto my computer and I can listen to it all on itunes but it still says it's copying over. I can't eject the CD because it says it's still in use! What do I do to make this stupid transfer box go away!?
I have a portable harddrive (Western Digital) for my Mac. I plugged it into my buddies Windows computer to copy some movie files that I am editing for our film.
My problem is with 300+ files in 2 folders that are left over from mac 9. They are in the trash, and are now locked, utterly. When I try to empty the trash, the error message says "The operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for some of the items." As you may know, when dealing with multiple "disks" (read: partitions), Mac X puts a .Trash or .Trashes folder on each disk. The trash folders on my computer are located on the following paths:
After getting my flash drive back from a friend, it had a Win32 virus on it. These are normally locked, and I usually just go into Get Info and unlock it. This particular file, however, doesn't let me unlock it. And since I can't unlock it, I can't delete it.
well we bought a second hand micro sd card from ebay. i was using it fine on osx no problems but when my brother put it on his pc there seems to be a worm on the card as his virus protection pops up. using my mac i am able to pinpoint the worm file but its a locked file and osx wont let me delet it or move it to the trash because its a locked file.
my question is how can i delet this file so my brother is able to use on his pc?
iTunes won't change more than one file's information at once (e.g. changing the componist at 10 Songs), even if i mark them together and iTunes tells me if i want to change them at all. It doesn't change a thing at all. If i change them one after all it works. I have about 25.000 Songs which i want to edit.
I'm trying to edit a .plist file within a application Package (through "Show Package Content"). I edit the file in my favorite XML editor great, but when I go to save it the file is locked. How can I work around this?
Getinfo on the file shows that I have permission and the file is NOT locked.
I had my computer worked on and the tech had to back up all my information and he stored it in a file and put it on my desktop. I now would like to reinstall all the pics, and other information. How do I do that?
Using Lion, I have tried to re-size an image using Preview and every time I try to save my edited image it tells me I do not have permission to save this/the file is locked when I have full permissions to do so and the file is NOT locked.